48 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Calibration of Grapevine Phenology and Yield with a Soil–Plant–Atmosphere System Model Using the Frequentist Method

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    Reliable estimations of parameter values and associated uncertainties are crucial for crop model applications in agro-environmental research. However, estimating many parameters simultaneously for different types of response variables is difficult. This becomes more complicated for grapevines with different phenotypes between varieties and training systems. Our study aims to evaluate how a standard least square approach can be used to calibrate a complex grapevine model for simulating both the phenology (flowering and harvest date) and yield of four different variety–training systems in the Douro Demarcated Region, northern Portugal. An objective function is defined to search for the best-fit parameters that result in the minimum value of the unweighted sum of the normalized Root Mean Squared Error (nRMSE) of the studied variables. Parameter uncertainties are estimated as how a given parameter value can determine the total prediction variability caused by variations in the other parameter combinations. The results indicate that the best-estimated parameters show a satisfactory predictive performance, with a mean bias of −2 to 4 days for phenology and −232 to 159 kg/ha for yield. The corresponding variance in the observed data was generally well reproduced, except for one occasion. These parameters are a good trade-off to achieve results close to the best possible fit of each response variable. No parameter combinations can achieve minimum errors simultaneously for phenology and yield, where the best fit to one variable can lead to a poor fit to another. The proposed parameter uncertainty analysis is particularly useful to select the best-fit parameter values when several choices with equal performance occur. A global sensitivity analysis is applied where the fruit-setting parameters are identified as key determinants for yield simulations. Overall, the approach (including uncertainty analysis) is relatively simple and straightforward without specific pre-conditions (e.g., model continuity), which can be easily applied for other models and crops. However, a challenge has been identified, which is associated with the appropriate assumption of the model errors, where a combination of various calibration approaches might be essential to have a more robust parameter estimation

    Assessing the grapevine crop water stress indicator over the flowering-veraison phase and the potential yield lose rate in important European wine regions

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    In Europe, most of vineyards are managed under rainfed conditions, where water deficit has become increasingly an issue. The flowering-veraison phenophase represents an important period for vine response to water stress, which is known to depend on variety characteristics, soil and climate conditions. In this paper, we have carried out a retrospective analysis for important European wine regions over 1986-2015, with objectives to assess the mean Crop Water Stress Indicator (CWSI) during flowering-veraison phase, and potential Yield Lose Rate (YLR) due to seasonal cumulative water stress. Moreover, we also investigate if advanced flowering-veraison phase can lead to alleviated CWSI under recent-past conditions, thus contributing to reduced YLR. A process-based grapevine model is employed, which has been extensively calibrated for simulating both flowering and veraison stages using location-specific observations representing 10 different varieties. Subsequently, grid-based modelling is implemented with gridded climate and soil datasets and calibrated phenology parameters. The findings suggest wine regions with higher mean CWSI of flowering-veraison phase tend to have higher potential YLR. However, contrasting patterns are found between wine regions in France-Germany-Luxembourg and Italy Portugal-Spain. The former tends to have slight-to-moderate drought conditions (CWSI0.5) and substantial YLR (>40%). Wine regions prone to a high drought risk (CWSI>0.75) are also identified, which are concentrated in southern Mediterranean Europe. Advanced flowering-veraison phase over 1986-2015, could have benefited from more spring precipitation and cooler temperatures for wine regions of Italy-Portugal-Spain, leading to reduced mean CWSI and YLR. For those of France-Germany-Luxembourg, this can have reduced flowering-veraison precipitation, but prevalent reductions of YLR are also found, possibly due to shifted phase towards a cooler growing-season with reduced evaporative demands. Our study demonstrates flowering-verasion water deficit is critical for potential yield, which can have different impacts between Central and Southern European wine regions. This phase can be advanced under a warmer climate, thus having important implications for European rainfed vineyards. The overall outcome may provide new insights for appropriate viticultural management of seasonal water deficits under climate change.This study was funded by Clim4Vitis project-"Climate change impact mitigation for European viticulture: knowledge transfer for an integrated approach", funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement no. 810176; it was also supported by FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/04033/2020. We acknowledge the data provisions from members of the PEP725 project, from IPHEN project and from the Consejo Regulador of Ribera de Duero and Rioja DOCa

    Agricultural Water Management

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    In Europe, most of vineyards are managed under rainfed conditions, where water deficit has become increasingly an issue. The flowering-veraison phenophase represents an important period for vine response to water stress, which is known to depend on variety characteristics, soil and climate conditions. In this paper, we have carried out a retrospective analysis for important European wine regions over 1986–2015, with objectives to assess the mean Crop Water Stress Indicator (CWSI) during flowering-veraison phase, and potential Yield Lose Rate (YLR) due to seasonal cumulative water stress. Moreover, we also investigate if advanced flowering-veraison phase can lead to alleviated CWSI under recent-past conditions, thus contributing to reduced YLR. A process-based grapevine model is employed, which has been extensively calibrated for simulating both flowering and veraison stages using location-specific observations representing 10 different varieties. Subsequently, grid-based modelling is implemented with gridded climate and soil datasets and calibrated phenology parameters. The findings suggest wine regions with higher mean CWSI of flowering-veraison phase tend to have higher potential YLR. However, contrasting patterns are found between wine regions in France-Germany-Luxembourg and Italy-Portugal-Spain. The former tends to have slight-to-moderate drought conditions (CWSI0.5) and substantial YLR (>40%). Wine regions prone to a high drought risk (CWSI>0.75) are also identified, which are concentrated in southern Mediterranean Europe. Advanced flowering-veraison phase over 1986–2015, could have benefited from more spring precipitation and cooler temperatures for wine regions of Italy-Portugal-Spain, leading to reduced mean CWSI and YLR. For those of France-Germany-Luxembourg, this can have reduced flowering-veraison precipitation, but prevalent reductions of YLR are also found, possibly due to shifted phase towards a cooler growing-season with reduced evaporative demands. Our study demonstrates flowering-verasion water deficit is critical for potential yield, which can have different impacts between Central and Southern European wine regions. This phase can be advanced under a warmer climate, thus having important implications for European rainfed vineyards. The overall outcome may provide new insights for appropriate viticultural management of seasonal water deficits under climate change

    Simultaneous Calibration of Grapevine Phenology and Yield with a Soil–Plant–Atmosphere System Model Using the Frequentist Method

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    Reliable estimations of parameter values and associated uncertainties are crucial for crop model applications in agro-environmental research. However, estimating many parameters simultaneously for different types of response variables is difficult. This becomes more complicated for grapevines with different phenotypes between varieties and training systems. Our study aims to evaluate how a standard least square approach can be used to calibrate a complex grapevine model for simulating both the phenology (flowering and harvest date) and yield of four different variety–training systems in the Douro Demarcated Region, northern Portugal. An objective function is defined to search for the best-fit parameters that result in the minimum value of the unweighted sum of the normalized Root Mean Squared Error (nRMSE) of the studied variables. Parameter uncertainties are estimated as how a given parameter value can determine the total prediction variability caused by variations in the other parameter combinations. The results indicate that the best-estimated parameters show a satisfactory predictive performance, with a mean bias of −2 to 4 days for phenology and −232 to 159 kg/ha for yield. The corresponding variance in the observed data was generally well reproduced, except for one occasion. These parameters are a good trade-off to achieve results close to the best possible fit of each response variable. No parameter combinations can achieve minimum errors simultaneously for phenology and yield, where the best fit to one variable can lead to a poor fit to another. The proposed parameter uncertainty analysis is particularly useful to select the best-fit parameter values when several choices with equal performance occur. A global sensitivity analysis is applied where the fruit-setting parameters are identified as key determinants for yield simulations. Overall, the approach (including uncertainty analysis) is relatively simple and straightforward without specific pre-conditions (e.g., model continuity), which can be easily applied for other models and crops. However, a challenge has been identified, which is associated with the appropriate assumption of the model errors, where a combination of various calibration approaches might be essential to have a more robust parameter estimation

    Efficient tools to simulate main crops in Portugal for decision support systems

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    PhD Thesis Agricultural Production Chains - From Fork to FarmAgricultural systems are inherently vulnerable to climate variability and climate change is expected to increase this vulnerability. Various studies warn the anthropogenic-driven global warming with elevated CO2 concentration and altered regional precipitation pattern, are expected to negatively affect local crop productivity and thus exacerbate food insecurities in many regions worldwide, particularly for Mediterranean basin. Mediterranean basin is one of the most prominent climate change “hotspot” due to ongoing and projected changes in both climate means and variabilities, comprising a robust climate change signal of an overall warming and drying trend, accompanied by more frequent occurrence of severe drought and extreme high temperatures. Specifically, these projected changes are expected to be more pronounced in southern Europe, such as in Portugal, where annual mean temperature has increased at a rate more than double the global warming rate in the past decades, along with the observed decreases in precipitation and its enhanced inter-annual variability. Therefore, it is urgently needed to carry out the assessment of climate change impacts on agricultural production and explore suitable adaptation strategies, whereas the related studies so far remain scarce in Portugal. We had chosen three important cropping systems for Portuguese agriculture, i.e. irrigated maize, rainfed wheat and perennial forage grassland, while representative study sites in their current principal growing regions were identified accordingly. The overall methodology follows combined use of climate and crop models, where the spatially-downscaled bias-corrected climate change projections from climate models were utilized to drive crop model simulations at study sites, which were prior calibrated using local observed weather, soil and management data. For employed process-based crop models, both STICS and AquaCrop were applied for the irrigated maize production, whereas the other two cropping systems were only analyzed using STICS model. It was noteworthy one major strength from current studies consisted in, on top of projected mean climate changes, we had consistently incorporated the effects of potential changes in climate variability and its associated extreme weather events into the simulated impacts (e.g. yield changes) for a more reliable assessment. The results indicate threats and risks of future climate change are substantially high for agriculture production in Portugal. Because an overall negative climate change impact from the mid until the end of 21st century is obtained for all three important cropping systems, corresponding to moderate-to-severe yield losses with increased inter-annual variabilities. Yield losses are greater in magnitude with higher year-to-year variability, in the second half of the century than in the first half, and in a high emission pathway than in a low emission scenario. The CO2 fertilization effect is unlikely to compensate these yield reductions, where it brings more yield increment for C3 species (wheat and defined grass mixture) than for C4 (maize). Specifically, majority of negative impacts are derived from the shortened growth duration for irrigated maize under a warmer climate, and from intensified drought and heat stresses during a sensitive period (grain-filling) for rainfed wheat or during an unfavorable summer period for perennial grassland. These aspects correspond to the vulnerabilities of cropping systems facing climate change. It is interesting to note though higher temperature is clearly detrimental to irrigated maize production, it facilitates advanced phenology of perennial grass shifting towards the favorable cool and wet winter period for enhanced production or it may also help rainfed wheat crop to mature earlier to avoid excessive terminal stresses. Yet the magnitude of climate change impacts on agricultural productivity remains uncertain, varying with analyzed cropping systems, locations and management practices, applied climate models (including downscaling approaches) and crop models (including partial or full calibration), selected time periods and emission pathways. Adaptation strategies provide potential to mitigate these negative impacts, and development of appropriate and risk-focused adaptation policy should address previously identified vulnerabilities and prioritize available options for an integrated and comprehensive strategy. For annual cereal crops, increased irrigation amount at various levels has been firstly tested for irrigated maize cropping system under climate change, taking into account crop water demand and projected seasonal rainfall distribution. Though increased irrigation is able to mitigate yield reductions and maintain current yield levels, crop WUE considerably declines as a result of diminished yield responsiveness to seasonal water input with shorter growth duration. In view of increasing risks of water scarcity and decreasing portion of fresh water available for agriculture in the Mediterranean basin, solely increased irrigation supply might not be a feasible strategy, whereas the adaptive response for maize should be prioritized to promote water-saving techniques and maximize WUE for stabilizing yields (marginal reductions allowed). Combining optimized irrigation strategy (e.g. deficit irrigation) and installed efficient facilities (e.g. drip irrigation system) with other adaptation options, including introducing longer cycle cultivars and advanced sowing dates to counterbalance the shortened growing duration, is recommend, but should be further rigorously examined. For the rainfed wheat cropping system, adaptation priority should address the exacerbated risks of drought and heat stresses during the sensitive anthesis and grain-filling periods. The terminal stress escaping strategy is proposed by firstly testing early flowering cultivars (also known as short-cycle genotypes), where the trade-off between lower risk of exposure to terminal stress and higher risk of reduced yield potential tends to be positive, leading to net yield gains. Still, this option needs to be combined with other adaptation opportunities including early sowing date, wheat cultivars with less or no vernalization requirement (e.g. using spring wheat) and supplementary irrigation during the sensitive stage. Early sowing is expected to achieve the same stress escaping goals by anticipation of growth cycle. But winter warming during early sowing window could potentially slow vernalization fulfillment, with limited benefits to advance the susceptible stages. Using earlyflowering spring wheat cultivars (the earliness threshold must be carefully defined) thus can help advocating early sowing practice that potentially make use of more autumn-winter rainfall. Nevertheless, the proposed stress escaping strategy is found to be comparatively more useful to avoid enhanced terminal heat stress (>38º last over a short period) than prolonged terminal drought stress, where the latter can be alleviated with optimized supplemental irrigation. Adaptation strategy for perennial forage grassland should take advantage of opportunity and tackle the challenge, both arising from climate change. Benefiting from advanced phenology towards winter and early spring with alleviated cold stress and enriched ambient CO2 concentration, adaptation measures should focus on maximizing growth potential during this favorable period. These include optimized resource use (balanced early fertilization strategy with limited N leaching) and using grass-legume mixture for flexible forage utilization and better exploiting the stimulated CO2 responsiveness. In contrast, to cope with the challenge of exacerbated risks of summer heat and drought stresses, future breeding programs should ensure a diversification (intra- and interspecific variations) of available germplasms in phenology (fit new seasonal climate pattern), heat tolerance and dehydration tolerance for principal forage species. Specifically, continuous improvement of drought persistence and summer dormancy traits should gain more importance for rainfed Mediterranean grassland. Moreover, these drought survival traits should be integrated into plant materials with deeper root system to enhance water uptake (e.g. more of tall fescue), but it may raise forage quality issues that remain unassessed. Besides, we also hypothesize it is possible to adapt to summer drought from a management perspective without the needs to improve and diversify the species and variety mixture. The findings suggest that provided minimum soil moisture is guaranteed by supplemental irrigation to ensure adequate drought survival rate and standing density, breeding efforts should be more motivated towards heat tolerance, particularly in southern Portugal. Meanwhile, this measure is likely to result in a considerable increase in irrigation need, rendering a similar water-restriction issue facing irrigated maize. Crop yield projections and explored adaptation strategies are essential to assess the regional food security prospects and provide crucial information to support planning and implementing suitable adaptation strategies for farmers and policymakers in Portugal and in Mediterranean basin that is known to be susceptible to climate change. Despite the uncertainties in the magnitude of yield impacts and quantitative effectiveness of adaptations, the proposed and recommended adaptation strategies can represent promising opportunities to maintain or increase production in future climate while minimize environment impacts. Future research efforts should be directed towards using multi-model ensembles (both crop and climate models) to quantify the uncertainties and make the estimations more robust and reliable, but sustained and extensive international cooperation is required. Moreover, stronger link of field experimentation with crop modelling is essential for a more mechanistic understanding of crop response to climate change, as well as the integration of crop model into economic modelling for complex farm-level assessment. These shall all contribute to appropriate manage the climate risks and comprehensively improve the resilience of cropping systemOs sistemas agrícolas são inerentemente vulneráveis à variabilidade climática e espera-se que a mudança climática aumente essa vulnerabilidade. Vários estudos alertam para o facto de que o aquecimento global de causas antropogénicas, a elevada concentração atmosférica de CO2 e padrões de precipitação regional alterados deverão afetar negativamente a produtividade local das culturas e, assim, exacerbar inseguranças alimentares em muitas regiões do mundo, particularmente na bacia do Mediterrâneo. A bacia do Mediterrâneo é um dos mais proeminentes "hotspots" das alterações climáticas, devido às mudanças climáticas em curso e projetadas, tanto na média como na variabilidade, compreendendo um sinal robusto de mudanças climáticas com uma tendência geral de aquecimento e secura, acompanhada pela ocorrência mais frequente de secas severas ou extremas e temperaturas muito altas. Especificamente, espera-se que estas mudanças projetadas sejam mais pronunciadas no sul da Europa, como em Portugal, onde a temperatura média anual aumentou a uma taxa de mais do dobro da taxa de aquecimento global nas últimas décadas, juntamente com os decréscimos observados na precipitação e maior variabilidade interanual. Por conseguinte, é necessário avaliar os impactos das alterações climáticas na produção agrícola e explorar estratégias de adaptação adequadas, enquanto os estudos efetuados até agora permanecem escassos em Portugal. Escolhemos três importantes sistemas de cultivo para a agricultura portuguesa, nomeadamente o milho de regadio, trigo de sequeiro e pastagens forrageiras perenes, sendo os locais de estudo escolhidos representativos das suas principais regiões de crescimento. A metodologia geral segue o uso combinado de modelos de clima e de culturas, onde as projeções climáticas de elevada resolução espacial e corrigidas de viés foram utilizadas como forçamentos das simulações de modelos de culturas, tendo sido estes previamente calibrados usando dados meteorológicos, de solo e de práticas agrícolas locais. Para a produção de milho de regadio foram utilizados os modelos de culturas dinâmicos STICS e AquaCrop, enquanto os outros dois sistemas de cultivo foram analisados apenas com o modelo STICS. É importante salientar que os resultados do presente estudo incorporaram nos impactos simulados os efeitos das alterações não apenas na média, mas também na variabilidade climática e seus extremos (por exemplo, mudanças de produção), o que permite uma avaliação mais rigorosa. Os resultados indicam que as ameaças e os riscos das alterações climáticas são elevados para a produção agrícola em Portugal, dado que se verifica um impacto global negativo para os três sistemas de cultivo estudados, correspondendo a perdas de rendimento moderadas a severas, com elevadas variabilidades inter anuais. As perdas de rendimento são maiores, com maior variabilidade interanual na segunda metade do século do que na primeira metade, e para um cenário de emissão elevada do que num cenário de baixa emissão. É improvável que o efeito da fertilização com CO2 compense estas reduções de rendimento, com um maior rendimento para as espécies C3 (trigo e pastagem) do que para a C4 (milho). Mais especificamente, a maioria dos impactos negativos resulta do encurtamento do período de crescimento do milho de regadio sob um clima mais quente, e da intensificação do stresse hídrico e térmico durante o período sensível para o trigo de sequeiro ou para as pastagens perenes. Esses aspetos correspondem às vulnerabilidades dos sistemas de cultivo face às alterações climáticas. É interessante notar que temperaturas mais altas são claramente prejudiciais à produção de milho de regadio, mas facilitando a antecipação da fenologia das pastagens perenes, melhorando a produção durante para o período favorável de inverno fresco e húmido. Estas novas condições também podem ajudar o trigo de sequeiro a amadurecer mais cedo, evitando valores excessivos de stresse. No entanto, a magnitude dos impactos da mudança climática na produtividade agrícola permanece incerta, dependendo do sistema de cultivo, local e práticas culturais, modelos climáticos aplicados (incluindo abordagens de downscaling) e modelos de culturas (incluindo calibração parcial ou total), períodos de tempo selecionados e cenários de emissão. As estratégias de adaptação fornecem potencial para mitigar esses impactos negativos. O desenvolvimento de medidas de adaptação apropriadas e focadas no risco deve ter em conta as vulnerabilidades previamente identificadas e priorizar as opções disponíveis para uma estratégia integrada e abrangente. Para as culturas anuais de cereais, o aumento dos volumes de rega em vários níveis foi primeiramente testado para o sistema de cultivo de milho de regadio em cenários de alterações climáticas, tendo em consideração as necessidades de água da cultura e a projeção da distribuição sazonal de precipitação. Embora o aumento da rega seja capaz de mitigar as reduções de rendimento e manter os níveis atuais, a WUE da cultura decresce consideravelmente como resultado da menor resposta ao fornecimento de água devido ao encurtamento da época de crescimento. Devido ao risco crescente de escassez de água e à redução da água disponível para a agricultura na bacia do Mediterrâneo, o aumento do recurso à rega pode não ser uma estratégia viável, devendo ser priorizadas estratégias de gestão de água e maximização da WUE com vista à estabilização dos rendimentos (reduções marginais permitidas). Combinar estratégias de irrigação otimizadas (por exemplo, irrigação deficitária) e instalações eficientes (por exemplo, sistema de rega gota a gota) com outras opções de adaptação, incluindo a introdução de variedades de ciclo mais longo e datas de sementeira mais precoces de forma a contrabalançar o encurtamento do período de crescimento é recomendável. Para o sistema de cultivo do trigo de sequeiro, a prioridade de adaptação deve abordar os riscos exacerbados stresse térmico e hídrico durante os períodos sensíveis de antese e enchimento de grãos. A estratégia para evitar o stresse terminal é proposta testando primeiramente variedades de floração precoce (também conhecidas como genótipos de ciclo curto), onde o trade-off entre menor risco de exposição ao stresse terminal e maior risco de redução do potencial produtivo tende a ser positivo, levando a ganhos líquidos de rendimento. Ainda assim, esta opção precisa ser combinada com outras estratégias de adaptação, incluindo a data de semeadura antecipada, cultivares de trigo com menor ou nenhum requisito de vernalização (por exemplo, usando trigo de primavera) e irrigação suplementar durante o período mais sensível. Uma sementeira mais precoce deverá permitir evitar o stresse terminal por antecipação do ciclo de crescimento. No entanto, o aquecimento de inverno durante a janela de sementeira precoce poderá potencialmente abrandar a vernalização, com benefícios limitados no avanço das fases suscetíveis. A utilização de variedades de trigo de primavera com floração precoce (o limiar de antecipação deve ser cuidadosamente definido) advogam sementeira precoce, o que permite a utilização da precipitação de outono-inverno. No entanto, a estratégia proposta para evitar o stresse é comparativamente mais útil para evitar o aumento do stresse térmico terminal (> 38ºC por um período curto) do que o stresse prolongado por seca, onde este último pode ser aliviado com rega suplementar otimizada. A estratégia de adaptação para pastagens forrageiras perenes deve aproveitar a oportunidade e enfrentar o desafio, ambos decorrentes da mudança climática. Beneficiando-se de fenologia avançada em relação ao inverno e início da primavera, com menor stresse por frio e maior concentração atmosférica de CO2, as medidas de adaptação devem-se concentrar na maximização do potencial de crescimento durante este período favorável. Estes incluem o uso otimizado de recursos (estratégia balançada de fertilização precoce com limitação da lixiviação de N) e o uso de mistura de gramíneas e leguminosas para utilização de forragens flexíveis e melhor exploração da resposta estimulada de CO2. Em contraste, para lidar com o desafio dos riscos exacerbados de calor no verão e stresse hídrico, futuros programas de melhoramento devem garantir uma diversificação (intra e inter varietal) dos germoplasmas disponíveis em fenologia (ajuste ao novo padrão climático sazonal), tolerância ao calor e tolerância à desidratação para espécies forrageiras. Concretamente, a melhoria contínua das características de persistência à seca e de dormência de verão devem ganhar mais importância para as pastagens mediterrâneas de sequeiro. Além disso, estas características de sobrevivência à seca devem ser integrados em materiais vegetais com sistema radicular mais profundo para aumentar a absorção de água (por exemplo, festuca mais alta), mas isso pode resultar em problemas de qualidade da forragem que ainda permanecem por avaliação. Além disso, também formulamos a hipótese de que é possível a adaptação à seca de verão a partir de uma perspetiva de gestão sem a necessidade de melhorar e diversificar a mistura de espécies e variedades. Os resultados sugerem que, desde que a humidade mínima do solo seja garantida pela rega suplementar para garantir a taxa adequada de sobrevivência à seca e a densidade de planta, os esforços de melhoramento devem ser mais motivados para a tolerância ao calor, particularmente no sul de Portugal. Ao mesmo tempo, esta medida provavelmente resultará num aumento considerável na necessidade de rega, tornando-se num problema similar de restrição de água enfrentado pelo milho de regadio. As projeções de colheira e as estratégias de adaptação exploradas são essenciais para avaliar as perspetivas regionais de segurança alimentar e fornecer informações cruciais para apoiar o planeamento e a implementação de estratégias adequadas de adaptação para agricultores e decisores políticos em Portugal e na bacia do Mediterrâneo. Apesar das incertezas na magnitude dos impactos na produção e na eficácia quantitativa das adaptações, as estratégias de adaptação propostas e recomendadas podem representar oportunidades promissoras para manter ou aumentar a produção no clima futuro, minimizando ao mesmo tempo os impactos ambientais. Esforços de investigação futuros devem ser direcionados para o uso de ensembles de modelos (tanto modelos agrícolas quanto climáticos) para melhor quantificar as incertezas e tornar as estimativas mais robustas e confiáveis. Não obstante, é necessária uma cooperação internacional vasta e sustentável. Além disso, uma forte ligação entre a experimentação de campo e a modelação de culturas é essencial para uma compreensão mais mecanicista da resposta da cultura às alterações climáticas, bem como a integração dos modelos de cultura na modelação económica. Todos estes devem contribuir para gerir adequadamente os riscos climáticos e melhorar a resiliência dos sistemas de cultiv

    Evaluating the impacts of the increasing block tariffs on residential electricity consumption in China

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    Residential electricity consumption in China experienced a boom in recent years and may increase faster in the future. To reduce residential electricity consumption, China has adopted Increasing Block Tariffs (IBT) since 2012. The previous work mainly used regional level aggregated data to assess the impact. Few studies using household level data did not overcome the endogeneity problem. Based on the instrumental variable method, this paper found that commonly used OLS estimation gave unreasonable results and instrumental variable method is appropriate and effective in this study. The IBT was found to significantly reduce residential electricity consumption in high-income group, which achieving the initial goal of China's IBT. Lastly, this paper proposed to generate more publicity of the IBT policy and increase the electricity price of second or third tier. (C) 2021 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Assessment of irrigated maize yield response to climate change scenarios in Portugal

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    Maize is an important crop for the Portuguese agricultural sector. Future climate change, with warmer and dryer conditions in this Mediterranean environment, will challenge this high-water demanding crop. The present study aims at assessing the response of maize yield, growth cycle, seasonal water input and daily water productivity (DWP) to climate change, and analyse water-yield relations. For this purpose, two process-based crop models are used (STICS and AquaCrop) and were validated in simulating irrigated maize yields in Central Portugal (Ribatejo) by using regional statistics (1986–2005). Both models show an overall agreement in their outputs. The 2-model mean outputs are considered under future climate projections (2021–2080; RCP4.5 and 8.5), using the global/regional climate model chain M-MPI-ESM-LR/SMHI-RCA4. The most significant reductions on maize yield (−17%), growth cycle (−12%) and DWP (−19%) are observed for 2061–2080 under RCP8.5, with a noticeable decrease of seasonal water input (−9%) during 2041–2060. Decreased DWP is largely due to significant yield reduction, with limited benefit of atmospheric CO2 enrichment. A water-yield relation analysis highlights that an increase of 2–14% in irrigation for future scenarios (compared to 1986–2005) might be a suitable strategy to mitigate yield reduction, despite substantially lower DWP (down to −23%). These findings demonstrate that our model approach can be used as a decision support tool by Portuguese farmers, particularly in optimizing maize production under changing climates