12 research outputs found


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    Electronic structure and metal-insulator transition in SrTi 1 - x Ru x O 3

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    PACS. 79.60.Bm Clean metal, semiconductor, and insulator surfaces – 78.70.Dm X-ray absorption spectra – 71.30.+h Metal-insulator transitions and other electronic transitions,

    Structure Refinement of (Sr,Ba)Nb2O6 Ceramic Powder from Neutron and X-Rays Diffraction Data

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    The structure of polycrystalline strontium barium niobate at room temperature was refined by the Rietveld method. Sintered ceramic samples were used to collect powder neutron and X-ray diffraction data. The ratio Sr/Ba ~ 64/36 was found from the initial batch composition Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6, corroborating with the quantitative X-ray dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) measurements. The structure is tetragonal with cell parameters a, b = 12.4504(3) Ă… and c = 3.9325(1) Ă… and space group P4bm. It was not necessary to introduce any positional disorder for the oxygen atoms. Cation Nb+5 displacements not parallel to the c direction are presented, which can influence the behavior of the ferroelectric properties

    A Crystalline Phase Transition And Optical Properties In A Co Iicuii Oxamato-bridged Ferrimagnetic Chain

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    The compound [CoCu(opba)(DMSO)3] (1) [opba = orthophenylenebis(oxamato)] has been synthesized and characterized. Its crystal structure has been analyzed by X-ray diffraction techniques at 100 and 298 K. A structural phase-transition has been detected at around 150 K. An orthorhombic crystalline system is found at both temperatures, with very similar unit-cell dimensions. At room temperature 1 crystallizes in the Pnam space group (α-1 phase), with a = 7.6712(2), b = 14.8003(3), c = 21.0028(5) Å, and Z = 4, whereas at low temperature it crystallizes in the Pna21 space group (β-1 phase), with a = 7.3530(2), b = 14.5928(4), c = 21.0510(7) Å, and Z = 4. Both crystalline phases consist of linearly ordered bimetallic chains with the [Cu(opba)]2- units tied by CoII ions to form a one-dimensional system. The DMSO molecules in α-1, which are coordinated to either CuII or CoII, are disordered. At low temperature, a small reorganization of the CuII and Co II environments is observed. The origin of this phase transition, which is completely reversible, is the modification of the crystalline packing with the temperature. Linear birefringence measurements were done on single crystals in the 100-300 K temperature range. Around 150 K, the linear birefringence curve shows an inflexion that is interpreted as being related to the conversion of α-1 into β-1. Both dc and ac magnetic measurements were performed on the polycrystalline sample. The results reveal a one-dimensional ferrimagnetic behavior. Single crystal optical characterization at room temperature shows that 1 presents a very strong dichroism superposed on the linear birefringence. © Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2005.2450185025Miller, J.S., Calabrese, J.C., Epstein, A.J., Bigelow, R.W., Zang, J.H., Reiff, W.M., (1986) J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., pp. 1026-1028Pei, Y., Verdaguer, M., Kahn, O., Sletten, J., Renard, J.P., (1986) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 108, pp. 7428-7430Miller, J.S., Epstein, A.J., (1994) Angew. 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