357 research outputs found

    Impact of dead zones on the response of a hadron calorimeter with projective and non-projective geometry

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    The aim of this study is to find an optimal mechanical design of the hadronic calorimeter for SiD detector which takes into account engineering as well as physics requirements. The study focuses on the crack effects between two modules for various barrel mechanical design on calorimeter response. The impact of different size of the supporting stringers and dead areas in an active calorimeter layer along the module boundary has been studied for single pions and muons. The emphasis has been put on the comparison of the projective and non-projective barrel geometry for SiD hadronic calorimeter.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Status of the Micromegas semi-DHCAL

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    The activities towards the fabrication and test of a 1 m3 semi-digital hadronic calorime- ter are reviewed. The prototype sampling planes would consist of 1 m2 Micromegas chambers with 1 cm2 granularity and embedded 2 bits readout suitable for PFA calorime- try at an ILC detector. The design of the 1 m2 chamber is presented first, followed by an overview of the basic performance of small prototypes. The basic units composing the 1 m2 chamber are 32 \times 48 cm2 boards with integrated electronics and a micro-mesh. Results of character- ization tests of such boards are shown. Micromegas as a proportional detector is well suited for semi-digital hadronic calorimetry. In order to quantify the gain in perfor- mance when using one or more thresholds, simulation studies are being carried out, some of which will be reported in this contribution

    Proposal of a new Hcal geometry avoiding cracks in the calorimeter

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    The classical geometry of a calorimeter consists most of the time in several modules, whose edges are pointing on the beam axis. Thus, detection discontinuities between two consecutive modules induce cracks in the calorimeter, and consequently a loss of precious information. This paper describes two new possible Hcal geometries avoiding such cracks in the detection. Then it deals with the internal layout and assembly procedure

    Diagnostic performance of ct angiography for gastrointestinal haemorrhage according to the clinical severity

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    Test in a beam of large-area Micromegas chambers for sampling calorimetry

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    Application of Micromegas for sampling calorimetry puts specific constraints on the design and performance of this gaseous detector. In particular, uniform and linear response, low noise and stability against high ionisation density deposits are prerequisites to achieving good energy resolution. A Micromegas-based hadronic calorimeter was proposed for an application at a future linear collider experiment and three technologically advanced prototypes of 1×\times1 m2^{2} were constructed. Their merits relative to the above-mentioned criteria are discussed on the basis of measurements performed at the CERN SPS test-beam facility

    Linear Collider Final Doublet Considerations: ATF2 Vibration Measurements

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    Original publication available at http://www.jacow.org/International audienceAt ATF2, to allow the Shintake Monitor located at the Interaction Point to measure the beam size with only 2% of error, vertical relative motion tolerance between SM (Shintake Monitor) and final doublet magnets (FD) is of 7nm for QD0 and 20nm for QF1 above 0.1Hz. Vibration transfer function of FD and SM with their supports has been measured and show a good rigidity. Vertical relative motion between the SM and QD0 (QF1) was thus measured to be only of 5.1nm (6.5nm) with high ground motion representative of a shift period. Same measurements done in horizontal directions showed that tolerances were also respected (much less strict). Moreover, relative motion tolerances should be released due to the good motion correlation measured between FD. Thus the FD and SM supports have been validated on site at ATF2 to be within the vibration specifications

    Effect of argon ion energy on the performance of silicon nitridemultilayer permeation barriers grown by hot-wire CVD on polymers

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    One of the authors (S.M.) acknowledges Direction des Relations Extérieures of Ecole Polytechnique for financial support.Permeation barriers for organic electronic devices on polymer flexible substrates were realized by combining stacked silicon nitride (SiNx) single layers (50 nm thick) deposited by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition process at low-temperature (~100°C) with a specific argon plasma treatment between two successive layers. Several plasma parameters (RF power density, pressure, treatment duration) as well as the number of single layers have been explored in order to improve the quality of permeation barriers deposited on polyethylene terephthalate. In this work, maximumion energy was highlighted as the crucial parameter making it possible to minimize water vapor transmission rate (WVTR), as determined by the electrical calcium test method, all the other parameters being kept fixed. Thus fixing the plasma treatment duration at 8 min for a stack of two SiNx single layers, a minimum WVTR of 5 × 10−4 g/(m2 day), measured at room temperature, was found for a maximum ion energy of ~30 eV. This minimum WVTR value was reduced to 7 × 10−5 g/(m2 day) for a stack of five SiNx single layers. The reduction in the permeability is interpreted as due to the rearrangement of atoms at the interfaces when average transferred ion energy to target atoms exceeds threshold displacement energy.The authors are grateful to Dr. R. Cortes (PMC, Ecole Polytechnique) for XRR analysis, to Dr. P. Chapon (HORIBA Jobin Yvon) for GD-OES analysis and Dr. J. Leroy (CEA Saclay) for XPS analysis. This work was partly supported by the PICS (FrenchPortuguese) project No. 5336. One of the authors (S.M.) acknowledges Direction des Relations Extérieures of Ecole Polytechnique for financial support

    The effect of argon plasma treatment on the permeation barrier properties of silicon nitride layers

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    In this work we produce and study silicon nitride (SiNx) thin films deposited by Hot Wire Chemical Vapor Depo- sition (HW-CVD) to be used as encapsulation barriers for flexible organic photovoltaic cells fabricated on poly- ethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates in order to increase their shelf lifetime. We report on the results of SiNx double-layers and on the equivalent double-layer stack where an Ar-plasma surface treatment was performed on the first SiNx layer. The Ar-plasma treatment may under certain conditions influences the structure of the interface between the two subsequent layers and thus the barrier properties of the whole system. We focus our attention on the effect of plasma treatment time on the final barrier properties. We assess the encapsulation barrier properties of these layers, using the calcium degradation test where changes in the electrical conductance of encapsulated Ca sensors are monitored with time. The water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) is found to be ~3 × 10−3 g/m2·day for stacked SiNx double-layer with 8 min Ar plasma surface treatment.FCT - CNRS PICS (French–Portuguese no: 5336) projectDirection des Relations Extérieures, Ecole Polytechniqu