113 research outputs found

    Kadar Kalium Serum Pada Latihan Fisik Intensitas Sedang Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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    : Excessive body heat while doing physical exercise will be excreted by sweating. Potassium is one of the electrolyte compounds incorporated and washed away together with sweat. In turn, the excessive lost of potassium in sweat can decrease the concentration of extracellular potassium level. Physical exercise can also lead to an increase in serum potassium concentration. The present study was aimed to determine the differences of potassium level before and after physical exercise at moderate intensity at students year 2010 Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi University. Thirty students (27 men and 3 women) were involved in the present pre-experimental study designed with pretest-posttest. Samples were colected using purposive sampling method and analyzed further using wilcoxon test. Data was collected by determine the serum potassium levels before and after moderate intensity physical exercise. Exercise is done in the form of fast walking on a treadmill to maintain heart rate target 64-76 % of maximum heart rate (200 - age) for 30 minutes. The result showed that the average of serum potassium levels before moderate intensity exercise was 4,253±0,3683 mEq/L, and the average of serum potassium levels after moderate intensity exercise was 4,363±0,3908 mEq/L. Wilcoxon test significance values ​​in this study were p=0.110 (p>0,05). It can be concluded that there was no difference of potassium level before and after physical exercise at moderate intensity at students year 2010 Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi University

    Analisis pendapatan usaha peternakan babi melalui program pengembangan kecamatan di Kabupaten Sikka=Income Analysis of Pig Farming Through Subdistrict Development program in Sikka Regency

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    ABSTRACT Credit was useful for farmer capital to increase their farming input. Through the existence of credit the productivity and the income of farmer would be increasing. This research was carried out in Nita and Alok sub district, Sikka regency, on July until September 2004. The objective of this study was to calculate the operational efficiency and the income of pig farming, before getting credit and after getting credit in loan degrees of Rp. 500,000 until Rp. 1,500,000 (credit A) and Rp. 2,000,000 until Rp. 3,000,000 (credit B) and to analyze the influencing factors of income. The material of the study was pig farmers who received credit facility which chosen by purposive and stratified random sampling. Variables which was investigated includes the cost and farm receiving, business scale, mortality, pig species, the value of credit, invesment value and the experience in pig farming. Survey was applied to collect the data and the data were analyzed by multiple regression model, student t test and the quantitative descriptive analysis. The result of the study showed that: 1). The income of pig farming after credit was relatively the same to the income before credit at level of the loan from Rp 500,000 until Rp 1,500,0002) the income of pig farming after the credit was lower than the income before credit on the level of credit B3) the income of the farmer who got loan of credit A and credit B was relatively the same4) the mortality variable gave negatif influence significant (pO.Ol) on pig farming income of farmer, who received the Subdistrict Development Program credit in Sikka Regency. Keywords: Credit, Income, Profitability, Pig farmin

    The Study on Farmers Welfare

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    The agricultural targets in Indonesia, particularly in Bali, cover farmers\u27 welfare improvement, which is aimed to protect farmers from poverty. Some factors that may lead farmers into poverty namely: (1) The low level of technology applied; (2) The small scale of business; (3) The inefficiency of marketing system; and (4) The status of farmers who are mostly peasants. The first two factors result in a small harvest, the third factor causes farmers for receiving low prices, moreover, the fourth factor put the farmers can not make a decision but merely receiving wages. This study aims to investigate the welfare level of farmers in Denpasar based on the grade of Farmer\u27s Term of Trade Indices, which is analyzed according to three criteria, namely farmers who own their own lands, farmers who are both peasants and owning their own lands, and farmers who are merely peasants; to investigate farmers\u27 families efforts; to investigate the scale of business and the farm ownership status of farmers in Denpasar. The results of the study showed that the Farmer\u27s Term of Trade Indices in Denpasar is evenly 104.40%, which was included farmers who own their own lands, farmers who are both peasants and owning their own lands and farmers who are mere peasants. Since the Farmer\u27s Term of Trade Indices in Denpasar was found to be higher than 100.00%, it indicated that farmers in Denpasar have been able to cover their expenses through their revenues, even the revenues might be higher than the expenses

    Rancang Bangun Telemonitoring Oximetry, Ecg, dan Temperature Nirkabel

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    Lack of medical personnel in Indonesia led to many patients who need intensive care and their conditions are not monitored in real time as well as patients's room with the doctor's office away from each other. So this activity aims to facilitate monitoring of blood oxygen saturation levels, cardiac signal and temperature of the patient even though the doctor is not in place. ECG circuits that is made had HPF circuit wich pass frequencies above 0.05 Hz, LPF circuits which pass frequencies below 100 Hz, and Notcoh filter circuit that can eliminate the grid. At oximetry sensor circuit built using red LED (Light Emitting Diode) and infrared LED. In the temperature circuits, IC LM-35 is used as a temperature sensor. All three circuits were combined with a microcontroller to a PC and processed by a program has been designed and accepted by smartphones. The results that have been obtained from the test on each parameter there are no real difference to the oximetry, ECG, and temperature calibrator tool

    Implementasi Algoritma Kriptografi Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) pada Tanda Tangan Digital

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    Tanda tangan digital merupakan mekanisme otentikasi yang memungkinkan pembuat pesan menambahkan sebuah kode yang bertindak sebagai tanda tangannya. Tanda tangan digital dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pembuktian secara matematis bahwa data tidak mengalamai modifikasi secara illegal, sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai salah satu solusi untuk melakukan verifikasi data. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan algoritma kriptografi Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) pada tanda tangan digital. Proses pembuatan tanda tangan digital diawali dengan pembuatan message digest dari sebuah dokumen kemudian proses pembangkitan kunci publik dan kunci privat untuk mengamankan data dan untuk membuat tanda tangan digital. Kunci privat akan dikirimkan kepada penerima pesan untuk memverifikasi tanda tangan digital. Tanda tangan digital dan dokumen dikirmkan kepada penerima. Selanjutnya, pada proses verifikasi, penerima akan mengecek apakah tanda tangan tersebut cocok atau tidak dengan menggunakan kunci privat dan menghitung nilai hash (message digest) dari dokumen yang diterima

    Correlation Between Serum Albumin Level and Degree of Esophageal Varices in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis

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    Background: It has not been clear about how often the patient should have esophago- gastroduodenoscopy (EGD) screening for esophageal varices (EV) detection and there is only some data that demonstrates the correlation between the degree of EV and non-endoscopic variables. It is assumed that the presence of EV detected though examination of serum albumin level may trim down the unnecessary endoscopy. This study was aimed to recognize the correlation between albumin level and the degree of EV in patients with liver cirrhosis. Method: A retrospective analysis was performed for 61 patients with liver cirrhosis who had EGD at Sanglah hospital between January and December 2008. Spearman test was used to analyze the correlation between albumin level and the degree of EV. Results: There were 61 patients of 45 (73.8%) male and 16 (26.2%) female. The range age of patients was 13–77 years (average 49.98 ± 1.62 years). Serum albumin level ranged between 1.10-3.60 mg/dL, the average value was 2.21 ± 0.451 mg/dL. We also found 8 (13.1%) patients without EV, 14 (23.0%) patients with EV grade I, 21 (34.4%) patients with grade II and 18 (29.5%) patients with grade III. A negative correlation was found between serum albumin level and the degree of EV (r = - 0.587; p = 0.000, p < 0.01). Conclusion: Serum albumin level can predict the presence and the degree of EV in patients with liver cirrhosis

    Self-assembled monolayer of light-harvesting core complexes of photosynthetic bacteria on an amino-terminated ITO electrode

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    Light-harvesting antenna core (LH1-RC) complexes isolated from Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rhodopseudomonas palustris were successfully self-assembled on an ITO electrode modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane. Near infra-red (NIR) absorption, fluorescence, and IR spectra of these LH1-RC complexes indicated that these LH1-RC complexes on the electrode were stable on the electrode. An efficient energy transfer and photocurrent responses of these LH1-RC complexes on the electrode were observed upon illumination of the LH1 complex at 880 nm