292 research outputs found

    On the Temperature Dependence of the Shear Viscosity and Holography

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    We examine the structure of the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio eta/s in holographic theories of gravity coupled to a scalar field, in the presence of higher derivative corrections. Thanks to a non-trivial scalar field profile, eta/s in this setup generically runs as a function of temperature. In particular, its temperature behavior is dictated by the shape of the scalar potential and of the scalar couplings to the higher derivative terms. We consider a number of dilatonic setups, but focus mostly on phenomenological models that are QCD-like. We determine the geometric conditions needed to identify local and global minima for eta/s as a function of temperature, which translate to restrictions on the signs and ranges of the higher derivative couplings. Finally, such restrictions lead to an holographic argument for the existence of a global minimum for eta/s in these models, at or above the deconfinement transition.Comment: references adde

    Holographic Conformal Window - A Bottom Up Approach

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    We propose a five-dimensional framework for modeling the background geometry associated to ordinary Yang-Mills (YM) as well as to nonsupersymmetric gauge theories possessing an infrared fixed point with fermions in various representations of the underlying gauge group. The model is based on the improved holographic approach, on the string theory side, and on the conjectured all-orders beta function for the gauge theory one. We first analyze the YM gauge theory. We then investigate the effects of adding flavors and show that, in the holographic description of the conformal window, the geometry becomes AdS when approaching the ultraviolet and the infrared regimes. As the number of flavors increases within the conformal window we observe that the geometry becomes more and more of AdS type over the entire energy range.Comment: 20 Pages, 3 Figures. v2: references adde

    Robustness of Sound Speed and Jet Quenching for Gauge/Gravity Models of Hot QCD

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    We probe the effectiveness and robustness of a simple gauge/gravity dual model of the QCD fireball that breaks conformal symmetry by constructing a family of similar geometries that solve the scalar/gravity equations of motion. This family has two parameters, one of which is associated to the temperature. We calculate two quantities, the speed of sound and the jet-quenching parameter. We find the speed of sound to be universal and robust over all the geometries when appropriate units are used, while the jet-quenching parameter varies significantly away from the conformal limit. We note that the overall structure of the jet-quenching depends strongly on whether the running scalar is the dilaton or not. We also discuss the variation of the scalar potential over our family of solutions, and truncate our results to where the associated error is small.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX. v2:references added, minor correction to speed of sound; conclusions unchange

    Zero Sound in Effective Holographic Theories

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    We investigate zero sound in DD-dimensional effective holographic theories, whose action is given by Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton terms. The bulk spacetimes include both zero temperature backgrounds with anisotropic scaling symmetry and their near-extremal counterparts obtained in 1006.2124 [hep-th], while the massless charge carriers are described by probe D-branes. We discuss thermodynamics of the probe D-branes analytically. In particular, we clarify the conditions under which the specific heat is linear in the temperature, which is a characteristic feature of Fermi liquids. We also compute the retarded Green's functions in the limit of low frequency and low momentum and find quasi-particle excitations in certain regime of the parameters. The retarded Green's functions are plotted at specific values of parameters in D=4D=4, where the specific heat is linear in the temperature and the quasi-particle excitation exists. We also calculate the AC conductivity in DD-dimensions as a by-product.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    Can holography reproduce the QCD Wilson line?

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    Recently a remarkable agreement was found between lattice simulations of long Wilson lines and behavior of the Nambu Goto string in flat space-time. However, the latter fails to fit the short distance behavior since it admits a tachyonic mode for a string shorter than a critical length. In this paper we examine the question of whether a classical holographic Wilson line can reproduce the lattice results for Wilson lines of any length. We determine the condition on the the gravitational background to admit a Coulombic potential at short distances. We analyze the system using three different renormalization schemes. We perform an explicit best fit comparison of the lattice results with the holographic models based on near extremal D3 and D4 branes, non-critical near extremal AdS6 model and the Klebanov Strassler model. We find that all the holographic models examined admit after renormalization a constant term in the potential. We argue that the curves of the lattice simulation also have such a constant term and we discuss its physical interpretation

    The AdS/QCD Correspondence: Still Undelivered

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    We consider the particle spectrum and event shapes in large N gauge theories in different regimes of the short-distance 't Hooft coupling, lambda. The mesons in the small lambda limit should have a Regge spectrum in order to agree with perturbation theory, while generically the large lambda theories with gravity duals produce spectra reminiscent of KK modes. We argue that these KK-like states are qualitatively different from QCD modes: they are deeply bound states which are sensitive to short distance interactions rather than the flux tube-like states expected in asymptotically free, confining gauge theories. In addition, we also find that the characteristic event shapes for the large lambda theories with gravity duals are close to spherical, very different from QCD-like (small lambda, small N) and Nambu-Goto-like (small lambda, large N) theories which have jets. This observation is in agreement with the conjecture of Strassler on event shapes in large 't Hooft coupling theories, which was recently proved by Hofman and Maldacena for the conformal case. This conclusion does not change even when considering soft-wall backgrounds in the gravity dual. The picture that emerges is the following: theories with small and large lambda are qualitatively different, while theories with small and large N are qualitatively similar. Thus it seems that it is the relative smallness of the 't Hooft coupling in QCD that prevents a reliable AdS/QCD correspondence from emerging, and that reproducing characteristic QCD-like behavior will require genuine stringy dynamics to be incorporated into any putative dual theory.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures; references added, minor changes, history clarifie

    Holographic two dimensional QCD and Chern-Simons term

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    We present a holographic realization of large Nc massless QCD in two dimensions using a D2/D8 brane construction. The flavor axial anomaly is dual to a three dimensional Chern-Simons term which turns out to be of leading order, and it affects the meson spectrum and holographic renormalization in crucial ways. The massless flavor bosons that exist in the spectrum are found to decouple from the heavier mesons, in agreement with the general lore of non-Abelian bosonization. We also show that an external dynamical photon acquires a mass through the three dimensional Chern-Simons term as expected from the Schwinger mechanism. Massless two dimensional QCD at large Nc exhibits anti-vector-meson dominance due to the axial anomaly.Comment: 22 page

    Quantum critical lines in holographic phases with (un)broken symmetry

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    All possible scaling IR asymptotics in homogeneous, translation invariant holographic phases preserving or breaking a U(1) symmetry in the IR are classified. Scale invariant geometries where the scalar extremizes its effective potential are distinguished from hyperscaling violating geometries where the scalar runs logarithmically. It is shown that the general critical saddle-point solutions are characterized by three critical exponents (θ,z,ζ\theta, z, \zeta). Both exact solutions as well as leading behaviors are exhibited. Using them, neutral or charged geometries realizing both fractionalized or cohesive phases are found. The generic global IR picture emerging is that of quantum critical lines, separated by quantum critical points which correspond to the scale invariant solutions with a constant scalar.Comment: v3: 32+29 pages, 2 figures. Matches version published in JHEP. Important addition of an exponent characterizing the IR scaling of the electric potentia

    Thermodynamics of deformed AdS5_5 model with a positive/negative quadratic correction in graviton-dilaton system

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    By solving the Einstein equations of the graviton coupling with a real scalar dilaton field, we establish a general framework to self-consistently solve the geometric background with black-hole for any given phenomenological holographic models. In this framwork, we solve the black-hole background, the corresponding dilaon field and the dilaton potential for the deformed AdS5_5 model with a positive/negative quadratic correction. We systematically investigate the thermodynamical properties of the deformed AdS5_5 model with a positive and negative quadratic correction, respectively, and compare with lattice QCD on the results of the equation of state, the heavy quark potential, the Polyakov loop and the spatial Wilson loop. We find that the bulk thermodynamical properties are not sensitive to the sign of the quadratic correction, and the results of both deformed holographic QCD models agree well with lattice QCD result for pure SU(3) gauge theory. However, the results from loop operators favor a positive quadratic correction, which agree well with lattice QCD result. Especially, the result from the Polyakov loop excludes the model with a negative quadratic correction in the warp factor of AdS5{\rm AdS}_5.Comment: 26 figures,36 pages,V.3: an appendix,more equations and references added,figures corrected,published versio