163 research outputs found

    Kondo physics in carbon nanotubes

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    The connection of electrical leads to wire-like molecules is a logical step in the development of molecular electronics, but also allows studies of fundamental physics. For example, metallic carbon nanotubes are quantum wires that have been found to act as one-dimensional quantum dots, Luttinger-liquids, proximity-induced superconductors and ballistic and diffusive one-dimensional metals. Here we report that electrically-contacted single-wall nanotubes can serve as powerful probes of Kondo physics, demonstrating the universality of the Kondo effect. Arising in the prototypical case from the interaction between a localized impurity magnetic moment and delocalized electrons in a metallic host, the Kondo effect has been used to explain enhanced low-temperature scattering from magnetic impurities in metals, and also occurs in transport through semiconductor quantum dots. The far higher tunability of dots (in our case, nanotubes) compared with atomic impurities renders new classes of Kondo-like effects accessible. Our nanotube devices differ from previous systems in which Kondo effects have been observed, in that they are one-dimensional quantum dots with three-dimensional metal (gold) reservoirs. This allows us to observe Kondo resonances for very large electron number (N) in the dot, and approaching the unitary limit (where the transmission reaches its maximum possible value). Moreover, we detect a previously unobserved Kondo effect, occurring for even values of N in a magnetic field.Comment: 7 pages, pdf onl

    Nonequilibrium Singlet-Triplet Kondo Effect in Carbon Nanotubes

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    The Kondo-effect is a many-body phenomenon arising due to conduction electrons scattering off a localized spin. Coherent spin-flip scattering off such a quantum impurity correlates the conduction electrons and at low temperature this leads to a zero-bias conductance anomaly. This has become a common signature in bias-spectroscopy of single-electron transistors, observed in GaAs quantum dots as well as in various single-molecule transistors. While the zero-bias Kondo effect is well established it remains uncertain to what extent Kondo correlations persist in non-equilibrium situations where inelastic processes induce decoherence. Here we report on a pronounced conductance peak observed at finite bias-voltage in a carbon nanotube quantum dot in the spin singlet ground state. We explain this finite-bias conductance anomaly by a nonequilibrium Kondo-effect involving excitations into a spin triplet state. Excellent agreement between calculated and measured nonlinear conductance is obtained, thus strongly supporting the correlated nature of this nonequilibrium resonance.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Resonance Kondo Tunneling through a Double Quantum Dot at Finite Bias

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    It is shown that the resonance Kondo tunneling through a double quantum dot (DQD) with even occupation and singlet ground state may arise at a strong bias, which compensates the energy of singlet/triplet excitation. Using the renormalization group technique we derive scaling equations and calculate the differential conductance as a function of an auxiliary dc-bias for parallel DQD described by SO(4) symmetry. We analyze the decoherence effects associated with the triplet/singlet relaxation in DQD and discuss the shape of differential conductance line as a function of dc-bias and temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 6 eps figures include

    Kondo tunneling through real and artificial molecules

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    When a cerocene molecule is chemisorbed on metallic substrate, or when an asymmetric double dot is hybridized with itinerant electrons, its singlet ground state crosses its lowly excited triplet state, leading to a competition between the Zhang-Rice mechanism of singlet-triplet splitting in a confined cluster and the Kondo effect (which accompanies the tunneling through quantum dot under a Coulomb blockade restriction). The rich physics of an underscreened S=1 Kondo impurity in the presence of low-lying triplet/singlet excitations is exposed. Estimates of the magnetic susceptibility and the electric conductance are presented.Comment: 4 two-column revtex pages including 1 eps figur

    Kondo effect in systems with dynamical symmetries

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    This paper is devoted to a systematic exposure of the Kondo physics in quantum dots for which the low energy spin excitations consist of a few different spin multiplets SiMi>|S_{i}M_{i}>. Under certain conditions (to be explained below) some of the lowest energy levels ESiE_{S_{i}} are nearly degenerate. The dot in its ground state cannot then be regarded as a simple quantum top in the sense that beside its spin operator other dot (vector) operators Rn{\bf R}_{n} are needed (in order to fully determine its quantum states), which have non-zero matrix elements between states of different spin multiplets 0 \ne 0. These "Runge-Lenz" operators do not appear in the isolated dot-Hamiltonian (so in some sense they are "hidden"). Yet, they are exposed when tunneling between dot and leads is switched on. The effective spin Hamiltonian which couples the metallic electron spin s{\bf s} with the operators of the dot then contains new exchange terms, JnsRnJ_{n} {\bf s} \cdot {\bf R}_{n} beside the ubiquitous ones JisSiJ_{i} {\bf s}\cdot {\bf S}_{i}. The operators Si{\bf S}_{i} and Rn{\bf R}_{n} generate a dynamical group (usually SO(n)). Remarkably, the value of nn can be controlled by gate voltages, indicating that abstract concepts such as dynamical symmetry groups are experimentally realizable. Moreover, when an external magnetic field is applied then, under favorable circumstances, the exchange interaction involves solely the Runge-Lenz operators Rn{\bf R}_{n} and the corresponding dynamical symmetry group is SU(n). For example, the celebrated group SU(3) is realized in triple quantum dot with four electrons.Comment: 24 two-column page

    Electric-field controlled spin reversal in a quantum dot with ferromagnetic contacts

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    Manipulation of the spin-states of a quantum dot by purely electrical means is a highly desirable property of fundamental importance for the development of spintronic devices such as spin-filters, spin-transistors and single-spin memory as well as for solid-state qubits. An electrically gated quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime can be tuned to hold a single unpaired spin-1/2, which is routinely spin-polarized by an applied magnetic field. Using ferromagnetic electrodes, however, the properties of the quantum dot become directly spin-dependent and it has been demonstrated that the ferromagnetic electrodes induce a local exchange-field which polarizes the localized spin in the absence of any external fields. Here we report on the experimental realization of this tunneling-induced spin-splitting in a carbon nanotube quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic nickel-electrodes. We study the intermediate coupling regime in which single-electron states remain well defined, but with sufficiently good tunnel-contacts to give rise to a sizable exchange-field. Since charge transport in this regime is dominated by the Kondo-effect, we can utilize this sharp many-body resonance to read off the local spin-polarization from the measured bias-spectroscopy. We show that the exchange-field can be compensated by an external magnetic field, thus restoring a zero-bias Kondo-resonance, and we demonstrate that the exchange-field itself, and hence the local spin-polarization, can be tuned and reversed merely by tuning the gate-voltage. This demonstrates a very direct electrical control over the spin-state of a quantum dot which, in contrast to an applied magnetic field, allows for rapid spin-reversal with a very localized addressing.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Photon-mediated long range coupling of two Andreev level qubits

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    In a superconducting weak link, the supercurrent is carried by Andreev bound states (ABSs) formed by the phase-coherent reflection of electrons and their time-reversed partners. A single, highly transmissive ABS can serve as an ideal, compact two-level system, due to a potentially large energy difference to the next ABS. While the coherent manipulation of such Andreev levels qubits (ALQs) has been demonstrated, a long-range coupling between two ALQs, necessary for advanced qubit architectures, has not been achieved, yet. Here, we demonstrate a coherent remote coupling between two ALQs, mediated by a microwave photon in a novel superconducting microwave cavity coupler. The latter hosts two modes with different coupling rates to an external port. This allows us to perform fast readout of each qubit using the strongly coupled mode, while the weakly coupled mode is utilized to mediate the coupling between the qubits. When both qubits are tuned into resonance with the latter mode, we find excitation spectra with avoided-crossings, in very good agreement with the Tavis-Cummings model. Based on this model, we identify highly entangled two-qubit states for which the entanglement is mediated over a distance of six millimeters. This work establishes ALQs as compact and scalable solid-state qubits.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Nonequilibrium Transport through a Kondo Dot in a Magnetic Field: Perturbation Theory

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    Using nonequilibrium perturbation theory, we investigate the nonlinear transport through a quantum dot in the Kondo regime in the presence of a magnetic field. We calculate the leading logarithmic corrections to the local magnetization and the differential conductance, which are characteristic of the Kondo effect out of equilibrium. By solving a quantum Boltzmann equation, we determine the nonequilibrium magnetization on the dot and show that the application of both a finite bias voltage and a magnetic field induces a novel structure of logarithmic corrections not present in equilibrium. These corrections lead to more pronounced features in the conductance, and their form calls for a modification of the perturbative renormalization group.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Giga-Hertz quantized charge pumping in bottom gate defined InAs nanowire quantum dots

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    Semiconducting nanowires (NWs) are a versatile, highly tunable material platform at the heart of many new developments in nanoscale and quantum physics. Here, we demonstrate charge pumping, i.e., the controlled transport of individual electrons through an InAs NW quantum dot (QD) device at frequencies up to 1.31.3\,GHz. The QD is induced electrostatically in the NW by a series of local bottom gates in a state of the art device geometry. A periodic modulation of a single gate is enough to obtain a dc current proportional to the frequency of the modulation. The dc bias, the modulation amplitude and the gate voltages on the local gates can be used to control the number of charges conveyed per cycle. Charge pumping in InAs NWs is relevant not only in metrology as a current standard, but also opens up the opportunity to investigate a variety of exotic states of matter, e.g. Majorana modes, by single electron spectroscopy and correlation experiments.Comment: 21 page

    Conserving Diagrammatic Approximations for Quantum Impurity Models: NCA and CTMA

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    Self-consistent diagrammatic approximations to the Anderson or Kondo impurity model, using an exact pseudoparticle representation of the impurity states, are reviewed. We first discuss the infrared exponents of the pseudoparticle propagators as indicators of Fermi liquid behavior through their dependence on the impurity occupation and on magnetic field. Then we discuss the Non-Crossing Approximation (NCA), identifying its strengths, but also its fundamental shortcomings. Physical arguments as well as a perturbative renormalization group analysis suggest that an infinite parquet-type resummation of two-particle vertex diagrams, the Conserving T-Matrix Approximation (CTMA) will cure the deficiencies of NCA. We review results on the pseudoparticle spectral functions, the spin susceptibility and the impurity electron spectral function, supporting that the CTMA provides qualitatively correct results, both in the high-temperature regime and in the strong coupling Fermi liquid regime at low temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, invited article, to appear in a special edition of JPSJ "Kondo Effect - 40 Years after the Discovery", published version, some minor typos correcte