617 research outputs found

    Quantum Sensor Miniaturization

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    The classical bound on image resolution defined by the Rayleigh limit can be beaten by exploiting the properties of quantum mechanical entanglement. If entangled photons are used as signal states, the best possible resolution is instead given by the Heisenberg limit, an improvement proportional to the number of entangled photons in the signal. In this paper we present a novel application of entanglement by showing that the resolution obtained by an imaging system utilizing separable photons can be achieved by an imaging system making use of entangled photons, but with the advantage of a smaller aperture, thus resulting in a smaller and lighter system. This can be especially valuable in satellite imaging where weight and size play a vital role.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Photonics Technology Letter

    Persistence of Residual Currents in the James River Estuary and its Implication to Mass Transport

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    The distribution and persistence of Eulerian and Lagrangian residual velocity in a cross sectional transect of the James River estuary, Virginia are analyzed. The Eulerian residual velocity has the characteristic two-layered estuarine circulation in the northern half of the transect, however, the net flow is directed downriver at all depths in the shallower southern half of the transect. In the deep channel, the two-layered Eulerian residual circulation is highly persistent over the six month study duration, with disruptions occurring less than 10% of the time when meteorological forcings are intense. No spring-neap tidal cycle variation is apparent. The magnitude of the long-term advective mass transport (calculated as the lowest order approximation to the Lagrangian residual velocity) is approximately twice that of the Eulerian residual velocity and in the same direction in the deep channel. The Stokes drift velocity contribution to the Lagrangian residual velocity enhances the upriver Eulerian residual velocity transport on the north side of the transect and only slightly increases the downriver transport on the south side.https://scholarworks.wm.edu/vimsbooks/1171/thumbnail.jp

    A Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic-Eutrophication Model (HEM-3D) : Description of water quality and sediment process submodels

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    Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) has been developing a general purpose three-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model, Environmental Fluid Dynamics Computer Code (EFDC; Hamrick 1992). The real-time model simulates density and topographically-induced circulation as well as tidal and wind-driven flows, and spatial and temporal distributions of salinity, temperature and sediment concentration. The model also is capable of handling the wetting and drying of shallow area, hydraulic control structures, vegetation resistance for wetlands and Lagrangian particle tracking. The information of physical transport processes, both advective and diffusive, simulated by the hydrodynamic model can be used to account for the transport of passive substances including non-conservative water quality parameters. A water quality model with twenty-one state variables has been developed and integrated with EFDC to form a three-dimensional Hydrodynamic-Eutrophication Model (HEM-3D) of the VIMS

    Genetic Polymorphism in Evolving Population

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    We present a model for evolving population which maintains genetic polymorphism. By introducing random mutation in the model population at a constant rate, we observe that the population does not become extinct but survives, keeping diversity in the gene pool under abrupt environmental changes. The model provides reasonable estimates for the proportions of polymorphic and heterozygous loci and for the mutation rate, as observed in nature

    Phylogeography and Demographic History of Babina pleuraden (Anura, Ranidae) in Southwestern China

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    Factors that determine genetic structure of species in southwestern China remain largely unknown. In this study, sequences of two mitochondrial genes (COI and cyt b) were determined to investigate the phylogeography and demography of Babina pleuraden, a pond frog endemic to southwestern China. A total of 262 individuals from 22 populations across the entire range of the species were collected. Our results indicate that B. pleuraden comprises five well-supported mitochondrial lineages roughly corresponding to five geographical areas. The phylogeographic structure of B. pleuraden has been shaped primarily by the unique regional responses of the Yunnan Plateau to the rapid uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau occurred c. 2.5 Mya (B phrase of Qingzang Movement) and climatic oscillation during middle Pleistocene (c. 0.64–0.36 Mya), rather than by the paleo-drainage systems. The present wide distribution of the species has resulted from recent population expansion (c. 0.053–0.025 Mya) from multiple refugia prior to the Last Glacial Maximum, corresponding to the scenario of “refugia within refugia”

    Normal Leptin Expression, Lower Adipogenic Ability, Decreased Leptin Receptor and Hyposensitivity to Leptin in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

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    Leptin has been suggested to play a role in the etiology of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), however, the leptin levels in AIS girls are still a discrepancy, and no in vitro study of leptin in AIS is reported. We took a series of case-control studies, trying to understand whether Leptin gene polymorphisms are involved in the etiology of the AIS or the change in leptin level is a secondary event, to assess the level of leptin receptor, and to evaluate the differences of response to leptin between AIS cases and controls. We screened all exons of Leptin gene in 45 cases and 45 controls and selected six tag SNPs to cover all the observed variations. Association analysis in 446 AIS patients and 550 healthy controls showed no association between the polymorphisms of Leptin gene and susceptibility/severity to AIS. Moreover, adipogenesis assay of bone mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) suggested that the adipogenic ability of MSCs from AIS girls was lower than controls. After adjusting the differentiation rate, expressions of leptin and leptin receptor were similar between two groups. Meanwhile, osteogenesis assay of MSC showed the leptin level was similar after adjusting the differentiation rate, but the leptin receptor level was decreased in induced AIS osteoblasts. Immunocytochemistry and western blot analysis showed less leptin receptors expressed in AIS group. Furthermore, factorial designed studies with adipogenesis and osteogenesis revealed that the MSCs from patients have no response to leptin treatment. Our results suggested that Leptin gene variations are not associated with AIS and low serum leptin probably is a secondary outcome which may be related to the low capability of adipogenesis in AIS. The decreased leptin receptor levels may lead to the hyposensitivity to leptin. These findings implied that abnormal peripheral leptin signaling plays an important role in the pathological mechanism of AIS

    Effect of Myostatin Depletion on Weight Gain, Hyperglycemia, and Hepatic Steatosis during Five Months of High-Fat Feeding in Mice

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    The marked hypermuscularity in mice with constitutive myostatin deficiency reduces fat accumulation and hyperglycemia induced by high-fat feeding, but it is unclear whether the smaller increase in muscle mass caused by postdevelopmental loss of myostatin activity has beneficial metabolic effects during high-fat feeding. We therefore examined how postdevelopmental myostatin knockout influenced effects of high-fat feeding. Male mice with ubiquitous expression of tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase were fed tamoxifen for 2 weeks at 4 months of age. This depleted myostatin in mice with floxed myostatin genes, but not in control mice with normal myostatin genes. Some mice were fed a high-fat diet (60% of energy) for 22 weeks, starting 2 weeks after cessation of tamoxifen feeding. Myostatin depletion increased skeletal muscle mass ∼30%. Hypermuscular mice had ∼50% less weight gain than control mice over the first 8 weeks of high-fat feeding. During the subsequent 3 months of high-fat feeding, additional weight gain was similar in control and myostatin-deficient mice. After 5 months of high-fat feeding, the mass of epididymal and retroperitoneal fat pads was similar in control and myostatin-deficient mice even though myostatin depletion reduced the weight gain attributable to the high-fat diet (mean weight with high-fat diet minus mean weight with low-fat diet: 19.9 g in control mice, 14.1 g in myostatin-deficient mice). Myostatin depletion did not alter fasting blood glucose levels after 3 or 5 months of high-fat feeding, but reduced glucose levels measured 90 min after intraperitoneal glucose injection. Myostatin depletion also attenuated hepatic steatosis and accumulation of fat in muscle tissue. We conclude that blocking myostatin signaling after maturity can attenuate some of the adverse effects of a high-fat diet

    Sexual Plasticity and Self-Fertilization in the Sea Anemone Aiptasia diaphana

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    Traits that influence reproductive success and contribute to reproductive isolation in animal and plant populations are a central focus of evolutionary biology. In the present study we used an experimental approach to demonstrate the occurrence of environmental effects on sexual and asexual reproduction, and provide evidence for sexual plasticity and inter-clonal fertilization in laboratory-cultured lines of the sea anemone Aiptasia diaphana. We showed that in A. diaphana, both asexual reproduction by pedal laceration, and sexual reproduction have seasonal components. The rate of pedal laceration was ten-fold higher under summer photoperiod and water temperature conditions than under winter conditions. The onset of gametogenesis coincided with the rising water temperatures occurring in spring, and spawning occurred under parameters that emulated summer photoperiod and temperature conditions. In addition, we showed that under laboratory conditions, asexually produced clones derived from a single founder individual exhibit sexual plasticity, resulting in the development of both male and female individuals. Moreover, a single female founder produced not only males and females but also hermaphrodite individuals. We further demonstrated that A. diaphana can fertilize within and between clone lines, producing swimming planula larvae. These diverse reproductive strategies may explain the species success as invader of artificial marine substrates. We suggest that these diverse reproductive strategies, together with their unique evolutionary position, make Aiptasia diaphana an excellent model for studying the evolution of sex