30 research outputs found

    Profil Sifat Fisik Gel Antioksidan Ekstrak Buncis (Phaseolus Vulgaris L) Dengan Basis Cmc Na

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    This research were aimed to formulate gel of ethanolic extract of buncis, examine its physical characteristic and also antioxidant activity. Extraction was carried out by maceration method. Research used 5 formulas contain buncis extract 0,6 %, with variation of CMCNa concentration, they were 2% for formula I, 3 % for formula II, 4% for formula III, and 5% for formula IV then 3% for negative control (without buncis extract). Gel was tested for physical characterictic (pH, viscosity, homogeneity, and stability). Gel was also tested for antioxidant activity by FTC (Ferry Thiocyanate) method. Obtained data was analyzed using one way ANOVA with level convidence 95%. Research result showed that has the different meaning in each consentration. Kata kunci : Gel, Antioksidan, CMCNa, Buncis Extrac

    Profil Sifat Fisik Gel Antioksidan Ekstrak Buncis (Phaseolus Vulgaris L) Dengan Basis Cmc Na

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    This research were aimed to formulate gel of ethanolic extract of buncis, examine its physical characteristic and also antioxidant activity. Extraction was carried out by maceration method. Research used 5 formulas contain buncis extract 0,6 %, with variation of CMCNa concentration, they were 2% for formula I, 3 % for formula II, 4% for formula III, and 5% for formula IV then 3% for negative control (without buncis extract). Gel was tested for physical characterictic (pH, viscosity, homogeneity, and stability). Gel was also tested for antioxidant activity by FTC (Ferry Thiocyanate) method. Obtained data was analyzed using one way ANOVA with level convidence 95%. Research result showed that has the different meaning in each consentration. Kata kunci : Gel, Antioksidan, CMCNa, Buncis Extrac

    Analisis USAhatani Kencur (Kaempferia Galanga L.)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) Besarnya biaya, penerimaan dan pendapatan dari USAhatani kencur per satu kali musim tanam di Desa Madura Kecamatan Wanareja Kabupaten Cilacap, dan 2) Besarnya R/C USAhatani kencur per satu kali musim tanam di Desa Madura Kecamatan Wanareja Kabupaten Cilacap. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus pada petani kencur di Desa Madura Kecamatan Wanareja Kabupaten Cilacap. Pengambilan sampel ditentukan dengan total sampling, dan analisis data menggunakan analisis biaya, penerimaan, pendapatan dan R/C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Besarnya biaya yang dikeluarkan (biaya tetap dan biaya variabel) dari USAhatani kencur per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Madura Kecamatan Wanareja adalah rata-rata sebesar Rp 9.554.581,76. Rata-rata produksi USAhatani kencur yang dicapai oleh responden sebanyak 12.072,57 kilogram per hektar per musim tanam. Adapun harga jual kencur berkisar rata-rata Rp 2.300,00 per kilogram. Maka penerimaan Rp 27.765.713,33 per hektar per musim tanam dan pendapatan rata-rata sebesar Rp 18.211.131,57 per hektar per musim tanam. 2) Berdasarkan analisis imbangan Penerimaan dan Biaya (R/C) pada USAhatani kencur di Desa Madura Kecamatan Wanareja adalah rata-rata sebesar 2,91 artinya apabila biaya yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp 1,00 maka diperoleh penerimaan sebesar Rp 2,91 dan pendapatan sebesar Rp 1,91. Maka USAhatani kencur di Desa Madura Kecamatan Wanareja layak untuk diusahakan

    Uji Sifat Fisis Gel Antiacne Ekstrak Daun Gambir (Uncaria Gambir Roxb) Dalam Basis Na Cmc Dan Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Terhadap Staphylococcus Aureus

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    The aim of this research is to know the influence of Na CMC concentration to physical characteristic and antibacterial activity of gel gambier leaf extract against Staphylococcus auereus. Three formulas of gel were made by various Na CMC concentration (4%, 5%, and 6%). Produced gels were tested physical characteristic (organoleptic, pH test, viscosity, homogenity, spread ability, adhesive ability, and identification of gambier leaf extract). Antibacterial activity test was done by solid diffusion method. Viscosity data was analyzed using two way ANOVA, spread ability, adhesive ability, and antibacterial activity of gel gambier leaf extract was analyzed using one way ANOVA with 95% of confidence level and continued by LSD (Least Significant Difference) on the data which had difference signifficancy. The result showed that the Na CMC concentration increases by 4%; 5%; and 6% giving impairment spread ability but increases adhesion and viscosity. The greatest antibacterial ability in gel gambier leaf extarct with a concentration 5% Na CMC. Keywords: antibacterial activity, gel, gambier (Uncaria gambir Roxb) leaf extract, Na CMC, Staphylococcus auereus

    Focal Mechanism and Parameter of Volcano-Tectonic Earthquake Source, in Mount Guntur, West Java

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v6i1.111Guntur Volcano in West Java is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. The last eruption took place in 1847 and the volcanic activity has been dormant since then, however its seismicity is active. During the period of July to October 2009, the hypocenter distribution of VT earthquakes is mostly located at western flank of the volcano, beneath Guntur - Gandapura craters at the depth of less than 5 km. The depth pattern shows deeper to the northwest. The VT earthquakes deeper than 5 km were not found in this period. The focal mechanism of VT earthquakes are oblique normal fault, strike-slip fault and oblique reverse fault types. The mechanism of those earthquakes is not uniquely determined probably due to complicated structures at Guntur volcano complex area, which is aligned in NW-SE direction. T-axis of the oblique normal fault is trending in northwest - southeast direction similar to the structures found in the summit area of Gunung Guntur Volcano. Similarly, one of the strike-slip fault nodal line and P-axis of oblique reverse fault are also trending in northwest - southeast. Ploting of the earthquake source parameters (seismic moment, corner frequency, and stress drop) made to hypocenter distance shows no significant difference on those parameters between earthquakes at close and far distances to Kabuyutan station. It is probably due to the hypocenters are not concentrated in one zone. Meanwhile, the relationship between seismic moment (Mo) and seismic source radius (r) shows that for earthquakes with moment of smaller than 1018 dyne cm, the radius of the hypocenter is constant which is namely 60 m

    Mechanism of High Frequency Shallow Earthquake Source in Mount Soputan, North Sulawesi

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v6i3.122Moment tensor analysis had been conducted to understand the source mechanism of earthquakes in Soputan Volcano during October - November 2010 period. The record shows shallow earthquakes with frequency about 5 - 9 Hz. Polarity distribution of P-wave first onset indicates that the recorded earthquakes are predominated by earthquakes where almost at all stations have the same direction of P-wave first motions, and earthquakes with upward first motions.In this article, the source mechanism is described as the second derivative of moment tensor, approached with first motion amplitude inversion of P-wave at some seismic stations. The result of moment tensor decomposition are predominated by earthquakes with big percentage in ISO and CLVD component. Focal mechanism shows that the recorded earthquakes have the same strike in northeast-southwest direction with dip about 400 - 600. The sources of the high frequency shallow earthquakes are in the form of tensile-shear cracks or a combination between crack and tensile faulting

    Hubungan Berat Badan Lahir Dengan Ruptur Perineum Pada Primipara Di Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : In a woman who has recently given birth or the first time called primiparous, have a risk of laceration of the birth canal through vaginal delivery. In the primary post partum hemorrhage, can be caused by various rips through the birth canal. In addition to causing bleeding, laceration of the birth canal is also a determining factor for postpartum perineal pain. Perineal lacerations or tears can occur spontaneously and episiotomy. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between birth weight infants with ruptured perineal in primiparous vaginal delivery in a maternity department of Prof.. DR. R. D. Manado Kandou the period January-September 2012. Method observational study done analytically with the plan and cross-sectional data were analyzed by Chi square bivariate. Sample in this study of 808 primipara. Results obtained: 1) Most primipara suffered an episiotomy that is 50.7%. 2) Babies born with the most number 2500-4000 gram weight. 3) Birth weight <2500 g and 2500-4000 associated with spontaneous rupture either primiparous or episiotomy. 4) The results of the analysis of the relationship between birth weight with a ruptured perineum primiparous obtained p value = 0.330 and the value of = 0.449, it can be concluded there was no significant association between birth weight with a ruptured perineum primipara. Thus, Ho received

    Pendugaan Posisi Dapur Magma Gunungapi Inelika, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur Berdasarkan Survei Magnetik

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    Gunungapi Inelika, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur merupakan salah satu gunungapi muda berumur kuarter yang digolongkan aktif dan merupakan gunungapi tipe A. Gunungapi Inelika menampakkan kerucut gunungapi strato. Pada bagian selatan gunungapi ini, terdapat sumber air panas yang merupakan indikasi adanya potensi sumber panas bumi dimana kemungkinan dapat diindikasi kondisi dapur magma di bawah permukaan. Metode magnetik merupakan salah satu metode yang memberikan gambaran tentang sebaran kemagnetan di permukaan bumi. Data yang digunakan merupakan data magnetik sekunder tahun 2010 dimana setelah dilakukan berbagai koreksi antara lain koreksi diurnal dan koreksi IGRF, diketahui nilai anomali magnetik total gunungapi Inelika adalah -537,9 hingga 189,9 nT. Interpretasi secara kualitatif dilakukan untuk mengetahui pola kontur anomali magnetik pada daerah pengukuran. Untuk mempermudah dalam penginterpretasiannya dilakukan pengolahan data yang dikenal dengan pengangkatan (Upward Continuation) dan pengkutuban (Reduce to pole). Interpretasi kuantitatif dilakukan dengan membuat model hasil slicing (sayatan) pada kontur anomali magnetik untuk mengetahui kondisi bawah permukaan. Dengan model bawah permukaan ini dapat diindetifikasi bahwa terdapat dapur magma di daerah barat daya

    Peningkatan Motivasi dan Keterampilan Speaking Menggunakan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournament

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    This study aims to analyze the lesson plans, learning implementation, evaluation of learning process and the learning result for increasing the students’ motivation and speaking skill. The research is classroom action research which is divided into three cycles on students of 10th1 and 10th2 grades of SMAN 8 Bandar Lampung. The results show that (1) Lesson plan uses procedures as follow: grouping students, telling the objective of the lesson by giving a game as brainstorming, discussing group work, doing a tournament, and giving a reward to students’ group; (2) Students’ activities such as discussing group work actively, learning the lesson based on the rule of game, practicing of using English, and answering teacher’s question bravely have improvement in the third cycle to be 76%; (3) Learning assessment system uses APKG, observation of students\u27 learning activities, questionnaire, and oral test both in group and in individual.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perencanaan pembelajaran, proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran, evaluasi pembelajaran, hasil pembelajaran yaitu peningkatan motivasi dan keterampilan berbicara. Penelitian menggunakan PTK dengan 3 siklus pada siswa kelas X1 dan X2 SMAN 8 Bandar Lampung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) RPP dirancang dengan langkah-langkah: mengelompokkan siswa, menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dengan memberikan stimulus terlebih dahulu berupa permainan, siswa mendiskusikan tugas kelompok, melakukan turnamen, dan memberikan penghargaan (reward) kepada kelompok siswa; (2) aktivitas siswa dalam keaktifan dan kerjasama dalam diskusi kelompok, melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai dengan aturan permainan, berlatih menggunakan bahasa Inggris, dan keberanian menjawab pertanyaan guru mengalami peningkatan pada siklus III menjadi 76%; (3) sistem penilaian pembelajaran melalui APKG, observasi aktivitas belajar siswa, kuesioner, dan tes lisan kelompok dan individu

    The Implementation of Get- the- Gist Strategy in Improving Students’ Reading Achievement

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menemukan perbedaan yang signifikan pada nilai membaca siswa setelah diajarkan melalui strategi get-the-gist, (2) menemukan peningkatan nilai membaca siswa setelah diajarkan melalui strategi get-the-gist ,dan (3) mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang siswa hadapi dalam pembelajaran keterampilan membaca makro. Data didapat dari soal-soal membaca dan kuesioner dan diolah menggunakan SPSS 16.0. Hasil menunjukan bahwa t-ration lebih besar daripada t-table (8.103> 2.056). Itu berarti ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai pre-test dan post-test pada nilai pemahaman membaca siswa. Peningkatan antara pre-test dan post-test adalah 14.04. Itu berarti bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan pada nilai membaca siswa. Data dari kuesioner menunjukan bahwa siswa merasa bosan untuk membaca. Ini dikarenakan keterampilan membaca dalam bahasa Inggris itu sulit dan tidak menarik. Siswa masih merasa kesulitan menjawab soal-soal khususnya pertanyaan dalam aspek membaca.The objectives of the research were: (1) to find out whether there is a significant difference on students’ reading achievement after being taught through get- the- gist strategy, (2) to find out whether there is an improvement on students’ reading achievement after being taught through get- the- gist strategy, and (3) to find out the problems the students face in learning macro skills of reading comprehension. The data were collected by means of reading tests and questionnaire, and the data were computed using SPSS 16.0. The results showed that t-ratio was higher than t-table (8.103>2.056). It means that there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test. The increase between pre-test and post-test was 14.04. It means there was a significant improvement of the students’ reading achievement.The questionnaire-based data showed that students felt bored to read. It was due to reading in English was difficult and not interesting. They still faced difficulties answering the questions especially in reading aspects