3,228 research outputs found

    Engineering Music to Slow Breathing and Invite Relaxed Physiology

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    We engineered an interactive music system that influences a user's breathing rate to induce a relaxation response. This system generates ambient music containing periodic shifts in loudness that are determined by the user's own breathing patterns. We evaluated the efficacy of this music intervention for participants who were engaged in an attention-demanding task, and thus explicitly not focusing on their breathing or on listening to the music. We measured breathing patterns in addition to multiple peripheral and cortical indicators of physiological arousal while users experienced three different interaction designs: (1) a "Fixed Tempo" amplitude modulation rate at six beats per minute; (2) a "Personalized Tempo" modulation rate fixed at 75\% of each individual's breathing rate baseline, and (3) a "Personalized Envelope" design in which the amplitude modulation matches each individual's breathing pattern in real-time. Our results revealed that each interactive music design slowed down breathing rates, with the "Personalized Tempo" design having the largest effect, one that was more significant than the non-personalized design. The physiological arousal indicators (electrodermal activity, heart rate, and slow cortical potentials measured in EEG) showed concomitant reductions, suggesting that slowing users' breathing rates shifted them towards a more calmed state. These results suggest that interactive music incorporating biometric data may have greater effects on physiology than traditional recorded music.Comment: Accepted at 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII

    The Bismut-Elworthy-Li type formulae for stochastic differential equations with jumps

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    Consider jump-type stochastic differential equations with the drift, diffusion and jump terms. Logarithmic derivatives of densities for the solution process are studied, and the Bismut-Elworthy-Li type formulae can be obtained under the uniformly elliptic condition on the coefficients of the diffusion and jump terms. Our approach is based upon the Kolmogorov backward equation by making full use of the Markovian property of the process.Comment: 29 pages, to appear in Journal of Theoretical Probabilit

    Genetic variability of muscle biological characteristics of young Limousin bulls

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    Genetic parameters of 4 muscle biological characteristics (protein to DNA ratio (Pro/DNA), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) activity and the proportion of type I myosin heavy chains (MHC I)), in the Semitendinosus and the Longissimus thoracis, were estimated simultaneously with average daily gain (ADG), 480-d final weight (FW), carcass lean and fat contents (CL% and CF% respectively) in a sample of young Limousin bulls tested in station. The data came from 144 animals, the progeny of 15 sires. Sire and residual variances and covariances were estimated u using an expectation maximization restricted maximum likelihood (EM-REML) procedure applied to a multitrait mixed model. Heritability coefficients of production traits, ADG, FW, CL% and CF%, were 0.19, 0.49, 0.39 and 0.43, respectively, while heritability coefficients of muscle characteristics, Pro/DNA, LDH, ICDH and MHC I, were 0.11, 0.26, 1.03 and 0.35 respectively, in the Semitendinosus muscle and 0.29, 0.31, 0.28 and 0.41, respectively, in the Longissimus thoracis muscle. In both muscles, the oxidative activity of the ICDH appeared to be genetically associated with the proportion of type I myosin heavy chains and opposed to the glycolytic activity of the LDH. The LDH activity was clearly associated with higher muscle-to-fat ratio, while the opposite relationship was observed between that ratio and the ICDH activity or the MHC I proportion.Les paramètres génétiques de 4 caractéristiques biologiques - le rapport protéines /ADN (Pro/DNA), les activités de la lactate déshydrogénase (LDH) et de l’isocitrate déshydrogénase (ICDH) et la proportion en chaînes lourdes de myosine lente (MHC I) - des muscles Semitendinosus et Longissimus thoracis, et ceux du gain moyen quotidien (ADG), du poids vif finaL à 480 j (FW) et des teneurs de la carcasse en muscles et en dépôts adipeux (CL% and CF% respectivement), ont été estimés simultanément à partir d’un échantillon de taurillons Limousins contrôlés en station. Le fichier comprenait 144 veaux issus de 15 pères testés sur descendance. Les variances et covariances paternelles et résiduelles ont été estimées par la méthode du maximum de vraisemblance restreinte, avec l’algorithme d’espérance-maximisation, appliquée à un modèle mixte multicaractère (EM-REML). Les coefficients d’héritabilité des variables de production, ADG, FW, CL% et CF%, s’élevaient respectivement à 0,19, 0,49, 0,39 et 0,43, tandis que les coefficients d’héritabilité des caractéristiques musculaires, Pro/DNA, LDH, ICDH et MHC I, valaient respectivement 0,11, 0,26, 1,03 et 0,35 dans le muscle Semitendinosus et 0,29, 0,31, 0,28 et 0,41 dans le muscle Longissimus thoracis. Dans les 2 muscles, l’activité oxidative de l’ICDH était génétiquement associée à la proportion de myosine lente et opposée à l’activité glycolytique du LDH. Cette activité du LDH était positivement corrélée avec le rapport muscles / dépôts adipeux, alors qu’une relation inverse était observée avec l’activité de l’ICDH et la proportion de MHC I

    Can one hear the shape of the Universe?

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    It is shown that the recent observations of NASA's explorer mission "Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe" (WMAP) hint that our Universe may possess a non-trivial topology. As an example we discuss the Picard space which is stretched out into an infinitely long horn but with finite volume.Comment: 4 page

    Concurrent OH imager and sodiumtemperature/wind lidar observation of a mesopause region undular bore event over Fort Collins/Platteville, CO

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    We reported the observation of a mesospheric front with the properties of an undular bore by an OH imager, over the Fort Collins/Platteville area on 6/7 October 2002. Unlike the earlier bore observations, a Na lidar capable of measuring mesopause region temperature, zonal, and meridional winds was in operation concurrently. The lidar data confirm, for the first time, the existence of a collocated temperature inversion layer to serve as the ducting region for bore propagation, as required by the simple theory proposed by Dewan and Picard 6 years ago. In addition, the lidar data in principle provide sufficient information for the determination of all parameters of the bore as suggested by the simple theory. The parameters so determined are compared to two bores previously studied. Like the earlier cases, the horizontal wavelength estimated from the theory is in good agreement with the observation. The lifetime of this undular bore, ∼120 min, was considerably shorter than the other two. Continued lidar observation after the bore event reveals that the ducting region may be controlled by a long-period wave, most likely related to a semidiurnal tide, and that atmospheric dynamic instability occurs simultaneously with the destruction of the wave train associated with the bore. It is possible that this constitutes, for the first time, the observation of the transition from an undular to a turbulent, or foaming, internal bore predicted by the theory

    Linking benthic biodiversity to the functioning of coastal ecosystems subjected to river runoff (NW Mediterranean)

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    Continental particulate organic matter (POM) plays a major role in the functioning of coastal marine ecosystems as a disturbance as well as an input of nutrients. Relationships linking continental inputs from the Rhone River to biodiversity of the coastal benthic ecosystem and fishery production were investigated in the Golfe du Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea). Macrobenthic community diversity decreased when continen¬tal inputs of organic matter increased, whereas ecosystem production, measured by common sole (Solea solea) fishery yields in the area, increased. Decreases in macrobenthic diversity were mainly related to an increasing abundance of species with specific functional traits, particularly deposit-feeding polychaetes. The decrease in macrobenthic diversity did not result in a decrease, but an increase in ecosystem production, as it enhanced the transfer of continental POM into marine food webs. The present study showed that it is necessary to consider functional traits of species, direct and indirect links between species, and feedback loops to understand the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning and productivity

    The Role of Mesotocin on Social Bonding in Pinyon Jays

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    The neuropeptide oxytocin influences mammalian social bonding by facilitating the building and maintenance of parental, sexual, and same‐sex social relationships. However, we do not know whether the function of the avian homologue mesotocin is evolutionarily conserved across birds. While it does influence avian prosocial behavior, mesotocin\u27s role in avian social bonding remains unclear. Here, we investigated whether mesotocin regulates the formation and maintenance of same‐sex social bonding in pinyon jays (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus), a member of the crow family. We formed squads of four individually housed birds. In the first, “pair‐formation” phase of the experiment, we repeatedly placed pairs of birds from within the squad together in a cage for short periods of time. Prior to entering the cage, we intranasally administered one of three hormone solutions to both members of the pair: mesotocin, oxytocin antagonist, or saline. Pairs received repeated sessions with administration of the same hormone. In the second, “pair‐maintenance” phase of the experiment, all four members of the squad were placed together in a large cage, and no hormones were administered. For both phases, we measured the physical proximity between pairs as our proxy for social bonding. We found that, compared with saline, administering mesotocin or oxytocin antagonist did not result in different proximities in either the pair‐formation or pair‐maintenance phase of the experiment. Therefore, at the dosages and time frames used here, exogenously introduced mesotocin did not influence same‐sex social bond formation or maintenance. Like oxytocin in mammals, mesotocin regulates avian prosocial behavior; however, unlike oxytocin, we do not have evidence that mesotocin regulates social bonds in birds

    Hypoglycaemia events with iGlarLixi versus premix biphasic insulin aspart 30 (BIAsp 30) in people with type 2 diabetes advancing from basal insulin:An analysis of the SoliMix trial

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    Aims To explore details of the incidence and rates of daytime and nocturnal hypoglycaemia, levels of hypoglycaemia, and relationship to glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), when comparing iGlarLixi versus premixed biphasic insulin aspart 30 (BIAsp 30) in the SoliMix randomized controlled trial. Materials and Methods This exploratory analysis of SoliMix used logistic regression and negative binomial regression analyses to assess between-treatment differences in the incidence and rates of hypoglycaemia by time of day. A negative binomial model was used to derive estimated annualized hypoglycaemia rates as a function of HbA1c. Results iGlarLixi was associated with lower incidence and rates of American Diabetes Association Level 2 (<54 mg/dL [<3.0 mmol/L]) hypoglycaemia during both night and day versus BIAsp 30. Incidence and rates of Level 1 (<70 to >= 54 mg/dL [<3.9 to >= 3.0 mmol/L]) hypoglycaemia were also mostly shown to be reduced with iGlarLixi versus BIAsp 30. Severe (Level 3) events were too few for analysis (n = 3). iGlarLixi was associated with lower modelled event rates of Level 2 and Level 1 hypoglycaemia over a wide range of HbA1c levels versus BIAsp 30. Conclusions These results show that the lower HbA1c levels and weight benefit seen with iGlarLixi versus premixed BIAsp 30 in people with type 2 diabetes advancing their basal insulin therapy in the SoliMix trial are also accompanied by a lower risk of hypoglycaemia at any time of day and across a broad range of HbA1c levels