1,904 research outputs found

    Comments on Baryon Melting in Quark Gluon Plasma with Gluon Condensation

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    We consider a black hole solution with a non-trivial dilaton from IIB super gravity which is expected to describe a strongly coupled hot gauge plasma with non-vanishing gluon condensation present. We construct a rotating and moving baryon to probe the screening and phases of the plasma. Melting of the baryons in hot plasma in this background had been studied previously, however, we show that baryons melt much lower temperature than has been suggested previously.Comment: 3 figures, 12 page

    μτ\mu-\tau Symmetry and Radiatively Generated Leptogenesis

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    We consider a μτ\mu-\tau symmetry in neutrino sectors realized at GUT scale in the context of a seesaw model. In our scenario, the exact μτ\mu-\tau symmetry realized in the basis where the charged lepton and heavy Majorana neutrino mass matrices are diagonal leads to vanishing lepton asymmetries. We find that, in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the seesaw model with large tanβ\tan\beta, the renormalization group (RG) evolution from GUT scale to seesaw scale can induce a successful leptogenesis even without introducing any symmetry breaking terms by hand, whereas such RG effects lead to tiny deviations of θ23\theta_{23} and θ13\theta_{13} from π/4\pi/4 and zero, respectively. It is shown that the right amount of the baryon asymmetry ηB\eta_B can be achieved via so-called resonant leptogenesis, which can be realized at rather low seesaw scale with large tanβ\tan\beta in our scenario so that the well-known gravitino problem is safely avoided.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Published in PR

    The Dropping of In-Medium Hadron Mass in Holographic QCD

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    We study the baryon density dependence of the vector meson spectrum using the D4/D6 system together with the compact D4 baryon vertex. We find that the vector meson mass decreases almost linearly in density at low density for small quark mass, but saturates to a finite non-zero value for large density. We also compute the density dependence of the η\eta\prime mass and the η\eta\prime velocity. We find that in medium, our model is consistent with the GMOR relation up to a few times the normal nuclear density. We compare our hQCD predictions with predictions made based on hidden local gauge theory that is constructed to model QCD.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Modulation of SIRT1-foxo1 signaling axis by resveratrol: Implications in skeletal muscle aging and insulin resistance

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    © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel. Aging individuals and diabetic patients often exhibit concomitant reductions of skeletal muscle mass/strength and insulin sensitivity, suggesting an intimate link between muscle aging and insulin resistance. Foxo1, a member of the FOXO transcription factor family, is an important player in insulin signaling due to its inhibitory role in glucose uptake and utilization in skeletal muscle. Phosphorylation of Foxo1 is thought to mitigate the transactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase lipoamide kinase 4 (PDK4), which is a negative regulator of the glycolytic enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH). In contrast, how aging would regulate acetylation/deacetylation machineries and glucose utilization in skeletal muscle through the Foxo1/PDH axis remains largely undetermined. Accumulating body of evidence have shown that resveratrol, a natural polyphenol in grapes and red wine, activates the longevity-related protein sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) and augments insulin sensitivity in addition to its well-documented effects on mitochondrial energetics. The present review summarizes the role of Foxo1/SIRT1 in insulin signaling in skeletal muscle and proposes the insight that activation of SIRT1 deacetylase activity to deacetylate and suppress the Foxo1-induced transactivation of PDK4 may represent an anti-hyperglycemic mechanism of resveratrol in aging skeletal muscle.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Cold Dense Baryonic Matter and Compact Stars

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    Probing dense hadronic matter is thus far an uncharted field of physics. Here we give a brief summary of the highlights of what has been so far accomplished and what will be done in the years ahead by the World Class University III Project at Hanyang University in the endeavor to unravel and elucidate the multifacet of the cold dense baryonic matter existing in the interior of the densest visible stable object in the Universe, i.e., neutron stars, strangeness stars and/or quark stars, from a modest and simplified starting point of an effective field theory modeled on the premise of QCD as well as from a gravity dual approach of hQCD. The core of the matter of our research is the possible origin of the 99\sim 99% of the proton mass that is to be accounted for and how the "vacuum" can be tweaked so that the source of the mass generation can be uncovered by measurements made in terrestrial as well as space laboratories. Some of the issues treated in the program concern what can be done - both theoretically and experimentally - in anticipation of what's to come for basic physics research in Korea.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures; Based on the review prepared for the "2011 World Class University (WCU) International Conference," August 2011, Seoul, Kore

    Light-cone Gauge NSR Strings in Noncritical Dimensions II -- Ramond Sector

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    Light-cone gauge superstring theory in noncritical dimensions corresponds to a worldsheet theory with nonstandard longitudinal part in the conformal gauge. The longitudinal part of the worldsheet theory is a superconformal field theory called X^{\pm} CFT. We show that the X^{\pm} CFT combined with the super-reparametrization ghost system can be described by free variables. It is possible to express the correlation functions in terms of these free variables. Bosonizing the free variables, we construct the spin fields and BRST invariant vertex operators for the Ramond sector in the conformal gauge formulation. By using these vertex operators, we can rewrite the tree amplitudes of the noncritical light-cone gauge string field theory, with external lines in the (R,R) sector as well as those in the (NS,NS) sector, in a BRST invariant way.Comment: 33 pages; v2: minor modification

    Spacetime Fermions in Light-cone Gauge Superstring Field Theory and Dimensional Regularization

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    We consider the dimensional regularization of the light-cone gauge type II superstring field theories in the NSR formalism. In the previous work, we have calculated the tree-level amplitudes with external lines in the (NS,NS) sector using the regularization and shown that the desired results are obtained without introducing contact term interactions. In this work, we study the tree-level amplitudes with external lines in the Ramond sector. In order to deal with them, we propose a worldsheet theory to be used instead of that for the naive dimensional regularization. With the worldsheet theory, we regularize and define the tree-level amplitudes by analytic continuation. We show that the results coincide with those of the first quantized formulation.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures; v2: more details of our manipulations in subsection 3.2 added, figures and references added; v3: clarifications adde

    A Detailed Analysis of One-loop Neutrino Masses from the Generic Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    In the generic supersymmetric standard model which had no global symmetry enforced by hand, lepton number violation is a natural consequence. Supersymmetry, hence, can be considered the source of experimentally demanded beyond standard model properties for the neutrinos. With an efficient formulation of the model, we perform a comprehensive detailed analysis of all one-loop contributions to neutrino masses.Comment: 27 pages Revtex, no figur

    Hawking-Page Phase Transition of black Dp-branes and R-charged black holes with an IR Cutoff

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    We show that the confinement-deconfinement phase transition of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with 16 supercharges in various dimensions can be realized through the Hawking-Page phase transition between the near horizon geometries of black Dp-branes and BPS Dp-branes by removing a small radius region in the geometry in order to realize a confinement phase, which generalizes the Herzog's discussion for the holographic hard-wall AdS/QCD model. Removing a small radius region in the gravitational dual corresponds to introducing an IR cutoff in the dual field theory. We also discuss the Hawking-Page phase transition between thermal AdS5AdS_5, AdS4AdS_4, AdS7AdS_7 spaces and R-charged AdS black holes coming from the spherical reduction of the decoupling limit of rotating D3-, M2-, and M5- branes in type IIB supergravity and 11 dimensional supergravity in grand canonical ensembles, where the IR cutoff also plays a crucial role in the existence of the phase transition.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figures, JHEP3, v2, references added, v3, some explanations adde

    Higgs Boson Bounds in Three and Four Generation Scenarios

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    In light of recent experimental results, we present updated bounds on the lightest Higgs boson mass in the Standard Model (SM) and in the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM). The vacuum stability lower bound on the pure SM Higgs boson mass when the SM is taken to be valid up to the Planck scale lies above the MSSM lightest Higgs boson mass upper bound for a large amount of SUSY parameter space. If the lightest Higgs boson is detected with a mass M_{H} < 134 GeV (150 GeV) for a top quark mass M_{top} = 172 GeV (179 GeV), it may indicate the existence of a fourth generation of fermions. The region of inconsistency is removed and the MSSM is salvagable for such values of M_{H} if one postulates the existence of a fourth generation of leptons and quarks with isodoublet degenerate masses M_{L} and M_{Q} such that 60 GeV 170 GeV.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. To be published in Physical Review