252 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Tes Toefl Menggunakan Algoritma Quick Sort Berbasis Komputer

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    Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu bahasa yang paling penting, karena memiliki peran sebagai bahasa Internasional. Untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman seseorang terhadap bahasa inggris diperlukan sebuah tes uji pemahaman bahasa inggris, salah satunya dengan mengikuti tes TOEFL. Hasil tes ini dapat digunakan ketika kita ingin melanjutkan studi, melamar pekerjaan ataupun berpergian keluar negeri. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menerapkan sebuah algoritma Quick Sort yang fungsinya untuk mengetahui perangkingan terhadap seluruh peserta tes berdasarkan nilai yang mereka peroleh. Dalam proses pembuatan aplikasi ini peneliti menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman VB.Net dan database Microsoft Access. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mencari data soal tes TOEFL pada beberapa website yang menyediakan data soal tersebut serta data dari perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu. Sedangkan metode pengembangan system yang digunakan adalah Prototipe yang terdiri dari 4 fase yaitu analisa kebutuhan sistem, desain sistem, pengujian sistem, implementasi

    Comparison of Beetle Nut Seed (Areca Cathecu L) Extract Tablet Therapy Result in Infestation Intestinal Worm at Mumbulsari-jember

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    Worm disease is a disease that can be suffered by all ages. According to WHO data, the number of worms to reach one billion people in the world, and about 40-60 percent of Indonesia's population is infected with worms. Indonesia is included in a tropical country so that the various parasites thrive in the cycle so it can easily infect humans. According to the study of Kurniawati (2008) conducted at the elementary school age children in Mumbulsari Jember, infection was found positive by Ascaris lumbricoides with the highest percentage (68.96%), Enterobius vermicularis (34.48%), and hookworm (17.24% ). Empirically beetle nut is a drug effective against intestinal worms.Objective: to compare the therapeutic outcomes of beetle nut extract’s tablets (Areca cathecu L) in patients with intestinal nematode infestation in mumbulsari, Jember with standard treatment. Method: The design of the study is a randomized control clinical trial methods. Subjects who had tested positive for infection by stool examination will be divided into two groups randomly, group A as a treatment group given treatment tablets of extract of beetle nut, while group B as a control group given a standard drug that is pirantel pamoat. Two weeks later examined the amount of EPG (egg per gram) in stool samples and the results were analysed statisticaly using two way Anova. Result: The results of statistical analysis of two way ANOVA p <0.05 indicates the type of material factors of treatment had the same average decrease in the number of eggs. Factor type of intestinal worms had different average decrease in the number of eggs while the interaction factor showed an equal decrease number of eggs. In the Tukey-HSD test showed that Ascaris and Hookworm have a better therapeutic outcome than Trichuris trichiura. Conclusion: extract of beetle nut has an equal therapeutic outcome with pirantel pamoat on infestation of hookworm and Ascaris worms and have a better therapeutic outcome on infestation of Trichuris trichiura worm

    Structural Changes in Cooked Rice Treated with Cooling-Reheating Process and Coconut Milk Addition as Observed with FT-IR and 13C NMR

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    The molecular structural changes of food could be observed by the technique of FT-IR and 13C NMR spectroscopy. This research was aimed to study the structural changes in cooked rice treated with cooling-reheating process and coconut milk addition using FT-IR and 13C NMR. It was found that the cooling-reheating process and addition of coconut milk cause several structural changes of cooked rice. The IR analysis showed the bands at 3,400, 2,900, 1,018 and 856 cm-1 changed due to the retrogradation during cooling process. The spectrum of 13C NMR showed the change of peaks at 100.28 and 100.10 ppm. These changes may be related to the addition of coconut milk during rice cooking

    Analisis Bioinformatika Berbasis WEB untuk Eksplorasi Enzim Kitosanase Berdasarkan Kemiripan Sekuens

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    Eksplorasi enzim secara tradisional dengan kultivasi mikroba sekarang ini tidak lagi efisien, karena menghabiskan waktu dan biaya. Bioinformatik berbasis web hadir untuk melakukan serangkaian analisis sekuen, baik itu DNA maupun protein, yang dapat digunakan sebagai penelitian pendahuluan, sehingga ekplorasi enzim menjadi lebih tepat sasaran. Penelitian ini telah melakukan analisis potongan sekuen 16S ribosomal RNA yang didapat dari 6 bakteri yang berasosiasi dengan udang. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah untuk mencari tahu tersedianya sekuen tersebut telah ada di Gene Bank atau merupakan strain baru khas Indonesia yang belum terpublikasi. Dengan menggunakan database 16S Microbial dan Reference Genomic Sequence, serta fasilitas BLAST nucleotide dan CLUSTALW2 didapatkan 5 nama bakteri yaitu Micromonospora sp. L5, Aeromonas veronii B565, Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228, Burkholderia sp. JV3, dan Acinetobacter baumanniiAB307-0294. Kelima mikroba ini memiliki tidak mempunyai gen kitosanase tetapi penyandi kitinase. Ketidakhadiran gen kitosanase dalam genome mikroba menjadikan mikroba unik untuk diketahui sekuens gen kitosanasenya, yang juga berpeluang untuk dipublikasikan

    Time-Kill Kinetics and In Vitro Antifungal Susceptibility of Non-fumigatus Aspergillus Species Isolated from Patients with Ocular Mycoses

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    Aspergillus species can cause ocular morbidity and blindness, and thus, appropriate antifungal therapy is needed. We investigated the in vitro activity of itraconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, caspofungin, anidulafungin, and amphotericin B against 14 Aspergillus isolates obtained from patients with ocular mycoses, using the CLSI reference broth microdilution methodology. In addition, time-kill assays were performed, exposing each isolate separately to 1-, 4-, and 16-fold concentrations above the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of each antifungal agent. A sigmoid maximum-effect (Emax) model was used to fit the time-kill curve data. The drug effect was further evaluated by measuring an increase/decrease in the killing rate of the tested isolates. The MICs of amphotericin B, itraconazole, voriconazole, and posaconazole were 0.5–1.0, 1.0, 0.5–1.0, and 0.25 µg/ml for A. brasiliensis, A. niger, and A. tubingensis isolates, respectively, and 2.0–4.0, 0.5, 1.0 for A. flavus, and 0.12–0.25 µg/ml for A. nomius isolates, respectively. A. calidoustus had the highest MIC range for the azoles (4.0–16.0 µg/ml) among all isolates tested. The minimum effective concentrations of caspofungin and anidulafungin were ≤0.03–0.5 µg/ml and ≤0.03 µg/ml for all isolates, respectively. Posaconazole demonstrated maximal killing rates (Emax = 0.63 h−1, r2 = 0.71) against 14 ocular Aspergillus isolates, followed by amphotericin B (Emax = 0.39 h−1, r2 = 0.87), voriconazole (Emax = 0.35 h−1, r2 = 0.098), and itraconazole (Emax = 0.01 h−1, r2 = 0.98). Overall, the antifungal susceptibility of the non-fumigatusAspergillus isolates tested was species and antifungal agent dependent. Analysis of the kinetic growth assays, along with consideration of the killing rates, revealed that posaconazole was the most effective antifungal against all of the isolates
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