809 research outputs found

    Petrochemical Studies of the Ryoke Granitic Rocks from the River Koshibu District, Central Japan

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    The Ryoke granitic rocks of the River Koshibu district are divided into following four main types : The older Ryoke granitic rocks Hiji granodiorites Minakata gneissose granites The younger Ryoke granitic rocks Takisawa granodiorites Ikuta granites The Minakata gneissose granites are specially heterogeneous and closely connected with the hornblende-biotite gneisses. Various rock-types of the granites are representatives of the different facies in the progressive granitization of the hornblende-biotite gneisses. Petrochemical characters of these granitic rocks and chemical changes in the rock-series from the hornblende-biotite gneisses to the Minakata gneissose granites are discussed.Article信州大学理学部紀要 2(2): 149-193(1968)departmental bulletin pape

    Report of the 1962 Activity of Yakedake Volcano, Central Japan

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    ArticleJournal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Shinshu University. Part 2, Natural science 12: 47-81(1962)departmental bulletin pape


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    67歳男, 腫瘤の形成はなく, 精管に沿って発生した精索平滑筋腫の1例.精索に発生した平滑筋腫でこのような特異な形態を呈した症例は文献上報告がなく, 本症例が最初の報告であるWe report an unusual case of a leiomyoma of the spermatic cord. The tumor did not present as a mass but presented as a hard structure along the spermatic cord. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of a leiomyoma of the spermatic cord with such an unusual appearance

    A light Higgs scenario based on the TeV-scale supersymmetric strong dynamics

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    We consider a model based on the supersymmetric QCD theory with N_c=2 and N_f=3. The theory is strongly coupled at the infrared scale \Lambda_H. Its low energy effective theory below \Lambda_H is described by the supersymmetric standard model with the Higgs sector that contains four iso-spin doublets, two neutral iso-spin singlets and two charged iso-spin singlets. If \Lambda_H is at the multi-TeV to 10 TeV, coupling constants for the F-terms of these composite fields are relatively large at the electroweak scale. Nevertheless, the SM-like Higgs boson is predicted to be as light as 125 GeV because these F-terms contribute to the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson not at the tree level but at the one-loop level. A large non-decoupling effect due to these F-terms appears in the one-loop correction to the triple Higgs boson coupling, which amounts to a few tens percent. Such a non-decoupling property in the Higgs potential realizes the strong first order phase transition, which is required for a successful scenario of electroweak baryogenesis

    A Scientific and Economic View on Collaboration, Balancing vs. Sharing

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    There is a class of artifacts bodies and their science, also known as 3M & I-bodies in 2008, which consist of human, material/machine, monetary and informational components. For multi-body systems, the paper discusses and develops the scientific and economic fundamentals of the Follett-like classification as domination, compromise, integration and sharing in 2-center conflict types (Matsui, 1983). That is, the mathematical view is based on the Venn diagram of sets in mathematics, the physical view is based on the principle of the lever in Archimedes’ work, and the economical view is based on the profit (specific gravity) and Matsui’s equation. From a systematic view composed of these, it is obtained that the integration pursues the maximization of intersection (compromise) in the two-center, whereas the sharing pursues the minimization of intersection (compromise) in field. When the marginal (maximal) profit is the same, both are pointed out to be similar on the relation of classical Nash’s solution and duality; the scientific and economic findings will contribute to the advance of the coming society and its visibility and harmony in collaboration vs. sharing