3,731 research outputs found

    Compressible Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model

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    We introduce a Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model with the addition of elastic degrees of freedom. The problem is formulated in terms of an effective four-spin Hamiltonian in the pressure ensemble, which can be treated by the replica method. In the replica-symmetric approximation, we analyze the pressure-temperature phase diagram, and obtain expressions for the critical boundaries between the disordered and the ordered (spin-glass and ferromagnetic) phases. The second-order para-ferromagnetic border ends at a tricritical point, beyond which the transition becomes discontinuous. We use these results to make contact with the temperature-concentration phase diagrams of mixtures of hydrogen-bonded crystals.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; added references, added conten

    El Derecho Internacional ante el siglo XXI (Simposio de Zermatt, 1993)

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    A Force-Balanced Control Volume Finite Element Method for Multi-Phase Porous Media Flow Modelling

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    Dr D. Pavlidis would like to acknowledge the support from the following research grants: Innovate UK ‘Octopus’, EPSRC ‘Reactor Core-Structure Re-location Modelling for Severe Nuclear Accidents’) and Horizon 2020 ‘In-Vessel Melt Retention’. Funding for Dr P. Salinas from ExxonMobil is gratefully acknowledged. Dr Z. Xie is supported by EPSRC ‘Multi-Scale Exploration of Multi-phase Physics in Flows’. Part funding for Prof Jackson under the TOTAL Chairs programme at Imperial College is also acknowledged. The authors would also like to acknowledge Mr Y. Debbabi for supplying analytic solutions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Impact of the buoyancy–viscous force balance on two-phase flow in layered porous media.

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    Motivated by geological carbon storage and hydrocarbon recovery, the effect of buoyancy and viscous forces on the displacement of one fluid by a second immiscible fluid, along parallel and dipping layers of contrasting permeability, is characterized using five independent dimensionless numbers and a dimensionless storage or recovery efficiency. Application of simple dimensionless models shows that increased longitudinal buoyancy effects increase storage efficiency by reducing the distance between the leading edges of the injected phase in each layer and decreasing the residual displaced phase saturation behind the leading edge of the displacing phase. Increased transverse buoyancy crossflow increases storage efficiency if it competes with permeability layering effects, but reduces storage efficiency otherwise. When both longitudinal and transverse buoyancy effects are varied simultaneously, a purely geometrical dip angle group defines whether changes in storage efficiency are dominated by changes in the longitudinal or transverse buoyancy effects. In the limit of buoyancy-segregated flow, we report an equivalent, unidimensional flow model which allows rapid prediction of storage efficiency. The model presented accounts for both dip and layering, thereby generalizing earlier work which accounted for each of these but not both together. We suggest that the predicted storage efficiency can be used to compare and rank geostatistical realizations, and complements earlier heterogeneity measures which are applicable in the viscous limit

    Nephrops biomass index estimation from GALNEP26_2021 Survey in FU26 (West Galicia, ICES Division 9a)

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    Marin Fishing Industry (OPROMAR, Productores de Pesca Fresca del Puerto y la Ría de Marín) promoted a survey onboard a commercial vessel in order to estimate a Nephrops biomass index in FU26 with an observer onboard and the supervision of IEO since 2019. GALNEP26_2021 survey was conducted from 19th to 28th July 2021, following a systematic sampling over a 5x5 nm grid. Area survey was established on the base on the VMS analysis together the bottoms trawl logbooks in the 2009-2017 period. Additionally, sediment composition (EDMOnet) was taken account and gravel and rocky bottoms were eliminated in the area delimited by VMS. Survey was carried out by a unique commercial vessel (27.9 m Length, 109.17 TRB, 430 hp & 70 mm mesh size). The main objectives of GALNEP26_2021 survey were to estimate: the Nephrops abundance index, the discard rate and the size composition for both sexes in this FU. Nephrops total catches were 78 kg, representing lower than 1% of the total retained catch. Discard rate was very low and it was considered negligible. Survey index was 0.95 Kg/h with 95% confident of 1.31. Hauls positive in Nephrops were 18 of a total of 41 hauls carried out during the survey. Spatial analysis of the survey index shows Nephrops is concentrated in a small area on the Northwest half within the historical area distribution in FU26 although low Nephrops catches were obtained in the shallower and deeper part of the south of the area. The mean length was 35.0 mm CL for females and 41.9 mm CL for males. Sex-ratio was estimated in almost 50%

    Coherent response of the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron in the high-input regime

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    We analyze the response of the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron to a large number of uncorrelated stochastic inhibitory and excitatory post-synaptic spike trains. In order to clarify the various mechanisms responsible for noise-induced spike triggering we examine the model in its silent regime. We report the coexistence of two distinct coherence resonances: the first one at low noise is due to the stimulation of "correlated" subthreshold oscillations; the second one at intermediate noise variances is instead related to the regularization of the emitted spike trains.Comment: 5 pages - 5 eps figures, contribution presented to the conference CNS 2006 held in Edinburgh (UK), to appear on Neurocomputin

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown in non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics

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    The advantages and disadvantages of some pedagogical non-relativistic quantum-mechanical models, used to illustrate spontaneous symmetry breakdown, are discussed. A simple quantum-mechanical toy model (a spinor on the line, subject to a magnetostatic interaction) is presented, that exhibits the spontaneous breakdown of an internal symmetry.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1111.1213. Equations (30) and (31) have been corrected. Other minor correction

    Student Interviews via Email

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    This document contains the answers to the same four questions that were asked of two students who wished to remain anonymous. Both stated that the pandemic made it much more difficult for them to learn and participate in school activities. They offer their perspectives on how the pandemic has affected their motivation to continue schooling as well as their plans for the future, including whether or not to continue with their college education. They also offer perspectives on how they think their race has played a factor in continuing their schooling

    Kinematic properties of the field elliptical NGC7507

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    The dark matter (DM) halos of field elliptical galaxies have not been well-studied and their properties appear controversial in the literature. While some galaxies appear to be nearly devoid of DM, others show clear evidence of its presence. Furthermore, modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND), which has been found to have predictive power in the domain of disk galaxies, has not yet been investigated for isolated elliptical galaxies. We study the kinematics of the isolated elliptical NGC 7507, which has been claimed as a clear example of DM presence in early-type galaxies. We obtained major and minor axis long-slit spectroscopy of NGC 7507 using the Gemini South telescope and deep imaging in Kron-Cousins R and Washington C using the CTIO/MOSAIC camera. Mean velocities, velocity dispersion and higher order moments of the velocity distribution are measured out to ∼90′′. The galaxy, although almost circular, has significant rotation along the minor axis and a rapidly declining velocity dispersion along both axes. The velocity dispersion profile is modeled in the context of a spherical Jeans analysis. Models without DM provide an excellent representation of the data with a mass-to-light ratio (M/L) of 3.1 (R-band). The most massive Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) halo the data allow has a virial mass of only 3.9 -2.1 +3.1×10 11 M ⊙, although the data are more consistent with models that have a slight radial anisotropy, which implies the galaxy has an even lower DM halo mass of 2.2 -1.2 +2.0×10 11 M ⊙. Modeling of the h 4 Gauss-Hermite coefficient is inconclusive but seems to be consistent with mild radial anisotropy. A cored logarithmic DM halo with parameters r 0⊙l = 7 kpc and v 0 = 100 km s -1 can also reproduce the observed velocity dispersion profile. The MOND predictions overestimate the velocity dispersion. In conclusion, we cannot easily reproduce the previous findings of a predominance of DM in NGC 7507 within a simple spherical model. DM may be present, but only in conjunction with a strong radial anisotropy, for which there are some indications.Instituto de Astrofísica de La PlataFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica