18 research outputs found


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    Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu dan kualitas penjualan sagu melalui merek. Sagu merupakan salah satu hasil alam yang masih menjadi salah satu makanan khas maluku khususnya pada Negeri Administratif Mahu. sagu juga juga dapat di produksi menjadi sagu lempeng, sagu porna, dan papeda. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas melalui penggunaan kemasan dan lebel. Metode yang di gunakan yaitu metode observasi partisipatif terhadap objek yang sedang di amati di mana penulis terlibat secara langsung dalam desain kemasan dan lebel untuk produk sagu. Hasil penelitian ini, penulis dapat membuat desain lebel dan kemasan dengan berbagai kreatifitas yang menarik bagi yang melihatnya. Penulis juga menggunakan bahasa yang menarik untuk penamaan lebel agar konsumen dapat lebIh mudah mengingatkan Negeri penghasilan sagu tersebut, misalnya; SAMAHU, ORISAMU, SAMAMA, BESAMU dan SAKAMAHU


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    Fisherman card is the identity card of fisherman in which the fisherman can prove his identity as a fisherman. The card is also the main requirement for the fisherman to access programs that issued by government. Those programs from the government such as fisherman insurance program, SeHAT fisherman program, provision of fishing facilities and infrastructure for fisherman. Provision of subsidized fuel oil and capital were given to fisherman that corporate with bank. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effectiveness, impact, affect, benefits and policies from the programs of provision fisherman card that issued by the governmant. The research location was conducted in Latuhalat, Eri and Galala villages in Ambon city. Data were analysed by using (1) trend analysis method, (2) content analysis, (3) descriptive statistic analysis, and (4) path analysis. The results showed that there were 1.176 or 19,52%. The impact of using fisherman cards in Ambon city such as like 55 facilities and infrastructures given to the fisherman, 1.002 fisherman who have already got insurance, there were 140 certificates of rights to the land of fisherman. Additionally, Pertamina has allocated 70 tons of fuel every month in a year. The policy formulation to increase the effectiveness of fisherman card policies in Ambon city obtained a causality and parameter coefficient relationship between Fishermen with Policy Effectiveness of 63%, Government with a Policy Effectiveness of 72%, Government with Fishermen at 75%, Government with Stakeholders at 84%, and Stakeholders with Policy Effectiveness of 51%.   ABSTRAK Kartu Nelayan adalah Kartu Identitas Nelayan yang dapat membuktikan identitas diri sebagai nelayan. Kartu Nelayan merupakan syarat utama untuk nelayan dapat mengakses program yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah untuk nelayan. Program pemerintah tersebut antara lain Program Asuransi Nelayan, Program SeHAT Nelayan, Pemberian Sarana dan Prasarana Penangkapan Ikan, Pemberian BBM bersubsidi dan Permodalan yang bekerjasama dengan pihak perbankkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis efektifitas, dampak dan manfaat serta kebijakan pemberian program Kartu Nelayan. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Latuhalat, Desa Eri dan Desa Galala, Kota Ambon. Metode analisa data yang  digunakan adalah (1) Metode Analisis Trend, (2) Analisis Content/Analisis Isi, (3) Analisis Statistik Deskriptif, dan (4) Analisis Jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah kartu nelayan untuk Kota Ambon tahun 2011-2018 berjumlah 1.176 orang atau 19,52% dari jumlah nelayan di Kota Ambon. Manfaat kartu nelayan di Kota Ambon antara lain telah diserahkan bantuan sarana prasarana tahun 2015-2017 berjumlah 55 buah, nelayan telah memiliki asuransi nelayan yang berjumlah 1.002 jiwa, Sertifikat Hak Atas Tanah Nelayan berjumlah 140 bidang tanah. Selain itu, alokasi subsidi BBM dari Pertamina melalui Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Maluku sebanyak 70 ton setiap bulan dalam setahun. Rumusan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas kebijakan kartu nelayan di kota Ambon diperoleh hubungan kausalitas dan koefisien parameter antara Nelayan dengan Efektifitas Kebijakan sebesar 63%, Pemerintah dengan Efektifitas kebijakan sebesar 72%, Pemerintah dengan Nelayan sebesar 75%, Pemerintah dengan Stakeholders sebesar 84%, dan Stakeholders dengan Efektifitas Kebijakan sebesar 51 %. Kata Kunci : efektivitas, kartu nelayan, kebijakan, Kota Ambon, program nelaya

    The Existence And Changes In The Use Of Local Language In The Family In The Middle Of The Current Modernity (An Analysis Study In Maluku Community)

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    This study aimed to analyze the existence and factors that influence the use of local languages in Maluku society. The approach taken to this research was descriptive qualitative. Data collection was done through observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Interviews were conducted to 20 informants chosen deliberately. The results showed that there have been differences in patterns of language use or language choice by local language speakers of different generations and it can be interpreted as having or are being shifted. Several factors that cause the fading of the existence of local language in the Maluku community were the weakening of local language communication in the family and the lack of awareness of the young generation using for the local languages. Similarly, in the family environment, the parents no longer teach the local language to their children. As a result, no longer family members actively use local languages at home for daily communication. The choice of language of a person, family, and the whole community was one of the causes of language shifts. Another factor is the younger generation tends to use national and international language rather than local language or mother-tongue. Index Terms: Existence, Local Language, Famil

    Bialahin Concept: Reflections on the Unity of the Buru People in Maluku

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    This qualitative study aimed to understand whether Bialahin (pear sago) can be a reflection and spirit of the unity of the Buru community that can serve as a pattern of leadership theory in Maluku today. Actually the concept of Bialahin, is the concept of strong unity that forms solidarity among the Moluccan people, is believed to have unwittingly become a symbol of the Buru community in Maluku. The concept of Bialahin has actually also been implemented in the context of leadership called "Basafena or Gebakuasan" which seems to have occupied a central position and is surrounded by members of the community. The life unity of the Bialahin concept is described in the sago plant family, its relationship with the development of functional structures in society and organizations will be seen in the pattern of leadership played by a leader. The study to understand these concepts and reflections, there are a number of supporting theories (Tacolt Parsons as structural theories, Nonaka-takeuchi, as tori creations of individual knowledge) have been used to see how Bialahin as a reflection of unity and identical theories of Buru people can be a reflection the spirit of unity of the Buru community in Maluku. To analyze data collected from Regenchap, a traditional battle area, this study uses a structural functional approach. This study was successfully carried out in Kayeli, Buru Regency, Maluku Province. From his findings in broad outline it can be concluded: The concept of bialahin as a reflection of the unity of the Buru community can be used as a pattern of leadership in Maluku, especially during the Maluki community resolution. This concept leadership shows the behavior of sharing knowledge with group members, creating their own source of energy for members to have mutual trust, the same fate, cooperation, to form a bialahin ecosystem that is interrelated with each other in action, maintaining the balance of the Maluku community system itself. Keywords: Bialahin, Life Unity, Maluku Buru Society, and Leadership Theor


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    Ureng and Assilulu Village have abundant potential fisheries resources. Gender has a role in utilizing fisheries resources. The research on troll lline fisher’s household was carried out at Ureng and Asslulu villages, Leihitu District, Central Maluku on December 2017 to July 2018. The objectives of this research were:1) To analyse social, economy and cultural of fishers; 2) To study the perception of fishers on equity between men and women; 3) To analyse working division between men and women to fulfill daily need, and; 4) To formulate integrated strategy to strengthening social and economy of the fisher’s household. Descriptive quantitative was used to analyse social, economy and cultural of the fisher’s household while Analyctical Hierarkhy Process was applied to analyse fisher’s activities. SWOT analysis was used to formulate strategy for gender integrated in order to strengthening social and economy of the fishers. The results showed that all fishing activities were done by men while women mostly responsible for household administration and thus have more work load than men. There were 10 strategies and 17 approaches to strengthening social and economy of the troll line fisher’s household at both villages.   ABSTRAK Negeri Ureng dan Negeri Assilulu memiliki potensi sumberdaya perikanan yang melimpah. Jender memiliki peranan dalam memanfaatkan sumberdaya perikanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) menganalisis kondisi sosial, ekonomi dan budaya keluarga nelayan pancing tonda; 2) mengkaji persepsi keluarga nelayan pancing tonda tentang keadilan antara laki-laki dan perempuan; 3) menganalisis pembagian kerja antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam rumah tangga nelayan pancing tonda dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari; dan 4) memformulasikan strategi integrasi jender bagi penguatan sosial dan ekonomi keluarga nelayan pancing tonda di Negeri Ureng dan Negeri Assilulu. Kondisi sosial, ekonomi dan budaya serta mengkaji menggunakan metode analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif. Analisis berbagai kegiatan laki-laki dan perempuan menggunakan metode Analyctical Hierarkhy Process (AHP). Strategi integrasi jender bagi penguatan sosial dan ekonomi keluarga nelayan pancing tonda dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis data SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan aktivitas kaum laki-laki adalah melaut, sedangkan kaum perempuan lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan mengurus rumah tangga. Berdasarkan pembagian kerja, kaum perempuan memiliki lebih banyak beban kerja. Terdapat 10 strategi yang dirumuskan serta 17 arahan bagi penguatan sosial dan ekonomi keluarga nelayan pancing tonda pada kedua negeri tersebut.  Kata Kunci: Nelayan, jender, integrasi, SWOT, Negeri Ureng, Negeri Asilul


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    Coastal communities in Ambon City have local wisdom and traditions in use of natural resources which have continued to this day and have an impact on household food security, which involves women and men. This study aims to analyze gender equality and food security as well as the factors that influence decision making in the household. The research location is in South Leitimur District, Ambon City, especially in Leahari, Hukurila, Kilang and Naku State. The research method is descriptive qualitative where data is collected from key informants in each country. Data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, making field documentation and field observations. The research data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman qualitative analysis. The results show that gender equality and food security in coastal areas are seen in reproductive and productive activities, access to employment opportunities and forms of social control. The factors that influence household decision making on food security are the division of labor based on the appropriateness of work space, technological innovation in the use of natural resources and social and economic institutions that support decision making in the household. The conclusion of the study shows that gender equality and food security in the coastal areas of Ambon City have been implemented but need to be improved. The research recommendation is that it is necessary to increase the community's capacity for gender equality in development so that it has an impact on improving the welfare of lif

    Chemical characterization, total starch, amylose and resistance starch of local cocoyam in Maluku, Indonesia

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    Tubers are a potential source of carbohydrates due to their high starch composition with various benefits in the food and non-food industry. Meanwhile, cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagitofollium) is one of the tubers with high starch potential. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the chemical properties, total starch, amylose, and resistant starch of local cocoyam from several locations in the Moluccas. These locations include Buru Island, Saparua Island and Saumlaki Island, the three locations are separated by the ocean. The starch was extracted using the wet method while the chemical analysis was carried out on the moisture, ash, fat, protein, phosphorus, and carbohydrate contents, as well as total starch, amylose, and resistant starch. Data were analyzed by means of variance (ANOVA) at = 0.05. The significant difference that occurred was continued with Duncan's test (α = 0.05). The results showed that the three starches were significantly different from one another, which implies that the growing location affected the chemical components, as well as the total starch, and amylose while the resistant starch was not significantly different. Based on the results, the growing locations affect the chemical contents but not the resistant starch

    Constructing Community Identity and Local Wisdom Content in Regional TV Stations Digital Broadcasting

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    This study analyzes Net TV Ambon and Indosiar Ambon as media that broadcast and show local content. The TV station show material with added value to explore the local wisdom, highlight cultural identity, and maintain its existence entering the digital broadcasting era. This study uses the qualitative approach and descriptive data as analysis methods. Data collection from research subjects was carried out using purposive sampling techniques. Primary data, namely the main data in the study, was conducted through in-depth interviews with informants, specifically KPID Maluku, KSP TV Indosiar Ambon, Liaison Officer Net TV Ambon, and local PH (Production House) in Ambon. Secondary data is obtained through reviewed impressions and various libraries from related sources. The results revealed that: 1) Net TV Ambon and Indosiar Ambon have the jargon "local wisdom and its existence in maintaining and preserving the culture of “The Basudara People”. 2) TV Net Ambon and Indosiar Ambon catch opportunities from the digitalization of broadcasting to expand and develop broadcast services for the public. The Net TV Ambon and Indosiar Ambon develop the distribution of local content and various information on local wisdom in the Maluku region that can be watched widely throughout Indonesia and even globally