570 research outputs found

    Galerkin FEM for fractional order parabolic equations with initial data in Hs, 0<s1H^{-s},~0 < s \le 1

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    We investigate semi-discrete numerical schemes based on the standard Galerkin and lumped mass Galerkin finite element methods for an initial-boundary value problem for homogeneous fractional diffusion problems with non-smooth initial data. We assume that ΩRd\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^d, d=1,2,3d=1,2,3 is a convex polygonal (polyhedral) domain. We theoretically justify optimal order error estimates in L2L_2- and H1H^1-norms for initial data in Hs(Ω), 0s1H^{-s}(\Omega),~0\le s \le 1. We confirm our theoretical findings with a number of numerical tests that include initial data vv being a Dirac δ\delta-function supported on a (d1)(d-1)-dimensional manifold.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on the Interface Bonding of Stainless Steel Clad Plate

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    The rolling temperature and rate of thickness reduction directly affect the interface bonding quality, mechanical properties and microstructure of stainless steel clad plate. In order to obtain reasonable rolling process parameters, the multi-pass rolling processes of Q345R/316L stainless steel clad plate were simulated by the DEFORM software package. The distributions of stress, strain, and microstructure fields of the clad plate at different rolling temperatures and reduction rates were investigated. The bonding state of the interface was determined and the change rules governing the grain size of the rolled substrate layer also were analyzed. Vacuum hot-rolling tests were carried out to characterize the microstructure and mechanical properties. It was found that the higher the rolling temperature, the lower was the reduction rate needed to realize the interface bonding. However, too high temperatures produce a higher fraction of coarse grains, which affects the overall mechanical properties of the clad plate. It was concluded from the tests and numerical results that rolling temperature of 1150°C and reduction rate exceeding 50%, stainless allow one to produce steel clad plates with high interface bonding quality and excellent microstructure.Показано, что температура прокатки и степень обжатия оказывают влияние на силу сцепления на поверхности раздела, механические свойства и микроструктуру пластины, плакированной нержавеющей сталью. Процесс прокатки за четыре пропуска для пластины, плакированной нержавеющей сталью Q345R/316L, моделировали с помощью программы DEFORM, что позволило рассчитать его рабочие параметры. Исследовано распределение полей напряжений, деформаций и микроструктуры пластины при различной температуре прокатки и степени обжатия. Определена сила сцепления на поверхности раздела, проанализирован гранулометрический состав катаного подслоя при различных температурах. Проведены испытания образцов, полученных горячей вакуумной прокаткой, для оценки микроструктуры и механических свойств. Установлено, что чем выше температура прокатки, тем ниже степень обжатия, необходимая для обеспечения сцепления на поверхности раздела. Однако более высокие температуры вызывают увеличение доли грубых зерен, что оказывает влияние на механические свойства пластины. Экспериментально и численно показано, что температура прокатки в 1150°С и степень обжатия более 50% обеспечивают необходимую силу сцепления и качественную микроструктуру плакированной пластин

    Expression of anion exchanger 2 in human gastric cancer

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    Anion exchanger 2 (AE2), which mediates exchange of Cl-/HCO3- across the plasma membrane, is widely expressed in body tissues. It is most abundantly expressed in stomach and is responsible for the uptake of Cl- ions that are destined to become HCl molecules. Aim: To determine whether AE2 expression was altered in gastric tumors. Methods: We have studied AE2 expression in normal human gastric tissues (n =16) and in gastric tumors (n = 33) using immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescent labeling. Results: In normal gastric tissue positive staining was observed in gastric fundus gland, suggesting parietal cell-related expression of AE2, and AE2 expression was localized in the nuclear membrane and even in cell nuclei. For assay of cancerous gastric tissues, specimens of human gastric cancer arising from the region of the fundus (2 cases), the body (14 cases) and the antrum (17 cases) were randomly selected. Immunohistochemical staining has showed that AE2 was down-regulated in all 14 cancerous gastric body specimens, whereas staining for AE2 in cancerous antrum was less intense and had a diffuse profile. Conclusions: The data suggest that AE2 might be associated with gastric carcinogenesis and the achlorhydria experienced by gastric cancer patients.Анионный обменник 2 (АЕ2), который опосредует перенос Cl- /HCO3 - через плазматическую мембрану, экспрессируется клетками разных тканей. Самый высокий уровень экспрессии АЕ2 в желудке, поскольку этот белок отвечает за поглощение ионов Cl- , которые впоследствии используются для секреции HCl. Цель: Изучить изменения в экспрессии АЕ2 при раке желудка. Методы: исследована экспрессия АЕ2 в нормальных тканях (n = 16) и опухолях желудка (n = 33) с применением методов иммуногистохимии и иммунофлуоресценции. Результаты: в нетрансформированной ткани желудка в фундальной железе выявляли сильную положительную реакцию, что свидетельствует об экспрессии АЕ2 париетальными клетками, причем экспрессия АЕ2 была локализирована в ядерной мембране и в ядре. В опухолях желудка (фундального отдела (n = 2), тела (n = 14) и антрального отдела (n = 17)), отобранных случайным образом, был проведен анализ экспрессии АЕ2. Иммуногистохимическое исследование показало снижение экспрессии АЕ2 во всех 14 случаях рака тела желудка. Окрашивание АЕ2 в образцах рака антрального отдела желудка было менее интенсивным и диффузным. Выводы: полученные данные позволяют предположить наличие связи между экспрессией АЕ2 и развитием рака желудка, а также ахлоргидрией, отмечаемой у больных раком желудка

    Anti-plane interfacial crack with functionally graded coating: static and dynamic

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    The anti-plane displacement discontinuity method is applied to establish the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind for the orthotropic Functionally Graded Material (FGM) coatings subjected to static/dynamic shears. The shear modulus and mass density are assumed to vary exponentially through the thickness. The static and dynamic fundamental solutions with anti-plane displacement discontinuity are derived for orthotropic FGM coating by using Fourier transform method and Laplace transform method. It has been shown that the transformed fundamental solution with orthotropic coatings has the same order of hyper-singularity as in the static case, i.e. O(1/r2), and the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind are used to solve the integral equations numerically. The time dependent stress intensity factors are obtained directly from the coefficients of the Chebyshev polynomials with the aid of Durbin’s Laplace transform inversion method. A comparative study of FGM versus homogeneous coating is conducted, and the dependence of the stress intensity factors in the coating/substrate system on the material property (orthotropic) and thickness of coating is examined. Two examples including the static/dynamic loads are given as benchmarks for the numerical methods and application in composite engineering

    Search for the Rare Decays J/Psi --> Ds- e+ nu_e, J/Psi --> D- e+ nu_e, and J/Psi --> D0bar e+ e-

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    We report on a search for the decays J/Psi --> Ds- e+ nu_e + c.c., J/Psi --> D- e+ nu_e + c.c., and J/Psi --> D0bar e+ e- + c.c. in a sample of 5.8 * 10^7 J/Psi events collected with the BESII detector at the BEPC. No excess of signal above background is observed, and 90% confidence level upper limits on the branching fractions are set: B(J/Psi --> Ds- e+ nu_e + c.c.)<4.8*10^-5, B(J/Psi --> D- e+ nu_e + c.c.) D0bar e+ e- + c.c.)<1.1*10^-5Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Measurements of J/psi Decays into 2(pi+pi-)eta and 3(pi+pi-)eta

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    Based on a sample of 5.8X 10^7 J/psi events taken with the BESII detector, the branching fractions of J/psi--> 2(pi+pi-)eta and J/psi-->3(pi+pi-)eta are measured for the first time to be (2.26+-0.08+-0.27)X10^{-3} and (7.24+-0.96+-1.11)X10^{-4}, respectively.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    BESII Detector Simulation

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    A Monte Carlo program based on Geant3 has been developed for BESII detector simulation. The organization of the program is outlined, and the digitization procedure for simulating the response of various sub-detectors is described. Comparisons with data show that the performance of the program is generally satisfactory.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, uses elsart.cls, to be submitted to NIM

    Measurement of branching fractions for the inclusive Cabibbo-favored ~K*0(892) and Cabibbo-suppressed K*0(892) decays of neutral and charged D mesons

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    The branching fractions for the inclusive Cabibbo-favored ~K*0 and Cabibbo-suppressed K*0 decays of D mesons are measured based on a data sample of 33 pb-1 collected at and around the center-of-mass energy of 3.773 GeV with the BES-II detector at the BEPC collider. The branching fractions for the decays D+(0) -> ~K*0(892)X and D0 -> K*0(892)X are determined to be BF(D0 -> \~K*0X) = (8.7 +/- 4.0 +/- 1.2)%, BF(D+ -> ~K*0X) = (23.2 +/- 4.5 +/- 3.0)% and BF(D0 -> K*0X) = (2.8 +/- 1.2 +/- 0.4)%. An upper limit on the branching fraction at 90% C.L. for the decay D+ -> K*0(892)X is set to be BF(D+ -> K*0X) < 6.6%

    Study of J/ψωK+KJ/\psi \to \omega K^+K^-

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    New data are presented on J/ψωK+KJ/\psi \to \omega K^+K^- from a sample of 58M J/ψJ/\psi events in the upgraded BES II detector at the BEPC. There is a conspicuous signal for f0(1710)K+Kf_0(1710) \to K^+K^- and a peak at higher mass which may be fitted with f2(2150)KKˉf_2(2150) \to K\bar K. From a combined analysis with ωπ+π\omega \pi ^+ \pi ^- data, the branching ratio BR(f0(1710)ππ)/BR(f0(1710)KKˉ)BR(f_0(1710)\to\pi\pi)/BR(f_0(1710) \to K\bar K) is <0.11< 0.11 at the 95% confidence level.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Lett.