17,467 research outputs found

    Critical evaluation of Jet-A spray combustion using propane chemical kinetics in gas turbine combustion simulated by KIVA-2

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    Jet-A spray combustion has been evaluated in gas turbine combustion with the use of propane chemical kinetics as the first approximation for the chemical reactions. Here, the numerical solutions are obtained by using the KIVA-2 computer code. The KIVA-2 code is the most developed of the available multidimensional combustion computer programs for application of the in-cylinder combustion dynamics of internal combustion engines. The released version of KIVA-2 assumes that 12 chemical species are present; the code uses an Arrhenius kinetic-controlled combustion model governed by a four-step global chemical reaction and six equilibrium reactions. Researchers efforts involve the addition of Jet-A thermophysical properties and the implementation of detailed reaction mechanisms for propane oxidation. Three different detailed reaction mechanism models are considered. The first model consists of 131 reactions and 45 species. This is considered as the full mechanism which is developed through the study of chemical kinetics of propane combustion in an enclosed chamber. The full mechanism is evaluated by comparing calculated ignition delay times with available shock tube data. However, these detailed reactions occupy too much computer memory and CPU time for the computation. Therefore, it only serves as a benchmark case by which to evaluate other simplified models. Two possible simplified models were tested in the existing computer code KIVA-2 for the same conditions as used with the full mechanism. One model is obtained through a sensitivity analysis using LSENS, the general kinetics and sensitivity analysis program code of D. A. Bittker and K. Radhakrishnan. This model consists of 45 chemical reactions and 27 species. The other model is based on the work published by C. K. Westbrook and F. L. Dryer

    Carbon dioxide and fruit odor transduction in Drosophila olfactory neurons. What controls their dynamic properties?

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    We measured frequency response functions between odorants and action potentials in two types of neurons in Drosophila antennal basiconic sensilla. CO2 was used to stimulate ab1C neurons, and the fruit odor ethyl butyrate was used to stimulate ab3A neurons. We also measured frequency response functions for light-induced action potential responses from transgenic flies expressing H134R-channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in the ab1C and ab3A neurons. Frequency response functions for all stimulation methods were well-fitted by a band-pass filter function with two time constants that determined the lower and upper frequency limits of the response. Low frequency time constants were the same in each type of neuron, independent of stimulus method, but varied between neuron types. High frequency time constants were significantly slower with ethyl butyrate stimulation than light or CO2 stimulation. In spite of these quantitative differences, there were strong similarities in the form and frequency ranges of all responses. Since light-activated ChR2 depolarizes neurons directly, rather than through a chemoreceptor mechanism, these data suggest that low frequency dynamic properties of Drosophila olfactory sensilla are dominated by neuron-specific ionic processes during action potential production. In contrast, high frequency dynamics are limited by processes associated with earlier steps in odor transduction, and CO2 is detected more rapidly than fruit odor

    The Catalytic and Non-catalytic Functions of the Brahma Chromatin-Remodeling Protein Collaborate to Fine-Tune Circadian Transcription in Drosophila.

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    Daily rhythms in gene expression play a critical role in the progression of circadian clocks, and are under regulation by transcription factor binding, histone modifications, RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) recruitment and elongation, and post-transcriptional mechanisms. Although previous studies have shown that clock-controlled genes exhibit rhythmic chromatin modifications, less is known about the functions performed by chromatin remodelers in animal clockwork. Here we have identified the Brahma (Brm) complex as a regulator of the Drosophila clock. In Drosophila, CLOCK (CLK) is the master transcriptional activator driving cyclical gene expression by participating in an auto-inhibitory feedback loop that involves stimulating the expression of the main negative regulators, period (per) and timeless (tim). BRM functions catalytically to increase nucleosome density at the promoters of per and tim, creating an overall restrictive chromatin landscape to limit transcriptional output during the active phase of cycling gene expression. In addition, the non-catalytic function of BRM regulates the level and binding of CLK to target promoters and maintains transient RNAPII stalling at the per promoter, likely by recruiting repressive and pausing factors. By disentangling its catalytic versus non-catalytic functions at the promoters of CLK target genes, we uncovered a multi-leveled mechanism in which BRM fine-tunes circadian transcription

    Constraining the HI-Halo Mass Relation From Galaxy Clustering

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    We study the dependence of galaxy clustering on atomic gas mass using a sample of \sim16,000 galaxies with redshift in the range of 0.0025<z<0.050.0025<z<0.05 and HI mass of MHI>108MM_{\rm HI}>10^8M_{\odot}, drawn from the 70% complete sample of the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey. We construct subsamples of galaxies with MHIM_{\rm HI} above different thresholds, and make volume-limited clustering measurements in terms of three statistics: the projected two-point correlation function, the projected cross-correlation function with respect to a reference sample selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and the redshift-space monopole moment. In contrast to previous studies, which found no/weak HI-mass dependence, we find both the clustering amplitude on scales above a few Mpc and the bias factors to increase significantly with increasing HI mass for subsamples with HI mass thresholds above 109M10^9M_{\odot}. For HI mass thresholds below 109M10^9M_{\odot}, while the measurements have large uncertainties caused by the limited survey volume and sample size, the inferred galaxy bias factors are systematically lower than the minimum halo bias factor from mass-selected halo samples. The simple halo model, in which galaxy content is only determined by halo mass, has difficulties in interpreting the clustering measurements of the HI-selected samples. We extend the simple model by including the halo formation time as an additional parameter. A model that puts HI-rich galaxies into halos that formed late can reproduce the clustering measurements reasonably well. We present the implications of our best-fitting model on the correlation of HI mass with halo mass and formation time, as well as the halo occupation distributions and HI mass functions for central and satellite galaxies. These results are compared with the predictions from semi-analytic galaxy formation models and hydrodynamic galaxy formation simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. The 2PCF measurements are available at http://sdss4.shao.ac.cn/guoh

    The Effect of Radiative Cooling on the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Cluster Counts and Angular Power Spectrum: Analytic Treatment

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    Recently, the entropy excess detected in the central cores of groups and clusters has been successfully interpreted as being due to radiative cooling of the hot intragroup/intracluster gas. In such a scenario, the entropy floors SfloorS_{\rm floor} in groups/clusters at any given redshift are completely determined by the conservation of energy. In combination with the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium and the universal density profile for dark matter, this allows us to derive the remaining gas distribution of groups and clusters after the cooled material is removed. Together with the Press-Schechter mass function we are able to evaluate effectively how radiative cooling can modify the predictions of SZ cluster counts and power spectrum. It appears that our analytic results are in good agreement with those found by hydrodynamical simulations. Namely, cooling leads to a moderate decrease of the predicted SZ cluster counts and power spectrum as compared with standard scenario. However, without taking into account energy feedback from star formation which may greatly suppress cooling efficiency, it is still premature to claim that this modification is significant for the cosmological applications of cluster SZ effect.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, uses aastex.cls. ApJ accepte

    Equilibrium shape and dislocation nucleation in strained epitaxial nanoislands

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    We study numerically the equilibrium shapes, shape transitions and dislocation nucleation of small strained epitaxial islands with a two-dimensional atomistic model, using simple interatomic pair potentials. We first map out the phase diagram for the equilibrium island shapes as a function of island size (up to N = 105 atoms) and lattice misfit with the substrate and show that nanoscopic islands have four generic equilibrium shapes, in contrast with predictions from the continuum theory of elasticity. For increasing substrate-adsorbate attraction, we find islands that form on top of a finite wetting layer as observed in Stranski-Krastanow growth. We also investigate energy barriers and transition paths for transitions between different shapes of the islands and for dislocation nucleation in initially coherent islands. In particular, we find that dislocations nucleate spontaneously at the edges of the adsorbate-substrate interface above a critical size or lattice misfit.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, uses wrapfig.sty and epsfig.st

    Stress release mechanisms for Cu on Pd(111) in the submonolayer and monolayer regimes

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    We study the strain relaxation mechanisms of Cu on Pd(111) up to the monolayer regime using two different computational methodologies, basin-hopping global optimization and energy minimization with a repulsive bias potential. Our numerical results are consistent with experimentally observed layer-by-layer growth mode. However, we find that the structure of the Cu layer is not fully pseudomorphic even at low coverages. Instead, the Cu adsorbates forms fcc and hcp stacking domains, separated by partial misfit dislocations. We also estimate the minimum energy path and energy barriers for transitions from the ideal epitaxial state to the fcc-hcp domain pattern.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fidelity, dynamic structure factor, and susceptibility in critical phenomena

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    Motivated by the growing importance of fidelity in quantum critical phenomena, we establish a general relation between fidelity and structure factor of the driving term in a Hamiltonian through a newly introduced concept: fidelity susceptibility. Our discovery, as shown by some examples, facilitates the evaluation of fidelity in terms of susceptibility using well developed techniques such as density matrix renormalization group for the ground state, or Monte Carlo simulations for the states in thermal equilibrium.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final version accepted by PR