125 research outputs found


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    The development of hybrid algorithms for solving complex optimization problems focuses on enhancing the strengths and compensating for the weakness of two or more complementary approaches. The goal is to intelligently combine the key elements of these approaches to find superior solutions to solve optimization problems. Optimal routing in communication network is considering a complex optimization problem. In this paper we propose a hybrid Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) and Tabu Search (TS) algorithm, this algorithm called hybrid HNN-TS algorithm. The paradigm of this hybridization is embedded. We embed the short-term memory and tabu restriction features from TS algorithm in the HNN model. The short-term memory and tabu restriction control the neuron selection process in the HNN model in order to get around the local minima problem and find an optimal solution using the HNN model to solve complex optimization problem. The proposed algorithm is intended to find the optimal path for packet transmission in the network which is fills in the field of routing problem. The optimal path that will be selected is depending on 4-tuples (delay, cost, reliability and capacity). Test results show that the propose algorithm can find path with optimal cost and a reasonable number of iterations. It also shows that the complexity of the network model won’t be a problem since the neuron selection is done heuristically

    Modeling The Power Grid Network Of Iraq

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    في الآونة الأخيرة ، أخذت نظرية الشبكات المعقدة  (Complex Networks)ٳتجاه حديث وفعال بدخولها ضمن مجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات في حياتنا. حيث تستخدم نظرية الشبكات المعقدة في تشكيل الظواهر المعقدة في النماذج القائمة على الرسم البياني التي تتألف من العقد بالٳضافة الى الحواف التي تربطها. يمكن تقييم وتحليل هذا التمثيل بٳستخدام مقاييس الشبكة مثل درجة العقدة ، معامل التجميع ، طول المسار ، المركزية، القرب، البينية ، الكثافة ، والقطر، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر. تعتبر طوبولوجيا الترابطات المعقدة لشبكات الطاقة أحد المشاكل التي ممكن مواجهتها من ناحية فهم  الشبكة أو تحليلها. لذلك ، تستخدم بعض البلدان حول العالم مفاهيم الشبكات المعقدة لنمذجة وتحليل شبكات الطاقة الخاصة بها. في هذا العمل ، تم نمذجة وتصور شبكة الكهرباء الوطنية العراقية (IPG) وتحليلها وفق نظرية الشبكات المعقدة من خلال تمثيل المحطات كعقد وخطوط نقل الكهرباء بين المحطات كحواف. هذا التحليل يتم من خلال تطبيق مقاييس خصائص الشبكة على شبكة IPG الوطنية المقترحة. أخيرا، يوفر هذا العمل تصورًا احترافيًا للشبكة التي تم إنشاؤها بناءً على التوزيع الديموغرافي وإحداثيات محطات الطاقة. وبالتالي فأن الشبكة المقترحة مفيدة لوزارة الكهرباء العراقية والتي ممكن أن يتبناها المسؤولون والمختصون من أجل فهم وتصور وتقييم أداء شبكة IPG الحالية من منظور مختلف لأنها لا تزال قيد التطوير والتحديث.Recently, the theory of Complex Networks gives a modern insight into a variety of applications in our life. Complex Networks are used to form complex phenomena into graph-based models that include nodes and edges connecting them. This representation can be analyzed by using network metrics such as node degree, clustering coefficient, path length, closeness, betweenness, density, and diameter, to mention a few. The topology of the complex interconnections of power grids is considered one of the challenges that can be faced in terms of understanding and analyzing them. Therefore, some countries use Complex Networks concepts to model their power grid networks. In this work, the Iraqi Power Grid network (IPG) has been modeled, visualized and analyzed according to the theory of Complex Networks by representing the stations as nodes and the transmission lines as edges. This analysis is done by applying network metrics to the proposed national IPG network. Finally, this work provides a professional visualization of the generated network based on the demographic distribution and the accurate coordinates of the power stations. Thus, this proposed network is useful for the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity. Besides, it can be adopted by officials and specialists to understand, visualize and evaluate the performance of the current IPG network since it is still under development and modernization

    Persepsi Masyarakat Batang Terhadap Festival Anggaran Pemerintah Kabupaten Batang (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Kecamatan Batang)

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    . Regional autonomy in Indonesia is the right, authority and obligation of autonomous regions to regulate their own affairs and interests, Including in the preparation of Local Government Budgets becomes the authority for local government. However, the existence of such authority also provides opportunities for irregularities in regional budgeting that can threaten the realization of good governance therefore, in the budgeting process it is necessary to apply principles of transparency, accountability and participation. Budget Festival Government of Batang Regency is one effort to realize the principle of good governance. Therefore, this research tries to find out the perception of society to the implementation of Budget Festival activity and also the benefit of the activity.Samples taken in the research were 100 respondents spread in Batang, Regency Of Batang, Central Java. Samples were drawn using simple random sampling technique. The data were collected by questionnaire, observation and interview. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques.The results show that 58% of respondents interpreter the Budget Festival as a means of providing information on the use of Local Government Budget, and by 22% interpreted the Budget Festival as a vehicle for participation, 8% of respondents rate as an activity to increase the popularity of Batang regency, 4% rate as a regular event and 8% respondent do not know the meaning of the activity. From the research results also known that the Budget Festival can increase public knowledge of local government budget, increase community participation and prevent the occurrence of irregularities

    Implementasi Kerjasama Pemerintah Kota Semarang dan PT. Telkom dalam Membangun Semarang Smart City

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membahas kerjasama antara Pemerintah Kota Semarang dengan PT. Telkom, mengkaji realisasi implementasi kerjasama tersebut dalam menghasilkan program-program terkait pembangunan Semarang smart city.Serta untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi pelaksanaan kerjasama tersebut.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data primer melalaui wawancara, yang dilakukan dengan informan atau key person, sedangkan pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan melalui studi dokumen, arsip, atau sumber lain yang berhubungan dengan penelitian. Data yang telah dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan teknik analisis data deskriptif-kualitatif, yang dilakukan dengan memahami data yang diperoleh dari informan dan menarik pernyataan yang relevan, kemudian dianalisis untuk menghasilkan kesimpulan atas hasil data penelitian berupa kata-kata dan kalimat.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam implementasi kerjasama antara Pemerintah Kota Semarang dan PT. Telkom dalam membangun Semarang smat city, berjalan dengan baik dan telah mampu menghasilkan program-program yang berdayaguna dan inovatif dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik. Dalam melaksanakan program-program tersebut keterlibatan birokrat tidak dapat dipisahkan, namun belum seluruh birokrat Kota Semarang mampu mengoperasionalkan teknologi dengan baik, diharapkan pemerintah dapat menyelenggarakan pelatihan atau program-program pembekalan bagi para birkorat sehingga dapat menunjang efektifitas pelaksanaan program yang telah dibangun

    Tatakelola Pemerintahan Berbasis Electronic Government Di Kabupaten Semarang (Studi Kasus Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Semarang)

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    . Electronic Government abbreviated e-Gov is the application of information and communication technology systems used and developed by the government in providing services to the community whenever and wherever people can get easy access to information and public services provided by the government. The essence of e-Gov implementation is to improve the quality of government services by utilizing information technology. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how the application of e-Gov in an effort to create Good Governance and to identify the support and obstruct factors e-Gov application in the Department of Population and Civil Registry of Semarang Regency.The research method using qualitative method with triangulation data that is observation, interview and data written or archive. Informants in this study are Head of Population Registration Services, Head of Civil Registration Services, Head of PIAK and Data Utilization and Head of Information Administration Division of Population Department of Population and Civil Registry of Semarang Regency.The results showed that the based governance of e-Gov in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang Regency is still classified in the Integration stage. Where the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang Regency has been using a variety of digitalization services to support its tasks, but it can not be done optimally. There are 4 of 5 types of transformation points that can not be fulfilled, including services to the citizens to service by the citizens, traditional citizens to the online citizens, the digital divide to digital democracy and paper-based document to government online. There are three factors that obstruct the implementation of e-Gov in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang Regency, such as communication, resources and disposition. While the driving factor is the bureaucratic structure

    Ibrutinib inhibits SDF1/CXCR4 mediated migration in AML

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    Pharmacological targeting of BTK using ibrutinib has recently shown encouraging clinical activity in a range of lymphoid malignancies. Recently we reported that ibrutinib inhibits human acute myeloid leukemia (AML) blast proliferation and leukemic cell adhesion to the surrounding bone marrow stroma cells. Here we report that in human AML ibrutinib, in addition, functions to inhibit SDF1/CXCR4-mediated AML migration at concentrations achievable in vivo. It has previously been shown that SDF1/CXCR4-induced migration is dependent on activation of downstream BTK in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and multiple myeloma. Here we show that SDF-1 induces BTK phosphorylation and downstream MAPK signalling in primary AML blast. Furthermore, we show that ibrutinib can inhibit SDF1-induced AKT and MAPK activation. These results reported here provide a molecular mechanistic rationale for clinically evaluating BTK inhibition in AML patients and suggests that in some AML patients the blasts count may initially rise in response to ibrutinib therapy, analgous to similar clinical observations in CLL

    Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan USAha Garam Rakyat (Pugar) Di Desa Kedungmutih Kecamatanwedung Kabupaten Demak Tahun 2011- 2013

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    Government policy to import salt in order to fulfill the national need has caused saltfarmers live in a poor condition, like the ones living in Kedungmutih village. This village hasbeen known as a hot spot area of poverty because its people, working as a fisherman and saltfarmer, only rely on salt production to fulfill their daily need. PUGAR program held in 2011 atKedungmutih village was hoped to be able to increase the salt farmers' prosperity. This researchaims to investigate “How is the implementation of PUGAR program at Kedungmutih village,Wedung sub-district, Demak regency in 2011-2013?” and “What are the obstacles in theimplementation of PUGAR program in Kedungmutih village, Wedung sub-district, Demakregency in 2011-2013?”.The purpose of this research is to know how PUGAR program is implemented and itsobstacles when held at Kedungmutih village, Wedung sub-district, Demak regency in 2011-2013. This research used qualitative-explorative method. There were two kinds of data, theprimary data, collected from interview with the informant or key person using snowballsamplings and the secondary data, collected from documents, archives, and other sources relatedto the research. Technique of analysis used in this research was qualitative data analysisconducted in the form of description and conclusions of the researched phenomena.The result of the research showed that “PUGAR” program at Kedungmutih village heldin 2011-2013 is less optimal because there are unresolved problems. These problems are saltfarmers' inability in applying technology in salt production, problems in marketing due to theexistence of middlemen, and salt farmers' inability to produce the best quality salt (KW1). Therecommendations are that the Salt Farmers Assistant Team should assist salt farmers in applyingtechnology in salt farming and that it is necessary for the government to establish salt farmers'cooperative (KOGAR)

    Evaluasi Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Di Kabupaten Sragen

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    Poverty reduction policies which conducted by UPT-PK become a good innovation to help poor people in Sragen to meet their basic needs. Programs provided in either the health, education, and socio and conomic sector are capable of providing benefits and advantages for poor people, thus it become a manifestation of government concern towards poor people.Practice the existing poverty reduction process is always done based on Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). With the existing procedure, the poverty services will be systematically served in one place (one stop service). Verification mechanism generates database completely valid and trustworthy, so that the goal of the poverty reduction will be reached. The existence of a partnership with the agency or company is able to simultaneously support an optimize all types of existing programs. Commitment to poverty reduction programs given is designed so that the poor have easy access in terms of basic needs. In addition to existed program, UPT-PK should further develop promoting community-based programs so that communities also take an active role in improving their lives