29 research outputs found


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      The ability to solve mathematical problems is an important part of learning mathematics that links daily life. The importance of having good mathematical problem solving skills, so understanding mathematics is also good, especially on the pythagoras theorem material. Material related to the construction of this triangle can be applied in calculations in real life. To be able to construct the concept of the pythagoras theorem problem, it needs an ability that can represent imagination into an object, this ability is called spatial visualization ability. This research will discuss the students' mathematical problem solving abilities on the pythagoras theorem material based on the spatial visualization abilities possessed by students. The research method used was a qualitative research with a descriptive approach to students of class VIII MTS 38 Jakarta. The test instrument was a matter of pythagoras theorem description and spatial visualization intelligence test. The results showed that students who have low spatial visualization skills tend not to be able to solve problem solving problems well, students who have moderate problem solving abilities can solve problem solving problems even though there are still steps that are not right, while students who have high spatial visualization abilities can solve problem solving problems with the right steps and answers.  The ability to solve mathematical problems is an important part of learning mathematics that links daily life. The importance of having good mathematical problem solving skills, so understanding mathematics is also good, especially on the pythagoras theorem material. Material related to the construction of this triangle can be applied in calculations in real life. To be able to construct the concept of the pythagoras theorem problem, it needs an ability that can represent imagination into an object, this ability is called spatial visualization ability. This research will discuss the students' mathematical problem solving abilities on the pythagoras theorem material based on the spatial visualization abilities possessed by students. The research method used was a qualitative research with a descriptive approach to students of class VIII MTS 38 Jakarta. The test instrument was a matter of pythagoras theorem description and spatial visualization intelligence test. The results showed that students who have low spatial visualization skills tend not to be able to solve problem solving problems well, students who have moderate problem solving abilities can solve problem solving problems even though there are still steps that are not right, while students who have high spatial visualization abilities can solve problem solving problems with the right steps and answers

    Aplikasi Sketsa Gambar Dan Tulisan Pada Video Call Berbasis Android

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    Video Call is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two parties of people in different locations can interact via two-way delivery of audio and video in real time. Tools to sketch pictures and writings on the application ViCall aims to facilitate educators do the learning process using media with video call implementation sketch pictures and writings as explanatory. Educators start doing sketches image and writings and then saved. After that upload sketches image and writings made by educators can then be shown to the students. The results of the testing of the application can be run on at least speksifikasi android kitkat v4.4.4. On testing provider obtained the average connection time 8.33 seconds. Based on a questionnaire, test this application generates 84.4% by criteria of "very good"

    Spesies Lalat Buah Yang Menyerang Sayuran Solanaceae Dan Cucurbitaceae Di Sumatera Selatan

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    . Herlinda, S., Zuroaidah, Y. Pujiastuti, S. Samad, and T. Adam. 2008. Species of Fruitfly Attacking Solanaceous and Cucurbitaceous Vegetables in South Sumatera. The research was aimed to identify the species of fruitfly infesting Solanaceous and Cucurbitaceous vegetables at the center of vegetable production in South Sumatera. Survey had been conducted in central areas of Solanaceous vegetable (Lycopersicum esculentum Miller, Solanum melongena L., Lycopersicum pimpinellifolium L., and Capsicum annuum L.), and cucurbitaceous vegetable (Cucumis sativus L., Luffa acutangula L., Momordica charantia Linn., and Sechium edule Jack). There were 4 fruitfly species found in South Sumatera, i.e. Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett), Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), Bactroceratau (Walker), and Bactrocera umbrosus Fabricius. Among them, B. cucurbitae was found on fruits of C. sativus, L. acutangulata, M. charantia, and S. edule; Bactrocera tau was found on fruits of C. sativus; B. dorsalis was found on fruits of C. annuum, L. esculentum, L. pimpinellifolium, and S. melongena. Three species of fruitfly were trapped by methyl eugenol, namely B. dorsalis, B. cucurbitaceae, and B. umbrosus

    Lunar Moon Phase terhadap Tangkapan Persatuan Upaya Ikan Kembung (Rastrelliger Spp, Bleeker, 1851) di Pulau Damar, Kepulauan Seribu

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    Ones of information that needed on fisheries resources management isevalute catch per unit effort daily, montly, and annually. Daily of CPUEinfluenced of moon phase, and montly of CPUE might cause of fishing season.The CPUE research of Kembung Fish (Restrelliger spp) in Thousand Island is forstudy of lunar moon influence to cacth and season. This research done at june2006 to februari 2007 at Panggang-Pramuka Island, Kelapa Island, Tidung Island,Lancang Island, and Damar Island. Result of study knowns that Restrelliger spcatch on the peak solar moon less than a few day before and after solar moonpeak. Fishing season in Damar and Panggang-Pramuka Island shown on August-October, and Lancang, Kelapa, also Tidung Island on June-September. OnDecember, a part of Kembung fish migrate to east of damal island


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    Dua senyawa triterpenoid lupan, lupan-3b-ol (1) danlupeol (2) telah diisolasi dari kulit batang Sonneratiaalba (Lythraceae). Struktur kimia kedua senyawatersebut telah diidentifikasi berdasarkan data spektroskopidan perbandingan data spektra yang diperolehdari literatur. Senyawa 1 dan 2 menunjukkanaktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri Gram positifStaphylococcus aureus dan Streptococcus mutansdengan nilai MIC berturut-turut 94,1; 120; 35,2 dan22,6 mg/mL.Kata kunci: Antibakteri, lupan-3b-ol, lupeol, Sonneratiaalba, Lythraceae

    Pengaruh Suhu dan Tekanan Proses Pembuatan terhadap Konduktivitas Ionik Membran Pemfc Berbasis Polistiren Tersulfonasi.

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    PENGARUH SUHU DAN TEKANAN PROSES PEMBUATAN TERHADAP KONDUKTIVITAS IONIK MEMBRAN PEMFC BERBASIS POLISTIREN TERSULFONASI. Telah dilakukan pembuatan membran PEMFC berbasis polistiren tersulfonasi (sPS) dengan metode hotpres. Parameter yang divariasikan adalah suhu dan tekanan pada saat pengepresan. Membran yang dihasilkan memberikan hasil yang menunjukkan Perubahan karakter membran yang berpengaruh pada sifat konduktivitas ioniknya. Analisis yang digunakan dalam pengkajian kali ini adalah Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), analisis kandungan gugus -SO3H, pengukuran konduktivitas ionik, dan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Hasil analisis dari berbagai metode tersebut adalah suhu dan tekanan memberikan efek yang cukup berarti pada kandungan gugus -SO3H akhir dari membran yang dibuat. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara rigiditas membran terhadap sifat konduktivitas ioniknya