24 research outputs found

    Cavity Modes Study in Hyperuniform Disordered Photonic Bandgap Materials

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    We introduce novel architecture for cavity design in an isotropic disordered photonic band gap material. We demonstrate that point-like defects can support localized modes with different symmetries and multiple resonant frequencies, useful for various applications

    The sequence of rice chromosomes 11 and 12, rich in disease resistance genes and recent gene duplications

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    Background: Rice is an important staple food and, with the smallest cereal genome, serves as a reference species for studies on the evolution of cereals and other grasses. Therefore, decoding its entire genome will be a prerequisite for applied and basic research on this species and all other cereals. Results: We have determined and analyzed the complete sequences of two of its chromosomes, 11 and 12, which total 55.9 Mb (14.3% of the entire genome length), based on a set of overlapping clones. A total of 5,993 non-transposable element related genes are present on these chromosomes. Among them are 289 disease resistance-like and 28 defense-response genes, a higher proportion of these categories than on any other rice chromosome. A three-Mb segment on both chromosomes resulted from a duplication 7.7 million years ago (mya), the most recent large-scale duplication in the rice genome. Paralogous gene copies within this segmental duplication can be aligned with genomic assemblies from sorghum and maize. Although these gene copies are preserved on both chromosomes, their expression patterns have diverged. When the gene order of rice chromosomes 11 and 12 was compared to wheat gene loci, significant synteny between these orthologous regions was detected, illustrating the presence of conserved genes alternating with recently evolved genes. Conclusion: Because the resistance and defense response genes, enriched on these chromosomes relative to the whole genome, also occur in clusters, they provide a preferred target for breeding durable disease resistance in rice and the isolation of their allelic variants. The recent duplication of a large chromosomal segment coupled with the high density of disease resistance gene clusters makes this the most recently evolved part of the rice genome. Based on syntenic alignments of these chromosomes, rice chromosome 11 and 12 do not appear to have resulted from a single whole-genome duplication event as previously suggested

    The pore structure of Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin

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    Epsilon toxin (Etx), a potent pore forming toxin (PFT) produced by Clostridium perfringens, is responsible for the pathogenesis of enterotoxaemia of ruminants and has been suggested to play a role in multiple sclerosis in humans. Etx is a member of the aerolysin family of β-PFTs (aβ-PFTs). While the Etx soluble monomer structure was solved in 2004, Etx pore structure has remained elusive due to the difficulty of isolating the pore complex. Here we show the cryo-electron microscopy structure of Etx pore assembled on the membrane of susceptible cells. The pore structure explains important mutant phenotypes and suggests that the double β-barrel, a common feature of the aβ-PFTs, may be an important structural element in driving efficient pore formation. These insights provide the framework for the development of novel therapeutics to prevent human and animal infections, and are relevant for nano-biotechnology applications

    Not as simple as just punching a hole

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    Like a variety of other pathogenic bacteria, Aeromonas hydrophila secretes a pore-forming toxin that contribute to its virulence. The last decade has not only increased our knowledge about the structure of this toxin, called aerolysin, but has also shed light on how it interacts with its target cell and how the cell reacts to this stress. Whereas pore-forming toxins are generally thought to lead to brutal death by osmotic lysis of the cell, based on what is observed for erythrocytes, recent studies have started to reveal far more complicated pathways leading to death of nucleated mammalian cells

    Conversion of a transmembrane to a water-soluble protein complex by a single point mutation

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    Proteins exist in one of two generally incompatible states: either membrane associated or soluble. Pore-forming proteins are exceptional because they are synthesized as a water-soluble molecule but end up being located in the membrane -- that is, they are nonconstitutive membrane proteins. Here we report the pronounced effect of the single point mutation Y221G of the pore-forming toxin aerolysin. This mutation blocks the hemolytic activity of the toxin but does not affect its initial structure, its ability to bind to cell-surface receptors or its capacity to form heptamers, which constitute the channel-forming unit. The overall structure of the Y221G protein as analyzed by cryo-negative staining EM and three-dimensional reconstruction is remarkably similar to that of the wild type heptamer. The mutant protein forms a mushroom-shaped complex whose stem domain is thought to be within the membrane in the wild type toxin. In contrast to the wild type heptamer, which is a hydrophobic complex, the Y221G heptamer is fully hydrophilic. This point mutation has, therefore, converted a normally membrane-embedded toxin into a soluble complex

    Conversion of a transmembrane to a water-soluble protein complex by a single point mutation

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    Proteins exist in one of two generally incompatible states: either membrane associated or soluble. Pore-forming proteins are exceptional because they are synthesized as a water-soluble molecule but end up being located in the membrane -- that is, they are nonconstitutive membrane proteins. Here we report the pronounced effect of the single point mutation Y221G of the pore-forming toxin aerolysin. This mutation blocks the hemolytic activity of the toxin but does not affect its initial structure, its ability to bind to cell-surface receptors or its capacity to form heptamers, which constitute the channel-forming unit. The overall structure of the Y221G protein as analyzed by cryo-negative staining EM and three-dimensional reconstruction is remarkably similar to that of the wild type heptamer. The mutant protein forms a mushroom-shaped complex whose stem domain is thought to be within the membrane in the wild type toxin. In contrast to the wild type heptamer, which is a hydrophobic complex, the Y221G heptamer is fully hydrophilic. This point mutation has, therefore, converted a normally membrane-embedded toxin into a soluble complex