60 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of dog rabies vaccination programmes: comparison of owner-charged and free vaccination campaigns

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    We investigated the percentage of dogs that could be vaccinated against rabies by conducting a pilot campaign in N'DjamĆ©na, Chad. Owners were charged US4.13perdogvaccinated,and244.13 per dog vaccinated, and 24% of all dogs in the three city districts covered by the campaign were vaccinated. Total campaign costs were US7623, resulting in an average of US19.40pervaccinateddog.Thisisfivetimesmoreexpensivethanthecostperanimalvaccinatedduringapreviousfreevaccinationcampaignfordogāˆ’owners,conductedinthesamedistricts.Thefreecampaign,whichvaccinated2605moredogsthanthiscampaign,costanadditionalUS19.40 per vaccinated dog. This is five times more expensive than the cost per animal vaccinated during a previous free vaccination campaign for dog-owners, conducted in the same districts. The free campaign, which vaccinated 2605 more dogs than this campaign, cost an additional US1.45 per extra dog vaccinated. Campaigns in which owners are charged for vaccinations result in lower vaccination rates than in free campaigns. Public health officials can use these results when evaluating the costs and benefits of subsidizing dog rabies vaccination programme

    Male-male marriage in Sinophone and Anglophone Harry Potter danmei and slash

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    The aim of this study is to compare Sinophone and Anglophone fan fiction consisting of female-oriented male-male romance: danmei and slash, respectively. To increase comparability, we analysed Harry Potter fan fiction in which the characters Harry and Draco are married. Male-male marriage was selected because our online Sinophone and Anglophone BL fandom surveys indicate this to be the most popular story element of the nine options we provided. We analysed five stories originally written in Chinese and five originally written in English which subsequently had been fan-translated into Chinese. Using Thematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006) we found some robust patterns. In contrast to the Anglophone fiction, the Sinophone tended to: stress the importance of family approval for the marriage; incorporate a wedding ceremony; employ clearly gendered roles between partners; utilise extended, as opposed to nuclear, families; and showed the couple to produce children, particularly boys. Hence, the stories mirror the relative social conservatism and social liberalism of their cultures of origin. However, in reading and writing such danmei young Chinese women are still pushing at the boundaries of the traditional family

    The fifth generation project ā€” a trip report

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