271 research outputs found

    TapA acts as specific chaperone in TasA filament formation by strand complementation

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    Studying mechanisms of bacterial biofilm generation is of vital importance to understanding bacterial cell-cell communication, multicellular cohabitation principles, and the higher resilience of microorganisms in a biofilm against antibiotics. Biofilms of the nonpathogenic, gram-positive soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis serve as a model system with biotechnological potential toward plant protection. Its major extracellular matrix protein components are TasA and TapA. The nature of TasA filaments has been of debate, and several forms, amyloidic and non-Thioflavin T-stainable have been observed. Here, we present the three-dimensional structure of TapA and uncover the mechanism of TapA-supported growth of nonamyloidic TasA filaments. By analytical ultracentrifugation and NMR, we demonstrate TapA-dependent acceleration of filament formation from solutions of folded TasA. Solid-state NMR revealed intercalation of the N-terminal TasA peptide segment into subsequent protomers to form a filament composed of β-sandwich subunits. The secondary structure around the intercalated N-terminal strand β0 is conserved between filamentous TasA and the Fim and Pap proteins, which form bacterial type I pili, demonstrating such construction principles in a gram-positive organism. Analogous to the chaperones of the chaperone-usher pathway, the role of TapA is in donating its N terminus to serve for TasA folding into an Ig domain-similar filament structure by donor-strand complementation. According to NMR and since the V-set Ig fold of TapA is already complete, its participation within a filament beyond initiation is unlikely. Intriguingly, the most conserved residues in TasA-like proteins (camelysines) of Bacillaceae are located within the protomer interface

    Horizontal DNA transfer mechanisms of bacteria as weapons of intragenomic conflict

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    Horizontal DNA transfer (HDT) is a pervasive mechanism of diversification in many microbial species, but its primary evolutionary role remains controversial. Much recent research has emphasised the adaptive benefit of acquiring novel DNA, but here we argue instead that intragenomic conflict provides a coherent framework for understanding the evolutionary origins of HDT. To test this hypothesis, we developed a mathematical model of a clonally descended bacterial population undergoing HDT through transmission of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) and genetic transformation. Including the known bias of transformation toward the acquisition of shorter alleles into the model suggested it could be an effective means of counteracting the spread of MGEs. Both constitutive and transient competence for transformation were found to provide an effective defence against parasitic MGEs; transient competence could also be effective at permitting the selective spread of MGEs conferring a benefit on their host bacterium. The coordination of transient competence with cell-cell killing, observed in multiple species, was found to result in synergistic blocking of MGE transmission through releasing genomic DNA for homologous recombination while simultaneously reducing horizontal MGE spread by lowering the local cell density. To evaluate the feasibility of the functions suggested by the modelling analysis, we analysed genomic data from longitudinal sampling of individuals carrying Streptococcus pneumoniae. This revealed the frequent within-host coexistence of clonally descended cells that differed in their MGE infection status, a necessary condition for the proposed mechanism to operate. Additionally, we found multiple examples of MGEs inhibiting transformation through integrative disruption of genes encoding the competence machinery across many species, providing evidence of an ongoing "arms race." Reduced rates of transformation have also been observed in cells infected by MGEs that reduce the concentration of extracellular DNA through secretion of DNases. Simulations predicted that either mechanism of limiting transformation would benefit individual MGEs, but also that this tactic's effectiveness was limited by competition with other MGEs coinfecting the same cell. A further observed behaviour we hypothesised to reduce elimination by transformation was MGE activation when cells become competent. Our model predicted that this response was effective at counteracting transformation independently of competing MGEs. Therefore, this framework is able to explain both common properties of MGEs, and the seemingly paradoxical bacterial behaviours of transformation and cell-cell killing within clonally related populations, as the consequences of intragenomic conflict between self-replicating chromosomes and parasitic MGEs. The antagonistic nature of the different mechanisms of HDT over short timescales means their contribution to bacterial evolution is likely to be substantially greater than previously appreciated

    Subcellular Localization of SUN2 Is Regulated by Lamin A and Rab5

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    SUN2 is an inner nuclear membrane protein with a conserved Sad1/UNC-84 homology SUN-domain at the C-terminus. Intriguingly, SUN2 has also been reported to interact with Rab5, which localizes in early endosomes. To clarify the dual subcellular localization of SUN2, we investigated its localization in lamin A/C deficient cells rescued with lamin A or lamin C isoform, and in HeLa cells transfected with Rab5 or its mutants. We found that expression of lamin A but not lamin C partly restored the nuclear envelope localization of SUN2. SUN2 was redistributed to endosomes upon overexpression of Rab5, but remained on the nuclear envelope when the SUN domain was deleted. To explore the physiological function of SUN2 in vesicle trafficking and endocytosis, we demonstrated the colocalization of endogenous SUN2 and Rab5. Moreover, overexpression of SUN2 stimulated the uptake of transferrin while suppression of SUN2 expression attenuated the process. These findings support a role of SUN2 in endocytosis

    Non-Anatomic Proximal Realignment for Recurrent Patellar Dislocation Does Not Sufficiently Prevent Redislocation

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    Several operative techniques have been described for recurrent patellar dislocation. Clinical results vary depending on the procedure and indication. The present study aimed to evaluate the clinical outcome of Insall’s proximal realignment for recurrent patellar dislocation at mid-term follow-up. Forty-five patients were reviewed with a mean follow-up period of 49 months after having undergone Insall’s procedure. Outcome measures included reports of redislocations, complications, patient-reported outcome scores (Kujala, Tegner activity scale) and subjective assessment. No statistically significant improvements (p < 0.05) in patient-reported outcome measures were noted. Sixteen patients (35%) had poor to fair results using the Kujala score. Subjective assessment revealed that 12 patients (27%) were dissatisfied with the outcome of their surgery and would not undergo the same procedure. Ten patients (22%) had suffered from redislocation at the latest follow-up. In 4 cases (9%), intra-articular knee hematoma occurred which required arthroscopic intervention. The overall mid-term outcome of the present study shows low patient satisfaction. Non-anatomic realignment for recurrent patellar dislocation does not adequately prevent redislocation

    Torsional stability of interference screws derived from bovine bone - a biomechanical study

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    Introduction: It has been proposed that individual genetic variation contributes to the course of severe infections and sepsis. Recent studies of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the endotoxin receptor and its signaling system showed an association with the risk of disease development. This study aims to examine the response associated with genetic variations of TLR4, the receptor for bacterial LPS, and a central intracellular signal transducer (TIRAP/Mal) on cytokine release and for susceptibility and course of severe hospital acquired infections in distinct patient populations. Methods: Three intensive care units in tertiary care university hospitals in Greece and Germany participated. 375 and 415 postoperative patients and 159 patients with ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) were included. TLR4 and TIRAP/Mal polymorphisms in 375 general surgical patients were associated with risk of infection, clinical course and outcome. In two prospective studies, 415 patients following cardiac surgery and 159 patients with newly diagnosed VAP predominantly caused by Gram-negative bacteria were studied for cytokine levels in-vivo and after ex-vivo monocyte stimulation and clinical course. Results: Patients simultaneously carrying polymorphisms in TIRAP/Mal and TLR4 and patients homozygous for the TIRAP/Mal SNP had a significantly higher risk of severe infections after surgery (odds ratio (OR) 5.5; confidence interval (CI): 1.34 - 22.64; P = 0.02 and OR: 7.3; CI: 1.89 - 28.50; P < 0.01 respectively). Additionally we found significantly lower circulating cytokine levels in double-mutant individuals with ventilator associated pneumonia and reduced cytokine production in an ex-vivo monocyte stimulation assay, but this difference was not apparent in TIRAP/Mal-homozygous patients. In cardiac surgery patients without infection, the cytokine release profiles were not changed when comparing different genotypes. Conclusions: Carriers of mutations in sequential components of the TLR signaling system may have an increased risk for severe infections. Patients with this genotype showed a decrease in cytokine release when infected which was not apparent in patients with sterile inflammation following cardiac surgery
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