8 research outputs found

    Depth optimized efficient homomorphic sorting

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    We introduce a sorting scheme which is capable of efficiently sorting encrypted data without the secret key. The technique is obtained by focusing on the multiplicative depth of the sorting circuit alongside the more traditional metrics such as number of comparisons and number of iterations. The reduced depth allows much reduced noise growth and thereby makes it possible to select smaller parameter sizes in somewhat homomorphic encryption instantiations resulting in greater efficiency savings. We first consider a number of well known comparison based sorting algorithms as well as some sorting networks, and analyze their circuit implementations with respect to multiplicative depth. In what follows, we introduce a new ranking based sorting scheme and rigorously analyze the multiplicative depth complexity as O(log(N) + log(l)), where N is the size of the array to be sorted and l is the bit size of the array elements. Finally, we simulate our sorting scheme using a leveled/batched instantiation of a SWHE library. Our sorting scheme performs favorably over the analyzed classical sorting algorithms

    cuHE: A Homomorphic Encryption Accelerator Library

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    We introduce a CUDA GPU library to accelerate evaluations with homomorphic schemes defined over polynomial rings enabled with a number of optimizations including algebraic techniques for efficient evaluation, memory minimization techniques, memory and thread scheduling and low level CUDA hand-tuned assembly optimizations to take full advantage of the mass parallelism and high memory bandwidth GPUs offer. The arithmetic functions constructed to handle very large polynomial operands using number-theoretic transform (NTT) and Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) based methods are then extended to implement the primitives of the leveled homomorphic encryption scheme proposed by Löpez-Alt, Tromer and Vaikuntanathan. To compare the performance of the proposed CUDA library we implemented two applications: the Prince block cipher and homomorphic sorting algorithms on two GPU platforms in single GPU and multiple GPU configurations. We observed a speedup of 25 times and 51 times over the best previous GPU implementation for Prince with single and triple GPUs, respectively. Similarly for homomorphic sorting we obtained 12-41 times speedup depending on the number and size of the sorted elements

    Feistel Structures for MPC, and More

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    We study approaches to generalized Feistel constructions with low-degree round functions with a focus on x -> x^3 . Besides known constructions, we also provide a new balanced Feistel construction with improved diffusion properties. This then allows us to propose more efficient generalizations of the MiMC design (Asiacrypt’16), which we in turn evaluate in three application areas. Whereas MiMC was not competitive at all in a recently proposed new class of PQ-secure signature schemes, our new construction leads to about 30 times smaller signatures than MiMC. In MPC use cases, where MiMC outperforms all other competitors, we observe improvements in throughput by a factor of more than 4 and simultaneously a 5-fold reduction of preprocessing effort, albeit at the cost of a higher latency. Another use case where MiMC already outperforms other designs, in the area of SNARKs, sees modest improvements. Additionally, this use case benefits from the flexibility to use smaller fields

    Batched Multi-hop Multi-key FHE from ring-LWE with Compact Ciphertext Extension

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    Traditional fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes support computation on data encrypted under a single key. In STOC 2012, López-Alt et al. introduced the notion of multi-key FHE (MKFHE), which allows homomorphic computation on ciphertexts encrypted under different keys. In this work, we focus on MKFHE constructions from standard assumptions and propose a new construction of ring-LWE-based multi-hop MKFHE scheme. Our work is based on Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) FHE scheme where, in contrast, all the previous works on multi-key FHE with standard assumptions were based on Gentry-Sahai-Waters (GSW) FHE scheme. Therefore, our construction can encrypt ring elements rather than a single bit and naturally inherits the advantages in aspects of the ciphertext/plaintext ratio and the complexity of homomorphic operations. Moveover, the proposed MKFHE scheme supports the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)-based ciphertexts packing technique, achieves poly(k,L,logn)poly\left(k,L,\log n\right) computation overhead for kk users, circuits with depth at most LL and an nn dimensional lattice, and gives the first batched MKFHE scheme based on standard assumptions to our knowledge. Furthermore, the ciphertext extension algorithms of previous schemes need to perform complex computation on each ciphertext, while our extension algorithm just needs to generate evaluation keys for the extended scheme. So the complexity of ciphertext extension is only dependent on the number of associated parities but not on the number of ciphertexts. Besides, our scheme also admits a threshold decryption protocol from which a generalized two-round MPC protocol can be similarly obtained as prior works

    Transciphering, Using FiLIP and TFHE for an Efficient Delegation of Computation

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    Improved filter permutators are designed to build stream ciphers that can be efficiently evaluated homomorphically. So far the transciphering with such ciphers has been implemented with homomorphic schemes from the second generation. In theory the third generation is more adapted for the particular design of these ciphers. In this article we study how suitable it is in practice. We implement the transciphering of different instances of the stream cipher family FiLIP with homomorphic encryption schemes of the third generation using the TFHE library. We focus on two kinds of filter for FiLIP. First we consider the direct sum of monomials, already evaluated using HElib and we show the improvements on these results. Then we focus on the XOR-threshold filter, we develop strategies to efficiently evaluate any symmetric Boolean function in an homomorphic way, allowing us to give the first timings for such filters. We investigate different approaches for the homomorphic evaluation: using the leveled homomorphic scheme TGSW, an hybrid approach combining TGSW and TLWE schemes, and the gate boostrapping approach. We discuss the costs in time and memory and the impact on delegation of computation of these different approaches, and we perform a comparison with others transciphering schemes

    Towards Stream Ciphers for Efficient FHE with Low-Noise Ciphertexts

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    International audienceSymmetric ciphers purposed for Fully Homomorphic Encryption FHE have recently been proposed for two main reasons. First, minimizing the implementation time and memory overheads that are inherent to current FHE schemes. Second, improving the homomorphic capacity, i.e. the amount of operations that one can perform on homomorphic ciphertexts before bootstrapping, which amounts to limit their level of noise. Existing solutions for this purpose suggest a gap between block ciphers and stream ciphers. The first ones typically allow a constant but small homomorphic capacity, due to the iteration of rounds eventually leading to complex Boolean functions hence large noise. The second ones typically allow a larger homomorphic capacity for the first ciphertext blocks, that decreases with the number of ciphertext blocks due to the increasing Boolean complexity of the stream ciphers' output. In this paper, we aim to combine the best of these two worlds, and propose a new stream cipher construction that allows constant and smaller noise. Its main idea is to apply a Boolean filter function to a public bit permutation of a constant key register, so that the Boolean complexity of the stream cipher outputs is constant. We also propose an instantiation of the filter function designed to exploit recent 3rd-generation FHE schemes, where the error growth is quasi-additive when adequately multiplying ciphertexts with the same amount of noise. In order to stimulate further investigation, we then specify a few instances of this stream cipher, for which we provide a preliminary security analysis. We finally highlight the good properties of our stream cipher regarding the other goal of minimizing the time and memory complexity of calculus delegation for 2nd-generation FHE﾿schemes. We conclude the paper with open problems related to the large design space opened by these new constructions