19 research outputs found

    Cd(II) and Pb(II) complexes of the polyether ionophorous antibiotic salinomycin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The natural polyether ionophorous antibiotics are used for the treatment of coccidiosis in poultry and ruminants. They are effective agents against infections caused by Gram-positive microorganisms. On the other hand, it was found that some of these compounds selectively bind lead(II) ions in <it>in vivo </it>experiments, despite so far no Pb(II)-containing compounds of defined composition have been isolated and characterized. To assess the potential of polyether ionophores as possible antidotes in the agriculture, a detailed study on their <it>in vitro </it>complexation with toxic metal ions is required. In the present paper we report for the first time the preparation and the structure elucidation of salinomycin complexes with ions of cadmium(II) and lead(II).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>New metal(II) complexes of the polyether ionophorous antibiotic salinomycin with Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions were prepared and structurally characterized by IR, FAB-MS and NMR techniques. The spectroscopic information and elemental analysis data reveal that sodium salinomycin (SalNa) undergoes a reaction with heavy metal(II) ions to form [Cd(Sal)<sub>2</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>2</sub>] (<b>1</b>) and [Pb(Sal)(NO<sub>3</sub>)] (<b>2</b>), respectively. Abstraction of sodium ions from the cavity of the antibiotic is occurring during the complexation reaction. Salinomycin coordinates with cadmium(II) ions as a bidentate monoanionic ligand through the deprotonated carboxylic moiety and one of the hydroxyl groups to yield <b>1</b>. Two salinomycin anions occupy the equatorial plane of the Cd(II) center, while two water molecules take the axial positions of the inner coordination sphere of the metal(II) cation. Complex <b>2 </b>consists of monoanionic salinomycin acting in polydentate coordination mode in a molar ratio of 1: 1 to the metal ion with one nitrate ion for charge compensation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The formation of the salinomycin heavy metal(II) complexes indicates a possible antidote activity of the ligand in case of chronic/acute intoxications likely to occur in the stock farming.</p

    Aldo Keto Reductase 1B7 and Prostaglandin F2α Are Regulators of Adrenal Endocrine Functions

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    Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α), represses ovarian steroidogenesis and initiates parturition in mammals but its impact on adrenal gland is unknown. Prostaglandins biosynthesis depends on the sequential action of upstream cyclooxygenases (COX) and terminal synthases but no PGF2α synthases (PGFS) were functionally identified in mammalian cells. In vitro, the most efficient mammalian PGFS belong to aldo-keto reductase 1B (AKR1B) family. The adrenal gland is a major site of AKR1B expression in both human (AKR1B1) and mouse (AKR1B3, AKR1B7). Thus, we examined the PGF2α biosynthetic pathway and its functional impact on both cortical and medullary zones. Both compartments produced PGF2α but expressed different biosynthetic isozymes. In chromaffin cells, PGF2α secretion appeared constitutive and correlated to continuous expression of COX1 and AKR1B3. In steroidogenic cells, PGF2α secretion was stimulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and correlated to ACTH-responsiveness of both COX2 and AKR1B7/B1. The pivotal role of AKR1B7 in ACTH-induced PGF2α release and functional coupling with COX2 was demonstrated using over- and down-expression in cell lines. PGF2α receptor was only detected in chromaffin cells, making medulla the primary target of PGF2α action. By comparing PGF2α-responsiveness of isolated cells and whole adrenal cultures, we demonstrated that PGF2α repressed glucocorticoid secretion by an indirect mechanism involving a decrease in catecholamine release which in turn decreased adrenal steroidogenesis. PGF2α may be regarded as a negative autocrine/paracrine regulator within a novel intra-adrenal feedback loop. The coordinated cell-specific regulation of COX2 and AKR1B7 ensures the generation of this stress-induced corticostatic signal

    Étude thermodynamique de la complexation des cations alcalins par la monensine et la p-chlorophenyl urethane monensine dans le methanol

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    Les ΔG, ΔH et ΔS des rĂ©actions de complexation des cations alcalins par la monensine et son dĂ©rivĂ© sont obtenus Ă  25 °C dans le mĂ©thanol par des mĂ©thodes potentiomĂ©triques et calorimĂ©triques. Les deux ionophores prĂ©sentent un comportement du mĂȘme type avec les ions Rb*. Cs+ et Ă  un moindre degrĂ© K+. La forte sĂ©lectivitĂ© de la monensine pour le sodium disparait par contre avec le dĂ©rivĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats sont interprĂ©tĂ©s en terme de contraction et d'adaptation du pseudocycle, aprĂšs avoir fait la part des effets de solvatation-dĂ©solvatation des cations impliquĂ©s

    Mode of action of calcimycin (A23187)

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    Formation constants of complexes and basic complexes of calcimycin with lanthanum, gadolinium and europium (III) cations were obtained in methanol using a potentiometric method. E.s.r. spectra of gadolinium for varying concentrations of gadolinium perchlorate, calcimycin and tétrabutylammonium methoxide afforded identification of the various species formed. Results obtained are discussed in terms of equilibria, structures and transport of lanthanide cations by calcimycin

    Mode of action of calcimycin (A 23187). V. Its reactions with monovalent metal cations in a biphasic water-organic solvent system

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    Extraction, as a function of the pH, of monovalent cations in water by the bacterial ionophore calcimycin in a butanol-toluene mixture was studied. The various possible equilibria were considered, the equations for the corresponding extraction curves were derived. Experimental data for Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, Ag+, TF and Hg+ show that only 1-1 or exceptionally 2-2 complex salts are formed. Corresponding formtion constants were obtained. Data are discussed in terms of structure and solvation of the complexes formed. The selectivity of calcimycin for the monovalent cations and for monovalent versus divalent cations is stressed

    TRF2 is recruited to the pre-initiation complex as a testis-specific subunit of TFIIA/ALF to promote haploid cell gene expression

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    Mammalian genomes encode two genes related to the TATA-box binding protein (TBP), TBP-related factors 2 and 3 (TRF2 and TRF3). Male Trf2(−/−) mice are sterile and characterized by arrested spermatogenesis at the transition from late haploid spermatids to early elongating spermatids. Despite this characterization, the molecular function of murine Trf2 remains poorly characterized and no direct evidence exists to show that it acts as a bona fide chromatin-bound transcription factor. We show here that Trf2 forms a stable complex with TFIIA or the testis expressed paralogue ALF chaperoned in the cytoplasm by heat shock proteins. We demonstrate for the first time that Trf2 is recruited to active haploid cell promoters together with Tbp, Taf7l and RNA polymerase II. RNA-seq analysis identifies a set of genes activated in haploid spermatids during the first wave of spermatogenesis whose expression is down-regulated by Trf2 inactivation. We therefore propose that Trf2 is recruited to the preinitiation complex as a testis-specific subunit of TFIIA/ALF that cooperates with Tbp and Taf7l to promote haploid cell gene expression