189 research outputs found

    An exactly solvable quantum-lattice model with a tunable degree of nonlocality

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    An array of N subsequent Laguerre polynomials is interpreted as an eigenvector of a non-Hermitian tridiagonal Hamiltonian HH with real spectrum or, better said, of an exactly solvable N-site-lattice cryptohermitian Hamiltonian whose spectrum is known as equal to the set of zeros of the N-th Laguerre polynomial. The two key problems (viz., the one of the ambiguity and the one of the closed-form construction of all of the eligible inner products which make HH Hermitian in the respective {\em ad hoc} Hilbert spaces) are discussed. Then, for illustration, the first four simplest, k−k-parametric definitions of inner products with k=0,k=1,k=2k=0,k=1,k=2 and k=3k=3 are explicitly displayed. In mathematical terms these alternative inner products may be perceived as alternative Hermitian conjugations of the initial N-plet of Laguerre polynomials. In physical terms the parameter kk may be interpreted as a measure of the "smearing of the lattice coordinates" in the model.Comment: 35 p

    Quasiperiodic spin-orbit motion and spin tunes in storage rings

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    We present an in-depth analysis of the concept of spin precession frequency for integrable orbital motion in storage rings. Spin motion on the periodic closed orbit of a storage ring can be analyzed in terms of the Floquet theorem for equations of motion with periodic parameters and a spin precession frequency emerges in a Floquet exponent as an additional frequency of the system. To define a spin precession frequency on nonperiodic synchro-betatron orbits we exploit the important concept of quasiperiodicity. This allows a generalization of the Floquet theorem so that a spin precession frequency can be defined in this case too. This frequency appears in a Floquet-like exponent as an additional frequency in the system in analogy with the case of motion on the closed orbit. These circumstances lead naturally to the definition of the uniform precession rate and a definition of spin tune. A spin tune is a uniform precession rate obtained when certain conditions are fulfilled. Having defined spin tune we define spin-orbit resonance on synchro--betatron orbits and examine its consequences. We give conditions for the existence of uniform precession rates and spin tunes (e.g. where small divisors are controlled by applying a Diophantine condition) and illustrate the various aspects of our description with several examples. The formalism also suggests the use of spectral analysis to ``measure'' spin tune during computer simulations of spin motion on synchro-betatron orbits.Comment: 62 pages, 1 figure. A slight extension of the published versio

    Modulation of adipocyte G-protein expression in cancer cachexia by a lipid-mobilizing factor (LMF)

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    Adipocytes isolated from cachectic mice bearing the MAC 16 tumour showed over a 3-fold increase in lipolytic response to both low concentrations of isoprenaline and a tumour-derived lipid mobilizing factor (LMF). This was reflected by an enhanced stimulation of adenylate cyclase in plasma membrane fractions of adipocytes in the presence of both factors. There was no up-regulation of adenylate cyclase in response to forskolin, suggesting that the effect arose from a change in receptor number or G-protein expression. Immunoblotting of adipocyte membranes from mice bearing the MAC16 tumour showed an increased expression of Gαs up to 10% weight loss and a reciprocal decrease in Gα. There was also an increased expression of Gαs and a decrease in Gα in adipose tissue from a patient with cancer-associated weight loss compared with a non-cachectic cancer patient. The changes in G-protein expression were also seen in adipose tissue of normal mice administered pure LMF as well as in 3T3L1 adipocytes in vitro. The changes in G-protein expression induced by LMF were attenuated by the polyunsaturated fatty acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). This suggests that this tumour-derived lipolytic factor acts to sensitize adipose tissue to lipolytic stimuli, and that this effect is attenuated by EPA, which is known to preserve adipose tissue in cancer cachexia. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaig

    Cerebellar Globular Cells Receive Monoaminergic Excitation and Monosynaptic Inhibition from Purkinje Cells

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    Inhibitory interneurons in the cerebellar granular layer are more heterogeneous than traditionally depicted. In contrast to Golgi cells, which are ubiquitously distributed in the granular layer, small fusiform Lugaro cells and globular cells are located underneath the Purkinje cell layer and small in number. Globular cells have not been characterized physiologically. Here, using cerebellar slices obtained from a strain of gene-manipulated mice expressing GFP specifically in GABAergic neurons, we morphologically identified globular cells, and compared their synaptic activity and monoaminergic influence of their electrical activity with those of small Golgi cells and small fusiform Lugaro cells. Globular cells were characterized by prominent IPSCs together with monosynaptic inputs from the axon collaterals of Purkinje cells, whereas small Golgi cells or small fusiform Lugaro cells displayed fewer and smaller spontaneous IPSCs. Globular cells were silent at rest and fired spike discharges in response to application of either serotonin (5-HT) or noradrenaline. The two monoamines also facilitated small Golgi cell firing, but only 5-HT elicited firing in small fusiform Lugaro cells. Furthermore, globular cells likely received excitatory monosynaptic inputs through mossy fibers. Because globular cells project their axons long in the transversal direction, the neuronal circuit that includes interplay between Purkinje cells and globular cells could regulate Purkinje cell activity in different microzones under the influence of monoamines and mossy fiber inputs, suggesting that globular cells likely play a unique modulatory role in cerebellar motor control

    A secondary analysis of retention across the PMTCT cascade in selected countries: Rwanda, Malawi, Kenya, and Swaziland

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    There is global consensus that transmission of HIV from mother to child can be eliminated. The Global Task Team, co-chaired by UNAIDS and the US Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, has developed a global framework with the goal of eliminating new HIV infections among children (transmission rate of less than 5 percent) by 2015. Reaching the goal depends on optimal execution of each step in a complex cascade of activities, including testing and counseling for HIV, early attendance for antenatal care to optimize antiretroviral prophylaxis for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT), adherence to the drugs, CD4 count testing, and, in breastfeeding populations, retention in the PMTCT program until breastfeeding cessation. Retaining pregnant and lactating women in the program is critical, however there are barriers to retention and a paucity of knowledge about extent of retention. The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation carried out a secondary data analysis of patient-level data in selected countries to assess the extent of retention among women and infants in the program. The study was conducted under USAID’s HIVCore project led by the Population Council

    Adiponectin Deficiency Promotes Tumor Growth in Mice by Reducing Macrophage Infiltration

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    Adiponectin is an adipocyte-derived plasma protein that has been implicated in regulating angiogenesis, but the role of adiponectin in regulating this process is still controversial. In this study, in order to determine whether adiponectin affects tumor growth and tumor induced vascularization, we implanted B16F10 melanoma and Lewis Lung Carcinoma cells subcutaneously into adiponectin knockout and wild-type control mice, and found that adiponectin deficiency markedly promoted the growth of both tumors. Immunohistochemical analyses indicated that adiponectin deficiency reduced macrophage recruitment to the tumor, but did not affect cancer cell mitosis, apoptosis, or tumor-associated angiogenesis. In addition, treatment with recombinant adiponectin did not affect the proliferation of cultured B16F10 tumor cells. Importantly, the restoration of microphage infiltration at an early stage of tumorigenesis by means of co-injection of B16F10 cells and macrophages reversed the increased tumor growth in adiponectin knockout mice. Thus, we conclude that the enhanced tumor growth observed in adiponectin deficient mice is likely due to the reduction of macrophage infiltration rather than enhanced angiogenesis

    Effects of combined treatment with rapamycin and cotylenin A, a novel differentiation-inducing agent, on human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells and xenografts

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    INTRODUCTION: Rapamycin, an inhibitor of the serine/threonine kinase target of rapamycin, induces G(1 )arrest and/or apoptosis. Although rapamycin and its analogues are attractive candidates for cancer therapy, their sensitivities with respect to growth inhibition differ markedly among various cancer cells. Using human breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7 as an experimental model system, we examined the growth-inhibitory effects of combinations of various agents and rapamycin to find the agent that most potently enhances the growth-inhibitory effect of rapamycin. METHOD: We evaluated the growth-inhibitory effect of rapamycin plus various agents, including cotylenin A (a novel inducer of differentiation of myeloid leukaemia cells) to MCF-7 cells, using either MTT assay or trypan blue dye exclusion test. The cell cycle was analyzed using propidium iodide-stained nuclei. Expressions of several genes in MCF-7 cells with rapamycin plus cotylenin A were studied using cDNA microarray analysis and RT-PCR. The in vitro results of MCF-7 cells treated with rapamycin plus cotylenin A were further confirmed in vivo in a mouse xenograft model. RESULTS: We found that the sensitivity of rapamycin to MCF-7 cells was markedly affected by cotylenin A. This treatment induced growth arrest of the cells at the G(1 )phase, rather than apoptosis, and induced senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity. We examined the gene expression profiles associated with exposure to rapamycin and cotylenin A using cDNA microarrays. We found that expressions of cyclin G(2), transforming growth factor-β-induced 68 kDa protein, BCL2-interacting killer, and growth factor receptor-bound 7 were markedly induced in MCF-7 cells treated with rapamycin plus cotylenin A. Furthermore, combined treatment with rapamycin and cotylenin A significantly inhibited the growth of MCF-7 cells as xenografts, without apparent adverse effects. CONCLUSION: Rapamycin and cotylenin A cooperatively induced growth arrest in breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells in vitro, and treatment with rapamycin and cotylenin A combined more strongly inhibited the growth of MCF-7 cells as xenografts in vivo than treatment with rapamycin or cotylenin A alone, suggesting that this combination may have therapeutic value in treating breast cancer. We also identified several genes that were markedly modulated in MCF-7 cells treated with rapamycin plus cotylenin A

    Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFB1) and peak bone mass: association between intragenic polymorphisms and quantitative ultrasound of the heel

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    BACKGROUND: Variance of peak bone mass has a substantial genetic component, as has been shown with twin studies examining quantitative measures such as bone mineral density (BMD) and quantitative ultrasound (QUS). Evidence implicating single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFB1) gene is steadily accumulating. However, a comprehensive look at multiple SNPs at this locus for their association with indices of peak bone mass has not been reported. METHODS: A cohort of 653 healthy Caucasian females 18 to 35 years old was genotyped for seven TGFB1 SNPs. Polymorphisms were detected by restriction endonuclease digestion of amplified DNA segments. RESULTS: The frequencies of the least common allele at G-800A, C-509T, codon 10 (L10P), codon 25 (R25P), codon 263 (T263I), C861-20T, and 713-8 delC loci were 0.07, 0.33, 0.41, 0.08, 0.04, 0.25 and 0.01, respectively. A significant association was seen between QUS Stiffness Index (QUS-SI) and the SNP at codon 10 and the linked promoter SNP, C-509T. This association remained significant after multiple regression was used to incorporate important clinical covariates – age, BMI, level of activity, family history, and caffeine intake – into the model. CONCLUSION: The association of QUS-SI with -509T is consistent with a gene-dose effect, while only individuals homozygous for the codon 10P allele showed a significant increase. In this cohort of young healthy Caucasian females, the T allele at position -509 is associated with greater bone mass as measured by calcaneal ultrasound

    Non linear pseudo-bosons versus hidden Hermiticity

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    The increasingly popular concept of a hidden Hermiticity of operators (i.e., of their Hermiticity with respect to an {\it ad hoc} inner product in Hilbert space) is compared with the recently introduced notion of {\em non-linear pseudo-bosons}. The formal equivalence between these two notions is deduced under very general assumptions. Examples of their applicability in quantum mechanics are discussed.Comment: 20 p

    Effects of adiponectin on breast cancer cell growth and signaling

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    Obesity is a risk factor for postmenopausal breast cancer. Adiponectin/Acrp30 is lower in obese individuals and may be negatively regulating breast cancer growth. Here we determined that five breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-361, MCF-7, T47D, and SK-BR-3, expressed one or both of the Acrp30 receptors. In addition, we found that the addition of Acrp30 to MCF-7, T47D, and SK-BR-3 cell lines inhibited growth. Oestrogen receptor (ER) positive MCF-7 and T47D cells were inhibited at lower Acrp30 concentrations than ER-negative SK-BR-3 cells. Growth inhibition may be related to apoptosis since PARP cleavage was increased by Acrp30 in the ER-positive cell lines. To investigate the role of ER in the response of breast cancer cells to Acrp30, we established the MDA-ERα7 cell line by insertion of ER-α into ER-α-negative MDA-MB-231 cells. This line readily formed tumours in athymic mice and was responsive to oestradiol in vivo. In vitro, MDA-ERα7 cells were growth inhibited by globular Acrp30 while the parental cells were not. This inhibition appeared to be due to blockage of JNK2 signalling. These results provide information on how obesity may influence breast cancer cell proliferation and establish a new model to examine interactions between ER and Acrp30
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