458 research outputs found

    Evolution and appearance of Be stars in SMC clusters

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    Star clusters are privileged laboratories for studying the evolution of massive stars (OB stars). One particularly interesting question concerns the phases, during which the classical Be stars occur, which unlike HAe/Be stars, are not pre-main sequence objects, nor supergiants. Rather, they are extremely rapidly rotating B-type stars with a circumstellar decretion disk formed by episodic ejections of matter from the central star. To study the impact of mass, metallicity, and age on the Be phase, we observed SMC open clusters with two different techniques: 1) with the ESO-WFI in its slitless mode, which allowed us to find the brighter Be and other emission-line stars in 84 SMC open clusters 2) with the VLT-FLAMES multi-fiber spectrograph in order to determine accurately the evolutionary phases of Be stars in the Be-star rich SMC open cluster NGC 330. Based on a comparison to the Milky Way, a model of Be stellar evolution / appearance as a function of metallicity and mass / spectral type is developed, involving the fractional critical rotation rate as a key parameter.Comment: Proceedings of the IAUS266 of the GA200

    Circumstellar rings, flat and flaring discs

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    Emission lines formed in the circumstellar envelopes of several type of stars can be modeled using first principles of line formation. We present simple ways of calculating line emission profiles formed in circumstellar envelopes having different geometrical configurations. The fit of the observed line profiles with the calculated ones may give first order estimates of the physical parameters characterizing the line formation regions: opacity, size, particle density distribution, velocity fields, excitation temperature.Comment: 3 pages ; to appear in the proceedings of the Sapporo meeting on active OB stars ; ASP Conference Series ; eds: S. Stefl, S. Owocki and A. Okazak

    Differential rotation in early type stars

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    Using 2D models of rotating stars, the interferometric measurements of alpha Eri and its fundamental parameters corrected for gravitational darkening effects we infer that the star might have a core rotating 2.7 times faster than the surface. We explore the consequences on spectral lines produced by surface differential rotation combined with the effects due to a kind of internal differential rotation with rotational energies higher than allowed for rigid rotation which induce geometrical deformations that do not distinguish strongly from those carried by the rigid rotation.Comment: 3 pages ; to appear in the proceedings of the Sapporo meeting on active OB stars ; ASP Conference Series ; eds: S. Stefl, S. Owocki and A. Okazak

    Rotation in the ZAMS: Be and Bn stars

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    We show that Be stars belong to a high velocity tail of a single B-type star rotational velocity distribution in the MS. This implies that: 1) the number fraction N(Be)/N(Be+B) is independent of the mass; 2) Bn stars having ZAMS rotational velocities higher than a given limit might become Be stars.Comment: 3 pages ; to appear in the proceedings of the Sapporo meeting on active OB stars ; ASP Conference Series ; eds: S. Stefl, S. Owocki and A. Okazak

    Metallicity vs. Be phenomenon relation in the solar neighborhood

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    Fast rotation seems to be the mayor factor to trigger the Be phenomenon. Surface fast rotation can be favored by initial formation conditions, such as abundance of metals. We have observed 118 Be stars up to the apparent magnitudes V=9 mag. Models of fast rotating atmospheres and evolutionary tracks were used to interpret the stellar spectra and to determine the stellar fundamental parameters. Since the studied stars are formed in regions that are separated enough to imply some non negligible gradient of galactic metallicity, we study the effects of possible incidence of this gradient on the nature as rotators of the studied stars.Comment: 3 pages ; to appear in the proceedings of the Sapporo meeting on active OB stars ; ASP Conference Series ; eds: S. Stefl, S. Owocki and A. Okazak

    A multi-method approach to radial-velocity measurement for single-object spectra

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    The derivation of radial velocities from large numbers of spectra that typically result from survey work, requires automation. However, except for the classical cases of slowly rotating late-type spectra, existing methods of measuring Doppler shifts require fine-tuning to avoid a loss of accuracy due to the idiosyncrasies of individual spectra. The radial velocity spectrometer (RVS) on the Gaia mission, which will start operating very soon, prompted a new attempt at creating a measurement pipeline to handle a wide variety of spectral types. The present paper describes the theoretical background on which this software is based. However, apart from the assumption that only synthetic templates are used, we do not rely on any of the characteristics of this instrument, so our results should be relevant for most telescope-detector combinations. We propose an approach based on the simultaneous use of several alternative measurement methods, each having its own merits and drawbacks, and conveying the spectral information in a different way, leading to different values for the measurement. A comparison or a combination of the various results either leads to a "best estimate" or indicates to the user that the observed spectrum is problematic and should be analysed manually. We selected three methods and analysed the relationships and differences between them from a unified point of view; with each method an appropriate estimator for the individual random error is chosen. We also develop a procedure for tackling the problem of template mismatch in a systematic way. Furthermore, we propose several tests for studying and comparing the performance of the various methods as a function of the atmospheric parameters of the observed objects. Finally, we describe a procedure for obtaining a knowledge-based combination of the various Doppler-shift measurements.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Spectra disentangling applied to the Hyades binary Theta^2 Tau AB: new orbit, orbital parallax and component properties

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    Theta^2 Tauri is a detached and single-lined interferometric-spectroscopic binary as well as the most massive binary system of the Hyades cluster. The system revolves in an eccentric orbit with a periodicity of 140.7 days. The secondary has a similar temperature but is less evolved and fainter than the primary. It is also rotating more rapidly. Since the composite spectra are heavily blended, the direct extraction of radial velocities over the orbit of component B was hitherto unsuccessful. Using high-resolution spectroscopic data recently obtained with the Elodie (OHP, France) and Hermes (ORM, La Palma, Spain) spectrographs, and applying a spectra disentangling algorithm to three independent data sets including spectra from the Oak Ridge Observatory (USA), we derived an improved spectroscopic orbit and refined the solution by performing a combined astrometric-spectroscopic analysis based on the new spectroscopy and the long-baseline data from the Mark III optical interferometer. As a result, the velocity amplitude of the fainter component is obtained in a direct and objective way. Major progress based on this new determination includes an improved computation of the orbital parallax. Our mass ratio is in good agreement with the older estimates of Peterson et al. (1991, 1993), but the mass of the primary is 15-25% higher than the more recent estimates by Torres et al. (1997) and Armstrong et al. (2006). Due to the strategic position of the components in the turnoff region of the cluster, these new determinations imply stricter constraints for the age and the metallicity of the Hyades cluster. The location of component B can be explained by current evolutionary models, but the location of the more evolved component A is not trivially explained and requires a detailed abundance analysis of its disentangled spectrum.Comment: in press, 13 pages, 10 Postscript figures, 5 tables. Table~4 is available as online material. Keywords: astrometry - techniques: high angular resolution - stars: binaries: visual - stars: binaries: spectroscopic - stars: fundamental parameter

    KIC 9533489: a genuine γ Doradus – δ Scuti Kepler hybrid pulsator with transit events

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    Context Several hundred candidate hybrid pulsators of type A–F have been identified from space-based observations. Their large number allows both statistical analyses and detailed investigations of individual stars. This offers the opportunity to study the full interior of the genuine hybrids, in which both low-radial-order p- and high-order g-modes are self-excited at the same time. However, a few other physical processes can also be responsible for the observed hybrid nature, related to binarity or to surface inhomogeneities. The finding that most δ Scuti stars also show long-period light variations represents a real challenge for theory. Aims We aim at determining the pulsation frequencies of KIC 9533489, to search for regular patterns and spacings among them, and to investigate the stability of the frequencies and the amplitudes. An additional goal is to study the serendipitously detected transit events: is KIC 9533489 the host star? What are the limitations on the physical parameters of the involved bodies? Methods Fourier analysis of all the available Kepler light curves. Investigation of the frequency and period spacings. Determination of the stellar physical parameters from spectroscopic observations. Modelling of the transit events. Results The Fourier analysis of the Kepler light curves revealed 55 significant frequencies clustered into two groups, which are separated by a gap between 15 and 27 d −1. The light variations are dominated by the beating of two dominant frequencies located at around 4 d −1 . The amplitudes of these two frequencies show a monotonic long-term trend. The frequency spacing analysis revealed two possibilities: the pulsator is either a highly inclined moderate rotator (v ≈ 70 km s −1 , i > 70 ◦ ) or a fast rotator (v ≈ 200 km s −1 ) with i ≈ 20 ◦ . The transit analysis disclosed that the transit events, which occur with a ≈ 197 d period may be caused by a 1.6 R_Jup body orbiting a fainter star, which would be spatially coincident with KIC 9533489