2,599 research outputs found

    Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isotopic Studies of Antarctic Nakhlite MIL 03346

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    Nakhlites are olivine-bearing clinopyroxenites with cumulate textures, and probably came from Mars [e.g., 1]. A total of seven nakhlites have been identified so far. Unlike other martian meteorites (e.g., shergottites), nakhlites have been only moderately shocked and their original igneous textures are still well-preserved. Also, these meteorites have similarly older crystallization ages of approx.1.3 Ga compared to shergottites with ages of approx.0.18-0.57 Ga [e.g., 2]. MIL 03346 is characterized by abundant (approx.20 vol %) glassy mesostasis, indicating that it cooled rapidly and probably formed near the top [3] or at the bottom [4] of the chilled margin of a thick intrusive body. The mesostasis quenched from the trapped intercumulus liquid may provide information on the parent magma compositions of the nakhlites. In this report, we present Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic data for MIL 03346, discuss correlation of its age with those of other nakhlites and the nature of their source regions in the Martian mantle

    Sm-Nd for Norite 78236 and Eucrite Y980318/433: Implications for Planetary and Solar System Processes

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    Here, we compare Sm-147-Nd-143 and Sm-146-Nd-142 data for lunar norite 78236 to those for approximately 4.54-4.56 Ga old cumulate eucrite Yamato 980318/433 and show that the norite data are compatible with its derivation from an isotopic reservoir similar to that from whence the eucrite pair came. Thus, lunar-like Sm-Nd isotopic systematics are not unique to the Earth-Moon system

    Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Studies of Olivine-Phyric Shergottites RBT 04262 and LAR 06319: Isotopic Evidence for Relationship to Enriched Basaltic Shergottites

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    RBT 04262 and LAR 06319 are two Martian meteorites recently discovered in Antarctica. Both contain abundant olivines, and were classified as olivine-phyric shergottites. A detailed petrographic study of RBT 04262 suggested it should be reclassified as a lherzolitic shergottite. However, the moderately LREE-depleted REE distribution pattern indicated that it is closely related to enriched basaltic shergottites like Shergotty, Zagami, Los Angeles, etc. In earlier studies of a similarly olivinephyric shergottite NWA 1068 which contains 21% modal olivine, it was shown that it probably was produced from an enriched basaltic shergottite magma by olivine accumulation . As for LAR 06319, recent petrographic studies suggested that it is different from either lherzolitic shergottites or the highly LREE-depleted olivine-phyric shergottites. We performed Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic analyses on RBT 04262 and LAR 06319 to determine their crystallization ages and Sr and Nd isotopic signatures, and to better understand the petrogenetic relationships between them and other basaltic, lherzolitic and depleted olivine-phyric shergottites

    Dating Melt Rock 63545 By Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd: Age of Imbrium; Spa Dress Rehearsal

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    Apollo 16 sample 63545 was initially described as one of a group of 19 generally rounded, fine-grained, crystalline rocks that were collected as rake samples [1]. This 16 g "rocklet" was collected at Station 13 on the ejecta blanket of North Ray Crater at the foot of Smoky Mountain [2]. Originally classified as a Very High Alumina (VHA) basalt on geochemical grounds [3], it was later argued to be an impact melt rock [4]. Here we report a Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic study that shows that some portions of the rock failed to reach isotopic equilibrium on last melting in agreement with the impact melt rock interpretation. Nevertheless, by omitting mineral fractions that are discordant with the majority of the data, we arrive at the time of last melting as 3.88 plus or minus 0.05 Ga ago. This age is in agreement with the Ar-39/Ar-40 plateau age of 3839 plus or minus 23 Ma [5], if the latter is adjusted for the ~1.4-1.8% revision in the age of the hornblende monitor [6]. This investigation was undertaken in part as proof-of-concept for SPA-basin sample return

    Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Study of Asuka 881394: Evidence of "Late" Metamorphism

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    The Asuka 881394 achondrite contains fossil Al-26 and Mn-53 [1,2,3] and has a Pb-207/Pb-206 age of 4566.5 plus or minus 0.2 Ma [3], the oldest for an achondrite. Preliminary results showed initial Sm-146/Sm-144 = (7.4 plus or minus 1.2) x 10(exp -3), indicative of an ancient age, but Rb-87 - Sr-87 and Sm-147 - Nd-143 ages of 4370 plus or minus 60 and 4490 plus or minus 20 Ma, resp. [1], were younger than expected from the presence of short-lived nuclides. We revisit the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd chronology of A881394 in an attempt to establish whether late metamorphism led to inconsistency in its apparent ages

    Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr Isotopic Studies of Meteorite Kalahari 009: An Old VLT Mare Basalt

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    Lunar meteorite Kalahari 009 is a fragmental basaltic breccia contain ing various very-low-Ti (VLT) mare basalt clasts embedded in a fine-g rained matrix of similar composition. This meteorite and lunar meteorite Kalahari 008, an anorthositic breccia, were suggested to be paired mainly due to the presence of similar fayalitic olivines in fragment s found in both meteorites. Thus, Kalahari 009 probably represents a VLT basalt that came from a locality near a mare-highland boundary r egion of the Moon, as compared to the typical VLT mare basalt samples collected at Mare Crisium during the Luna-24 mission. The concordant Sm-Nd and Ar-Ar ages of such a VLT basalt (24170) suggest that the extrusion of VLT basalts at Mare Crisium occurred 3.30 +/- 0.05 Ga ag o. Previous age results for Kalahari 009 range from approximately 4.2 Ga by its Lu-Hf isochron age to 1.70?0.04 Ga of its Ar-Ar plateau ag e. However, recent in-situ U-Pb dating of phosphates in Kalahari 009 defined an old crystallization age of 4.35+/- 0.15 Ga. The authors su ggested that Kalahari 009 represents a cryptomaria basalt. In this r eport, we present Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic results for Kalahari 009, discuss the relationship of its age and isotopic characteristics to t hose of other L-24 VLT mare basalts and other probable cryptomaria ba salts represented by Apollo 14 aluminous mare basalts, and discuss it s petrogenesis

    Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isotopic Studies of Martian Depleted Shergottes SaU 094/005

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    Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 094 and SaU 005 are olivine-phyric shergottites from the Oman desert and are considered as pairs. [e.g., 1]. They are very similar to the Libyan desert shergottite Dar al Gani (DaG) 476 in petrology, chemistry and ejection age [2-6]. This group of shergottites, also recognized as depleted shergottites [e.g. 7] has been strongly shocked and contains very low abundances of light rare earth elements (REE). In addition, terrestrial contaminants are commonly present in meteorites found in desert environments. Age-dating these samples is very challenging, but lower calcite contents in the SaU meteorites suggest that they have been subjected to less severe desert weathering than their DaG counterparts [3-4]. In this report, we present Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic results for SaU 094 and SaU 005, discuss the correlation of their ages with those of other similar shergottites, and discuss their petrogenesis

    Rb-Sr Isotopic Studies Of Antarctic Lherzolitic Shergottite Yamato 984028

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    Yamato 984028 is a Martian meteorite found in the Yamato Mountains of Antarctica. It is classified as a lherzolitic shergottite and petrographically resembles several other lherzolitic shergottites, i.e. ALHA 77005, LEW 88516, Y-793605 and Y-000027/47/97 [e.g. 2-5]. These meteorites have similarly young crystallization ages (152-185 Ma) as enriched basaltic shergottites (157-203 Ma), but have very different ejection ages (approximately 4 Ma vs. approximately 2.5 Ma), thus they came from different martian target crater areas. Lherzolitic shergottites have mg-values approximately 0.70 and represent the most mafic olivine-pyroxene cumulates. Their parental magmas were melts derived probably from the primitive Martian mantle. Here we present Rb-Sr isotopic data for Y-984028 and compare these data with those obtained from other lherzolitic and olivine-phyric basaltic shergottites to better understand the isotopic characteristics of their primitive mantle source regions. Corresponding Sm-Nd analyses for Y-984028 are in progress

    Mn-53-Cr-53 Systematics of R-Chondrite NWA 753

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    Chondrules and chondrites are interpreted as objects formed in the early solar system, and it is important to study them in order to elucidate its evolution. Here, we report the study of the Mn-Cr systematics of the R-Chondrite NWA753 and compare the results to other chondrite data. The goal was to determine Cr isotopic and age variations among chondrite groups with different O-isotope signatures. The Mn-53-Cr-53 method as applied to individual chondrules [1] or bulk chondrites [2] is based on the assumption that 53Mn was initially homogeneously distributed in that portion the solar nebula where the chondrules and/or chondrites formed. However, different groups of chondrites formed from regions of different O-isotope compositions. So, different types of chondrites also may have had different initial Mn-53 abundances and/or Cr isotopic compositions. Thus, it is important to determine the Cr isotopic systematics among chondrites from various chondrite groups. We are studying CO-chondrite ALH83108 and Tagish Lake in addition to R-Chondrite NWA753. These meteorites have very distinct O-isotope compositions (Figure 1)

    Redetermination of the Sm-Nd Age and Initial (Epsilon)Nd of Lunar Troctolite 76535: Implications for Lunar Crustal Development

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    Lunar troctolite 76535 is an old lunar rock predating the era of the lunar cataclysmic bombardment, but its radiometrially determined ages have been discordant [1-3]. The most recent multi-chronometer study [4] gave preferred ages of 4226+/-35 Ma and 4236+/-15 Ma from a Pb-207/Pb-206 isochron and an U-Pb upper concordia intercept, resp. We derive an age of 4323+/-64 Ma from Sm-Nd data reported by [4] for the bulk rock and three mineral separates. They derived an age of approx.4.38 Ga from combined Rb-Sr data [3,4] by omitting data for olivine separates. Ar-39-Ar-40 ages of approx.4.2 Ga are summarized by [5]. New Sm-147-Nd-143 data presented here give an age of 4335+/-71 Ma in agreement with the Sm-Nd age from [4], whereas Sm-146-Nd-142 data give a model age T(sub LEW) = 4439+/-22 Ma. Further, initial (Epsilon)Nd-143 for 76535 conforms to the Nd-143 evolution expected in an urKREEP [6] reservoir, consistent with inheritance of urKREEP Sm-Nd systematics via assimilation. We show that urKREEP Sm-Nd systematics require the lunar initial (Epsilon)Nd-143 to exceed the Chondritic Uniform Reservoir (CHUR) value [7], but are consistent with evolution from initial (Epsilon)Nd-143 like that of the HED meteorite parent body as defined by a 4557+/-20 Ma internal isochron for the cumulate eucrites Y-980433 and Y- 980318 [8]