363 research outputs found

    Towards a model-independent constraint of the high-density dependence of the symmetry energy

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    Neutron-proton elliptic flow difference and ratio have been shown to be promising observables in the attempt to constrain the density dependence of the symmetry energy above the saturation point from heavy-ion collision data. Their dependence on model parameters like microscopic nucleon-nucleon cross-sections, compressibility of nuclear matter, optical potential, and symmetry energy parametrization is thoroughly studied. By using a parametrization of the symmetry energy derived from the momentum dependent Gogny force in conjunction with the T\"{u}bingen QMD model and comparing with the experimental FOPI/LAND data for 197Au+197Au collisions at 400 MeV/nucleon, a moderately stiff, x=-1.35 +/- 1.25, symmetry energy is extracted, a result that agrees with that of a similar study that employed the UrQMD transport model and a momentum independent power-law parametrization of the symmetry energy. This contrasts with diverging results extracted from the FOPI π−/π+\pi^{-}/\pi^{+} ratio available in the literature.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Probing the nuclear symmetry energy at high densities with nuclear reactions

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    The nuclear equation of state is a topic of highest current interest in nuclear structure and reactions as well as in astrophysics. The symmetry energy is the part of the equation of state which is connected to the asymmetry in the neutron/proton content. During recent years a multitude of experimental and theoretical eïŹ€orts on diïŹ€erent ïŹelds have been undertaken to constraint its density dependence at low densities but also above saturation density (ρ0 =0 .16fm−3). Conventionally the symmetry energy is described by its magnitude Sv and the slope parameter L, both at saturation density. Values of L = 44–66MeV and Sv = 31– 33MeV have been deduced in recent compilations of nuclear structure, heavy-ion reaction and astrophysics data. Apart from astrophysical data on mass and radii of neutron stars, heavy-ion reactions at incident energies of several 100MeV are the only means do access the high density behaviour of the symmetry energy. In particular, meson production and collective ïŹ‚ows upto about 1 AGeV are predicted to be sensitive to the slope of the symmetry energy as a function of density. From the measurement of elliptic ïŹ‚ow of neutrons with respect to charged particles at GSI, a more stringent constraint for the slope of the symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities has been deduced. Future options to reach even higher densities will be discussed

    Flow probe of symmetry energy in relativistic heavy-ion reactions

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    Flow observables in heavy-ion reactions at incident energies up to about 1 GeV per nucleon have been shown to be very useful for investigating the reaction dynamics and for determining the parameters of reaction models based on transport theory. In particular, the elliptic flow in collisions of neutron-rich heavy-ion systems emerges as an observable sensitive to the strength of the symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities. The comparison of ratios or differences of neutron and proton flows or neutron and hydrogen flows with predictions of transport models favors an approximately linear density dependence, consistent with ab-initio nuclear-matter theories. Extensive parameter searches have shown that the model dependence is comparable to the uncertainties of existing experimental data. Comprehensive new flow data of high accuracy, partly also through providing stronger constraints on model parameters, can thus be expected to improve our knowledge of the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter.Comment: 20 pages, 24 figures, review to appear in EPJA special volume on nuclear symmetry energ

    Clusters and Hypernuclei Production within PHQM+FRIGA Model

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    We present a new results on the dynamical modelling of cluster formation with the new combined PHQMD+FRIGA model at Nuclotron and NICA energies. The FRIGA clusterisation algorithm, which can be applied to the n-body transport approaches, is based on the simulated annealing technique to obtain the most bound configuration of fragments and nucleons. The PHQMD+FRIGA model is able to predict isotope yields as well as hyper-nucleus production

    FRIGA, A New Approach To Identify Isotopes and Hypernuclei In N-Body Transport Models

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    We present a new algorithm to identify fragments in computer simulations of relativistic heavy ion collisions. It is based on the simulated annealing technique and can be applied to n-body transport models like the Quantum Molecular Dynamics. This new approach is able to predict isotope yields as well as hyper-nucleus production. In order to illustrate its predicting power, we confront this new method to experimental data, and show the sensitivity on the parameters which govern the cluster formation

    Probing resonance matter with virtual photons

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    In the energy domain of 1-2 GeV per nucleon, HADES has measured rare penetrating probes (e+e-) in C+C, Ar+KCl, d+p, p+p and p+Nb collisions. For the first time the electron pairs were reconstructed from quasi-free n+p sub-reactions by detecting the proton spectator from the deuteron breakup. An experimentally constrained NN reference spectrum was established. Our results demonstrate that the gross features of di-electron spectra in C+C collisions can be explained as a superposition of independent NN collisions. On the other hand, a direct comparison of the NN reference spectrum with the e+e- invariant mass distribution measured in the heavier system Ar+KCl at 1.76 GeV/u shows an excess yield above the reference, which we attribute to radiation from resonance matter. Moreover, the combined measurement of di-electrons and strangeness in Ar+KCl collisions has provided further intriguing results which are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference - INPC 2010, Vancouver, Canada, July 4 - 9 201
