552 research outputs found

    Charge transport through weakly open one dimensional quantum wires

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    We consider resonant transmission through a finite-length quantum wire connected to leads via finite transparency junctions. The coherent electron transport is strongly modified by the Coulomb interaction. The low-temperature current-voltage (IVIV) curves show step-like dependence on the bias voltage determined by the distance between the quantum levels inside the conductor, the pattern being dependent on the ratio between the charging energy and level spacing. If the system is tuned close to the resonance condition by the gate voltage, the low-voltage IVIV curve is Ohmic. At large Coulomb energy and low temperatures, the conductance is temperature-independent for any relationship between temperature, level spacing, and coupling between the wire and the leads

    Quantum point contact due to Fermi-level pinning and doping profiles in semiconductor nanocolumns

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    We show that nanoscale doping profiles inside a nanocolumn in combination with Fermi-level pinning at the surface give rise to the formation of a saddle-point in the potential profile. Consequently, the lateral confinement inside the channel varies along the transport direction, yielding an embedded quantum point contact. An analytical estimation of the quantization energies will be given

    Negative 4-Probe Conductances of Mesoscopic Superconducting Wires

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    We analyze the longitudinal 4-probe conductance of mesoscopic normal and superconducting wires and predict that in the superconducting case, large negative values can arise for both the weakly disordered and localized regimes. This contrasts sharply with the behaviour of the longitudinal 4-probe conductance of normal wires, which in the localized limit is always exponentially small and positive.Comment: Latex, 3 figures available on request to [email protected] (Simon Robinson

    Ballistic Composite Fermions in Semiconductor Nanostructures

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    We report the results of two fundamental transport measurements at a Landau level filling factor ν\nu of 1/2. The well known ballistic electron transport phenomena of quenching of the Hall effect in a mesoscopic cross-junction and negative magnetoresistance of a constriction are observed close to B~=~0 and ν = 1/2\nu~=~ 1/2. The experimental results demonstrate semi-classical charge transport by composite fermions, which consist of electrons bound to an even number of flux quanta.Comment: 9 pages TeX 3.1415 C version 6.1, 3 PostScript figure

    Evidence for a colour dependence in the size distribution of main belt asteroids

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    We present the results of a project to detect small (~1 km) main-belt asteroids with the 3.6 meter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). We observed in 2 filters (MegaPrime g' and r') in order to compare the results in each band. Owing to the observational cadence we did not observe the same asteroids through each filter and thus do not have true colour information. However strong differences in the size distributions as seen in the two filters point to a colour-dependence at these sizes, perhaps to be expected in this regime where asteroid cohesiveness begins to be dominated by physical strength and composition rather than by gravity. The best fit slopes of the cumulative size distributions (CSDs) in both filters tend towards lower values for smaller asteroids, consistent with the results of previous studies. In addition to this trend, the size distributions seen in the two filters are distinctly different, with steeper slopes in r' than in g'. Breaking our sample up according to semimajor axis, the difference between the filters in the inner belt is found to be somewhat less pronounced than in the middle and outer belt, but the CSD of those asteroids seen in the r' filter is consistently and significantly steeper than in g' throughout. The CSD slopes also show variations with semimajor axis within a given filter, particularly in r'. We conclude that the size distribution of main belt asteroids is likely to be colour dependent at kilometer sizes and that this dependence may vary across the belt.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Quantum Point Contacts and Coherent Electron Focusing

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    I. Introduction II. Electrons at the Fermi level III. Conductance quantization of a quantum point contact IV. Optical analogue of the conductance quantization V. Classical electron focusing VI. Electron focusing as a transmission problem VII. Coherent electron focusing (Experiment, Skipping orbits and magnetic edge states, Mode-interference and coherent electron focusing) VIII. Other mode-interference phenomenaComment: #3 of a series of 4 legacy reviews on QPC'

    A linear nonequilibrium thermodynamics approach to optimization of thermoelectric devices

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    Improvement of thermoelectric systems in terms of performance and range of applications relies on progress in materials science and optimization of device operation. In this chapter, we focuse on optimization by taking into account the interaction of the system with its environment. For this purpose, we consider the illustrative case of a thermoelectric generator coupled to two temperature baths via heat exchangers characterized by a thermal resistance, and we analyze its working conditions. Our main message is that both electrical and thermal impedance matching conditions must be met for optimal device performance. Our analysis is fundamentally based on linear nonequilibrium thermodynamics using the force-flux formalism. An outlook on mesoscopic systems is also given.Comment: Chapter 14 in "Thermoelectric Nanomaterials", Editors Kunihito Koumoto and Takao Mori, Springer Series in Materials Science Volume 182 (2013

    Crossover from mesoscopic to universal phase for electron transmission in quantum dots

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    Measuring phase in coherent electron systems (mesoscopic systems) provides ample information not easily revealed by conductance measurements. Phase measurements in relatively large quantum dots (QDs) recently demonstrated a universal like phase evolution independent of dot size, shape, and occupancy. Explicitly, in Coulomb blockaded QDs the transmission phase increased monotonically by pi throughout each conductance peak, thereafter, in the conductance valleys the phase returned sharply to its base value. Expected mesoscopic features in the phase, related to spin degeneracy or to exchange effects, were never observed. Presently, there is no satisfactory full explanation for the observed phase universality. Unfortunately, the phase in a few-electron QDs, where it can be better understood was never measured. Here we report on such measurements on a small QD that occupy only 1-20 electrons. Such dot was embedded in one arm of a two path electron interferometer, with an electron counter near the dot. Unlike the repetitive behavior found in larger dots we found now mesoscopic features for dot occupation of less than some 10 electrons. An unexpected feature in this regime is a clear observation of the occupation of two different orbital states by the first two electrons - contrary to the recent publications. As the occupation increased the phase evolved and turned universal like for some 14 electrons and higher. The present measurements allowed us to determine level occupancy and parity. More importantly, they suggest that QDs go through a phase transition, from mesoscopic to universal like behavior, as the occupancy increases. These measurements help in singling out potential few theoretical models among the many proposed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Sensitivity and back-action in charge qubit measurements by a strongly coupled single-electron transistor

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    We consider charge-qubit monitoring (continuous-in-time weak measurement) by a single-electron transistor (SET) operating in the sequential-tunneling regime. We show that commonly used master equations for this regime are not of the Lindblad form that is necessary and sufficient for guaranteeing valid physical states. In this paper we derive a Lindblad-form master equation and a corresponding quantum trajectory model for continuous measurement of the charge qubit by a SET. Our approach requires that the SET-qubit coupling be strong compared to the SET tunnelling rates. We present an analysis of the quality of the qubit measurement in this model (sensitivity versus back-action). Typically, the strong coupling when the SET island is occupied causes back-action on the qubit beyond the quantum back-action necessary for its sensitivity, and hence the conditioned qubit state is mixed. However, in one strongly coupled, asymmetric regime, the SET can approach the limit of an ideal detector with an almost pure conditioned state. We also quantify the quality of the SET using more traditional concepts such as the measurement time and decoherence time, which we have generalized so as to treat the strongly responding regime.Comment: About 11 pages, 6 figures. Changes in v2: we made general improvements to the manuscript including, but not limited to(!), the removal of one reference, and modification of the footnote

    Non-equilibrium transport through a vertical quantum dot in the absence of spin-flip energy relaxation

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    We investigate non-equilibrium transport in the absence of spin-flip energy relaxation in a few-electron quantum dot artificial atom. Novel non-equilibrium tunneling processes involving high-spin states which cannot be excited from the ground state because of spin-blockade, and other processes involving more than two charge states are observed. These processes cannot be explained by orthodox Coulomb blockade theory. The absence of effective spin relaxation induces considerable fluctuation of the spin, charge, and total energy of the quantum dot. Although these features are revealed clearly by pulse excitation measurements, they are also observed in conventional dc current characteristics of quantum dots.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.Let