79 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to evaluate chemical nutritional constituents of the pulp and seed of African elemi. The evaluation of chemical compositions of pulp and seed of African elemi was obtained from Mararaba Jamma Market Jos, Plateau State in North Central Nigeria were determined using standard analytical methods. The parameters determined of proximate were protein, moisture, fat, ash as well as fibre of the seed were 6.90±0.60, 6.00±0.11, 61.00±0.33, 3.40±0.00 as well as 7.90±0.21 % respectively, in other hand the respective values of protein, moisture, fat, ash as well as fibre of the pulp were 6.80±0.10, 22.20±0.24, 44.50±0.31, 8.20±0.01 as well as 12.00±0.10 %. The carbohydrate content was lowest in the pulp (6.30±0.41%) and highest in the seed (14.80±0.22%). Energy values analyzed in this study were 2625.90±0.25 and 1869.20±0.01 KJ/100g for the samples seed and pulp respectively. These samples contained reasonable amounts of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium as well as magnesium. The anti-nutritional analysis revealed the presence of oxalate, phytate, saponins, alkaloids, and cyanide which were within the permissible limits. The pulp and seed of African elemi could, therefore, serve as an additional promising source of protein and mineral contents for human and animal feeds formulations

    Assessment of Selected Heavy Metal Content on Dumpsites Soil and Vegetables Grown in Muwo Metropolis, Niger State, Nigeria

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    This study examines the concentration of heavy metals in soil samples and some vegetables (spinach, water leaf, bitter leaf and jute mallow) cultivated around dumpsites in Muwo Metropolis, Niger State, Nigeria. The soil samples and vegetable were analyzed for Ni, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd using AA500 spectrophotometer after acid digestion. Data obtained show that, the Pb (1.684 mg/kg of Jute) content was high compared to other metals study in this work. Concentration of Zn was 1.993, 0.862 and 0.443 mg/kg for water leaf, soil and control sample respectively. The content of Pb was 1.727, 1.738 and ND mg/kg for water leaf, soil and control sample respectively. Also, the concentration of Pb was 1.736, ND and 0.457 mg/kg for spinach, soil and control sample respectively. However, the content of Zn was 0.786, 0.751 and 0.554 mg/kg for spinach, soil and control sample respectively The accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural soils is of increasing concern because of, potential health risks, food safety as well as its detrimental effects on the soil ecosystem and human health. The pollution indexes of Ni contents are 0.439, 0.378, and 0.083 for jute, soil and control sample respectively. While Zn concentration was 1.117, 0.858 and 0.492 for jute, soil and control sample respectively. The result of this study shows that Pb concentrations are present in high levels in the study area at the different level of contamination

    The modified 2VO ischemia protocol causes cognitive impairment similar to that induced by the standard method, but with a better survival rate

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    Permanent bilateral occlusion of the common carotid arteries (2VO) in the rat has been established as a valid experimental model to investigate the effects of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion on cognitive function and neurodegenerative processes. Our aim was to compare the cognitive and morphological outcomes following the standard 2VO procedure, in which there is concomitant artery ligation, with those of a modified protocol, with a 1-week interval between artery occlusions to avoid an abrupt reduction of cerebral blood flow, as assessed by animal performance in the water maze and damage extension to the hippocampus and striatum. Male Wistar rats (N = 47) aged 3 months were subjected to chronic hypoperfusion by permanent bilateral ligation of the common carotid arteries using either the standard or the modified protocol, with the right carotid being the first to be occluded. Three months after the surgical procedure, rat performance in the water maze was assessed to investigate long-term effects on spatial learning and memory and their brains were processed in order to estimate hippocampal volume and striatal area. Both groups of hypoperfused rats showed deficits in reference (F(8,172) = 7.0951, P < 0.00001) and working spatial memory [2nd (F(2,44) = 7.6884, P < 0.001), 3rd (F(2,44) = 21.481, P < 0.00001) and 4th trials (F(2,44) = 28.620, P < 0.0001)]; however, no evidence of tissue atrophy was found in the brain structures studied. Despite similar behavioral and morphological outcomes, the rats submitted to the modified protocol showed a significant increase in survival rate, during the 3 months of the experiment (P < 0.02)

    Pigment epithelium-derived factor protects retinal ganglion cells

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    BACKGROUND: Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are responsible for the transmission of visual signals to the brain. Progressive death of RGCs occurs in glaucoma and several other retinal diseases, which can lead to visual impairment and blindness. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a potent antiangiogenic, neurotrophic and neuroprotective protein that can protect neurons from a variety of pathologic insults. We tested the effects of PEDF on the survival of cultured adult rat RGCs in the presence of glaucoma-like insults, including cytotoxicity induced by glutamate or withdrawal of trophic factors. RESULTS: Cultured adult rat RGCs exposed to glutamate for 3 days showed signs of cytotoxicity and death. The toxic effect of glutamate was concentration-dependent (EC(50 )= 31 μM). In the presence of 100 μM glutamate, RGC number decreased to 55 ± 4% of control (mean ± SEM, n = 76; P < 0.001). The glutamate effect was completely eliminated by MK801, an NMDA receptor antagonist. Trophic factor withdrawal also caused a similar loss of RGCs (54 ± 4%, n = 60, P < 0.001). PEDF protected against both insults with EC(50 )values of 13.6 ng/mL (glutamate) and 3.4 ng/mL (trophic factor withdrawal), respectively. At 100 ng/mL, PEDF completely protected the cells from both insults. Inhibitors of the nuclear factor κB (NFκB) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) significantly reduced the protective effects of PEDF. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that PEDF potently and efficaciously protected adult rat RGCs from glutamate- and trophic factor withdrawal-mediated cytotoxicity, via the activation of the NFκB and ERK1/2 pathways. The neuroprotective effect of PEDF represents a novel approach for potential treatment of retinopathies, such as glaucoma

    Widespread Presence of Human BOULE Homologs among Animals and Conservation of Their Ancient Reproductive Function

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    Sex-specific traits that lead to the production of dimorphic gametes, sperm in males and eggs in females, are fundamental for sexual reproduction and accordingly widespread among animals. Yet the sex-biased genes that underlie these sex-specific traits are under strong selective pressure, and as a result of adaptive evolution they often become divergent. Indeed out of hundreds of male or female fertility genes identified in diverse organisms, only a very small number of them are implicated specifically in reproduction in more than one lineage. Few genes have exhibited a sex-biased, reproductive-specific requirement beyond a given phylum, raising the question of whether any sex-specific gametogenesis factors could be conserved and whether gametogenesis might have evolved multiple times. Here we describe a metazoan origin of a conserved human reproductive protein, BOULE, and its prevalence from primitive basal metazoans to chordates. We found that BOULE homologs are present in the genomes of representative species of each of the major lineages of metazoans and exhibit reproductive-specific expression in all species examined, with a preponderance of male-biased expression. Examination of Boule evolution within insect and mammalian lineages revealed little evidence for accelerated evolution, unlike most reproductive genes. Instead, purifying selection was the major force behind Boule evolution. Furthermore, loss of function of mammalian Boule resulted in male-specific infertility and a global arrest of sperm development remarkably similar to the phenotype in an insect boule mutation. This work demonstrates the conservation of a reproductive protein throughout eumetazoa, its predominant testis-biased expression in diverse bilaterian species, and conservation of a male gametogenic requirement in mice. This shows an ancient gametogenesis requirement for Boule among Bilateria and supports a model of a common origin of spermatogenesis

    Preconditioning-induced ischemic tolerance: a window into endogenous gearing for cerebroprotection

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    Ischemic tolerance defines transient resistance to lethal ischemia gained by a prior sublethal noxious stimulus (i.e., preconditioning). This adaptive response is thought to be an evolutionarily conserved defense mechanism, observed in a wide variety of species. Preconditioning confers ischemic tolerance if not in all, in most organ systems, including the heart, kidney, liver, and small intestine. Since the first landmark experimental demonstration of ischemic tolerance in the gerbil brain in early 1990's, basic scientific knowledge on the mechanisms of cerebral ischemic tolerance increased substantially. Various noxious stimuli can precondition the brain, presumably through a common mechanism, genomic reprogramming. Ischemic tolerance occurs in two temporally distinct windows. Early tolerance can be achieved within minutes, but wanes also rapidly, within hours. Delayed tolerance develops in hours and lasts for days. The main mechanism involved in early tolerance is adaptation of membrane receptors, whereas gene activation with subsequent de novo protein synthesis dominates delayed tolerance. Ischemic preconditioning is associated with robust cerebroprotection in animals. In humans, transient ischemic attacks may be the clinical correlate of preconditioning leading to ischemic tolerance. Mimicking the mechanisms of this unique endogenous protection process is therefore a potential strategy for stroke prevention. Perhaps new remedies for stroke are very close, right in our cells

    Detection and Characterization of Oncogene Mutations in Preneoplastic and Early Neoplastic Lesions

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    While it has been nearly 30 years since its discovery, the ras family of genes has not yet lost its impact on basic and clinical oncology. These genes remain central to the field of molecular oncology as tools for investigating carcinogenesis and oncogenic signaling, as powerful biomarkers for the identification of those who have or are at high risk of developing cancer, and as oncogene targets for the design and development of new chemotherapeutic drugs. Mutational activation of the K-RAS proto-oncogene is an early event in the development and progression of the colorectal, pancreatic, and lung cancers that are the major causes of cancer death in the world. The presence of point mutational "hot spots" at sites necessary for the activation of this proto-oncogene has led to the development of a number of highly sensitive PCR-based methods that are feasible for the early detection of K-RAS oncogene mutations in the clinical setting. In light of these facts, mutation at the K-RAS oncogene has the potential to serve as a useful biomarker in the early diagnosis and risk assessment of cancers with oncogenic ras signaling. This chapter describes a highly sensitive method for detecting mutant K-RAS, enriched PCR, and its application to early detection of alterations in this oncogene in preneoplastic and early neoplastic lesions of the colon and rectum