73 research outputs found

    The P2 Receptor Antagonist PPADS Supports Recovery from Experimental Stroke In Vivo

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    BACKGROUND: After ischemia of the CNS, extracellular adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) can reach high concentrations due to cell damage and subsequent increase of membrane permeability. ATP may cause cellular degeneration and death, mediated by P2X and P2Y receptors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The effects of inhibition of P2 receptors by pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulphonic acid (PPADS) on electrophysiological, functional and morphological alterations in an ischemia model with permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) were investigated up to day 28. Spontaneously hypertensive rats received PPADS or vehicle intracerebroventricularly 15 minutes prior MCAO for up to 7 days. The functional recovery monitored by qEEG was improved by PPADS indicated by an accelerated recovery of ischemia-induced qEEG changes in the delta and alpha frequency bands along with a faster and sustained recovery of motor impairments. Whereas the functional improvements by PPADS were persistent at day 28, the infarct volume measured by magnetic resonance imaging and the amount of TUNEL-positive cells were significantly reduced by PPADS only until day 7. Further, by immunohistochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy, we identified both neurons and astrocytes as TUNEL-positive after MCAO. CONCLUSION: The persistent beneficial effect of PPADS on the functional parameters without differences in the late (day 28) infarct size and apoptosis suggests that the early inhibition of P2 receptors might be favourable for the maintenance or early reconstruction of neuronal connectivity in the periinfarct area after ischemic incidents

    Enhanced tonic GABAA inhibition in typical absence epilepsy

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    The cellular mechanisms underlying typical absence seizures, which characterize various idiopathic generalized epilepsies, are not fully understood, but impaired GABAergic inhibition remains an attractive hypothesis. In contrast, we show here that extrasynaptic GABAA receptor–dependent ‘tonic’ inhibition is increased in thalamocortical neurons from diverse genetic and pharmacological models of absence seizures. Increased tonic inhibition is due to compromised GABA uptake by the GABA transporter GAT–1 in the genetic models tested, and GAT–1 is critical in governing seizure genesis. Extrasynaptic GABAA receptors are a requirement for seizures in two of the best characterized models of absence epilepsy, and the selective activation of thalamic extrasynaptic GABAA receptors is sufficient to elicit both electrographic and behavioural correlates of seizures in normal animals. These results identify an apparently common cellular pathology in typical absence seizures that may have epileptogenic significance, and highlight novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of absence epilepsy.peer-reviewe

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in animal models of stroke: an update

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    Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1 RA) is an anti-inflammatory protein used clinically to treat rheumatoid arthritis and is considered a promising candidate therapy for stroke. Here, we sought to update the existing systematic review and meta-analysis of IL-1 RA in models of ischaemic stroke, published in 2009, to assess efficacy, the range of circumstances in which efficacy has been tested and whether the data appear to be confounded due to reported study quality and publication bias. We included 25 sources of data, 11 of which were additional to the original review. Overall, IL-1 RA reduced infarct volume by 36.2 % (95 % confidence interval 31.6–40.7, n = 76 comparisons from 1283 animals). Assessments for publication bias suggest 30 theoretically missing studies which reduce efficacy to 21.9 % (17.3–26.4). Efficacy was higher where IL-1 RA was administered directly into the ventricles rather than peripherally, and studies not reporting allocation concealment during the induction of ischaemia reported larger treatment effects. The preclinical data supporting IL-1 RA as a candidate therapy for ischaemic stroke have improved. The reporting of measures to reduce the risk of bias has improved substantially in this update, and studies now include the use of animals with relevant co-morbidities. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12975-016-0489-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Depression of glutamate and GABA release by presynaptic GABAB receptors in the entorhinal cortex in normal and chronically epileptic rats

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    Presynaptic GABAB receptors (GABABR) control glutamate and GABA release at many synapses in the nervous system. In the present study we used whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of spontaneous excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents in the presence of TTX to monitor glutamate and GABA release from synapses in layer II and V of the rat entorhinal cortex (EC)in vitro. In both layers the release of both transmitters was reduced by application of GABABR agonists. Quantitatively, the depression of GABA release in layer II and layer V, and of glutamate release in layer V was similar, but glutamate release in layer II was depressed to a greater extent. The data suggest that the same GABABR may be present on both GABA and glutamate terminals in the EC, but that the heteroreceptor may show a greater level of expression in layer II. Studies with GABABR antagonists suggested that neither the auto- nor the heteroreceptor was consistently tonically activated by ambient GABA in the presence of TTX. Studies in EC slices from rats made chronically epileptic using a pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy revealed a reduced effectiveness of both auto- and heteroreceptor function in both layers. This could suggest that enhanced glutamate and GABA release in the EC may be associated with the development of the epileptic condition. Copyright © 2006 S. Karger AG

    P2X7 receptor: Death or life?

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    The P2X7 plasma membrane receptor is an intriguing molecule that is endowed with the ability to kill cells, as well as to activate many responses and even stimulate proliferation. Here, the authors give an overview on the multiplicity and complexity of P2X7-mediated responses, discussing recent information on this receptor. Particular attention has been paid to early and late signs of apoptosis and necrosis linked to activation of the receptor and to the emerging field of P2X7 function in carcinogenesis

    Assessment of physical properties of a sea dike using multichannel analysis of surface waves and 3D forward modeling

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    International audienceSeismic surface waves analysis methods have been widely developed and tested in the context of subsurface characterization and have demonstrated their effectiveness for sounding and monitoring purposes. Given their efficiency, surface waves methods have been used in a variety of contexts, including civil engineering applications. However, at this particular scale, many structures exhibit 3D geometries which drastically limit the efficiency of these methods since they are mostly developed under the assumption of a semi-infinite 1D layered medium without topography. Taking advantages of wave propagation modeling algorithm development and high-performance computing center accessibility, it is now possible to consider the use of a 3D elastic forward modeling algorithm for the inversion of surface wave dispersion. We use a parallelized 3D elastic modeling code based on the spectral element method which allows to obtain accurate synthetic data with very low numerical dispersion and a reasonable numerical cost. In this study, we choose a sea dike as a case example. We first show that their longitudinal geometry and structure may have a significant effect on dispersion diagrams of Rayleigh waves. Then, we investigate the sensitivity of the dispersion diagrams to small velocity and layer thickness perturbations, and show the limitations of the standard 1D surface wave methods approach. Finally, we demonstrate in this context the benefits of using both a 3D forward modeling engine and the whole dispersion diagram, instead of the dispersion curves only

    High yield bacterial expression and purification of active recombinant PA28alphabeta complex.

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    International audienceThe PA28 complexes (also termed REG or 11S complexes) are described as activators of the 20S proteasome, a major intracellular protease in eukaryotic cells. They bind to the ends of the barrel-shaped 20S proteasome, and activate its peptidase activities. The interferon gamma inducible PA28alphabeta, made of the two related subunits PA28alpha and beta, is under sustained investigation as it plays important roles in the production by the proteasome of class I antigen peptides. However, in vitro studies of this complex have been impaired by the difficulty of producing large amount of this protein, mainly due to the poor solubility of its beta subunit when expressed in Escherichia coli. Here we describe the construction of a bicistronic vector, allowing simultaneous production of functional human PA28alpha and beta subunits in E. coli. Co-expression of the two proteins allows efficient formation of active PA28alphabeta complexes, that remain soluble and can be easily purified by regular chromatographic procedures
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