2,128 research outputs found

    Phytoplankton Diversity as Ecological Indicator in Jimbaran Bay Waters

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    A study was carried out to evaluate the ecological condition in Jimbaran Bay Waters by using Phytoplankton Diversity Index. The study was conducted at Balangan, Pemuda, Jimbaran, Kedonganan, Kelan and Segara Beach located in Jimbaran Bay. Shannon-Wiener diversity index was used to analyze the ecological condition, supported by analysis on water quality including dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand 5 days (BOD5), water pH, and water salinity. There were 51 species of phytoplankton classified to 5 classes had been observed from this study: Bacillariophycae, Cyanophyceae, Zygnemophyceae, Dinophyceae, and Chlorophyceae. Balangan beach showed higher diversity index (H) and evenness index (E) (H = 1.19; E = 0.29) compared to the other site (Pemuda: H = 0.89, E = 0.25; Jimbaran: H = 0.89, E = 0.26; Kedonganan: H = 0.96, E = 0.28; Kelan: H = 0.85, E = 0.20; and Segara: H = 0.91, E = 0.33). However, overall ecological condition showed diversity index more than 1 (H = 1.44; E = 0.27). Measurement of water quality showed that the highest quality of water was shown by Balangan Beach (DO 5.2 mg/L, pH 7.2, salinity 29 ppt, and BOD5 0.9 mg/L), while the lowest was shown by Kelan Beach (DO 4.2 mg/L, pH 7.2, salinity 29 ppt, and BOD5 2.9 mg/L). Result of the study showed that ecological status of Jimbaran Bay Waters was having moderate diversity, sufficient productivity, and medium ecological pressure (pollution)

    Study on Mollusk and Algae or Phytoplankton Community in Southeast Waters of Bali

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    A study was carried out to observe the relation between mollusk with algae or phytoplankton in southeast waters of Bali. The study was conducted at Mertasari, Sindhu, Serangan, Purnama, and Kethewel beach. Shannon-Wiener diversity index was used to analyze the ecological condition, supported by analysis on water quality including dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand 5 days (BOD5), water pH, and water salinity. There were 34 species of phytoplankton found in this study. The most predominant phytoplankton species in each beach were Navicula sp at Mertasari, Nitzschia sp at Sindhu, Pseudo-nitzschia sp at Purnama, Chaetoceros sp at Kethewel. Observation on macro algae showed that Ulva sp was to be the most predominant species in Serangan, Mertasari, and Sindhu beach (17.95, 16.25, and 17.81%). In mollusk observation, gastropod groups showed to be higher number than bivalve group. Nassarius sp showed to be the most predominant in Serangan beach (13.33%), while Ruditapes sp was predominant in Mertasari and Sindhu beach (11.59% and 14.81%). The highest diversity index of phytoplankton was shown by Kethewel beach (H = 1.35), while the lowest was shown by Shindu beach (H = 0.95). The highest diversity index of macroalgae was shown by Serangan beach which showed H = 2.08, while the lowest was shown by Purnama beach which showed H = 0.69. Serangan beach showed the highest diversity index (H = 2.72) with E = 0.66 compared to another locations, while Kethewel beach showed the lowest diversity index (H = 0.69 and E = 1). There was a relation between the existences of gastropod as the highest number of mollusk and Ulva sp as the gastropod feed

    Drawing Mama, a Practical Drawing Tutorial Book for Parents

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    Parents need to be closer to their children, especially when they are in early years. The process of the approach can be done in some creative way, one example is drawing together with children. But apparently many parents claim that they cannot draw. Indeed, parents do not need to be able to draw perfectly, but it will be more valuable if parents can draw properly, because it can make the interaction process between parents and children become more meaningful and memorable for both. For this reason, efforts have been made to provide basic insights and practical drawing techniques for parents. Actually, there are already many materials how to draw for children and adolescents, therefore this practical drawing tech-niques are packaged in the form of a book are intended specifically for parents, especially in Indonesia. The drawing method used in this book is observation and imitation of images. The results of this study are three books learning practical drawing for parents that can be used to support interaction with children at home. Keywords drawing technique, book, parentin

    Erysipelas Pada Hewan Dan Erysipeloid Pada Manusia (Sebuah Zoonosis)

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    Animal Erysipelas dan Human Erysipeloid ( a Zoonosis). Erysipelas is a type of zoonosis that may be infects on all continent among many species of domestid and wild mammal and birds. The etiologic agent is E. rhusiopathiae. These agent can multiply in an apparently healthy carrier under stress, and can cause disease and contaminate environment. Man is infected through wounds and skin abrasions. The infection is contracted by handling animals and animal products, including fish

    Evaluasi Cemaran Aflatoksin B1 pada Pakan Ayam Pedaging Komersial di Kota Kupang

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    Aflatoxin B1 is a secondary metabolite of Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus, and Penicillium puberulum, which is frequently found as contaminants of feed/raw materials of poultry feed. Such compound has the toxic and carcinogenic effects that can cause damage to various organs, which can further decrease the performance of broiler, and various degrees of immunosuppressive effects.This study was designed to evaluate the aflatoxin B1 contamination on commercial broiler feed that is given to 10 broiler farms in Kupang City. Physical examinations followed by a qualitative examination using ultraviolet (UV). Analysis of aflatoxin B1 contamination was performed with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results of physical examination of feed will be analyzed descriptively, whereas the contamination levels of aflatoxin B1 will be analyzed statistically using t-test. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the texture of feed in the storage of farms was not changed, whereas the left over feed indicated an irregular texture, which was crushed, moist, lumpy, sour-smelling, and glowing on irradiation with UV light. Statistical analysis using t-test showed no significant difference (P>0.05) in the level of aflatoxin B1 among of feed samples from the storage and left over feed

    Gaya Desain Pada Elemen Pembentuk Ruang Dan Elemen Transisi Interior Gereja Santo Antonius Purbayan Surakarta

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    Santo Antonius Purbayan church is the oldestchurch building in Surakarta. This heritage building of DutchColonial period was built in 1916 and still standing to this day, and did not experience much changes in the architecture and interior aspects. The building is a historical evidence of an event that has the value of architectural and interior. The stylescombination of space forming elements and transition elements in the interior is very variative, that are Art & Craft, ArtNouveau, Art Deco, Nieuwe Bouwen, and also to the European Classical style such as the church building at the first in Europethat are Early Christian style, Romanesque and Gothic. The combination of various styles could not be separated fromaspects of function and meaning of a church and has beenadapted to the local climate and conditions

    Karakteristik Ibu Bersalin Dengan Intra Uterine Fetal Death (Iufd) Di Rumah Sakit Tk II Kartika Husada Kabupaten Kubu Raya Tahun Periode 2017

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    Angka kematian neonatal dini menjadi salah satu penyumbang terbesar tingginya angka kematian bayi. Peningkatan usia maternal akan meningkatkan berbagai resiko seperti Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD) yaitu kematian janin dalam rahim dengan berat badan 500 gram atau lebih atau kematian janin dalam rahim pada usia kehamilan 20 minggu atau lebih. Diketahui bahwa jumlah persalinan di RS TK II Kartika Husada pada bulan Januari-Desember tahun 2016 adalah 1004 orang, dengan jumlah bayi lahir hidup sebanyak 970 orang dan bayi yang mati Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD) sebanyak 34 bayi. Tujuan penelitian adalah Untuk mengetahui Karakteristik Ibu Bersalin dengan Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD) di Rumah Sakit TK II Kartika Husada Kabupaten Kubu Raya Tahun Periode 2016. Metode penelitian ini mengunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan Retrospektif, yang dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Kartika Husada Tingkat II dengan jumlah sampel 34 ibu bersalin dengan Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD) dan alat ukur yaitu lembar ceklis. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan ibu bersalin dengan Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD) meliputi sebagian besar responden (70,5%) 24 orang berumur 20-25 tahun dan 10 orang (29,4%) berumur 35 tahun, Sebagian besar dari responden (64,7%) yaitu 22 orang dengan paritas 2-5 dan 12 orang (35,3%) paritas 5, sebagian besar responden (61,7%) yaitu 21 orang yaitu pada usia kehamilan preterem dan 1 orang (2,9%) usia kehamilan postterem, hampir seluruh responden (91,1%) yaitu 31 orang yang tidak riwayat preeklamsia dan 3 orang (8,9%) dengan preeklamsia, Sebagian dari reponden (52,9%) yaitu 18 orang anemia (Hb<11gr%) dan 16 orang (47,1%) yang anemia, Sebagian besar dari responden (79,4%) yaitu 27 yang tidak presentasi kepala dan 7 orang (20,6%) dengan kelainan letak bokong,lintang,dan kaki, hampir seluruh responden (88,2%) yaitu 30 yang tidak plasenta previa dan solusio plasenta dan 4 orang (11,8%) denga plasenta previa dan solusio plasenta. Kesimpulan penelitian yang paling tinggi yaitu pada umur 46 tahun dan yang paling dominan yaitu menunjukan hampir seluruh responden (91,1%) yaitu 34 responden dengan kasus karakteristik ibu yang tidak riwayat ada penyakit preeklamsia. Saran diharapkan penelitian ini dapat melakukan penapisan pada ibu dengan resiko seperti ibu bersalin dengan IUFD dan meningkatkan informasi tentang tanda bahaya kehamilan pada ibu

    Studi Pengaruh Free Cash Flow Dan External Monitoring Terhadap Earnings Management Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Tahun 2010-2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh surplus free cash flow (SFCF) terhadap kecenderungan melakukan earnings management atau manajemen laba pada Perusahaan yang go public di Indonesia. Selain itu juga untuk mencari pengaruh surplus free cash flow (SFCF) terhadap earnings management jika dipengaruhi oleh kualitas audit dan kepemilikan Perusahaan lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan badan USAha yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia kecuali sektor bank dan keuangan selama periode 2010-2012 sebagai objek penelitian. Model regresi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara SFCF dengan manajemen laba. Hal ini berbeda dengan teori yang menyatakan semakin tinggi SFCF dalam Perusahaan, semakin tinggi pula manajemen laba yang terjadi dalam Perusahaan tersebut. Kualitas audit yang dilihat dari Big 4 tidak memoderasi pengaruh SFCF terhadap manajemen laba dan Big 4 tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap earnings management, lamanya perikatan audit serta kepemilikan Perusahaan lain tidak memoderasi pengaruh SFCF terhadap manajemen laba

    Audit Sistem Informasi/teknologi Informasi Dengan Kerangka Kerja Cobit Untuk Evaluasi Manajemen Teknologi Informasi Di Universitas Xyz

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    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi sebagai pendukung pencapaian tujuan dan sasaran organisasi harus diimbangi dengan keefektifan dan efisiensi pengelolaannya. Maka dari itu, audit TI haruslah dilakukan untuk menjaga keamanan sistem informasi sebagai aset organisasi, untuk mempertahankan integritas informasi yang disimpan dan diolah dan tentu saja untuk meningkatkan keefektifan penggunaan teknologi informasi serta mendukung efisiensi dalam organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemetaan terhadap tahap audit TI beserta kontrolnya yang kemudian diaplikasikan pada sebuah organisasi, yaitu Universitas XYZ untuk melihat kinerja TI yang ada. Kerangka kerja yang digunakan sebagai acuan adalah COBIT-ISACA dengan menggunakan 210 detailed control objective yang ada. Penyelenggaraan audit dilakukan dengan menggunakan tahapan-tahapan yang ada pada IT Assurance Guide. Hasil dari evaluasi atau temuan dilakukan analisa root cause sehingga didapat sebuah rekomendasi untuk manajemen TI yang lebih baik lagi

    Geographic Information Systems Design of Tourist Attraction and Nearest Facility in Bandar Lampung City

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    Tourism is one of the selling point that BandarLampung City has. The information about the location oftourist attraction and the supporting facility was given inbooklet and tourism map. The information distributionthrough those media haven't use the technology thatappropriate to the current development.Some research methods were used in thisresearch such as, data collection methods and systemdesign methods. The data collection methods were donein several ways such as interview with the respondents,literature study and observation. The system designmethods use UML (Unified Modelling Language).The output from this research is a design ofgeographic information system that interactive with theuser and able to attract the tourist attention to visit BandarLampung City and the tourist attraction. With this designhopefully can bring more information about a touristattraction in Bandar Lampung City and gain more touristto visit Bandar Lampung City
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