20 research outputs found

    THE STRATEGY OF RURAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT (An Eco-economy and Eco-cultural Approach)

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    The research is aimed to analyse the strategy of rural tourism development in Kepuharjo, a village in the foot plain of Merapi Volcano. The data were obtained from 140visitors doing activities surrounding Yogyakarta Special Province with structured questionnaire; the data was then analysed using conjoint analysis and analytic hierarchical process.The finding shows that the strategy of rural tourism development of Kepuharjo village is called “saga”. Within this strategy, its urgent aspect is keeping an evergreenenvironment, where the object has to be a conservatory value that almost disappears of environmental change. Besides, it must enrich the attractions, improve quality of amenities and get better of accessibilities. The implication of the finding, sustainable development of rural tourism of Kepuharjo Village, should use both an eco-economy way (designed to mesh with Earth's ecosystem instead of disrupting and destroying it) and an eco-culture work (to respects the traditional knowledge of existence and supports local materials and biodiversity) simultaneously.Keywords: strategy, rural tourism development, eco-economy, eco-culture


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    This research aims to profile precisely strategy for the cultural landscape revitalization of Krebet region with an eco-economy approach. Data were obtained from 200 person of community which doing acitivity in Krebet with structured questionnaire; and conducted by using both factor and cluster analysis. After that, as a result of Delphi method, the policy was shaped by exploring 15 experts. The priorities of policy are confirmed by analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results indicate that revitalization indicators of Krebet’s cultural landscape are: (1) eco-museum (conservation of panoramic landscape and traditionally agriculture) and conservation of forestry function (biodiversity management and planting various trees); (2) eco-culture (uses local resources, living culture conservation and handicraft innovation) and cultural heritage conservation (traditional arts and cultural heritage). All utilizing of the attributes based on eco-economy that respects an environmentally sustainable economy. It requires that the principles of ecology establish the framework for the formulation of economic policy and that economists and egologist work together to fashion the new economy. Hence, an eco-economy is perhaps a new paradigm to an immediate needed change. For the reason, the survival of Krebet’s site in the future will fully depend on its sustainable development policy to those attributes. Management of cultural landscape in Krebet should have to focus on natural and cultural – a cultural landscape – resources where human being living.Keywords: Krebet, cultural landscape, eco-economy, revitalizatio

    The Strategy of Rural Tourism Development (an Eco-economy and Eco-cultural Approach)

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    The research is aimed to analyse the strategy of rural tourism development in Kepuharjo, a village in the foot plain of Merapi Volcano. The data were obtained from 140visitors doing activities surrounding Yogyakarta Special Province with structured questionnaire; the data was then analysed using conjoint analysis and analytic hierarchical process.The finding shows that the strategy of rural tourism development of Kepuharjo village is called “saga”. Within this strategy, its urgent aspect is keeping an evergreenenvironment, where the object has to be a conservatory value that almost disappears of environmental change. Besides, it must enrich the attractions, improve quality of amenities and get better of accessibilities. The implication of the finding, sustainable development of rural tourism of Kepuharjo Village, should use both an eco-economy way (designed to mesh with Earth's ecosystem instead of disrupting and destroying it) and an eco-culture work (to respects the traditional knowledge of existence and supports local materials and biodiversity) simultaneously

    Systemic Sclerosis and Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disease affecting women of childbearing age at least five times more than men. For a long time, pregnant women with SSc have high morbidity and mortality based on case reports and case series. Therefore, the disease was a contraindication for pregnancy. However, current retrospective studiesshow that despite of an increased frequency of prematurity and small for gestational age infants, overall maternal and neonatal survival is good. With close monitoring and appropriate therapy, most scleroderma patients can sustain a successful pregnancy


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    This research aims to profile precisely strategy for the cultural landscape revitalization of Krebet region with an eco-economy approach. Data were obtained from 200 person of community which doing acitivity in Krebet with structured questionnaire; and conducted by using both factor and cluster analysis. After that, as a result of Delphi method, the policy was shaped by exploring 15 experts. The priorities of policy are confirmed by analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results indicate that revitalization indicators of Krebet’s cultural landscape are: (1) eco-museum (conservation of panoramic landscape and traditionally agriculture) and conservation of forestry function (biodiversity management and planting various trees); (2) eco-culture (uses local resources, living culture conservation and handicraft innovation) and cultural heritage conservation (traditional arts and cultural heritage). All utilizing of the attributes based on eco-economy that respects an environmentally sustainable economy. It requires that the principles of ecology establish the framework for the formulation of economic policy and that economists and egologist work together to fashion the new economy. Hence, an eco-economy is perhaps a new paradigm to an immediate needed change. For the reason, the survival of Krebet’s site in the future will fully depend on its sustainable development policy to those attributes. Management of cultural landscape in Krebet should have to focus on natural and cultural – a cultural landscape – resources where human being living.Keywords: Krebet, cultural landscape, eco-economy, revitalizatio

    Strategi Konservasi Kebudayaan Lokal Yogyakarta

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    The purpose of this paper is assessing conservation strategy of Yogyakarta local culture to muffle attacking globalization of cultural economic and cultural industry. We do looking for effectual strategy to develop cultural tourism based on creativity sense. We first identify important factors that confound the physic and entity culture using factor and cluster analysis. Following this, we apply expert choice to enact the strategy. We conclude that important factors for the conservation of culture are introducing the Javanese eco-culture to society early on, revitalizing the ritual tradition and conserving the traditional dance and music. In addition, we propose the policy brief in order to become the important reference of cultural tourism development. The important policies are giving cognitive, affective and conative education to people, and reanimating traditional jackstraws


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    This research aims to explore cultural development indicators in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), which seen having competitive advantage. Then, formulating its policy, strategy and implementation programs based on cultural development. Data were obtained from survey to inhabitants in four regencies and one city. We processed data statistically by factor and cluster analysis. In addition, we did SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation), internal-external analysis and using choice experiment to look for and chose priorities among them. The results indicate that imperative parameters of cultural shape are organic solidarity, spiritualism, social institution, introduction of Javanese culture and language on early education, appreciation of arts, using formal and non-formal institution simultaneous and doing well communication in society. Therefore, the critical factors of cultural physic are arts value, arts performance, supporting infrastructure of culture, heritage conservation, batik and lurik pattern, handicrafts, traditional fashion, discipline and caring Kraton as centre of Javanese culture. Consequently, government of DIY should push cognitive, affective and conative education and doing revitalization of tradition, custom and rituals that reflecting of identity, integrity and togetherness of Javanese ethnics

    Proceedings pertemuan ilmiah arkeologi V: II.B kajian arkeologi Indonesia

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    Buku ini berisi makalah-makalah dengan judul-judul sebagai berikut. Kajian epigrafi dan naskah. Kajian aspek lingkungan hidup. Kajian aspek sosial dan religi, serta pembahasan lainnya yang dapat dilihat dalam buku in

    The Role of CYP2A6 Genetic Polymorphism in Nicotine Dependence and Tobacco Consumption among Bataknese Male Smokers

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    AIM: This research aimed to analyse the relationship between CYP2A6 gene polymorphism with nicotine dependence and its relation to the number of cigarette consumption among Bataknese smokers.METHOD: This study was a cross-sectional study involving 140 research subjects in Medan, Indonesia.RESULTS: Nicotine dependence rates were found to be significantly associated with the number of cigarette consumption expressed in the Brinkman Index.CONCLUSION: The *1A wild-type alleles have a greater risk of high-very high dependence rate compared to the other variants

    HUBUNGAN ANTARA LINGKAR SKROTUM DENGAN KARAKTERISTIK CAIRAN DAN SPERMATOZOA DALAM CAUDA EPIDIDYMIS PADA SAPI BALI [The Correlation of Scrotal Circumference, Spermatozoa of Epididymis Caudalis and Dilution Characteristic in Bali Cattle]

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    ABSTRAK Artikel ini mendiskusikan hubungan antara ukuran lingkar skrotum sebagai variabel bebas dengan karakteristik spermatozoa dalam epididymis sebagai variabel-variabel tak bebas pada sapi Bali. Adapun karakteristik spermatozoa yang diamati meliputi penilaian terhadap warna dan konsistensi cairan, konsentrasi spermatozoa (total hidup dan mati), motilitas dan abnormalitas spermatozoa. Data diolah dengan analisis korelasi dan regresi. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa warna dan konsistensi serta pH cairan epididymis berhubungan erat dengan ukuran lingkar skrotum sapi Bali. Setiap kenaikan 1 cm ukuran lingkar skrotum maka terjadi peningkatan sebesar 0,18 unit skor warna dan konsistensi cairan epididymis, sedangkan konsistensi sperma, persentase sperma mati,sperma abnormal dan motilitas sperma berhubungan erat dengan ukuran lingkar skrotum sapi Bali. Setiap kenaikan 1 cm ukuran lingkar skrotum maka konsentrasi sperma mengalami kenaikan sebesar 0,15x109/ml,persentase sperma mati menurun sebesar 0,22%,sperma abnormal primer menurun 0,25% dan skor gelombang massa sperma meningkat 0,18 unit. Kata kunci : korelasi, regresi, skrotum, sprematozoa, sapi Bali ABSTRACT This study discusses the correlation of scrotal circumferences as independent variable and the characteristic of spermatozoa in epididymis as dependent variable of Bali cattle. The characteristic of spermatozoa perceived to cover assessment to colour and abnormality of spermatozoa. Analyze data processed with analysis of correlation and regression. A regression analyze indicated that colour and consistency and also pH of dilution of epididymis closely related to the size of circle scrotum of Bali cattle. The increase in 1 cm of circular size measure of scrotum improved 0.18 unit of score of colour and consistency of dilution epididymis; while sperm consistency, percentage of death sperm, sperm abnormality and sperm motility were closely related to the size circle scrotum of Bali cattle. The increase in 1 cm of circular size measure of scrotum enhanced the concentration of sperm to 0.15x 10 9/ml, descreased the death percentage of sperm to 0,22% and decreased the abnormality of sperm to 0.25% and increased to 0.18 unit of score of mass wave of sperm. Keywords : correlation, regression, scrotum, epididymis sperm, Bali cattl