744 research outputs found

    Exercise-Induced Changes in Exhaled NO Differentiates Asthma With or Without Fixed Airway Obstruction From COPD With Dynamic Hyperinflation.

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    Asthmatic patients with fixed airway obstruction (FAO) and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) share similarities in terms of irreversible pulmonary function impairment. Exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) has been documented as a marker of airway inflammation in asthma, but not in COPD. To examine whether the basal eNO level and the change after exercise may differentiate asthmatics with FAO from COPD, 27 normal subjects, 60 stable asthmatics, and 62 stable COPD patients were studied. Asthmatics with FAO (n = 29) were defined as showing a postbronchodilator FEV(1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ≤70% and FEV(1) less than 80% predicted after inhaled salbutamol (400 μg). COPD with dynamic hyperinflation (n = 31) was defined as a decrease in inspiratory capacity (ΔIC%) after a 6 minute walk test (6MWT). Basal levels of eNO were significantly higher in asthmatics and COPD patients compared to normal subjects. The changes in eNO after 6MWT were negatively correlated with the percent change in IC (r = −0.380, n = 29, P = 0.042) in asthmatics with FAO. Their levels of basal eNO correlated with the maximum mid-expiratory flow (MMEF % predicted) before and after 6MWT. In COPD patients with air-trapping, the percent change of eNO was positively correlated to ΔIC% (rs = 0.404, n = 31, P = 0.024). We conclude that asthma with FAO may represent residual inflammation in the airways, while dynamic hyperinflation in COPD may retain NO in the distal airspace. eNO changes after 6MWT may differentiate the subgroups of asthma or COPD patients and will help toward delivery of individualized therapy for airflow obstruction

    Imbalanced Multi-Modal Multi-Label Learning for Subcellular Localization Prediction of Human Proteins with Both Single and Multiple Sites

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    It is well known that an important step toward understanding the functions of a protein is to determine its subcellular location. Although numerous prediction algorithms have been developed, most of them typically focused on the proteins with only one location. In recent years, researchers have begun to pay attention to the subcellular localization prediction of the proteins with multiple sites. However, almost all the existing approaches have failed to take into account the correlations among the locations caused by the proteins with multiple sites, which may be the important information for improving the prediction accuracy of the proteins with multiple sites. In this paper, a new algorithm which can effectively exploit the correlations among the locations is proposed by using Gaussian process model. Besides, the algorithm also can realize optimal linear combination of various feature extraction technologies and could be robust to the imbalanced data set. Experimental results on a human protein data set show that the proposed algorithm is valid and can achieve better performance than the existing approaches

    Host factors do not influence the colonization or infection by fluconazole resistant Candida species in hospitalized patients

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    Nosocomial yeast infections have significantly increased during the past two decades in industrialized countries, including Taiwan. This has been associated with the emergence of resistance to fluconazole and other antifungal drugs. The medical records of 88 patients, colonized or infected with Candida species, from nine of the 22 hospitals that provided clinical isolates to the Taiwan Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance of Yeasts (TSARY) program in 1999 were reviewed. A total of 35 patients contributed fluconazole resistant strains [minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ≧ 64 mg/l], while the remaining 53 patients contributed susceptible ones (MICs ≦ 8 mg/l). Fluconazole resistance was more frequent among isolates of Candida tropicalis (46.5%) than either C. albicans (36.8%) or C. glabrata (30.8%). There was no significant difference in demographic characteristics or underlying diseases among patients contributing strains different in drug susceptibility

    'Unite and conquer': enhanced prediction of protein subcellular localization by integrating multiple specialized tools

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Knowing the subcellular location of proteins provides clues to their function as well as the interconnectivity of biological processes. Dozens of tools are available for predicting protein location in the eukaryotic cell. Each tool performs well on certain data sets, but their predictions often disagree for a given protein. Since the individual tools each have particular strengths, we set out to integrate them in a way that optimally exploits their potential. The method we present here is applicable to various subcellular locations, but tailored for predicting whether or not a protein is localized in mitochondria. Knowledge of the mitochondrial proteome is relevant to understanding the role of this organelle in global cellular processes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to develop a method for enhanced prediction of subcellular localization, we integrated the outputs of available localization prediction tools by several strategies, and tested the performance of each strategy with known mitochondrial proteins. The accuracy obtained (up to 92%) surpasses by far the individual tools. The method of integration proved crucial to the performance. For the prediction of mitochondrion-located proteins, integration via a two-layer decision tree clearly outperforms simpler methods, as it allows emphasis of biologically relevant features such as the mitochondrial targeting peptide and transmembrane domains.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We developed an approach that enhances the prediction accuracy of mitochondrial proteins by uniting the strength of specialized tools. The combination of machine-learning based integration with biological expert knowledge leads to improved performance. This approach also alleviates the conundrum of how to choose between conflicting predictions. Our approach is easy to implement, and applicable to predicting subcellular locations other than mitochondria, as well as other biological features. For a trial of our approach, we provide a webservice for mitochondrial protein prediction (named YimLOC), which can be accessed through the AnaBench suite at http://anabench.bcm.umontreal.ca/anabench/. The source code is provided in the Additional File <supplr sid="S2">2</supplr>.</p> <suppl id="S2"> <title> <p>Additional file 2</p> </title> <text> <p>This file contains scripts for the online server YimLOC. Please note that there scripts only codes for the ready-to-use STACK-mem-DT described in the main text. The scripts do not provide the training process.</p> </text> <file name="1471-2105-8-420-S2.pdf"> <p>Click here for file</p> </file> </suppl

    Comparison of Human and Soil Candida tropicalis Isolates with Reduced Susceptibility to Fluconazole

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    Infections caused by treatment-resistant non-albicans Candida species, such as C. tropicalis, has increased, which is an emerging challenge in the management of fungal infections. Genetically related diploid sequence type (DST) strains of C. tropicalis exhibiting reduced susceptibility to fluconazole circulated widely in Taiwan. To identify the potential source of these wildly distributed DST strains, we investigated the possibility of the presence in soil of such C. tropicalis strains by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and DST typing methods. A total of 56 C. tropicalis isolates were recovered from 26 out of 477 soil samples. Among the 18 isolates with reduced susceptibility to fluconazole, 9 belonged to DST149 and 3 belonged to DST140. Both DSTs have been recovered from our previous studies on clinical isolates from the Taiwan Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance of Yeasts (TSARY) program. Furthermore, these isolates were more resistant to agricultural azoles. We have found genetically related C. tropicalis exhibiting reduced susceptibility to fluconazole from the human hosts and environmental samples. Therefore, to prevent patients from acquiring C. tropicalis with reduced susceptibility to azoles, prudent use of azoles in both clinical and agricultural settings is advocated

    Mapping the unconventional orbital texture in topological crystalline insulators

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    The newly discovered topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) harbor a complex band structure involving multiple Dirac cones. These materials are potentially highly tunable by external electric field, temperature or strain and could find future applications in field-effect transistors, photodetectors, and nano-mechanical systems. Theoretically, it has been predicted that different Dirac cones, offset in energy and momentum-space, might harbor vastly different orbital character, a unique property which if experimentally realized, would present an ideal platform for accomplishing new spintronic devices. However, the orbital texture of the Dirac cones, which is of immense importance in determining a variety of materials properties, still remains elusive in TCIs. Here, we unveil the orbital texture in a prototypical TCI Pb1x_{1-x}Snx_xSe. By using Fourier-transform (FT) scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) we measure the interference patterns produced by the scattering of surface state electrons. We discover that the intensity and energy dependences of FTs show distinct characteristics, which can directly be attributed to orbital effects. Our experiments reveal the complex band topology involving two Lifshitz transitions and establish the orbital nature of the Dirac bands in this new class of topological materials, which could provide a different pathway towards future quantum applications

    Coadministration of Adenoviral Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Angiopoietin-1 Enhances Vascularization and Reduces Ventricular Remodeling in the Infarcted Myocardium of Type 1 Diabetic Rats

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    OBJECTIVE - Hyperglycemia impairs angiogenesis in response to ischemia, leading to ventricular remodeling. Although the effects of overexpressing angiogenic growth factors have been studied in inducing angiogenesis, the formation of functional vessels remains a challenge. The present study evaluates the reversal of diabetes-mediated impairment of angiogenesis in the infarcted diabetic rat myocardium by proangiogenic gene therapy. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Ad.VEGF and Ad.Ang1 were intramyocardially administered in combination immediately after myocardial infarction to nondiabetic and diabetic rats. Ad.LacZ was similarly administered to the respective control groups. The hearts were excised for molecular and immunohistochemical analysis at predetermined time points. The myocardial function was measured by echocardiography 30 days after the intervention. RESULTS - We observed reduced fibrosis and increased capillary/arteriolar density along with reduced ventricular remodeling, as assessed by echocardiography in the treated diabetic animals compared with the nontreated diabetic controls. We also observed increased phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase-2, 2 days after the treatment and increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), Flk-1, angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1), Tie-2, and survivin, 4 days after treatment in the diabetic animals. Gel shift analysis revealed that the combination gene therapy stimulated the DNA binding activity of nuclear factor-κB in the diabetic animals. CONCLUSIONS - Our preclinical data demonstrate the efficacy of coadministration of adenoviral VEGF and Ang-1 in increasing angiogenesis and reducing ventricular remodeling in the infarcted diabetic myocardium. These unique results call for the initiation of a clinical trial to assess the efficacy of this therapeutic strategy in the treatment of diabetes-related human heart failure

    Depression literacy among Australians of Chinese-speaking background in Melbourne, Australia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study investigated the knowledge of depression and preference for professional help, medications and treatment methods among Australians of Chinese-speaking background, and the perceptions of this population of the causes of mental illness.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adopting a cluster convenience sampling method, the study recruited 200 Chinese-speaking subjects from four major areas in metropolitan Melbourne where many Chinese live. The respondents were presented with a vignette describing an individual with depression and then asked questions to assess their understanding of depression and preference for professional help, medications and treatment methods. A comparative approach was used to compare the findings with those of a previous study of the mental health literacy of Australian and Japanese adults.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to the Australian and Japanese samples, a much lower percentage of Chinese-speaking Australians (14%) could correctly identify major depression described in the vignette, and a higher percentage believed that counseling professionals could be helpful. Higher percentages of those who believed that close family members could be helpful were found in the Chinese-speaking Australian and Japanese samples, and these two groups also expressed more uncertainty about the usefulness or harmfulness of certain medications compared to the Australian sample. Higher percentages of respondents in both the Chinese-speaking Australian and the Australian sample considered "lifestyle changes" to be helpful compared to the Japanese sample. In the Chinese-speaking sample, 30%, 17.4%, 33% and 27% of the respondents rated "traditional Chinese medicine doctors," "Chinese herbal medications," "taking Chinese nutritional foods/supplements" and "<it>qiqong</it>" as helpful. Many perceived "changing <it>fungshui</it>" and "traditional Chinese worship" to be harmful. Regarding the perception of causes of mental illness, items related to psychosocial perspectives including "life stress" and "interpersonal conflict" were rated highly by the respondents, whereas traditional beliefs including "punishment for misdeeds conducted by ancestors" and "demon possession" had the lowest ratings.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Campaigns to increase the mental health literacy of Chinese-speaking Australians are needed. The abovementioned socially and culturally driven beliefs need to be taken into consideration in the development of culturally relevant education programs.</p

    Development of insulated isothermal PCR for rapid on-site malaria detection

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    Background Detection of Plasmodium spp. is sometimes inconvenient especially in rural areas that are distant from a laboratory. In this study a portable diagnostic test of Plasmodium spp. was developed using insulated isothermal polymerase chain reaction (iiPCR) as an alternative approach to improve this situation. Methods A pair of universal primers and probe were designed to amplify and detect gene encoding 18S small sub-unit rRNA of Plasmodium spp using iiPCR method in a portable device, POCKIT™. The efficiency and detection limit of the assay were evaluated using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) approach before being subjected to testing in POCKIT™. Detection results of POCKIT™ were displayed as ‘+’, ‘−’ or ‘?’ based on the fluorescence ratio after/before reaction. A total of 55 and 35 samples from malaria patients and healthy subjects, respectively, were screened to evaluate the feasibility of this newly designed iiPCR assay. Results The iiPCR assay allowed the detection of various species of Plasmodium, including those infecting humans (Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. knowlesi, P. malariae, P. ovale), monkeys, birds, and rodents. Efficiency of the assay achieved 96.9 % while the lower detection limit was ≥100 copies of plasmodial DNA. Specificity of the assay was assured as it could not detect human, bacterial and other parasitic DNA. Among the 55 clinical samples tested, 47 (85.4 %) of them were detected as positive by POCKIT™. Four (7.3 %) samples with fluorescence ratio after/before reaction of <1.2 were reported as negative while another four (7.3 %) were ambiguously detected as they had fluorescence ratios between 1.2 and 1.3. The fluorescence ratio was not found to be associated with the copy number of plasmodial DNA. This approach can only be considered as a qualitative method. Conclusions The portable iiPCR system may serve as an alternative approach for preliminary screening of malaria in endemic rural areas. The system may also be useful for detecting animal malaria in the field. Although it is not as quantitative as qPCR method, it is comparatively fast and easy to handle. It is believed that the POCKIT-iiPCR assay is able to achieve 100 % sensitivity if increased amount of DNA from each sample is used. The iiPCR assay can also be upgraded in future to detect multiple Plasmodium spp. at the same time by designing the specific primers and probes