62 research outputs found
Formation of a cultivated spodosol in east-central Finland
The processes involved in Spodosol (Podzol) formation are still being debated. The pedogenic processes in a Spodosol, 10,700 years-old, at Sotkamo that has been cultivated for about 50 years were studied by characterizing the morphology and analyzing the major chemical properties, texture and mineralogy. Before cultivation, organic acids produced by decomposition of organic matter from pine litter in O and A horizons had weathered primary minerals in A and E horizons releasing Al and Fe. Percolating waters moved the organo-metallic complexes from A and E horizons to Bhsm and Bs horizons where the complexes coated and bridged sand grains eventually forming cemented ortstein. Because of the high biotite content of the parent material, the index of accumulation of Fe and Al in the Bhsm horizon (Al + 0.5 Fe = 4.1%) was the highest reported in Spodosols of Finland. The data support the theory of downward movement of Al and Fe as organo-metallic complexes with formation of some ferrihydrite but little or no formation of imogolite type materials. Little, if any, podzolization has likely occurred since the initiation of cultivation because, after agricultural liming and consequent increase of pH in the Ap horizon, organic compounds are likely to chelate Ca and Mg rather than Al and Fe.;Karkeille hietamaille syntyneet podsolit ovat Suomen kehittyneimpiÀ maannoksia. NiitÀ tutkimalla saadaan uutta tietoa tÀmÀn koko pohjoisella havumetsÀvyöhykkeellÀyleisen maannostyypin kehittymiseen johtaneista prosesseista, joista edelleenkin vallitsee erilaisia kÀsityksiÀ. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen kohteena oli Sotkamossa karkealla hietamaalla oleva noin 50 vuotta viljelty maa, joka on ollut kuivillaan noin 10 700 vuotta. Muokkauskerroksen alapuolella oli huuhtoutumiskerros (valkomaa), joka sisÀlsi lÀhes pelkkÀÀ kvartsihiekkaa. Sen alapuolella oli noin 10 cm paksu rautapalsi eli iskostunut horisontti, johon ylempÀÀ orgaanisina kompleksiyhdisteinÀ huuhtoutuneet rauta ja alumiini ovat saostuneet. Mikroskoopilla voidaan nÀhdÀ, miten nÀmÀ saostuneet ainesosat peittÀvÀt kvartsihiekan jyvÀset ja sitovat ne yhteen. TÀssÀ horisontissa oli erittÀin runsaasti heikosti kiteytynyttÀ rautaoksidia, joka on uutettavissa ammoniumoksalaattiliuoksella, kun taas valkomaassa tÀllaista rautaa oli erittÀin vÀhÀn. Rikastumiskerroksen alumiinista valtaosa oli pyrofosfaattiin uuttuvassa, oletettavasti orgaanisen aineksen sitomassa muodossa, mikÀ viittaa aineiden kulkeutuneen tÀhÀn horisonttiin nimenomaan kelaatteina eikÀ epÀorgaanisina kolloideina. SyvÀ kyntö on nostanut valkomaata ja kappaleita rikastumiskerroksen iskostumasta myös muokkauskerrokseen. Rikastumiskerroksen alapuolella kvartsihiekkajyvÀsten pinnoilla ei ollut paljonkaan rautasaostumia, mutta mikroskoopilla nÀkyi runsaasti rapautumatonta biotiittia. Rikastumiskerroksen rauta lienee suureksi osaksi perÀisin juuri biotiitista, joka on kokonaisuudessaan rapautunut pintamaasta. VÀhemmÀn biotiittia sisÀltÀviin maihin ei todennÀköisesti kehity nÀin vahvaa rikastumiskerrosta maan pienemmÀn rautapitoisuuden takia. Podsoloituminen on luultavasti pysÀhtynyt sen jÀlkeen, kun maa on otettu viljelyyn ja sen pintaosien pH on kalkituksen seurauksena noussut
Formation of a cultivated spodosol in east-central Finland
The processes involved in Spodosol (Podzol) formation are still being debated. The pedogenic processes in a Spodosol, 10,700 years-old, at Sotkamo that has been cultivated for about 50 years were studied by characterizing the morphology and analyzing the major chemical properties, texture and mineralogy. Before cultivation, organic acids produced by decomposition of organic matter from pine litter in O and A horizons had weathered primary minerals in A and E horizons releasing Al and Fe. Percolating waters moved the organo-metallic complexes from A and E horizons to Bhsm and Bs horizons where the complexes coated and bridged sand grains eventually forming cemented ortstein. Because of the high biotite content of the parent material, the index of accumulation of Fe and Al in the Bhsm horizon (Al + 0.5 Fe = 4.1%) was the highest reported in Spodosols of Finland. The data support the theory of downward movement of Al and Fe as organo-metallic complexes with formation of some ferrihydrite but little or no formation of imogolite type materials. Little, if any, podzolization has likely occurred since the initiation of cultivation because, after agricultural liming and consequent increase of pH in the Ap horizon, organic compounds are likely to chelate Ca and Mg rather than Al and Fe.
Efficient plot-based floristic assessment of tropical forests
The tropical flora remains chronically understudied and the lack of floristic understanding hampers ecological research and its application for large-scale conservation planning. Given scarce resources and the scale of the challenge there is a need to maximize the efficiency of both sampling strategies and sampling units, yet there is little information on the relative efficiency of different approaches to floristic assessment in tropical forests. This paper is the first attempt to address this gap. We repeatedly sampled forests in two regions of Amazonia using the two most widely used plot-based protocols of floristic sampling, and compared their performance in terms of the quantity of floristic knowledge and ecological insight gained scaled to the field effort required. Specifically, the methods are assessed first in terms of the number of person-days required to complete each sample (âeffortâ), secondly by the total gain in the quantity of floristic information that each unit of effort provides (âcrude inventory efficiencyâ), and thirdly in terms of the floristic information gained as a proportion of the target species pool (âproportional inventory efficiencyâ). Finally, we compare the methods in terms of their efficiency in identifying different ecological patterns within the data (âecological efficiencyâ) while controlling for effort. There are large and consistent differences in the performance of the two methods. The disparity is maintained even after accounting for regional and site-level variation in forest species richness, tree density and the number of field assistants. We interpret our results in the context of selecting the appropriate method for particular research purposes
Soil temperature regimes in Finland
Soil temperature regime substantially influences soil classification in Soil Taxonomy particularly in temperate areas. To facilitate correct classification of soils of Finland, the temperature regimes in soils of the country were determined. The mean annual soil temperature, measured at 50 cm below soil surface, ranged from 6.4°C at the warmest site (Anjala) to 1.9°C at the coldest one (Utsjoki, Kevo), and the mean summer soil temperature from 13.7°C to 6.2°C at the same stations, all being in the range of the cryic temperature regime. The mean annual soil temperature was 2 to 5°C higher than the mean annual air temperature, the difference (Y, °C) depending on the duration of snow coverage (X, days) according to the following equation: Y = 0.0305 X - 2.16, R2 = 0.91, n = 9. Even soils of the warmest areas in southern Finland and the mineral soils of the coldest areas in the north, at least for the most part, have cryic soil temperature regimes. Therefore, most soils of Finland, classified according to Soil Taxonomy, have names where the cryic temperature regime appears on the suborder or great group level.;Amerikkalaista alkuperÀÀ olevassa maannosten luokitteluun kehitetyssÀ Soil Taxonomy -jÀrjestelmÀssÀ kÀytetÀÀn yhtenÀ luokitteluperusteena maan lÀmpötilaa 50 cm syvyydessÀ. Maan lÀmpötila vaikuttaa varsinkin viileiden alueiden maannosten nimiin. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen aineistona kÀytettiin eri lÀhteissÀ julkaistuja tietoja maan lÀmpötilasta Suomessa. Kun maan vuotuinen keskilÀmpötila on 0-8°C ja kesÀkuukausina alle 15°C, maa kuuluu Soil Taxonomy -jÀrjestelmÀn lÀmpötilaluokkaan 'cryic'. TÀllaiset lÀmpötilaolot vallitsevat valtaosassa Suomen maaperÀÀ. Ainoa poikkeus ovat Pohjois-Lapin palsasuot. NiissÀ maan keskilÀmpötila on todennÀköisesti alle 0°C ja ne kuuluvat lÀmpötilaluokkaan 'pergelic'
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