1,341 research outputs found

    X-ray Evidence for Spectroscopic Diversity of Type Ia Supernovae: XMM observation of the elemental abundance pattern in M87

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    We present the results of a detailed element abundance study of hot gas in M87, observed by XMM-Newton. We choose two radial bins, 1'-3' and 8'-16' (8'-14' for EMOS; hereafter the central and the outer zones), where the temperature is almost constant, to carry out the detailed abundance measurements of O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe and Ni using EPIC-PN (EPN) and -MOS (EMOS) data. First, we find that the element abundance pattern in the central compared to the outer zone in M87 is characterized by SN Ia enrichment of a high (roughly solar) ratio of Si-group elements (Si, S, Ar, Ca) to Fe, implying that Si burning in SN Ia is highly incomplete. In nucleosynthesis modeling this is associated with either a lower density of the deflagration-detonation transition and/or lower C/O and/or lower central ignition density and observationally detected as optically subluminous SNe Ia in early-type galaxies. Second, we find that SN Ia enrichment has a systematically lower ratio of the Si-group elements to Fe by 0.2 dex in the outer zone associated with the ICM of the Virgo cluster. We find that such a ratio and even lower values by another 0.1 dex are a characteristic of the ICM in many clusters using observed Si:S:Fe ratios as found with ASCA. Third, the Ni/Fe ratio in the central zone of M87 is 1.5+/-0.3 solar (meteoritic), while values around 3 times solar are reported for other clusters. In modeling of SN Ia, this implies a reduced influence of fast deflagration SN Ia models in the chemical enrichment of M87's ISM. Thus, to describe the SN Ia metal enrichment in clusters, both deflagration as well as delayed detonation scenarios are required, supporting a similar conclusion, derived from optical studies on SNe Ia. Abridged.Comment: 11 pages, A&A, in pres

    Intermediate Element Abundances in Galaxy Clusters

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    We present the average abundances of the intermediate elements obtained by performing a stacked analysis of all the galaxy clusters in the archive of the X-ray telescope ASCA. We determine the abundances of Fe, Si, S, and Ni as a function of cluster temperature (mass) from 1--10 keV, and place strong upper limits on the abundances of Ca and Ar. In general, Si and Ni are overabundant with respect to Fe, while Ar and Ca are very underabundant. The discrepancy between the abundances of Si, S, Ar, and Ca indicate that the alpha-elements do not behave homogeneously as a single group. We show that the abundances of the most well-determined elements Fe, Si, and S in conjunction with recent theoretical supernovae yields do not give a consistent solution for the fraction of material produced by Type Ia and Type II supernovae at any temperature or mass. The general trend is for higher temperature clusters to have more of their metals produced in Type II supernovae than in Type Ias. The inconsistency of our results with abundances in the Milky Way indicate that spiral galaxies are not the dominant metal contributors to the intracluster medium (ICM). The pattern of elemental abundances requires an additional source of metals beyond standard SNIa and SNII enrichment. The properties of this new source are well matched to those of Type II supernovae with very massive, metal-poor progenitor stars. These results are consistent with a significant fraction of the ICM metals produced by an early generation of population III stars.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 7 tables. Submitted to Ap

    The Contribution of Population III to the Enrichment and Preheating of the Intracluster Medium

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    Intracluster medium (ICM) abundances are higher than expected assuming enrichment by supernovae with progenitors belonging to the simple stellar population (SSP) observed in cluster galaxies, if stars formed with a standard initial mass function (IMF). Moreover, new results on ICM oxygen abundances imply that nucleosynthesis occurred with nonstandard yields. The hypothesis that hypernovae (HN) in general, and HN associated with Population III (Pop III) stars in particular, may significantly contribute to ICM enrichment is presented and evaluated. The observed abundance anomalies can be explained by a hypernovae-producing subpopulation of the SSP, but only if it accounts for half of all supernova explosions and if Type Ia supernova rates are very low. Also, the implied energy release may be excessive. However, an independent Pop III contribution -- in the form of metal-free, very massive stars that evolve into hypernovae -- can also account for all the observed abundances, while avoiding these drawbacks and accommodating a normal IMF in subsequent stellar generations. The required number of Pop III stars provides sufficient energy injection (at high redshift) to explain the ICM ``entropy floor''. Pop III hypernova pre-enrich the intergalactic medium, and can produce a significant fraction of the metals observed in the Lyman-alpha forest. Several testable predictions for ICM and IGM observations are made.Comment: 15 pages Latex including 1 encapsulated postscript file; ApJ, in pres

    Schwinger model on a half-line

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    We study the Schwinger model on a half-line in this paper. In particular, we investigate the behavior of the chiral condensate near the edge of the line. The effect of the chosen boundary condition is emphasized. The extension to the finite temperature case is straightforward in our approach.Comment: 4 pages, no figure. Final version to be published on Phys. Rev.

    Recent X-ray Observations and the Evolution of Hot Gas in Elliptical Galaxies: Evidence for Circumgalactic Gas

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    X-ray emitting gaseous halos, such as that in elliptical galaxies like NGC 4472, cannot have been produced solely from gas expelled from galactic stars. In traditional models for the evolution of hot interstellar gas (cooling flows) in ellipticals, the galaxies are assumed to have been cleared of gas by SNII-driven winds at some early time then gas is subsequently replenished by mass loss from an evolving population of old stars. To test this, we accurately determine the stellar and dark halo mass of NGC 4472 using hydrostatic equilibrium, then solve the standard time-dependent cooling flow equations to recover the observed hot gas temperature and density distributions when evolved to the present time. This procedure fails: the computed gas density gradient is too steep, the total gas mass is too low, and the gas temperatures are much too low. All variants on this basic procedure also fail: increasing the SNIa rate, using the mass dropout assumption, arbitrarily adjusting uncertain coefficients, etc. However, agreement is achieved if the galaxy is supplied with additional, spatially-extended hot gas early in its evolution. This old ``circumgalactic'' gas can be retained to the present time and may be related to cosmological ``secondary infall''.Comment: 15 pages in two-column AASTEX LaTeX including 1 table and 8 figures; abstract corrected in replacement; accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray Spectroscopy of the Core of the Perseus Cluster with Suzaku: Elemental Abundances in the Intracluster Medium

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    The results from Suzaku observations of the central region of the Perseus cluster are presented. Deep exposures with the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer provide high quality X-ray spectra from the intracluster medium. X-ray lines from helium-like Cr and Mn have been detected significantly for the first time in clusters. In addition, elemental abundances of Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, and Ni are accurately measured within 10' (or 220 kpc) from the cluster center. The relative abundance ratios are found to be within a range of 0.8-1.5 times the solar value. These abundance ratios are compared with previous measurements, those in extremely metal-poor stars in the Galaxy, and theoretical models.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for ApJ

    Robustness of Learning That Is Based on Covariance-Driven Synaptic Plasticity

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    It is widely believed that learning is due, at least in part, to long-lasting modifications of the strengths of synapses in the brain. Theoretical studies have shown that a family of synaptic plasticity rules, in which synaptic changes are driven by covariance, is particularly useful for many forms of learning, including associative memory, gradient estimation, and operant conditioning. Covariance-based plasticity is inherently sensitive. Even a slight mistuning of the parameters of a covariance-based plasticity rule is likely to result in substantial changes in synaptic efficacies. Therefore, the biological relevance of covariance-based plasticity models is questionable. Here, we study the effects of mistuning parameters of the plasticity rule in a decision making model in which synaptic plasticity is driven by the covariance of reward and neural activity. An exact covariance plasticity rule yields Herrnstein's matching law. We show that although the effect of slight mistuning of the plasticity rule on the synaptic efficacies is large, the behavioral effect is small. Thus, matching behavior is robust to mistuning of the parameters of the covariance-based plasticity rule. Furthermore, the mistuned covariance rule results in undermatching, which is consistent with experimentally observed behavior. These results substantiate the hypothesis that approximate covariance-based synaptic plasticity underlies operant conditioning. However, we show that the mistuning of the mean subtraction makes behavior sensitive to the mistuning of the properties of the decision making network. Thus, there is a tradeoff between the robustness of matching behavior to changes in the plasticity rule and its robustness to changes in the properties of the decision making network

    KeV Warm Dark Matter and Composite Neutrinos

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    Elementary keV sterile Dirac neutrinos can be a natural ingredient of the composite neutrino scenario. For a certain class of composite neutrino theories, these sterile neutrinos naturally have the appropriate mixing angles to be resonantly produced warm dark matter (WDM). Alternatively, we show these sterile neutrinos can be WDM produced by an entropy-diluted thermal freeze-out, with the necessary entropy production arising not from an out-of-equilibrium decay, but rather from the confinement of the composite neutrino sector, provided there is sufficient supercooling.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, published versio
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