815 research outputs found

    Developing Stochastic Models for Spatial Inference: Bacterial Chemotaxis

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    Background: Biological systems are inherently inhomogeneous and spatial effects play a significant role in processes such as pattern formation. At the cellular level proteins are often localised either through static attachment or via a dynamic equilibrium. As well as spatial heterogeneity many cellular processes exhibit stochastic fluctuations and so to make inferences about the location of molecules there is a need for spatial stochastic models. A test case for spatial models has been bacterial chemotaxis which has been studied extensively as a model of signal transduction. Results: By creating specific models of a cellular system that incorporate the spatial distributions of molecules we have shown how the fit between simulated and experimental data can be used to make inferences about localisation, in the case of bacterial chemotaxis. This method allows the robust comparison of different spatial models through alternative model parameterisations. Conclusions: By using detailed statistical analysis we can reliably infer the parameters for the spatial models, and also to evaluate alternative models. The statistical methods employed in this case are particularly powerful as they reduce the need for a large number of simulation replicates. The technique is also particularly useful when only limited molecular level data is available or where molecular data is not quantitative

    Maximum Visibility Building Direction for Layered Manufacturing of Jewel Rings

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    Rapid prototyping is used in jewelry production since the introduction of Stereolithography Apparatus into the market. However, the building orientation is mainly decided by the experience of the operator rather than by any systematic analysis. A theory is therefore needed to analyze the best orientation of jewelry in rapid jewelry production. In this paper, a new orientation methodology is applied to jewel ring models to properly orient them for layer manufacturing. Jewel ring model built is then demonstrated to have better quality and less error. A case study is presented to illustrate the theory.The work described in this paper was supported by a grant from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Project No.: G-V617).Mechanical Engineerin

    Image-based 3D Scene Reconstruction and Rescue Simulation Framework for Railway Accidents

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    Although the railway transport is regarded as a relatively safe transportation tool, many railway accidents have still happened worldwide. In this research, an image-based 3D scene reconstruction framework was proposed to help railway accident emergency rescues. Based on the improved constrained non-linear least square optimization, the framework can automatically model the accident scene with only one panorama in a short time. We embedded the self-developed global terrain module into the commercial visualization and physics engine, which makes the commercial engine can be used to render the static scene at anywhere and simulate the dynamic rescue process respectively. In addition, a Head Mounted Device (HMD) was integrated into this framework to allow users to verify their rescue plan and review previous railway accidents in an immersive environment

    Effects of Electron-Electron and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Weakly Disordered Conductors and Heterostuctures

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    We investigate quantum corrections to the conductivity due to the interference of electron-electron (electron-phonon) scattering and elastic electron scattering in weakly disordered conductors. The electron-electron interaction results in a negative T2lnTT^2 \ln T-correction in a 3D conductor. In a quasi-two-dimensional conductor, d<vF/Td < v_F/T (dd is the thickness, vFv_F is the Fermi velocity), with 3D electron spectrum this correction is linear in temperature and differs from that for 2D electrons (G. Zala et. al., Phys. Rev.B {\bf 64}, 214204 (2001)) by a numerical factor. In a quasi-one-dimensional conductor, temperature-dependent correction is proportional to T2T^2. The electron interaction via exchange of virtual phonons also gives T2T^2-correction. The contribution of thermal phonons interacting with electrons via the screened deformation potential results in T4T^4-term and via unscreened deformation potential results in T2T^2-term. The interference contributions dominate over pure electron-phonon scattering in a wide temperature range, which extends with increasing disorder.Comment: 6 pages, 2figure

    Fatigue Strength and Life Prediction of a MAR-M247 Nickel-Base Superalloy Gas Turbine Blade with Multiple Carbide Inclusions

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    Casting of a gas turbine blade from MAR-M247 nickel-base superalloy is followed by multiple carbide precipitates as a result of solidification. The microstructure of carbide was established with scanning electron microscopy and energy spectrum analysis. A finite element model simulating the blade with a random carbide precipitate is constructed using ANSYS software, and stress-strain evaluation is performed. The blade operation conditions are realized in a vibratory-tensile combined test setup with stress measurements using strain gauges arranged on different parts of the blade. The respective von Mises equivalent stresses obtained in simulation and test measurements are found to be comparable and can be used to assess the blade fatigue life based on the available fatigue curves and Palmgren–Miner rule of damage accumulation. Simulation and experimental results are the basis for plotting the relationship between the volumetric ratio of precipitates in the blade and its fatigue life. The results obtained at room temperature can; be extrapolated to the elevated ones to provide more reliable prediction of the superalloy blade fatigue and creep-fatigue life values.Литье лопатки газовой турбины из суперсплава на никелевой основе MAR-M247 сопровождается образованием множественных карбидных выделений в результате затвердевания. Микроструктуру карбида изучали с помощью сканирующей электронной микроскопии и энергетического спектрального анализа. Построена конечноэлементная модель лопатки со случайным карбидным выделением на основе программного обеспечения ANSYS, выполнена оценка напряженно-деформированного состояния. Условия эксплуатации лопатки реализовали на экспериментальной установке для комплексного испытания на вибрацию и растяжение, напряжения измеряли с помощью тензодатчиков, размещаемых на различных участках лопатки. Проведено сравнение эквивалентных напряжений по Мизесу, полученных при моделировании и экспериментально. Установлено, что их можно использовать для оценки усталостной долговечности лопатки на основании полученных кривых усталости и закона накопления повреждений Палмгрена Майлера. Они служат также основой построения зависимости между объемным соотношением включений в лопатке и ее усталостной долговечностью. Данные, полученные при комнатной температуре, могут быть экстраполированы на повышенные, что обеспечивает более достоверный прогноз усталости и усталостной долговечности лопатки из суперсплава при ползучести.Лиття лопатки газової турбіни з суперсплавів на нікелевої основі MAR-M247 супроводжується утворенням множинних карбідних виділень в результаті затвердіння. Мікроструктуру карбіду вивчали за допомогою скануючої електронної мікроскопії та енергетичного спектрального аналізу. Побудована скінченноелементна модель лопатки з випадковим карбідним виділенням на основі програмного забезпечення ANSYS, виконана оцінка напружено-деформованого стану. Умови експлуатації лопатки реалізували на експериментальній установці для комплексного випробування на вібрацію і розтягнення, напруги вимірювали за допомогою тензодатчиків, що розміщуються на різних ділянках лопатки. Проведено порівняння еквівалентних напружень по Мізесу, отриманих при моделюванні і експериментально. Встановлено, що їх можна використовувати для оцінки втомної довговічності лопатки на підставі отриманих кривих втоми і закону накопичення ушкоджень Палмгрена-Майлера. Вони служать також основою побудови залежності між об'ємним співвідношенням включень в лопатці і її втомної довговічністю. Дані, отримані при кімнатній температурі, можуть бути екстрапольовані на підвищені, що забезпечує більш достовірний прогноз втоми і втомної довговічності лопатки з суперсплавів при повзучості

    A rapid and cheap protocol for preparation of PCR templates in peanut

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    This paper describes a simple, low cost and reliable DNA template preparation protocol for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using immature leaves from peanut seeds or leaves from field-grown plants. The technique may find wide utility in studies involving PCR-based molecular markers, rapid screening for transformants and gene cloning

    Immobilization of Analgetic AB-101 into Calcium Alginate Gels

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    A new analgetic drug AB-101 has been immobilized into Ca2+-alginate gel beads with average diameter of 1 mm. A series of the alginate gel contains with various mannuronic/guluronic (M/G) ratios has been chosen to control the diffusion of the drug. Release of the drug from the alginate gel beads into physiological solutions consisting of sodium ions has been examined. A discontinuous time of the Fickian diffusion of the drug depending on M/G ratio was followed by a burst release of the remaining drugs. The burst release was due to a swift disintegration of Ca2+-alginate with exchange on sodium ions. The preceding discontinuous lag time promotes a free dissociate exchange of sodium-calcium ions in M units, while the burst disintegration leads to fast dissociation of G units. The lag time can be control by M/G ratio of Ca2+-alginate gels. The lag time increases if a content of the M units decreases. The increase of M units was led to more extensive swelling of the gel beads. Such way could be promising for a controlled drug delivery or the use in implants with controlled drug effect

    Two-to-one resonant multi-modal dynamics of horizontal/inclined cables. Part I : theoretical formulation and model validation

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    This paper is first of the two papers dealingwith analytical investigation of resonant multimodal dynamics due to 2:1 internal resonances in the finite-amplitude free vibrations of horizontal/inclined cables. Part I deals with theoretical formulation and validation of the general cable model. Approximate nonlinear partial differential equations of 3-D coupled motion of small sagged cables - which account for both spatio-temporal variation of nonlinear dynamic tension and system asymmetry due to inclined sagged configurations - are presented. A multidimensional Galerkin expansion of the solution ofnonplanar/planar motion is performed, yielding a complete set of system quadratic/cubic coefficients. With the aim of parametrically studying the behavior of horizontal/inclined cables in Part II [25], a second-order asymptotic analysis under planar 2:1 resonance is accomplished by the method of multiple scales. On accounting for higher-order effectsof quadratic/cubic nonlinearities, approximate closed form solutions of nonlinear amplitudes, frequencies and dynamic configurations of resonant nonlinear normal modes reveal the dependence of cable response on resonant/nonresonant modal contributions. Depending on simplifying kinematic modeling and assigned system parameters, approximate horizontal/inclined cable models are thoroughly validated by numerically evaluating statics and non-planar/planar linear/non-linear dynamics against those of the exact model. Moreover, the modal coupling role and contribution of system longitudinal dynamics are discussed for horizontal cables, showing some meaningful effects due to kinematic condensation

    First-principles study of the structural energetics of PdTi and PtTi

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    The structural energetics of PdTi and PtTi have been studied using first-principles density-functional theory with pseudopotentials and a plane-wave basis. We predict that in both materials, the experimentally reported orthorhombic B19B19 phase will undergo a low-temperature phase transition to a monoclinic B19B19' ground state. Within a soft-mode framework, we relate the B19B19 structure to the cubic B2B2 structure, observed at high temperature, and the B19B19' structure to B19B19 via phonon modes strongly coupled to strain. In contrast to NiTi, the B19B19 structure is extremely close to hcp. We draw on the analogy to the bcc-hcp transition to suggest likely transition mechanisms in the present case.Comment: 8 pages 5 figure

    Charmless BsPP,PV,VVB_s\to PP, PV, VV Decays Based on the six-quark Effective Hamiltonian with Strong Phase Effects II

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    We provide a systematic study of charmless BsPP,PV,VVB_s \to PP, PV, VV decays (PP and VV denote pseudoscalar and vector mesons, respectively) based on an approximate six-quark operator effective Hamiltonian from QCD. The calculation of the relevant hard-scattering kernels is carried out, the resulting transition form factors are consistent with the results of QCD sum rule calculations. By taking into account important classes of power corrections involving "chirally-enhanced" terms and the vertex corrections as well as weak annihilation contributions with non-trivial strong phase, we present predictions for the branching ratios and CP asymmetries of BsB_s decays into PP, PV and VV final states, and also for the corresponding polarization observables in VV final states. It is found that the weak annihilation contributions with non-trivial strong phase have remarkable effects on the observables in the color-suppressed and penguin-dominated decay modes. In addition, we discuss the SU(3) flavor symmetry and show that the symmetry relations are generally respected