11,682 research outputs found

    Renormalizability of Massive Gravity in Three Dimensions

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    We discuss renormalizability of a recently established, massive gravity theory with particular higher derivative terms in three space-time dimensions. It is shown that this massive gravity is certainly renormalizable as well as unitary, so it gives us a physically interesting toy model of perturbative quantum gravity in three dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Power law velocity fluctuations due to inelastic collisions in numerically simulated vibrated bed of powder}

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    Distribution functions of relative velocities among particles in a vibrated bed of powder are studied both numerically and theoretically. In the solid phase where granular particles remain near their local stable states, the probability distribution is Gaussian. On the other hand, in the fluidized phase, where the particles can exchange their positions, the distribution clearly deviates from Gaussian. This is interpreted with two analogies; aggregation processes and soft-to-hard turbulence transition in thermal convection. The non-Gaussian distribution is well-approximated by the t-distribution which is derived theoretically by considering the effect of clustering by inelastic collisions in the former analogy.Comment: 7 pages, using REVTEX (Figures are inculded in text body) %%%Replacement due to rivision (Europhys. Lett., in press)%%

    Granular Pressure and the Thickness of a Layer Jamming on a Rough Incline

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    Dense granular media have a compaction between the random loose and random close packings. For these dense media the concept of a granular pressure depending on compaction is not unanimously accepted because they are often in a "frozen" state which prevents them to explore all their possible microstates, a necessary condition for defining a pressure and a compressibility unambiguously. While periodic tapping or cyclic fluidization have already being used for that exploration, we here suggest that a succession of flowing states with velocities slowly decreasing down to zero can also be used for that purpose. And we propose to deduce the pressure in \emph{dense and flowing} granular media from experiments measuring the thickness of the granular layer that remains on a rough incline just after the flow has stopped.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Reemergence of Syphilitic Uveitis Masquerading as Other Diseases: A Report of Two Cases

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    During a 6-month period in 2010, 2 patients with uveitis were examined at our department and diagnosed with ocular syphilis. They initially presented with symptoms and signs resembling Harada's disease and Behçet's disease and were therefore treated with systemic steroids with suboptimal responses. When laboratory workup revealed neurosyphilis, they were given a course of intravenous penicillin G, which led to significant clinical and visual improvement. Epidemiological data indicates a worldwide reemergence of syphilis and a high degree of suspicion is necessary in view of its multitude of presenting ocular signs without pathognomonic features

    Topologically massive magnetic monopoles

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    We show that in the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory of topologically massive electrodynamics the Dirac string of a monopole becomes a cone in anti-de Sitter space with the opening angle of the cone determined by the topological mass which in turn is related to the square root of the cosmological constant. This proves to be an example of a physical system, {\it a priory} completely unrelated to gravity, which nevertheless requires curved spacetime for its very existence. We extend this result to topologically massive gravity coupled to topologically massive electrodynamics in the framework of the theory of Deser, Jackiw and Templeton. These are homogeneous spaces with conical deficit. Pure Einstein gravity coupled to Maxwell-Chern-Simons field does not admit such a monopole solution

    Energy in Topologically Massive Gravity

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    We define conserved gravitational charges in -cosmologically extended- topologically massive gravity, exhibit them in surface integral form about their de-Sitter or flat vacua and verify their correctness in terms of two basic types of solution.Comment: 6 page

    Time-Symmetric Initial Data for Multi-Body Solutions in Three Dimensions

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    Time-symmetric initial data for two-body solutions in three dimensional anti-deSitter gravity are found. The spatial geometry has constant negative curvature and is constructed as a quotient of two-dimensional hyperbolic space. Apparent horizons correspond to closed geodesics. In an open universe, it is shown that two black holes cannot exist separately, but are necessarily enclosed by a third horizon. In a closed universe, two separate black holes can exist provided there is an additional image mass.Comment: 12 pages, harvmac macro, minor changes in wordin

    Killing Vector Fields in Three Dimensions: A Method to Solve Massive Gravity Field Equations

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    Killing vector fields in three dimensions play important role in the construction of the related spacetime geometry. In this work we show that when a three dimensional geometry admits a Killing vector field then the Ricci tensor of the geometry is determined in terms of the Killing vector field and its scalars. In this way we can generate all products and covariant derivatives at any order of the ricci tensor. Using this property we give ways of solving the field equations of Topologically Massive Gravity (TMG) and New Massive Gravity (NMG) introduced recently. In particular when the scalars of the Killing vector field (timelike, spacelike and null cases) are constants then all three dimensional symmetric tensors of the geometry, the ricci and einstein tensors, their covariant derivatives at all orders, their products of all orders are completely determined by the Killing vector field and the metric. Hence the corresponding three dimensional metrics are strong candidates of solving all higher derivative gravitational field equations in three dimensions.Comment: 25 pages, some changes made and some references added, to be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Three-dimensional black holes, gravitational solitons, kinks and wormholes for BHT massive gravity

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    The theory of massive gravity in three dimensions recently proposed by Bergshoeff, Hohm and Townsend (BHT) is considered. At the special case when the theory admits a unique maximally symmetric solution, a conformally flat space that contains black holes and gravitational solitons for any value of the cosmological constant is found. For negative cosmological constant, the black hole is characterized in terms of the mass and the "gravitational hair" parameter, providing a lower bound for the mass. For negative mass parameter, the black hole acquires an inner horizon, and the entropy vanishes at the extremal case. Gravitational solitons and kinks, being regular everywhere, are obtained from a double Wick rotation of the black hole. A wormhole solution in vacuum that interpolates between two static universes of negative spatial curvature is obtained as a limiting case of the gravitational soliton with a suitable identification. The black hole and the gravitational soliton fit within a set of relaxed asymptotically AdS conditions as compared with the ones of Brown and Henneaux. In the case of positive cosmological constant the black hole possesses an event and a cosmological horizon, whose mass is bounded from above. Remarkably, the temperatures of the event and the cosmological horizons coincide, and at the extremal case one obtains the analogue of the Nariai solution, dS2×S1dS_{2}\times S^{1}. A gravitational soliton is also obtained through a double Wick rotation of the black hole. The Euclidean continuation of these solutions describes instantons with vanishing Euclidean action. For vanishing cosmological constant the black hole and the gravitational soliton are asymptotically locally flat spacetimes. The rotating solutions can be obtained by boosting the previous ones in the t−ϕt-\phi plane.Comment: Talk given at the "Workshop on Gravity in Three Dimensions," 14-24 April 2009, ESI, Vienna. 30 pages, 6 figures. V2: minor changes and section 6 slightly improved. Last version for JHE

    Inelastic Collapse of Three Particles

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    A system of three particles undergoing inelastic collisions in arbitrary spatial dimensions is studied with the aim of establishing the domain of ``inelastic collapse''---an infinite number of collisions which take place in a finite time. Analytic and simulation results show that for a sufficiently small restitution coefficient, 0≤r<7−43≈0.0720\leq r<7-4\sqrt{3}\approx 0.072, collapse can occur. In one dimension, such a collapse is stable against small perturbations within this entire range. In higher dimensions, the collapse can be stable against small variations of initial conditions, within a smaller rr range, 0≤r<9−45≈0.0560\leq r<9-4\sqrt{5}\approx 0.056.Comment: 6 pages, figures on request, accepted by PR
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