2,059 research outputs found

    Use of bolted steel plates for strengthening of reinforced concrete beams and columns

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    Reinforced concrete (RC) structures often need strengthening due to defective construction, having higher loads than those foreseen in the initial design of the structure, or as a result of material deterioration or accidental damage. The need for strengthening concrete structures has become a crucial problem not only in developed countries but also in China and other developing countries. The use of bolted steel plates to retrofit existing RC structural components has been proven experimentally and practically to be effective in solving the problem. In this article, experimental and numerical studies conducted at The University of Hong Kong on the strengthening of RCcoupling beams, floor beams, and columns using bolted external steel plates are summarised. Features and design principles of this strengthening method are discussed. © 2011 The Institution of Engineers, Singapore.postprin

    Local syzygies of multiplier ideals

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    In recent years, multiplier ideals have found many applications in local and global algebraic geometry. Because of their importance, there has been some interest in the question of which ideals on a smooth complex variety can be realized as multiplier ideals. Other than integral closure no local obstructions have been known up to now, and in dimension two it was established by Favre-Jonsson and Lipman-Watanabe that any integrally closed ideal is locally a multiplier ideal. We prove the somewhat unexpected result that multiplier ideals in fact satisfy some rather strong algebraic properties involving higher syzygies. It follows that in dimensions three and higher, multiplier ideals are very special among all integrally closed ideals.Comment: 8 page

    Section Extension from Hyperbolic Geometry of Punctured Disk and Holomorphic Family of Flat Bundles

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    The construction of sections of bundles with prescribed jet values plays a fundamental role in problems of algebraic and complex geometry. When the jet values are prescribed on a positive dimensional subvariety, it is handled by theorems of Ohsawa-Takegoshi type which give extension of line bundle valued square-integrable top-degree holomorphic forms from the fiber at the origin of a family of complex manifolds over the open unit 1-disk when the curvature of the metric of line bundle is semipositive. We prove here an extension result when the curvature of the line bundle is only semipositive on each fiber with negativity on the total space assumed bounded from below and the connection of the metric locally bounded, if a square-integrable extension is known to be possible over a double point at the origin. It is a Hensel-lemma-type result analogous to Artin's application of the generalized implicit function theorem to the theory of obstruction in deformation theory. The motivation is the need in the abundance conjecture to construct pluricanonical sections from flatly twisted pluricanonical sections. We also give here a new approach to the original theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi by using the hyperbolic geometry of the punctured open unit 1-disk to reduce the original theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi to a simple application of the standard method of constructing holomorphic functions by solving the d-bar equation with cut-off functions and additional blowup weight functions

    Initial uptake, time to treatment, and real-world effectiveness of all-oral direct-acting antivirals for hepatitis C virus infection in the United States: A retrospective cohort analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Data on initiation and utilization of direct-acting antiviral therapies for hepatitis C virus infection in the United States are limited. This study evaluated treatment initiation, time to treatment, and real-world effectiveness of direct-acting antiviral therapy in individuals with hepatitis C virus infection treated during the first 2 years of availability of all-oral direct-acting antiviral therapies. METHODS: A retrospective cohort analysis was undertaken using electronic medical records and chart review abstraction of hepatitis C virus-infected individuals aged >18 years diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C virus infection between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2015 from the Indiana University Health database. RESULTS: Eight hundred thirty people initiated direct-acting antiviral therapy during the 2-year observation window. The estimated incidence of treatment initiation was 8.8%±0.34% at the end of year 1 and 15.0%±0.5% at the end of year 2. Median time to initiating therapy was 300 days. Using a Cox regression analysis, positive predictors of treatment initiation included age (hazard ratio, 1.008), prior hepatitis C virus treatment (1.74), cirrhosis (2.64), and history of liver transplant (1.5). History of drug abuse (0.43), high baseline alanine aminotransferase levels (0.79), hepatitis B virus infection (0.41), and self-pay (0.39) were negatively associated with treatment initiation. In the evaluable population (n = 423), 83.9% (95% confidence interval, 80.1-87.3%) of people achieved sustained virologic response. CONCLUSION: In the early years of the direct-acting antiviral era, <10% of people diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C virus infection received direct-acting antiviral treatment; median time to treatment initiation was 300 days. Future analyses should evaluate time to treatment initiation among those with less advanced fibrosis

    As ilhas, os arquivos e a história : o caso dos Açores

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    Nos Açores, a força da geografia define o carácter da história, que evidencia expressões bem diferenciadas. Por um lado, as ilhas agem como meio de aproximação dos continentes, equivalendo a um sinónimo de universalidade, que resulta de um privilegiado posicionamento no Atlântico Norte, movido pelo determinismo do mar e pelas condições da navegação à vela. Por outro lado, as ilhas figuram como factor de cristalização de comportamentos, correspondendo a um sinónimo de isolamento, motivado pelo afastamento do mundo e pela descontinuidade territorial interna. Nestas circunstâncias, os planos insulares de pesquisa histórica primam naturalmente pela pluralidade dos objectivos. Assim, demonstram uma participação muito activa na construção do mundo atlântico, que obriga à integração das investigações açorianas nas categorias mais universais do saber, mas aconselham também à realização de estudos de incidência local, conducentes à individualização de idiossincracias, que derivam da divisão do arquipélago em nove parcelas muito desiguais. Em 1979, por altura da publicação do seu livro O Arquipélago dos Açores no Século XVII: aspectos sócio-económicos (1575-1675), Maria Olímpia da Rocha Gil reconhece precisamente a indispensabilidade do desenvolvimento da investigação histórica açoriana de acordo com duas linhas ao mesmo tempo dissemelhantes e convergentes: “... em primeiro, aquela que nos leva a considerar que a história do arquipélago se integra no longo processo da história do Atlântico; em segundo lugar, a que se orienta para o estudo da evolução histórica local tendo em conta as características que lhe são próprias”. No entanto, desde tempos quase imemoriais, diversos cronistas e historiadores evidenciam um entendimento muito semelhante, que certifica a complexidade dos estudos históricos insulares. A comprová-lo, atentemos nas Saudades da Terra do Doutor Gaspar Frutuoso, redigidas logo no termo do século XVI, que relevam de uma assentada as especificidades locais, as correlações com os demais arquipélagos da Macaronésia e o envolvimento nas dinâmicas do Atlântico. [...

    Trust as a mediator in the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and IL-6 level in adulthood

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    Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has been shown to predict the coupling of depression and inflammation in adulthood. Trust within intimate relationships, a core element in marital relations, has been shown to predict positive physical and mental health outcomes, but the mediating role of trust in partners in the association between CSA and inflammation in adulthood requires further study. The present study aimed to examine the impact of CSA on inflammatory biomarkers (IL-6 and IL-1β) in adults with depression and the mediating role of trust. A cross-sectional survey data set of adults presenting with mood and sleep disturbance was used in the analysis. CSA demonstrated a significant negative correlation with IL-6 level (r = -0.28, p&lt;0. 01) in adults with clinically significant depression, while trust showed a significant positive correlation with IL-6 level (r = 0.36, p &lt; .01). Sobel test and bootstrapping revealed a significant mediating role for trust between CSA and IL-6 level. CSA and trust in partners were revealed to have significant associations with IL-6 level in adulthood. Counterintuitively, the directions of association were not those expected. Trust played a mediating role between CSA and adulthood levels of IL-6. Plausible explanations for these counterintuitive findings are discussed

    Extension of holomorphic functions and cohomology classes from non reduced analytic subvarieties

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    The goal of this survey is to describe some recent results concerning the L 2 extension of holomorphic sections or cohomology classes with values in vector bundles satisfying weak semi-positivity properties. The results presented here are generalized versions of the Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem, and borrow many techniques from the long series of papers by T. Ohsawa. The recent achievement that we want to point out is that the surjectivity property holds true for restriction morphisms to non necessarily reduced subvarieties, provided these are defined as zero varieties of multiplier ideal sheaves. The new idea involved to approach the existence problem is to make use of L 2 approximation in the Bochner-Kodaira technique. The extension results hold under curvature conditions that look pretty optimal. However, a major unsolved problem is to obtain natural (and hopefully best possible) L 2 estimates for the extension in the case of non reduced subvarieties -- the case when Y has singularities or several irreducible components is also a substantial issue.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.00292, arXiv:1510.0523

    Positivity of relative canonical bundles and applications

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    Given a family f:XSf:\mathcal X \to S of canonically polarized manifolds, the unique K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on the fibers induce a hermitian metric on the relative canonical bundle KX/S\mathcal K_{\mathcal X/S}. We use a global elliptic equation to show that this metric is strictly positive on X\mathcal X, unless the family is infinitesimally trivial. For degenerating families we show that the curvature form on the total space can be extended as a (semi-)positive closed current. By fiber integration it follows that the generalized Weil-Petersson form on the base possesses an extension as a positive current. We prove an extension theorem for hermitian line bundles, whose curvature forms have this property. This theorem can be applied to a determinant line bundle associated to the relative canonical bundle on the total space. As an application the quasi-projectivity of the moduli space Mcan\mathcal M_{\text{can}} of canonically polarized varieties follows. The direct images RnpfΩX/Sp(KX/Sm)R^{n-p}f_*\Omega^p_{\mathcal X/S}(\mathcal K_{\mathcal X/S}^{\otimes m}), m>0m > 0, carry natural hermitian metrics. We prove an explicit formula for the curvature tensor of these direct images. We apply it to the morphisms SpTSRpfΛpTX/SS^p \mathcal T_S \to R^pf_*\Lambda^p\mathcal T_{\mathcal X/S} that are induced by the Kodaira-Spencer map and obtain a differential geometric proof for hyperbolicity properties of Mcan\mathcal M_{\text{can}}.Comment: Supercedes arXiv:0808.3259v4 and arXiv:1002.4858v2. To appear in Invent. mat