168 research outputs found

    Implementasi Edutainment Dalam Pembelajaran Al-qur'an Bagi Siswa Sdit Mutiara Cendekia Lubuklinggau

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    This modern development is always challenge human to always think and creat until new inovation. a various of life included in al-Qur'an learning. The word of education and learning this mark phenomenon with various strategy, method, model, although new approachment as, quantum learning, active learning, contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and another included edutainment. The field phenomenon is a implementation edutainment al-Qur'an learning in Islam integrated elementary school (SDIT) Mutiara Cendekia Lubuklinggau have criteria learn covering read, write, and memorize. The game criteria al-Qur'an learning. When one of game cause happines but do not obtain certain skills, then game is not an element of education. Conversely, if the activites of learning al-Qur'an but no element of happiness, it's not called the game.therefore edutainment in al-Qur'an learning how about can integrate both of them well until can reaching the purpose learning wich are desired

    Teacher Performance Economic Difference in Level Between State Junior Certification with That Which Has Not Been and Certification in District Shadows Koto in the District XI Tarusan

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    The subject is examined in this study is how the relationship pedagogical ability, personality,social and professional towards economics teacher performance differences that have been certifiedand are not yet certified. This research was conducted at the level of Junior High School in DistrictDistrict of Bayang and Koto XI Tarusan economy where the population is teachers who are alreadycertified and who have not been certified, and the sampling technique using total sampling. Data werecollected through a questionnaire or a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by chi-square analysismethods.The results showed that: In hypothesis testing chi square analysis results showed chi-squarevalue of 415.508 with a p-value 0.073 value. Since the value of p-value 0.073> 0.05 means that thereis no difference between teacher certification with the performance of non-certified teachers. Rank ofthe output can be seen that the mean value for non-certified teachers (0) is smaller than the value ofteacher certification (33.25 0.05. Because the test results are not statistically significant. Thus, H0 is accepted that there is nodifference in the performance of teachers certified by the non-certification.The implication of this study is To the Economics teacher in junior high who has thecertification that is expected to not only meet the teaching hours 24 hours a week, but in the suggestfurther improve the performance of their competence in the learning process and keep raising the barin the learning process, as in the preparation of learning , implementation of learning, learningevaluation, and follow-up as well as mastery of the material and increase knowledge

    Hubungan Penguasaan Kosakata Dengan Keterampilan Menulis Argumentasi Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 6 Padang

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    This article aims to (1) describe mastery of vocabulary of class X students of SMA Negeri 6 Padang, (2) describe the argument essay writing skill of class X students of SMAN 6 Padang, (3) analyze the relationship between mastery of vocabulary with the argument essay writing skill of class X students of SMAN 6 Padang. The type of the study was descriptive quantitative research method and correlational approach. The data of this study were obtained using the test. The objective test was used to collect the data. The findings of the study showed relationship between the mastery of vocabulary with the argument essay writing skill of class X students of SMAN 6 Padang with correlation coefficient was 0,687

    Peran Majelis Taklim sebagai Pendidikan Alternatif dalam Merevitalisasi Pengetahuan Agama (Studi Kasus di Majelis Ta'lim Al-amanah) Desa Lubuk Ngin Kecamatan Selangit Kabupaten Musi Rawas)

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    Majelis taklim is oldest education Islam, although not called majelis taklim. however, religious activity or religious education Islamic Prophet Muhammad SAW that took place by stealth at home friend Arkam bin Abil Arqam RA. And according to and according to now definition is majelis taklim held blatantly until flourish in other places openly. existence majelis taklim very important because was in middle of the communitywhich is one of three educational environment beside the family and the school. Relate revitalization needed for the resumption religious activities that previously may not have been implemented properly it now trying to improve the return programs majelis taklim. And this was reflected in history of the time of the Prophet in the began of the process of guidance is done through family environment He always made visits to each family in order to implement his treatise. The education Process through theoutside family environment only implemented after of Islamic syiar are widespread and rapidly growing Islamic civilization. And this is one example for us to can rebuild, increasing return activities or religious activity religious activities which had experienced ups and downs of people's interest in participating in religious activities

    The Effect of Lighting Length with Led and Fluorescent Lamps Combination on the Growth and Product of Pakcoy (Brassica Rapa L.) with Wick System Hydroponics

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    This research aimed to find out the lighting length of the combination LED and fluorescent lamps combined,suitable to growpakcoy (Brassica rapa L.)withwick systemhydroponics. The research used five treatments: sunlighting as a control (P0), and artificial lighting of 36-watt LED combined with 42-watt fluorescent lamps. Sunlighting represented a conventional cultivation, with normal lighting period (±12 hours per day), while theartificial lighting consisted of four different lighting lengths per day: 8 hours (P1), 12 hours (P2), 16 hours (P3)and 20 hours (P4). The artificial lighting experiments were placed in boxes as the growth chambers, while theregular sunlighting treatmentwas placed inan outdoorminigreenhouse. Each treatment consisted of four plants,so there were 20 plants in total. The results showed that 20-hour treatment of 36-watt LED lamp plus 42-wattfluorescent lighting (P4) was the best among the other artificial lighting treatments, but still less optimal ascompared to the treatment of natural sun lighting (P0). The plants grew in treatmentP4 still showed etiolating,indicating possibility of using higher power than 36-watt LED lamp and 42-watt fluorescent, although the lengthof lighting reached 20 hours. Yet, in termof quality, the mineral/ash content of all treated plants was notmuchdifferent

    Analisis Deskriptif Pola Manajemen dan Karya Seni Rupa Program Residensi ‘Transit#1' di Selasar Sunaryo Art Space

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    Ruang seni berdiri atas inisiatif seniman senior berkontribusi dalam kurangnya infrastruktur seni rupa Indonesia. Seni rupa Kontemporer saat ini menjadi mainstream seni rupa global dan eksistensi artwork seni rupa Kontemporer berada di tingkat teratas. Seni rupa Kontemporer ada di seluruh negara sehingga semakin kuat menjalin networking, maka seni rupa Kontemporer saat ini mendorong urgensi residensi seniman. Perlu mengetahui lebih komprehensif mengenai pola manajemen residensi seniman, proses residensi seniman, dan hasil karya seniman muda setelah residensi. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengungkap penelitian tersebut menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik. Program residensi lebih mengedepankan prospek mengedukasi seniman untuk lebih fokus dalam eksplorasi karya ketimbang mengikuti art market. Manajemen (pengelolaan) digunakan sebagai alat pendamping agar terlaksananya program residensi secara efektif dan efisien. Pola pengelolaan residensi Transit#1 merupakan eksplorasi pola residensi untuk menemukan pola residensi Transit yang sesuai dan mapan. Proses residensi melalui mekanisme penyeleksian seniman, presentasi keseluruhan karya, eksplorasi karya, diskusi dengan mentor artis (partner artist residence), open studio dengan publik, pengkurasian, dan hingga memamerkan karya residensi yang diharapkan sebagai karya maestro senimannya. Karya seniman residen menunjukan pengembangan karya dan penajaman konsep. Seniman residen lebih yakin percaya diri dalam berkarya, mendapat wawasan lebih luas, jaringan (networking) lebih luas, terelevasi senimannya, dan lebih yakin bersaing sehat dalam medan seni rupa global. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut sehingga terdapat rekomendasi bagi Selasar Sunaryo Art Space diharapkan dapat meningkatkan manajemen residensi Transit selanjutnya dan dunia pendidikan seni rupa dapat mempelajari dan mengembangkan model pembelajaran manajemen residensi seni rupa

    Pemanfaatan New Media dalam Memudahkan Komunikasi dan Transaksi Pelacur Gay

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    Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi juga menimbulkan dampak negatif. Salah satu yang dirasakan masyarakat Minang adalah menjamurnya perilaku menyimpang gay. Mereka membentuk perkumpulan kelompok sosial kecil, dimana mereka bergaul dan mendapatkan apa yang diinginkan, tanpa melihat sikap antipati dari masyarakat karena memanfaatkan new media untuk berkomunikasi dan bertransaksi dalam kegiatan prostitusi. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori CMC (computer mediated communications) dimana kegiatan komunikasi antara pelacur gay dengan calon pelanggan dan pelanggan intens di sosial media melalui smartphone. Kegiatan komunikasi dan transaksi diselesaikan di media. Dengan metode kualitatif, maka kegiatan prostitusi online oleh gay di Padang dapat diekplor dan dideskripsikan secara mendalam. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pada tahap menemukan pelanggan ada dua cara; langsung melalui komunikasi non verbal, terdapat kecocokan dilanjutkan bertukar pin BB atau Facebook,dan melalui perantara orang ke tiga, yaitu mucikari/ rekan sesama pelacur gay, dari dua tahap mengenali calon pelanggan kemudian komunikasi dan transaksi dilanjutkan melalui new media. Penjajakan dengan calon pelanggan dilakukan dengan komunikasi intensif melalui new media. Setelah dirasa cocok baru tawar menawar harga dilakukan. Jika dalam proses negosiasi ternyata tidak ditemukan kesepakan maka transaksi dibatalkan. Lalu proses komunikasi dengan pelanggan akan terputus, dan jika dibutuhkan maka komunikasi kembali terjalin

    Pendidikan Islam di Mesir, India, dan Pakistan

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    Islamic education enters along with the early history of Islam in the form of civilization such as the Egyptian culture of the pyramids, sphinxes, obelisks, and hieroglyphics. the figures who have contributed to the field of education are Muhammad Abduh, Sayyid Ahmad Khan, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The application of education between Egypt, India, and Pakistan is almost the same, namely making compulsory education for their citizens. The existence of public and religious/Madrasah educational institutions as well as public and religious high schools / universities. Different curriculum. Application of the learning of the Qur'an and Hadith. Integrate between general science and religious science. professional teaching staff. Every country has a different education system influenced by sociology of society, the history of the establishment of a country, the needs of a country in accordance with the demands of the era and an increasingly globalized world

    Gambaran Pola Perilaku Anak Penyandang Autisme dengan Penerapan Diet Gluten Free-casein Free (Gfcf) di Sekolah Inklusi Cahaya Bangsa Khatulistiwa Pontianak

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    Diet Gluten-Free Casein-Free (GFCF) merupakan salahsatu terapi yang kontroversial pada gangguan autistik. Tujuan: Penelitianini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran pola perilaku pada anak penyandangautisme dengan penerapan diet GFCF
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