370 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Intelektual, Kecerdasan Emosional, Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Pln Persero Area Klaten

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    This study attempts to analyze 1) to know influence intellect intellectual on performanceemployees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 2) to know the influence of emotional intelligence onperformance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 3) to know the influence of the workplace onperformance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 4) to know influence intellect intellectual,emotional intelligence, and workplace simultaneously on performance employees of PT. PLNKlaten area.Methods used in research is cuantitative method, with the data collected based on the answerquesioner. In this casethe writer used Likert scale. Populations in this research are employeeof PT. PLN Klaten area amounting to 69 people, in this research called the populationresearch. Analysis techniques data in this research using multiple linear regression, t test , Ftest , the coeffiecient determination.The analysis shows that the: 1) due to tcount > ttable (3.230 > 1,996) with standard significant0,05 so Ho rejected and accepetd Ha, it means intellect intellectual have leverage toperformance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 2) due to tcount > ttable (4.167 > 1,996) itmeans Ho rejected and receive Ha means intelligence intelectual have leverage toperformance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 3) due to tcount > ttable (2.362 > 1,996),means Ho rejected and receive Ha means the workplace have leverage to performanceemployees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 4) the results of the hypothesis simultaneously in thisresearch, it can be locations that the fcount > f table (56,176 > 2,75 ) it means Ho rejected, itmeans intellect intellectual, emotional intelligence, and workplace simultaneously haveleverage to performance employees of PT. PLN Klaten area. 5) results linear regressionanalysis double Y = -5.636 + 0,397X1 + 0,501X2 + 0,353X3 value adjusted R square = 0,725shows that the contribution of all the variables independent is worth 72,5% the rest of 27.5 %influenced by other variables that is not described in this research

    Rick Riordan's Intention in Writing Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and the Reception of the Readers

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    This research studies Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. The objectives are to describe the Greek mythology presented in the novel, the intention of Rick Riordan, and the reception of the readers. The methodology is hermeneutic referring to Recoeur's theory. It was found that, first, the Greek mythology presented in the novel is blended with American real life; second, the main character is a son of a Greek mythology god and a real American woman and, third, the setting is a blend of places in Greek mythology and real American cities. The intention of Riordan is to open up American culture that is lived through by Americans, that a part of American culture is Greek mythology. The readers accept that the novel fulfils the readers' horizon of expectation of aesthetic enjoyment and of the incorporation of Greek mythology into real American life


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    Korean drama, which is one form of the Korean wave, is a favorite show in modern society today. One of the reasons why Indonesia can easily receive Korean Drama shows is that Asian culture is still close and common, such as stories that talk about love and self-sacrifice. Not only Indonesia, but South Korean drama fans are also from various countries. Seeing this, OTT (over the top) service providers flocked to buy broadcast rights from South Korean television broadcasters and from production houses. For example, a Korean drama entitled Ghost Doctor airs on the OTT Iqiyi and Viu platforms. The drama, which adopts the medical fantasy and comedy genre, tells of a resident doctor named Ko Seung Tak who is doing an internship at his family's hospital, Ko Seung Tak who also has a "golden spoon" economic status has a personality that is inversely proportional to Cha Young Min (Professor Cha). Professor Cha is described as a thoracic surgeon who is genius and arrogant, one day he has an accident so that the spirit of Professor Cha is able to enter Ko Seung Tak's body. Professor Cha uses Ko Seung Tak's body to save the patient. The purpose of this study is to examine the golden spoon in the drama Ghost Doctor through Charles Sanders Pierce's semiotic analysis consisting of sign, object, and interpretant. The results obtained are that there are five scenes of a golden spoon in Ghost Doctor Korean drama.

    Efektivitas Media Sosial Instagram Terhadap Personal Branding Bintang Emon Pada Pengguna Instagram

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    ABSTRACT Currently, the popularity of Instagram is used by many people to get information or to share information about themselves. In today's era, Instagram has been used as a media for forming a person's self-image, this can be seen by the posts they upload on their Instagram account. The same thing was done by comedian Bintang Emon to make Instagram a place for the formation of self-image (personal branding). The aim of this research is to find out how much the effectiveness of Instagram social media on Bintang Emon personal branding on Instagram users. The research method that researchers chose was survey research. The paradigm used in this research is the positivism paradigm, according to the paradigm used, the approach to this research is descriptive quantitative. In this study, researchers conducted survey research by distributing questionnaires via google form to Instagram users and also watching video content owned by Bintang Emon. This study uses personal branding theory popularized by Peter Montoya and effective communication (Stewart L. Tubbs). The results of this study reveal that there is an effect of the effectiveness of Instagram social media on the personal branding of Bintang Emon by 64.3%. The conclusion results of this study are that there is a significant effect, namely the value of 0.000, and the results of the t-test and t table that the researchers obtained are T count> T table 14,324> 1,98099 so that there is an influence between the effectiveness of Instagram social media Instagram and Bintang Emon personal branding on Instagram users. Keywords:  Bintang Emon; Effective Communication; Personal Brandin

    Kebijakan Rusia Mengeluarkan Hak Veto terhadap Rancangan Resolusi Dewan Keamanan Pbb Tentang Konflik Sipil di Suriah

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    This paper describes Russias decision in issuing veto against the UN Security Council resolution drafts on Syria civil conflict in 2011 to 2012. The conflict in Syria is a civil conflict that demands the Syrian president to step down. In the face of the civil conflict, the Syrian government often used military and armed forces that resulted in the loss of life of many civilians. Seeing the Syrian government action taken in the face of this conflict, the UN Security Council drafted resolutions on Syria to help resolve the internal conflicts. The first draft of the UN Security Council resolution was made in 2011and was vetoed by Russia and China. The second UN Security Council resolution was drafted back in 2012, and Russia and China once again vetoed it. The theory applied in this research is foreign policy and the rational actor model with nation-state as the level of analysis. Foreign policy, based on the rational actor model is considered as a result of the actions of rational actors. Analysis of the nation-state level to examine how a decision can be made to produce a policy. Sources of data used in this study is from books, journals, newspapers and the Internet. The study founds that the two vetos by Russia at the sessions of the UN Security Council were taken because Russia has a political and security interests in Syria. Russia does not want to lose its influence and hegemony in Syria.Keywords: foreign policy, the Security Council resolution, civil conflict, vet

    Pengaruh Cara Kematian Ikan Dan Tahapan Penurunan Kesegaran Ikan Terhadap Kualitas Pasta Ikan Mujair (Oreochromis Mossambicus)

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    Tahapan penurunan kesegaran yang berlangsung pada komoditas hasil perikanan dapat dikelompokan menjadi tiga tahap, yaitu tahap pre rigor mortis, rigor mortis dan post rigor mortis. Salah satu produk olahan tersebut adalah pasta ikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh cara kematian dan penurunan kesegaran ikan yang berbeda terhadap kualitas pasta ikan mujair (Oreochromis mossambicus). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan pada penelitian utama adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial 2x3. Hasil penelitian pendahuluan didapatkan bahwa tepung tapioka 10 % sebagai konsentrasi terpilih sebagai pembuatan pasta ikan dengan nilai uji lipat dan uji gigit berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kualitas pasta ikan. Hasil penelitian utama didapatkan perlakuan kematian ikan menunjukan berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap gel strength. Tahapan penurunan kesegaran ikan berbeda menunjukan hasil berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap gel strength, pH dan kadar air. Tahapan penurunan kesegaran ikan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) terhadap derajat putih pasta ikan mujair. Nilai organoleptik ikan segar berkisar antara 6,03 – 8,00; nilai uji gel strength berkisar antara; 803 –1009,003 g/cm2; uji derajat putih; 63,91-71,37%; kadar air 69,18 – 74,53%; uji pH 6,87 – 7,01: nilai uji lipat 4,15 -4,79; uji gigit 4,4 -5,7 Pasta ikan mempunyai mutu lebih baik dengan perlakuan dimatikan langsung dalam kondisi rigor mortis. Kondisi rigor mortis merupakan saat terbaik menghasilkan kualitas pasta terbaik dilihat dari nilai gel strength dan derajat putih

    Pengaruh Penyaluran Kredit terhadap Pendapatan Operasional Bank (Studi Kasus pada Bank Nagari Cabang Pasar Raya Padang)

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    BSTRACTIssues that are examined in this study is whether there is any effect of working capital loans, investment loans and consumer loans to operating income of Bank Nagari Padang Bazaar branch . This study aims to determine : 1) the effect of working capital loans to operating income of Bank Nagari Padang Bazaar Branch, 2) the effect of investment lending to operating income of Bank Nagari Padang Bazaar Branch, 3) the influence of consumer lending to operating income of Bank Nagari branch Pasar Raya Padang. This type of research is a quantitative study with the location in the Branch Bank Nagari Padang Bazaar and the methodology used is multiple linear regression analysis method. The results showed that : First: Working Capital Lending significantly and negatively related to Operating Income Branch of Bank Nagari Padang Bazaar with a regression coefficient of -1.085 , meaning that if the working capital loans increased 1 billion then the regression coefficient decreased by U.S. $ -1.085 billion with Sig 0.023 < 0.05 . Second: Investment Lending positive and significant impact on Operating Income Branch Bank Nagari Padang Bazaar with a coefficient of 13.775 , meaning that if lending increased by 1 billion investment the regression coefficient increased by Rp 13.775 billion with 0,000 Sig < 0.05. Third: Consumer Lending positive and significant impact on Operating Income Branch Bank Nagari Padang Bazaar with a coefficient of 0183 , meaning that if lending increased by 1 billion investment the regression coefficient increased by USD 0.183 billion to 0.000 Sig < 0.05
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