188 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pengolahan Terhadap Pati Resisten Pisang Kepok (Musa paradisiaca fa. typica) Dan Pisang Tanduk (Musa paradisiaca fa. corniculata) = (Effect Of Processing On The Resistant Starch Of Kepok Banana (Musa paradisiaca

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    A study on the effect of processing on resistant starch (RS) content and chemical composition of kepok (Musa paradisiaca fa. typica) and tanduk banana (Musa paradisiaca fa. corniculata) has been conducted. Mature banana was steamed. steamed -cooled, steamed - frozen, dried and dried â fried and was analyzed for starch, RS, simple sugars and chemical composition. RS content was determined by enzymatic method. It was found that steaming changed RS from 6.2 mg/g to 9.5 mg/g (53%) for kepok banana and from 7.5 ntg/g to 10.5 mg/g (40%) for tanduk banana. Cooling the steamed banana increased the RS to 68 nig/g (kepok) and 9.7 mg/g (tanduk). Freezing of the steamed banana increased the RS content by 30% (8.1 mg/g) and 24% (9.3 mg/g) for kepok and tanduk banana, respectively. RS of kepok and tanduk banana increased after the bananas were dried (15% and 41%) and dried-fried (53% and 55%). Small changes were shown on the chemical composition of the banana after processing, except that frying increased the fat content significantly. Keywords: starch, resistant starch, banan


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    ABSTRACT A study on the effect of steaming and "ceriping processing"(liced, dried, and fried) on Resistant Starch (RS) content and chemical composition of selected starchy foods has been conducted. Eight starchy foods i.e. gembili, suweg, uwi, entik, sukun, banana, rice, and melinjo was selected. The foods (except melinjo) were steamed and analyzed for starch, RS, simple sugars and chemical composition. Similar analysis was also done for the uncooked products. Banana, cassava, sukun and melinjo were sliced, dried and fried ("ceriping" process) and analyzed as the steamed products. It was found that steaming changed RS from - 1.4 mg/g to 3.9 mg/g or â16.8% to 32.7% of the uncooked products but decreased starch content varied from 0.8% to 4.1%. Simple sugar decreased significantly for banana, up to 202.5 mg/g or 61%. Ceriping process increased RS higher than steaming up to 47% (sukun ceriping). Both processes (steaming and ceriping) resulted in a small change in the chemical composition of the products. Key word: starch, resistant starch, ceriping, steamin

    Pengkayaan Protein Mie Instan Dengan Tepung Tahu (Protein Enrichment Of Instant Noodle With Tofu Flour)

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    A study on fortification of tofu flour in instant noodle has been conducted. The Objective of this study is to determine the effect of tofu flour addition on the chemical, nutritional and physical properties as well as panelist acceptance of the instant noodles. Four level of tofu flour fortification were evaluated, i.e. 10%, 12%, 14% and 16% wheat flour by weight. It is found that fortification of 16% tofu flour increased protein content instant noodles to 18% (from 9%) but decreased the in vitro protein digestibility from 58.7% to 46.8%. The energy content increased from 451 Kcal to 461 Kcal per 100 g of instant noodles. Fat content increased by 1.6 % but carbohydrates decreased by 10.6%. Elasticity and deformation tend to decrease with increasing addition of tofu flour, but no significant effect is shown on the extensibility of instant noodles. Rehydration capacity decreased by 5.5% and cooking loss increased to 3.25% on the noodle added with 16% tofu compared to 1.96% in the control noodle. Expansion of noodles are increased with the addition of tofu flour but are similar for the difference level of tofu flour added. Among the level of tofu flour added, addition of 12% resulted in the most preferable noodle. Keywords: instant noodle, tofu flour, digestibility, elasticity, deformation, cooking loss, rehydratio

    Substitusi Minyak Jagung dengan Minyak Sawit Merah dalam Produksi Susu Bubuk Rekombinasi: Pengaruhnya pada Sifat Fisik dan Gizi

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    A research on substitution of milk fat with red palm oil in Milk Powder (MP) production has been conducted. The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of corn oil substitution with red palm oil on physical, chemical and nutritional properties of the recombined milk powder (RMP). Pre-formulated milk powder (PMP) was prepared by mixing of corn oil, skim milk powder, stabilizer and water followed by filtering, preheating, homogenization and spray drying. The corn oil was substituted with 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of red palm oil (RPO-0, RPO-25, RPO-50, RPO- 75 and RPO-100). RMP formula were prepared as a commercial milk powder formula with protein and fat content of 20% and 18%, respectively. Chemical and physical properties of the RMPs were analyzed. The RMPs were then reconstituted and sensory character as well as nutritional properties was examined. The result showed that substitution of 50% corn oil with red palm oil resulted in a red palm oil milk powder (RPOMP) similar to the corn oil milk powder (control milk powder) in term of panelist acceptability. This RPOMP have a higher wet ability and solubility index but lower dispersibility and similar density to the control milk powder. The RPOMP contain a lower total and beta carotene content but higher tocoferol content than the control milk powder. Spray drying in the pre-formulated milk powder processing decrease 90% of carotene content of the pre-formulated milk powder but the tocoferol content was not affected by the process. In Wistar rats, consumption of RPOMP for 4 weeks had no effects on the lipids profiles

    Pengaruh Diet Ekstrak Protein Kedelai Terhadap Glukosa Serum Pada Tikus Diabetik Induksi Alloxan (Effect Of Soyprotein Extract Diet On Serum Glucose Of Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats)

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    Hypoglycemic property of soyprotein extract were evaluated in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the effects of soyprotein extract feeding on glucose concentration in both normal- cholesterol and hypercholesterol alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Twenty-eight male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (250-300 g) were provided and divided into four groups of seven rats. They were (I) Standard-Placebo (SP), (2) Standard-Alloxan (SA), Soyprotein-Alloxan (PKA) and (4) Hypercholeslerol-SoyproteinAlloxan (IPKA) groups. Three groups were diabetic induced by alloxan injection (80 mg/Kg of body weight by intra-muscular injection) and one group (SP) was injected with aquabidest (placebo). HPKA groups were fed hypercholesterol diet 2 weeks prior to the alloxan injection. SP and SA groups were fed standard diet whereas PICA and IIPKA were fed soy protein diet for 28 days. Concentration of serum glucose were determined before injection (0 day). 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after injection. It was found that alloxan injection increased serum glucose concentration of SA, PKA and HPKA rats. In 28 days intervention, soybean protein diet decreased the serum glucose concentration from 405 mg/dL to 201mg/dL (50%) in PICA and from 418 mg/dL to 210 mg/dL (51%) in HPKA groups, but standard diets (SP and SA) were failed to decrease the serum glucose of the rats. Keywords: diabetic. alloxan-induced hypoglycemic, hypercholesterol. soybean protei

    Indeks Glisemik Umbi-Umbian (Gycemic Index Of Tuber Foods)

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    A new approach based on glycemic index was suggested in selecting foods for the diabetes patients. A study on glycemic index of selected tuber foods has been conducted to provide Glycemic Index (GI) of the foods. The tubers including Taro (Xanthosorna violaceum SCHOOT). Yarn (Dioscorea aculeata LINN), edible canna (Canna edulis KER), arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea LINN) and sweet potato (1pomoea balatas POIR) were selected. The foods were analyzed for total sugar and starch after steaming. Ten volunteers (21-23 years old) of the nurse\u27s students of the Panti Rapih Hospital Yogyakarta were provided. They took a night fasting and the blood sample was taken in the next morning. The food tested was given and blood sample was taken at 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after meal. Glucose level of the blond was measured and drawn graphically. GI was measured as the area under the postprandial blood glucose curve for a food expressed as a percentage of the area after the consumption of reference food (bread). The food tested and the reference food contains 50-g available carbohydrate, except for arrowroot and it reference contains 25-g available carbohydrate. It was found that tubers investigated contain 58-76% starch and 1.5-21 % total sugar. Protein and fats varied 3-8% and 0.061.45%, respectively. With bread as reference food, Glycemic Index of food investigated varied from 14 (arrowroot) to 179 (sweet potato). GI of taro, yam and edible canna were 9590 and 105, respectively. Key word: Glycemic Index, tuber, diabete

    Efek hipokolesterolemik susu kedelai fermentasi steril pada model hewan coba=Hipocholesterolemic Effect of Sterilized Fermented Soymilk in Animal Model

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    ABSTRACT A study of the effect of sterilized fermented soymilk consumption on the serum profil lipid in animal model had been conducted. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of sterilized fermented soymilk consumption on cholesterol reduction in rats. Forthy Sprague Dawley rats (± 200 gram) at the age of 2 month were provided. They were divided into 2 groups of 20 rats. The first group were fed standard diet and the other were given hypercholesterol diet. Each group was devided into 4 subgroups of 5 rats and were forced feed by different soy milk i.e. soy milk, fermented soy milk, sterilized fermented soy milk and water (placebo) 1 ml per day for 21 days. Lipid profiles were determined before and after treatments. The research showed that sterilized fermented soymilk decreased the serum total cholesterol higher than soymilk and fermented soymilk i.e. 41.59% for standard diet and 33.66% for hypercholesterol diet, respectively. The sterilized fermented soymilk also lowered HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol but had no effects on the serum trigliserides concentration. Key word: sterilized fermented soymilk, hipocholesterolemic, hypercholestero

    Ability of fermented soymilk byLactobacillus plantarum 1 in bile acids binding

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    Some  lactic  acid  bacteria  (LAB)  strains  have  been  isolated  from spontaneously  fermented  soymilk  which  showing  proteolytic  activity.  These isolated  were  expected  could  producing  bioactive  peptides  that  could  lowering cholesterol content when they used for soymilk fermentation. This research was aimed to  determine  the  proteolytic activity of Lactobacillus  plantarum  1 R.1.3.2 and  L.  plantarum  1 R.11.1.2  comparing  with  L.  acidophilus FNCC  0051  as  acontrol. Furthermore soymilk fermented with these  isolates were monitored for their ability to bind bile acid and these results were compared with the control of soymilk  with  no  fermentation.  Proteolytic  activities  (U/mL)  were  measured spectrophotometrically  using  tyrosin  as  a  standard  product,  while  bile  acid binding   capacity  (µM/100  mg  protein)  using  Total  bile  Acid  Binding  Kit.  The results  show  that  all  isolates  use  in  this  study  had  no  different  proteolytic activity nor bile acid binding capability to that of control strain. The fermentation process could increased their ability to bind with the bile acid.Key words :fermented soymilk, proteolytic lactic acid bacteria, bile acid bindin

    Uji Kualitas Air Minum Isi Ulang Di Kecamatan Sukodono, Sidoarjo Ditinjau Dari Perilaku Dan Pemeliharaan Alat

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    Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi sekarang ini dan diiringi dengan semakin sibuknya aktivitas manusia maka masyarakat cenderung memilih cara yang lebih praktis dengan biaya relatif murah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air minum yaitu dengan menggunakan air minum isi ulang terutama di kecamatan Sukodono, Sidoarjo. Agar air minum isi ulang yang dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat di kecamatan Sukodono, Sidoarjo aman untuk dikonsumsi, maka perlu dilakukan uji kualitas apakah kandungan dalam air minum isi ulang sudah memenuhi Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 tantang persyaratan kualitas air minum. Parameter yang diuji meliputi Total Coliform, TDS, Kekeruhan dan Warna. Kualitas air minum isi ulang ditunjang oleh cara pemeliharaan peralatan produksi. Prosedur pemeliharaan alat dari masing-masing depo air minum isi ulang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan penggunaan kuesioner. Hasil uji laboratorium dari 8 depo air minum isi ulang ada yang belum memenuhi parameter Total Koliform sebanyak 5 depo. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner 5 depo tersebut termasuk dalam kategori cukup, yang berarti masih kurang dalam melakukan pemeliharaan alat