2,731 research outputs found

    The kinetic Alfvén-like nature of turbulent fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosheath: MMS measurement of the electron Alfvén ratio

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    The Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission is used to investigate turbulent fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosheath. The unique combination of multiple spacecraft and high time resolution plasma and electromagnetic field data provided by MMS makes it an ideal mission to study the nature of turbulence and energy conversion. The multiple spacecraft allow the determination of the wavevector directions and plasma frame frequencies of the fluctuations. Moreover, the particle velocities allow the determination of the ion and electron AlfvĂ©n ratios, giving an additional diagnostic to reveal the nature of the turbulent fluctuations. Finally, the currents (determined from plasma moments) and the three-dimensional electric field measurements allow the determination of a scale-dependent energy conversion rate. The results reveal that the fluctuations predominantly have kinetic AlfvĂ©n wave-like properties at wavenumbers near kpi~1 (where ρi is the ion gyroradius) and that Landau damping is an important pathway for converting energy

    Non-Pauli Effects from Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    Noncommutative spacetimes lead to nonlocal quantum field theories (qft's) where spin-statistics theorems cannot be proved. For this reason, and also backed by detailed arguments, it has been suggested that they get corrected on such spacetimes leading to small violations of the Pauli principle. In a recent paper \cite{Pauli}, Pauli-forbidden transitions from spacetime noncommutativity were calculated and confronted with experiments. Here we give details of the computation missing from this paper. The latter was based on a spacetime Bχn⃗\mathcal{B}_{\chi\vec{n}} different from the Moyal plane. We argue that it quantizes time in units of χ\chi. Energy is then conserved only mod 2πχ\frac{2\pi}{\chi}. Issues related to superselection rules raised by non-Pauli effects are also discussed in a preliminary manner.Comment: 15 Pages, 1 Table, Full details and further developments of arXiv:1003.2250. This version is close to the one accepted by JHE

    Possible coexistence of kinetic Alfvén and ion Bernstein modes in sub-ion scale compressive turbulence in the solar wind

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    We investigate compressive turbulence at sub-ion scales with measurements from the Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission. The tetrahedral configuration and high time resolution density data obtained by calibrating spacecraft potential allow an investigation of the turbulent density fluctuations in the solar wind and their three-dimensional structure in the sub-ion range. The wave-vector associated with the highest energy density at each spacecraft frequency is obtained by application of the multipoint signal resonator technique to the four-point density data. The fluctuations show a strong wave-vector anisotropy k⊄ kïżœ where the parallel and perpendicular symbols are with respect to the mean magnetic-field direction. The plasma frame frequencies show two populations, one below the proton cyclotron frequency ω<ci consistent with kinetic AlfvĂ©n wave (KAW) turbulence. The second component has higher frequencies ω>ci consistent with ion Bernstein wave turbulence. Alternatively, these fluctuations may constitute KAWs that have undergone multiple wave-wave interactions, causing a broadening in the plasma frame frequencies. The scale-dependent kurtosis in this wavevector region shows a reduction in intermittency at the small scales which can also be explained by the presence of wave activity. Our results suggest that small-scale turbulence exhibits linear-wave properties of kinetic AlfvĂ©n and possibly ion-Bernstein (magnetosonic) waves. Based on our results, we speculate that these waves may play a role in describing the observed reduction in intermittency at sub-ion scales

    SoC-based biomedical embedded system design of arrhythmia detector

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    Arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat where the blood may not be delivered effectively throughout the body and cause sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Immediate treatment is required to prevent SCA. However, most of the existing electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring devices are bulky, cost expensive and lack arrhythmia detection and classification system. This paper proposes a front-end on-board graphical interface design of System-on-Chip (SoC) based arrhythmia detector which can be used as a first screening device for cardiac disease patient. The system consists of a knowledge-based arrhythmia classifier which is able to identify three types of arrhythmias which are ventricular fibrillation (VF), premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) and second-degree atrioventricular (AV) block. The system has been evaluated and benchmarked with ECG data from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. The results show that its accuracy is up to 99.25% with a computation time of 6.385 seconds. It is highly portable and relatively inexpensive for installation in small clinics and home monitoring

    Brick Walls and AdS/CFT

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    We discuss the relationship between the bulk-boundary correspondence in Rehren's algebraic holography (and in other 'fixed-background' approaches to holography) and in mainstream 'Maldacena AdS/CFT'. Especially, we contrast the understanding of black-hole entropy from the viewpoint of QFT in curved spacetime -- in the framework of 't Hooft's 'brick wall' model -- with the understanding based on Maldacena AdS/CFT. We show that the brick-wall modification of a Klein Gordon field in the Hartle-Hawking-Israel state on 1+2-Schwarzschild AdS (BTZ) has a well-defined boundary limit with the same temperature and entropy as the brick-wall-modified bulk theory. One of our main purposes is to point out a close connection, for general AdS/CFT situations, between the puzzle raised by Arnsdorf and Smolin regarding the relationship between Rehren's algebraic holography and mainstream AdS/CFT and the puzzle embodied in the 'correspondence principle' proposed by Mukohyama and Israel in their work on the brick-wall approach to black hole entropy. Working on the assumption that similar results will hold for bulk QFT other than the Klein Gordon field and for Schwarzschild AdS in other dimensions, and recalling the first author's proposed resolution to the Mukohyama-Israel puzzle based on his 'matter-gravity entanglement hypothesis', we argue that, in Maldacena AdS/CFT, the algebra of the boundary CFT is isomorphic only to a proper subalgebra of the bulk algebra, albeit (at non-zero temperature) the (GNS) Hilbert spaces of bulk and boundary theories are still the 'same' -- the total bulk state being pure, while the boundary state is mixed (thermal). We also argue from the finiteness of its boundary (and hence, on our assumptions, also bulk) entropy at finite temperature, that the Rehren dual of the Maldacena boundary CFT cannot itself be a QFT and must, instead, presumably be something like a string theory.Comment: 54 pages, 3 figures. Arguments strengthened in the light of B.S. Kay `Instability of Enclosed Horizons' arXiv:1310.739

    Oral cancer: role of the basement membrane in invasion

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the Australian Dental Association. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Invasive growth of cancer cells is a complex process involving specific interactions between tumour cells and the orderly, integrated complexes of the extracellular matrix. Basement membranes have been proposed as one constituent of extra-cellular matrix which carries responsibility for regulating invasion and metastasis.David F. Wilson, Jiang De-Jun, Angela M. Pierce and Ole W. Wiebki

    Foraging behavior and Doppler shift compensation in echolocating hipposiderid bats, I-Iipposideros bicolor and I-Iipposideros speoris

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    1. Two hipposiderid bats,H. bicolor andH. speoris, were observed in their natural foraging areas in Madurai (South India). Both species hunt close together near the foliage of trees and bushes but they differ in fine structure of preferred hunting space:H. bicolor hunts within the foliage, especially whenH. speoris is active at the same time, whereasH. speoris never flies in dense vegetation but rather in the more open area (Fig. 1, Table 1). 2. Both species emit CF/FM-sounds containing only one harmonic component in almost all echolocation situations. The CF-parts of CF/FM-sounds are species specific within a band of 127–138 kHz forH. speoris and 147–159 kHz forH. bicolor (Tables 2 and 3). 3. H. speoris additionally uses a complex harmonic sound during obstacle avoidance and during laboratory tests for Doppler shift compensation.H. bicolor consistently emits CF/FM-sounds in these same situations (Fig. 2). 4. Both hipposiderid bats respond to Doppler shifts in the returning echoes by lowering the frequency of the emitted sounds (Fig. 3). However, Doppler compensations are incomplete as the emitted frequencies are decreased by only 55% and 56% (mean values) of the full frequency shifts byH. speoris andH, bicolor, respectively. 5. The differences in Doppler shift compensation, echolocating and hunting behavior suggest thatH. speoris is less specialized on echolocation with CF/FM-sounds thanH. bicolor

    Production of Inactivated Influenza H5N1 Vaccines from MDCK Cells in Serum-Free Medium

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    BACKGROUND: Highly pathogenic influenza viruses pose a constant threat which could lead to a global pandemic. Vaccination remains the principal measure to reduce morbidity and mortality from such pandemics. The availability and surging demand for pandemic vaccines needs to be addressed in the preparedness plans. This study presents an improved high-yield manufacturing process for the inactivated influenza H5N1 vaccines using Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells grown in a serum-free (SF) medium microcarrier cell culture system. PRINCIPAL FINDING: The current study has evaluated the performance of cell adaptation switched from serum-containing (SC) medium to several commercial SF media. The selected SF medium was further evaluated in various bioreactor culture systems for process scale-up evaluation. No significant difference was found in the cell growth in different sizes of bioreactors studied. In the 7.5 L bioreactor runs, the cell concentration reached to 2.3 × 10(6) cells/mL after 5 days. The maximum virus titers of 1024 Hemagglutinin (HA) units/50 ”L and 7.1 ± 0.3 × 10(8) pfu/mL were obtained after 3 days infection. The concentration of HA antigen as determined by SRID was found to be 14.1 ”g/mL which was higher than those obtained from the SC medium. A mouse immunogenicity study showed that the formalin-inactivated purified SF vaccine candidate formulated with alum adjuvant could induce protective level of virus neutralization titers similar to those obtained from the SC medium. In addition, the H5N1 viruses produced from either SC or SF media showed the same antigenic reactivity with the NIBRG14 standard antisera. CONCLUSIONS: The advantages of this SF cell-based manufacturing process could reduce the animal serum contamination, the cost and lot-to-lot variation of SC medium production. This study provides useful information to manufacturers that are planning to use SF medium for cell-based influenza vaccine production

    Ion-scale kinetic Alfvén turbulence: MMS measurements of the Alfvén ratio in the magnetosheath

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    Turbulence in the Earth's magnetosheath at ion kinetic scales is investigated with the magnetospheric multiscale spacecraft. Several possibilities in the wave paradigm have been invoked to explain plasma turbulence at ion kinetic scales such as kinetic AlfvĂ©n, slow, or magnetosonic waves. To differentiate between these different plasma waves is a challenging task, especially since some waves, in particular, kinetic slow waves and kinetic AlfvĂ©n waves, share some properties making the possibility to distinguishing between them very difficult. Using the excellent time resolution data set provided from both the fluxgate magnetometer and the Fast Plasma Instrument, the ratio of trace velocity fluctuations to the magnetic fluctuations (in AlfvĂ©n units), which is termed the AlfvĂ©n ratio, can be calculated down to ion kinetic scales. Comparison of the measured AlfvĂ©n ratio is performed with respect to the expectation from two‐fluid magnetohydrodynamic theory for the kinetic slow wave and kinetic AlfvĂ©n wave. Moreover, the plasma data also allow normalized fluctuation amplitudes of density and magnetic field to be compared differentiating between magnetosonic‐like and kinetic AlfvĂ©n‐like turbulence. Using these two different ratios, we can rule out that the fluctuations at ion scales are dominated by magnetosonic‐like fluctuations or kinetic slow‐like fluctuations and show that they are consistent with kinetic AlfvĂ©n‐like fluctuations. This suggests that in the wave paradigm, heating in the direction of the parallel magnetic field is predominantly by the Landau damping of the kinetic AlfvĂ©n wave
