108 research outputs found

    Modeling fluid flow in sedimentary basins with sill intrusions: Implications for hydrothermal venting and climate change

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    Large volumes of magma emplaced within sedimentary basins have been linked to multiple climate change events due to release of greenhouse gases such as CH4. Basin-scale estimates of thermogenic methane generation show that this process alone could generate enough greenhouse gases to trigger global incidents. However, the rates at which these gases are transported and released into the atmosphere are quantitatively unknown. We use a 2D, hybrid FEM/FVM model that solves for fully compressible fluid flow to quantify the thermogenic release and transport of methane and to evaluate flow patterns within these systems. Our results show that the methane generation potential in systems with fluid flow does not significantly differ from that estimated in diffusive systems. The values diverge when vigorous convection occurs with a maximum variation of about 50%. The fluid migration pattern around a cooling, impermeable sill alone generates hydrothermal plumes without the need for other processes such as boiling and/or explosive degassing. These fluid pathways are rooted at the edges of the outer sills consistent with seismic imaging. Methane venting at the surface occurs in three distinct stages and can last for hundreds of thousands of years. Our simulations suggest that although the quantity of methane potentially generated within the contact aureole can cause catastrophic climate change, the rate at which this methane is released into the atmosphere is too slow to trigger, by itself, some of the negative δ13C excursions observed in the fossil record over short time scales (< 10,000 years)

    Ring-Pattern Dynamics in Smectic-C* and Smectic-C_A* Freely Suspended Liquid Crystal Films

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    Ring patterns of concentric 2pi-solitons in molecular orientation, form in freely suspended chiral smectic-C films in response to an in-plane rotating electric field. We present measurements of the zero-field relaxation of ring patterns and of the driven dynamics of ring formation under conditions of synchronous winding, and a simple model which enables their quantitative description in low polarization DOBAMBC. In smectic C_A* TFMHPOBC we observe an odd-even layer number effect, with odd number layer films exhibiting order of magnitude slower relaxation rates than even layer films. We show that this rate difference is due to much larger spontaneous polarization in odd number layer films.Comment: 4 RevTeX pgs, 4 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Impact of permeability evolution in igneous sills on hydrothermal flow and hydrocarbon transport in volcanic sedimentary basins

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    Sills emplaced in organic-rich sedimentary rocks trigger the generation and migration of hydrocarbons in volcanic sedimentary basins. Based on seismic and geological observations, numerical modeling studies of hydrothermal flow around sills show that thermogenic methane is channeled below the intrusion towards its tip, where hydrothermal vents nucleate and transport methane to the surface. However, these models typically assume impermeable sills and ignore potential effects of permeability evolution in cooling sills, e.g., due to fracturing. Here, we combine a geological field study of a volcanic basin (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) with a hybrid finite-element–finite-volume method (FEM–FVM) of numerical modeling of hydrothermal flow around a sill, including hydrocarbon generation and transport. Our field observations show widespread veins within sills composed of graphitized bitumen and cooling joints filled with solid bitumen or fluidized shale. Raman spectroscopy indicates graphitization at temperatures between 350 and 500 ∘C, suggesting fluid flow within the intrusions during cooling. This finding motivates our modeling setup, which investigates flow patterns around and through intrusions that become porous and permeable upon solidification. The results show three flow phases affecting the transport of hydrocarbons generated in the contact aureole: (1) contact-parallel flow toward the sill tip prior to solidification, (2) upon complete solidification, sudden vertical “flushing” of overpressured hydrocarbon-rich fluids from the lower contact aureole towards and into the hot sill along its entire length, and (3) stabilization of hydrocarbon distribution and fading hydrothermal flow. In low-permeability host rocks, hydraulic fracturing facilitates flow and hydrocarbon migration toward the sill by temporarily elevating porosity and permeability. Up to 7.5 % of the generated methane is exposed to temperatures &gt;400 ∘C in the simulations and may thus be permanently stored as graphite in or near the sill. Porosity and permeability creation within cooling sills may impact hydrothermal flow, hydrocarbon transport, and venting in volcanic basins, as it considerably alters the fluid pressure configuration, provides vertical flow paths, and helps to dissipate overpressure below the sills.</p

    Biaxial nematic phases in fluids of hard board-like particles

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    We use density-functional theory, of the fundamental-measure type, to study the relative stability of the biaxial nematic phase, with respect to non-uniform phases such as smectic and columnar, in fluids made of hard board-like particles with sizes σ1>σ2>σ3\sigma_1>\sigma_2>\sigma_3. A restricted-orientation (Zwanzig) approximation is adopted. Varying the ratio κ1=σ1/σ2\kappa_1=\sigma_1/\sigma_2 while keeping κ2=σ2/σ3\kappa_2=\sigma_2/\sigma_3, we predict phase diagrams for various values of κ2\kappa_2 which include all the uniform phases: isotropic, uniaxial rod- and plate-like nematics, and biaxial nematic. In addition, spinodal instabilities of the uniform phases with respect to fluctuations of the smectic, columnar and plastic-solid type, are obtained. In agreement with recent experiments, we find that the biaxial nematic phase begins to be stable for κ22.5\kappa_2\simeq 2.5. Also, as predicted by previous theories and simulations on biaxial hard particles, we obtain a region of biaxility centred on κ1κ2\kappa_1\approx\kappa_2 which widens as κ2\kappa_2 increases. For \kappa_2\agt 5 the region κ2κ1\kappa_2\approx\kappa_1 of the packing-fraction vs. κ1\kappa_1 phase diagrams exhibits interesting topologies which change qualitatively with κ2\kappa_2. We have found that an increasing biaxial shape anisotropy favours the formation of the biaxial nematic phase. Our study is the first to apply FMT theory to biaxial particles and, therefore, it goes beyond the second-order virial approximation. Our prediction that the phase diagram must be asymmetric is a genuine result of the present approach, which is not accounted for by previous studies based on second-order theories.Comment: Preprint format. 18 pages, 5 figure

    Distinct degassing pulses during magma invasion in the stratified Karoo Basin – New insights from hydrothermal fluid flow modelling

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    Magma emplacement in organic‐rich sedimentary basins is a main driver of past environmental crises. Using a 2D numerical model, we investigate the process of thermal cracking in contact aureoles of cooling sills and subsequent transport and emission of thermogenic methane by hydrothermal fluids. Our model includes a Mohr‐Coulomb failure criterion to initiate hydrofracturing and a dynamic porosity/permeability. We investigate the Karoo Basin, taking into account host‐rock material properties from borehole data, realistic total organic carbon content, and different sill geometries. Consistent with geological observations, we find that thermal plumes quickly rise at the edges of saucer‐shaped sills, guided along vertically fractured high permeability pathways. Contrastingly, less focused and slower plumes rise from the edges and the central part of flat‐lying sills. Using a novel upscaling method based on sill‐to‐sediment ratio we find that degassing of the Karoo Basin occurred in two distinct phases during magma invasion. Rapid degassing triggered by sills emplaced within the top 1.5 km emitted ~1.6·103 Gt of thermogenic methane, while thermal plumes originating from deeper sills, carrying a 12‐times greater mass of methane, may not reach the surface. We suggest that these large quantities of methane could be re‐mobilized by the heat provided by neighboring sills. We conclude that the Karoo LIP may have emitted as much as ~22.3·103 Gt of thermogenic methane in the half million years of magmatic activity, with emissions up to 3 Gt/year. This quantity of methane and the emission rates can explain the negative δ13C excursion of the Toarcian environmental crisis. Key Points Sill geometry and emplacement depth as well as intruded host rock type are the main factors controlling methane mobilization and degassing Dehydration‐related porosity increase and pore‐pressure‐induced hydrofracturing are important mechanisms for a quick transport of methane from sill to the surface The Karoo Basin may have degassed ~22.3·103 Gt of thermogenic methane in the half million years of magmatic activit

    Poisson-bracket approach to the dynamics of bent-core molecules

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    We generalize our previous work on the phase stability and hydrodynamic of polar liquid crystals possessing local uniaxial CvC_{\infty v}-symmetry to biaxial systems exhibiting local C2vC_{2v}-symmetry. Our work is motivated by the recently discovered examples of thermotropic biaxial nematic liquid crystals comprising bent-core mesogens, whose molecular structure is characterized by a non-polar body axis (n)({\bf{n}}) as well as a polar axis (p)({\bf{p}}) along the bisector of the bent mesogenic core which is coincident with a large, transverse dipole moment. The free energy for this system differs from that of biaxial nematic liquid crystals in that it contains terms violating the pp{\bf{p}}\to -{\bf{p}} symmetry. We show that, in spite of a general splay instability associated with these parity-odd terms, a uniform polarized biaxial state can be stable in a range of parameters. We then derive the hydrodynamic equations of the system, via the Poisson-bracket formalism, in the polarized state and comment on the structure of the corresponding linear hydrodynamic modes. In our Poisson-bracket derivation, we also compute the flow-alignment parameters along the three symmetry axes in terms of microscopic parameters associated with the molecular geometry of the constituent biaxial mesogens.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 1 figur

    Smectic a - smectic c transition : nearly tricritical mean-field or Ginzburg crossover ?

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    A detailed re-analysis, alternatively mean-field and critical, is presented on all the measurements available to-date at the smectic A-smectic C transition in azoxy-4, 4'-di-undecyl-α-methylcinnamate (AMC-11), i.e. on the order parameter, tilt susceptibility, and specific-heat variations with temperature. It is shown that the transitional behaviour is critical over the reduced temperature range 4 x 10-5 < τ < 2 x 10-3, and becomes mean-field after the Ginzburg crossover, estimated in the range of 1 K from the transition. Consequently, the mean-field model of a crossover from a tricritical to a classical behaviour has to be discarded.Une analyse détaillée, successivement classique et critique, est développée sur toutes les mesures disponibles à la transition smectique A-smectique C de l'azoxy-di(α-méthylcinnamate de undécyl)-4,4', c'est-à-dire sur les variations en température du paramètre d'ordre, de la susceptibilité d'inclinaison, et de la chaleur spécifique. On montre que la transition est critique dans l'intervalle de température réduite 4 x 10-5 < τ < 2 x 10-3, et devient de champ moyen après le crossover de Ginzburg, évalué à environ 1 K de la transition. Par conséquent, le modèle de crossover entre les comportements de champ moyen tricritiques puis classiques doit être écarté

    Relaxation modes of the fluctuations of the order parameter in the vicinity of the uniaxial-to-biaxial nematic phase transition

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    A classical analysis of the relaxation modes of the fluctuations of the order parameter is developed in the vicinity of the uniaxial to biaxial nematic phase transition. Using polar coordinates, the 5 relaxation modes of the order parameter are followed across the uniaxial to biaxial nematic phase transition : 2 out of these modes are amplitude modes, and the 3 others are orientational modes. It is shown that the amplitude modes in the biaxial phase mix the components of biaxiality and birefringence of the order parameter, the critical (quasi-biaxial) mode presenting temperature variations twice larger than in the uniaxial phase, according to classical theory. The backflow effets on the pretransitional behaviour of the orientational modes are also studied in the uniaxial and biaxial nematic phases.Une analyse classique des modes de relaxation des fluctuations du paramètre d'ordre, est développée au voisinage de la transition de phase nématique uniaxe-nématique biaxe. En employant des coordonnées polaires, on peut suivre les 5 modes de relaxation du paramètre d'ordre à travers la transition de phase nématique uniaxe-nématique biaxe : 2 de ces modes sont des modes d'amplitude, et les 3 autres sont de type orientationnel. On montre que les modes d'amplitude en phase biaxe, mélangent les composantes de biaxialité et de biréfringence du paramètre d'ordre, le mode critique (quasi-biaxe) présentant des variations en température deux fois plus grandes qu'en phase uniaxe conformément à la théorie classique. On étudie aussi, sur des cas particuliers, les effets des courants induits sur le comportement prétransitionnel des modes orientationnels, en phases nématiques uniaxes et biaxes