4,765 research outputs found

    Research in atmospheric chemistry and transport

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    The carbon monoxide cycle was studied by incorporating the known CO sources and sinks in a tracer model which used the winds generated by a general circulation model. The photochemical production and loss terms, which depended on OH radical concentrations, were calculated in an interactive fashion. Comparison of the computed global distribution and seasonal variations of CO with observations was used to yield constraints on the distribution and magnitude of the sources and sinks of CO, and the abundance of OH radicals in the troposphere

    Implementing a definitive notation for interactive graphics

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    This paper describes the application of a definitive (definition-based) programming paradigm to graphics software. The potential merits of using definitive principles for interactive graphics were considered from a theoretical perspective in [Be87]; this paper is complementary, in that it describes the insights gained through practical experience in implementing a prototype system. The main characteristics of the prototype implementation are illustrated by simple examples. Analysis of the abstract machine model underlying this implementation suggests a general purpose programming paradigm based on definitive principles that can be applied to more ambitious applications

    Kinetic conversion of CO to CH4 in the Solar System

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    Some of the most interesting chemistry in the Solar System involves changes in the oxidation state of the simple carbon species. The chemical pathways for the conversion of CH4 to CO and CO2 are for the most part known. The reverse process, the reduction of CO to CH4, is, however, poorly understood. This is surprising in view of the importance of the reduction process in the chemistry of the Solar System. Recently we investigated the chemical kinetics of a hitherto unsuspected reaction. It is argued that the formation of the methoxy radical (CH3O) from H+H2CO may play an essential role in the reduction of CO to CH4. The rate coefficient for this reaction has been estimated using the approximate theory of J. Troe and transition state theory. We will discuss the implications of this reaction for the chemistry of CO on Jupiter, in the solar nebula, for interpreting the laboratory experiments of A. Bar-Nun and A. Shaviv and A. Bar-Nun and S. Chang, and for organic synthesis in the prebiotic terrestrial atmosphere. The possible relation of CO reduction in the solar nebula and polyoxymethylene observed in comet Halley will be discussed

    An updated hydrocarbon photochemical model for the Jovian atmosphere from the troposphere through the homopause: A prelude to Galileo

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    A photochemical model for the atmosphere of Jupiter, including 1-D vertical eddy diffusive transport, was developed. It extends from the upper troposphere through the homopause. The hydrocarbon chemistry involves species containing up to four carbon atoms (and polyynes through C8H2). The calculations show that a large fraction of photochemical carbon may be contained in molecules with more than two carbon atoms. At the tropopause, C2H6 is the major photochemical species and C2H2, C3H8, and C4H10 are of comparable abundance and down from C2H6 by a factor of ten. These species may be detectable with the mass spectrometer of the Galileo Probe. The vertical distributions of the photochemical species are sensitive to the magnitude of eddy diffusive mixing in the troposphere and stratosphere and the details of the interface region

    A sputtering derived atomic oxygen source for studying fast atom reactions

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    A technique for the generation of fast atomic oxygen was developed. These atoms are created by ion beam sputtering from metal oxide surfaces. Mass resolved ion beams at energies up to 60 KeV are produced for this purpose using a 150 cm isotope separator. Studies have shown that particles sputtered with 40 KeV Ar(+) on Ta2O5 were dominantly neutral and exclusively atomic. The atomic oxygen also resided exclusively in its 3P ground state. The translational energy distribution for these atoms peaked at ca 7 eV (the metal-oxygen bond energy). Additional measurements on V2O5 yielded a bimodal distribution with the lower energy peak at ca 5 eV coinciding reasonably well with the metal-oxygen bond energy. The 7 eV source was used to investigate fast oxygen atom reactions with the 2-butene stereoisomers. Relative excitation functions for H-abstraction and pi-bond reaction were measured with trans-2-butene. The abstraction channel, although of minor relative importance at thermal energy, becomes comparable to the addition channel at 0.9 eV and dominates the high-energy regime. Structural effects on the specific channels were also found to be important at high energy

    Steady Bell state generation via magnon-photon coupling

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    We show that parity-time (PT\mathcal{PT}) symmetry can be spontaneously broken in the recently reported energy level attraction of magnons and cavity photons. In the PT\mathcal{PT}-broken phase, magnon and photon form a high-fidelity Bell state with maximum entanglement. This entanglement is steady and robust against the perturbation of environment, in contrast to the general wisdom that expects instability of the hybridized state when the symmetry is broken. This anomaly is further understood by the compete of non-Hermitian evolution and particle number conservation of the hybridized system. As a comparison, neither PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetry broken nor steady magnon-photon entanglement is observed inside the normal level repulsion case. Our results may open a novel window to utilize magnon-photon entanglement as a resource for quantum technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical Electron Mass in a Strong Magnetic Field

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    Motivated by recent interest in understanding properties of strongly magnetized matter, we study the dynamical electron mass generated through approximate chiral symmetry breaking in QED in a strong magnetic field. We reliably calculate the dynamical electron mass by numerically solving the nonperturbative Schwinger-Dyson equations in a consistent truncation within the lowest Landau level approximation. It is shown that the generation of dynamical electron mass in a strong magnetic field is significantly enhanced by the perturbative electron mass that explicitly breaks chiral symmetry in the absence of a magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, published versio