826 research outputs found

    Inmigración y discurso electoral en las elecciones municipales de 2007 en Cataluña. Análisis de la similitud y divergencia en relación al discurso xenófobo de la Derecha Radical Europea Neopopulista

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    La presente investigación pretende analizar, cuantitativamente y cualitativamente, el grado de similitud de los planteamientos sobre la inmigración de la derecha radical europea actual en las propuestas programáticas y en los discursos electorales de las formaciones políticas catalanas que se presentaron en las elecciones municipales de 2007

    Laboratory and astronomical discovery of the cyanovinyl radical H2CCCN

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    We report the first laboratory and interstellar detection of the alpha-cyano vinyl radical (H2CCCN). This species was produced in the laboratory by an electric discharge of a gas mixture of vinyl cyanide, CH2CHCN, and Ne, and its rotational spectrum was characterized using a Balle-Flygare narrowband-type Fourier-transform microwave spectrometer operating in the frequency region of 8-40 GHz. The observed spectrum shows a complex structure due to tunneling splittings between two torsional sublevels of the ground vibronic state, 0+ and 0-, derived from a large-amplitude inversion motion. In addition, the presence of two equivalent hydrogen nuclei makes necessary to discern between ortho- and para-H2CCCN. A least squares analysis reproduces the observed transition frequencies with a standard deviation of ca. 3 kHz. Using the laboratory predictions, this radical is detected in the cold dark cloud TMC-1 using the Yebes 40m telescope and the QUIJOTE line survey. The 404-303 and 505-404 rotational transitions, composed of several hyperfine components, were observed in the 31.0-50.4 GHz range. Adopting a rotational temperature of 6K we derive a column density of (1.4+/-0.2)e11 cm-2 and (1.1+/-0.2)e11 cm-2 for ortho-H2CCCN and para-H2CCCN, respectively. The reactions C + CH3CN, and perhaps also N + CH2CCH, emerge as the most likely routes to H2CCCN in TMC-1.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters on 18/07/202

    Discovery of HC4NC in TMC-1: A study of the isomers of HC3N, HC5N, and HC7N

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    We present a study of the isocyano isomers of the cyanopolyynes HC3N, HC5N, and HC7N in TMC-1 and IRC+10216 carried out with the Yebes 40m radio telescope. This study has enabled us to report the detection, for the first time in space, of HCCCCNC in TMC-1 and to give upper limits for HC6NC in the same source. In addition, the deuterated isotopologues of HCCNC and HNCCC were detected, along with all 13C substitutions of HCCNC, also for the first time in space. The abundance ratios of HC3N and HC5N, with their isomers, are very different in TMC-1 and IRC+10216, namely, N(HC5N)/N(HC4NC) is 300 and >2100, respectively. We discuss the chemistry of the metastable isomers of cyanopolyynes in terms of the most likely formation pathways and by comparing observational abundance ratios between different sources.Comment: This article was submitted to A&A on 27/08/2020 and accepted for publication on 11/09/202

    Discovery of HC3O+ in space: The chemistry of O-bearing species in TMC-1

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    Using the Yebes 40m and IRAM 30m radio telescopes, we detected a series of harmonically related lines with a rotational constant B0=4460.590 +/- 0.001 MHz and a distortion constant D0=0.511 +/- 0.005 kHz towards the cold dense core TMC-1. High-level-of-theory ab initio calculations indicate that the best possible candidate is protonated tricarbon monoxide, HC3O+. We have succeeded in producing this species in the laboratory and observed its J = 2-1 and 3-2 rotational transitions. Hence, we report the discovery of HC3O+ in space based on our observations, theoretical calculations, and laboratory experiments. We derive an abundance ratio N(C3O)/N(HC3O+) = 7. The high abundance of the protonated form of C3O is due to the high proton affinity of the neutral species. The chemistry of O-bearing species is modelled, and predictions are compared to the derived abundances from our data for the most prominent O-bearing species in TMC-1.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Discovery of two metallic cyanoacetylides in IRC+10216: HMgCCCN and NaCCCN

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    We report on the detection of a series of six lines in the ultra-deep Q-band integration toward IRC+10216 carried out with the Yebes 40m telescope, which are in harmonic relation with integer quantum numbers J from 12 to 18. After a detailed analysis of all possible carriers, guided by high-level quantum chemical calculations, we conclude that the lines belong to HMgCCCN, named hydromagnesium cyanoacetylide. The rotational temperature and column density derived for HMgCCCN are 17.1 +/- 2.8K and (3.0 +/- 0.6) e12 cm-2, respectively. The observed abundance ratio between MgCCCN and HMgCCCN is 3. In addition, we report the discovery in space, also toward IRC+10216, of sodium cyanoacetylide, NaCCCN, for which accurate laboratory data are available. For this species we derive a rotational temperature of 13.5 +/- 1.7K and a column density of (1.2 +/- 0.2) e11 cm-2.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics as Letter to the Editor on April 3rd, 202

    The magnesium paradigm in IRC+10216: Discovery of MgC4_4H+^+, MgC3_3N+^+, MgC6_6H+^+, and MgC5_5N+^+

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    We found four series of harmonically related lines in IRC\,+10216 with the Yebes\,40m and IRAM\,30m telescopes. The first series corresponds to a molecule with a rotational constant, BB, of 1448.5994±\pm0.0013 MHz and a distortion constant, DD, of 63.45±\pm1.15 Hz and covers upper quantum numbers from JuJ_u=11 up to 33 (B1449). The second series is fitted with BB=1446.9380±\pm0.0098 MHz and DD=91±\pm23 Hz and covers upper quantum numbers from JuJ_u=11 up to 17 (B1447). The third series is fitted with BB=598.7495±\pm0.0011 MHz and D=6.13±\pm0.43 Hz and covers quantum numbers from JuJ_u=26 up to 41 (B599). Finally, the frequencies of the last series of lines can be reproduced with BB=594.3176±\pm0.0026 MHz and DD=4.92±\pm1.16 Hz (B594). The large values of DD point toward four metal-bearing carriers. After exploring all plausible candidates containing Na, Al, Mg, and other metals, our ab initio calculations indicate that the cations MgC4_4H+^+, MgC3_3N+^+, MgC6_6H+^+, and MgC5_5N+^+ must be the carriers of B1449, B1447, B599, and B594, respectively. These cations could be formed by the radiative association of Mg+^+ with C4_4H, C3_3N, C6_6H, and C5_5N, respectively. We calculated the radiative association rate coefficient of Mg+^+ with C4_4H, C3_3N, C6_6H, and C5_5N and incorporated them in our chemical model. The results confirm that the Mg-bearing cations can be formed through these radiative association reactions in the outer layers of IRC\,+10216. This is the first time that cationic metal-bearing species have been found in space. These results provide a new paradigm on the reactivity of ionized metals with abundant radicals and open the door for further characterization of similar species in metal-rich astrophysical environments

    Clinical relevance of the transcriptional signature regulated by CDC42 in colorectal cancer.

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    CDC42 is an oncogenic Rho GTPase overexpressed in colorectal cancer (CRC). Although CDC42 has been shown to regulate gene transcription, the specific molecular mechanisms regulating the oncogenic ability of CDC42 remain unknown. Here, we have characterized the transcriptional networks governed by CDC42 in the CRC SW620 cell line using gene expression analysis. Our results establish that several cancer-related signaling pathways, including cell migration and cell proliferation, are regulated by CDC42. This transcriptional signature was validated in two large cohorts of CRC patients and its clinical relevance was also studied. We demonstrate that three CDC42-regulated genes offered a better prognostic value when combined with CDC42 compared to CDC42 alone. In particular, the concordant overexpression of CDC42 and silencing of the putative tumor suppressor gene CACNA2D2 dramatically improved the prognostic value. The CACNA2D2/CDC42 prognostic classifier was further validated in a third CRC cohort as well as in vitro and in vivo CRC models. Altogether, we show that CDC42 has an active oncogenic role in CRC via the transcriptional regulation of multiple cancer-related pathways and that CDC42-mediated silencing of CACNA2D2 is clinically relevant. Our results further support the use of CDC42 specific inhibitors for the treatment of the most aggressive types of CRC

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    The carbohydrate Galα1-3Galβ1-(3)4GlcNAc-R (α-Gal) is produced in all mammals except for humans, apes and old world monkeys that lost the ability to synthetize this carbohydrate. Therefore, humans can produce high antibody titers against α-Gal. Anti-α-Gal IgE antibodies have been associated with tick-induced allergy (i.e. α-Gal syndrome) and anti-α-Gal IgG/IgM antibodies may be involved in protection against malaria, leishmaniasis and Chagas disease. The α-Gal on tick salivary proteins plays an important role in the etiology of the α-Gal syndrome. However, whether ticks are able to produce endogenous α-Gal remains currently unknown. In this study, the Ixodes scapularis genome was searched for galactosyltransferases and three genes were identified as potentially involved in the synthesis of α-Gal. Heterologous gene expression in α-Gal-negative cells and gene knockdown in ticks confirmed that these genes were involved in α-Gal synthesis and are essential for tick feeding. Furthermore, these genes were shown to play an important role in tick-pathogen interactions. Results suggested that tick cells increased α-Gal levels in response to Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection to control bacterial infection. These results provided the molecular basis of endogenous α-Gal production in ticks and suggested that tick galactosyltransferases are involved in vector development, tick-pathogen interactions and possibly the etiology of α-Gal syndrome in humans.This research was supported by the Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, JCCM, Spain, project CCM17-PIC-036 (SBPLY/17/180501/000185). JJV was supported by Project FIT (Pharmacology, Immunotherapy, nanoToxicology), funded by the European Regional Development Fund.Peer Reviewe

    · INMIGRACIÓN Y DISCURSO ELECTORAL EN LAS ELECCIONES MUNICIPALES DE 2007 EN CATALUÑA. Análisis de la similitud y divergencia en relación al discurso xenófobo de la Derecha Radical Europea Neopopulista

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    La present investigació pretén analitzar, quantitativament i qualitativament, el grau de similitud dels plantejaments sobre la immigració de la dreta radical europea actual en les propostes programàtiques i en els discursos electorals de les formacions polítiques catalanes que es van presentar a les eleccions municipals de 2007.La presente investigación pretende analizar, cuantitativamente y cualitativamente, el grado de similitud de los planteamientos sobre la inmigración de la derecha radical europea actual en las propuestas programáticas y en los discursos electorales de las formaciones políticas catalanas que se presentaron en las elecciones municipales de 2007