1,934 research outputs found

    Effect of kinetic resonances on the stability of Resistive Wall Mode in Reversed Field Pinch

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    The kinetic effects, due to the mode resonance with thermal particle drift motions in the reversed field pinch (RFP) plasmas, are numerically investigated for the stability of the resistive wall mode, using a non-perturbative MHD-kinetic hybrid formulation. The kinetic effects are generally found too weak to substantially change the mode growth rate, or the stability margin, re-enforcing the fact that the ideal MHD model is rather adequate for describing the RWM physics in RFP experiments.Comment: Submitted to: Plasma Phys. Control. Fusio

    Surface and Bulk Structural Properties of Single Crystalline Sr3Ru2O7

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    We report temperature and thermal-cycling dependence of surface and bulk structures of double-layered perovskite Sr3Ru2O7 single crystals. The surface and bulk structures were investigated using low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques, respectively. Single-crystal XRD data is in good agreement with previous reports for the bulk structure with RuO6 octahedral rotation, which increases with decreasing temperature (~ 6.7(6)degrees at 300 K and ~ 8.1(2) degrees at 90 K). LEED results reveal that the octahedra at the surface are much more distorted with a higher rotation angle (~ 12 degrees between 300 and 80 K) and a slight tilt ((4.5\pm2.5) degrees at 300 K and (2.5\pm1.7) degrees at 80 K). While XRD data confirms temperature dependence of the unit cell height/width ratio (i.e. lattice parameter c divided by the average of parameters a and b) found in a prior neutron powder diffraction investigation, both bulk and surface structures display little change with thermal cycles between 300 and 80 K.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, to appear in Physical Review

    Complex magnetic topology and strong differential rotation on the low-mass T Tauri star V2247 Oph

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    From observations collected with the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, we report the detection of Zeeman signatures on the low-mass classical TTauri star (cTTS) V2247Oph. Profile distortions and circular polarisation signatures detected in photospheric lines can be interpreted as caused by cool spots and magnetic regions at the surface of the star. The large-scale field is of moderate strength and highly complex; moreover, both the spot distribution and the magnetic field show significant variability on a timescale of only one week, as a likely result of strong differential rotation. Both properties make V2247Oph very different from the (more massive) prototypical cTTS BPTau; we speculate that this difference reflects the lower mass of V2247Oph. During our observations, V2247Oph was in a low-accretion state, with emission lines showing only weak levels of circular polarisation; we nevertheless find that excess emission apparently concentrates in a mid-latitude region of strong radial field, suggesting that it is the footpoint of an accretion funnel. The weaker and more complex field that we report on V2247Oph may share similarities with those of very-low-mass late-M dwarfs and potentially explain why low-mass cTTSs rotate on average faster than intermediate mass ones. These surprising results need confirmation from new independent data sets on V2247Oph and other similar low-mass cTTSs.Comment: MNRAS (in press) - 12 pages, 9 figure

    Photo-catalytic hydrogen production over Au/g-C3N4:effect of gold particle dispersion and morphology

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    Metal/semiconductor interactions affect electron transfer rates and this is central to photocatalytic hydrogen ion reduction. While this interaction has been studied in great detail on metal oxide semiconductors, not much is known of Au particles on top of polymeric semiconductors. The effects of gold nanoparticle size and dispersion on top of g-C3N4 were studied by core and valence level spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy in addition to catalytic tests. The as-prepared, non-calcined catalysts displayed Au particles with uniform dimension (mean particle size = 1.8 nm) and multiple electronic states: XPS Au 4f7/2 lines at 84.9 and 87.1 eV (each with a spin–orbit splitting of 3.6–3.7 eV). These particles, which did not show localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), before the reaction, doubled in size after the reaction giving a pronounced LSPR at about 550 nm. The effect of the heating environment on these particles (in air or in H2) was further investigated. While heating in H2 gave Au nanoparticles of different shapes, heating under O2 gave exclusively spherical particles. Similar activity towards photocatalytic hydrogen ion reduction under UV excitation was seen in both cases, however. XPS Au 4f analyses indicated that an increase in deposition time, during catalyst preparation, resulted in an increase in the initial fraction of oxidized gold particles, which were easily reduced under hydrogen. The valence band region for Au/gC3N4 was further studied in an effort to compare it to what is already known for Au/metal oxide semiconductors. A shift of over 2 eV for the Au 5d doublets was noticed between reduced and oxidized gold particles with mean particle sizes between 2 and 6 nm, which is consistent with the final state effect. A narrow range of gold loading for optimal catalytic performance was seen, where it seems that a density of one Au particle per 10 × 10 nm2 is the most suitable. Particle size and shape had a minor effect on performance, which may indicate the absence of a plasmonic effect on the reaction rate.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Panchromatic observations and modeling of the HV Tau C edge-on disk

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    We present new high spatial resolution (<~ 0.1") 1-5 micron adaptive optics images, interferometric 1.3 mm continuum and 12CO 2-1 maps, and 350 micron, 2.8 and 3.3 mm fluxes measurements of the HV Tau system. Our adaptive optics images reveal an unusually slow orbital motion within the tight HV Tau AB pair that suggests a highly eccentric orbit and/or a large deprojected physical separation. Scattered light images of the HV Tau C edge-on protoplanetary disk suggest that the anisotropy of the dust scattering phase function is almost independent of wavelength from 0.8 to 5 micron, whereas the dust opacity decreases significantly over the same range. The images further reveal a marked lateral asymmetry in the disk that does not vary over a timescale of 2 years. We further detect a radial velocity gradient in the disk in our 12CO map that lies along the same position angle as the elongation of the continuum emission, which is consistent with Keplerian rotation around an 0.5-1 Msun central star, suggesting that it could be the most massive component in the triple system. We use a powerful radiative transfer model to compute synthetic disk observations and use a Bayesian inference method to extract constraints on the disk properties. Each individual image, as well as the spectral energy distribution, of HV Tau C can be well reproduced by our models with fully mixed dust provided grain growth has already produced larger-than-interstellar dust grains. However, no single model can satisfactorily simultaneously account for all observations. We suggest that future attempts to model this source include more complex dust properties and possibly vertical stratification. (Abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, editorially accepted for publication in Ap

    Collapse of stamps for soft lithography due to interfacial adhesion

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    Collapse of elastomeric elements used for pattern transfer in soft lithography is studied through experimental measurements and theoretical modehng. The objective is to identify the driving force for such collapse. Two potential driving forces, the self-weight of the stamp and the interfacial adhesion, are investigated. An idealized configuration of periodic rectangular grooves and flat punches is considered. Experimental observations demonstrate that groove collapse occurs regardless of whether the gravitational force promotes or suppresses such collapse, indicating that self-weight is not the driving force. On the other hand, model predictions based on the postulation that interfacial adhesion is the driving force exhibit excellent agreement with the experimentally measured collapse behavior. The interfacial adhesion energy is also evaluated by matching an adhesion parameter in the model with the experimental data.open546

    Impact of Toxoplasma gondii Infection on Host Non-coding RNA Responses

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    As an intracellular microbe, Toxoplasma gondii must establish a highly intimate relationship with its host to ensure success as a parasite. Many studies over the last decade-and-a-half have highlighted how the host reshapes its immunoproteome to survive infection, and conversely how the parasite regulates host responses to ensure persistence. The role of host non-protein-coding RNA during infection is a vast and largely unexplored area of emerging interest. The potential importance of this facet of the host-parasite interaction is underscored by current estimates that as much as 80% of the host genome is transcribed into non-translated RNA. Here, we review the current state of knowledge with respect to two major classes of non-coding RNA, microRNA (miRNA) and long non-coding RNA (lncRNA), in the host response to T. gondii infection. These two classes of regulatory RNA are known to have profound and widespread effects on cell function. However, their impact on infection and immunity is not well-understood, particularly for the response to T. gondii. Nevertheless, numerous miRNAs have been identified that are upregulated by Toxoplasma, and emerging evidence suggests a functional role during infection. While the field of lncRNA is in its infancy, it is already clear that Toxoplasma is also a strong trigger for this class of regulatory RNA. Non-coding RNA responses induced by T. gondii are likely to be major determinants of the host's ability to resist infection and the parasite's ability to establish long-term latency

    Exploration of the equilibrium operating space for NSTX-Upgrade

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    This paper explores a range of high-performance equilibrium scenarios available in the NSTX-Upgrade device [J.E. Menard, submitted for publication to Nuclear Fusion]. NSTX-Upgrade is a substantial upgrade to the existing NSTX device [M. Ono, et al., Nuclear Fusion 40, 557 (2000)], with significantly higher toroidal field and solenoid capabilities, and three additional neutral beam sources with significantly larger current drive efficiency. Equilibria are computed with freeboundary TRANSP, allowing a self consistent calculation of the non-inductive current drive sources, the plasma equilibrium, and poloidal field coil current, using the realistic device geometry. The thermal profiles are taken from a variety of existing NSTX discharges, and different assumptions for the thermal confinement scalings are utilized. The no-wall and idealwall n=1 stability limits are computed with the DCON code. The central and minimum safety factors are quite sensitive to many parameters: they generally increases with large outer plasmawall gaps and higher density, but can have either trend with the confinement enhancement factor. In scenarios with strong central beam current drive, the inclusion of non-classical fast ion diffusion raises qmin, decreases the pressure peaking, and generally improves the global stability, at the expense of a reduction in the non-inductive current drive fraction; cases with less beam current drive are largely insensitive to additional fast ion diffusion. The non-inductive current level is quite sensitive to the underlying confinement and profile assumptions. For instance, for BT=1.0 T and Pinj=12.6 MW, the non-inductive current level varies from 875 kA with ITER-98y,2 thermal confinement scaling and narrow thermal profiles to 1325 kA for an ST specific scaling expression and broad profiles. This sensitivity should facilitate the determination of the correct scaling of transport with current and field to use for future fully non-inductive ST devices. Scenarios are presented which can be sustained for 8-10 seconds, or (20-30)τCR, at βN=3.8-4.5, facilitating, for instance, the study of disruption avoidance for very long pulse. Scenarios have been documented which can operate with βT~25% and equilibrated qmin&gt;1. The value of qmin can be controlled at either fixed non-inductive fraction of 100% or fixed plasma current, by varying which beam sources are used, opening the possibility for feedback qmin control. In terms of quantities like collisionality, neutron emission, non-inductive fraction, or stored energy, these scenarios represent a significant performance extension compared to NSTX and other present spherical torii

    Use of Plasmodium falciparum culture-adapted field isolates for in vitro exflagellation-blocking assay

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    International audienceA major requirement for malaria elimination is the development of transmission-blocking interventions. In vitro transmission-blocking bioassays currently mostly rely on the use of very few Plasmodium falciparum reference laboratory strains isolated decades ago. To fill a piece of the gap between laboratory experimental models and natural systems, the purpose of this work was to determine if culture-adapted field isolates of P. falciparum are suitable for in vitro transmission-blocking bioassays targeting functional maturity of male gametocytes: exflagellation. Plasmodium falciparum isolates were adapted to in vitro culture before being used for in vitro gametocyte production. Maturation was assessed by microscopic observation of gametocyte morphology over time of culture and the functional viability of male gametocytes was assessed by microscopic counting of exflagellating gametocytes. Suitability for in vitro exflagellation-blocking bioassays was determined using dihydroartemisinin and methylene blue. In vitro gametocyte production was achieved using two isolates from French Guiana and two isolates from Cambodia. Functional maturity of male gametocytes was assessed by exflagellation observations and all four isolates could be used in exflagellation-blocking bioassays with adequate response to methylene blue and dihydroartemisinin. This work shows that in vitro culture-adapted P. falciparum field isolates of different genetic background, from South America and Southeast Asia, can successfully be used for bioassays targeting the male gametocyte to gamete transition, exflagellation