11 research outputs found

    Uji Efek Anti-inflamasi Ekstrak n-Butanol dan Etil Asetat Daun Petai Cina (Leucaena leucocephala (Lamk.) De Wit) pada Mencit Jantan (Mus musculus) yang Diinduksi dengan Karagen

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan efek antiinflamasi dari ekstrak n-butanol dan etil asetat daun petai cina (Leucaena leucocephala (Lamk.) de Wit) berdasarkan penurunan volume radang pada telapak kaki mencit jantan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 ekor hewan uji dibagi menjadi 8 kelompok. Kelompok 1 sebagai kontrol negatif, kelompok 2 diberi suspensi natrium diklofenak sebagai pembanding, kelompok 3 diberi ekstrak etil asetat 0,5%, kelompok 4 diberi ekstrak etil asetat 1%, kelompok 5 diberi ekstrak etil asetat 1,5%, kelompok 6 diberi ekstrak n-butanol 0,5%, kelompok 7 diberi ekstrak n-butanol 1% dan kelompok 8 diberi ekstrak n-butanol 1,5%. Induksi dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan 0,05 ml karagen 1% b/v secara subkutan pada telapak kaki mencit. Setelah 1 jam setiap kelompok diberi sediaan uji peroral sebanyak 1 ml/30gBB. Pengukuran volume radang dilakukan pada menit 0, 30, 60, 90, dan 120. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ekstrak n-butanol dan etil asetat daun petai cina dapat menurunkan volume radang pada telapak kaki mencit. Ekstrak n-butanol memberikan efek antiinflamasi pada konsentrasi 0,5% sedangkan ekstrak etil asetat pada konsentrasi 0,5 % dan 1 % yang tidak berbeda bermakna terhadap natrium diklofenak

    Kajian Tradisi Membangun Bangunan Rumah Tinggal di Kawasan Kampung Naga, Tasikmalaya Ditinjau dari Konsep Sustainable. STUDI KASUS : Bangunan RumahTinggal di Kawasan Kampung Naga

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    An architecture work can be an intact proof of the old to today cultures with improving the quality of the existing cultures and architectures, preserving the old culture and architecture to be the proof for the future time.Now earth condition that has been increasingly damaged because of the global warming, buildings become one of the causes of the environment damages.The study related with the sustainability of a residential building in a region aims to find out and understand whether the residential buildings in the area of Kampung Naga are sustainable buildings as well as how the tradition of building the residential buildings in Kampung Naga as viewed from sustainable building aspect.The research method used in this study is field research method. Based on the social aspect from the tradition of building the residential buildings has a good social interaction, from the economical aspect, the tradition of building the residential buildings is very economic; and from the environmental aspect, the tradition of building the residential buildings can preserve the environmental balance. Therefore, it can be concluded that the residential buildings in Kampung Naga are sustainable buildings

    Kajian Aspek Kosmologi-Simbolisme pada Arsitektur Rumah Tinggal Vernakular di Kampung Naga

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    Folk architecture refers to the architecture that symbolises the culture of a nation with some of the attributes that are attached to it. Local or contextual architecture is the architecture that adapt to the conditions of the socio-cultural, linguistic, religious, geographic, climatic and environmental and natural architecture, built by a society based on such a natural basic human needs. Vernacular architecture comes from the local environment or community environment that understands the rules and to build a compound derived from the cosmology of the universe and the environment become symbols formed from the knowledge gained from the universe. Symbols that exist in the traditional house building kampung naga applied to in the applied forms in custom home Kampung Naga. This study can be expected to reference when designing buildings to pay attention to the use of the symbols of the cosmology of the universe, envirinment, religion, and social and culture, as well as support the development of the surrounding environment

    The Influence of Parenting and Self-Control Influence Toward Online Gaming Among Adolescents: the Influence of Parenting and Self-Control Influence Toward Online Gaming Among Adolescents

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    Online gaming is an action of playing the game with multiple player using internet connection. This study aims to analyze parent's emotional parenting practice and adolescent self-control on online gaming behavior among adolescents. The population in this research are vocational high-school students in Bekasi City. The school used in this research is chosen purposively that is State Vocational High-school 2 in Bekasi City. After 204 adolescents chosen, non-proportional random sampling was conducted to 60 respondents as sample between 16 until 18 years old who enrolled in vocational high school in Bekasi city. Data were collected by questionnaire with self-report technique. Most of the male and female adolescent emotional parenting practices are in a low category. Most male adolescent self-control are in the low category and females are in the middle category. Female adolescent self-control is higher than male adolescent. Most of the respondents are in the low category of online gaming. Male adolescents have higher rate of online gaming than female adolescent. There's a negative correlation between age, sex difference, negative and self-control with online gaming. There are direct influence of self-control and positive indirect effect of emotional parenting practice through self-control to online gaming

    The Meaning of Family Social Support for Covid-19 Survivor : A Phenomenological Study of Nomads Who Affected by Covid-19: the Meaning of Family Social Support for Covid-19 Survivor : A Phenomenological Study of Nomads Who Affected by Covid-19

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    Family social support is a very valuable and significant social support in helping the process of recovering the health of a Covid-19 patient. This study aims to describe the perception of social support received by Covid-19 survivors who migrate. This study uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological design. Participants involved in this study consisted of three participants who live in Indonesia, survivors of Covid-19, living far from family, and a minimum education level of high school. Samples were taken purposively, and the study was conducted in March 2021. This study found that two out of three participants hid the fact that they were positive for Covid-19 from their families. Therefore, the main source of social support for survivors who migrated came from their friends around them. Survivors receive various forms of social support during treatment, including instrumental support, emotional support, reward support, and social network support. This study concludes that each participant has felt sufficient social support even though they are far from their families

    Case Study: Analysis of Factors Affecting Marriage Satisfaction in Married Couples During Pandemic: Case Study: Analysis of Factors Affecting Marriage Satisfaction in Married Couples During Pandemic

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    Marriage is a sacred moment because it is considered a symbol of the transformation of parent's responsibility to the husband who is the head of the household. Marriage adjustment during the pandemic and the division of roles of gender in family life must be well intertwined in order to create a sense of satisfaction in marriage, especially for married couples during the pandemic. The study aims to analysis the marriage satisfaction of married couples during the pandemic. The study is a qualitative study using an impressive type of case study. sampling technique with the wife of the couple who conducted a wedding during the pandemic as the subject. The data retrieval technique involves semi-structured interviews using the interview guidelines and analysis through the three-grooved technique of data reduction, data presentation, deduction/verification. Research has shown that marriage satisfaction of married couples during the pandemic is affected by internal factors such as family relationships, social and external environments, free time between couples, preparations for childbirth, and parenting. The relationship between the spouse and the family of both spouses works well, which promotes satisfaction in the marriage

    Bevoelkerungswachstum und Familienplanung in Entwicklungslaendern

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    SIGLEUuStB Koeln(38)-940106470 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    The Role of Subtitles in Language Teaching

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    Da più di venti anni i sottotitoli sono stati proposti come un potenziale aiuto per studenti e insegnanti di lingue. La ricerca, anche se un po’ a macchia di leopardo, suggerisce che la sottotitolazione possa aumentare il lessico, aiutare l’acquisizione di termini nuovi e facilitare la comprensione. Anche la produzione propria di sottotitoli dalla parte degli studenti è stata promossa come lavoro di gruppo in sintonia con le idee di approcci comunicativi e task-based learning. Il presente articolo tenta di mettere in questione la prassi attuale dell’utilizzo dei sottotitoli nell’insegnamento delle lingue, sottolineando l’importanza di sviluppare una base teorica e metodologica chiara per l’uso di questa risorsa, potenzialmente significativa per scoprire una lingua straniera in tutti i suoi crismi, e per trovare strategie efficaci dell’apprendimento. Sottotitoli sia intralinguistici che interlinguistici sono presi in considerazione. La possibilità di promuovere la consapevolezza linguistica attraverso l’analisi dei brevi testi presenti sullo schermo e l’uso di videoclip nelle classe viene esaminata. Riconoscere la complessità dell’uso simultaneo dei canali aurali, visuali e testuali ci porta alla proposta di sfruttare i sottotitoli non solo come un esercizio o una preparazione vocazionale, ma anche come un mezzo per aiutare gli studenti a capire meglio la comunicazione multi-modale e raffinare le loro capacità di pensiero critico. Key words: subtitles; translation; task-based learning; narrative (sottotitoli; traduzione; task-based learning; narrazione