77 research outputs found

    The results of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed in bayburt province [Bayburt iilinde yapilan üst gastrointestinal endoskopi sonuçlari]

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    Aim: We analyzed the results of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed between November 2011 and January 2013 in the endoscopy unit at Bayburt State Hospital. Methods: Endoscopic analyses were done with a PENTAX EPK 100P equipment. The results were assessed retrospectively. Results: A total of 1008 patients (664 women, 344 men) aged between 17 and 88 (mean: 50±18) years have undergone upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. 186 (18.4%) patients were diagnosed with pangastritis, 81 - with esophagitis (8%), 68 - with antral gastritis (6.7%), 67 - with duodenal ulcer (6.6%), 57 - with gastric ulcer (5.6%), 35 - with alkaline reflux gastritis (3.6%), 21 - with duodenitis (2.1%), 5 - with gastric cancer (0.5%), 4 - with esophagial cancer (0.4%), 4 - with gastric polyp (0.4%) and 3 patients were diagnosed with esophagial ulcer (0.3%). Conclusion: Lesions were most commonly observed in the stomach. Gastritis, esophagitis, duodenal and gastric ulcer were frequently observed in our city

    Clinical diagnosis of chorioretinitis sclopetaria in a patient presenting without a history of trauma

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    Chorioretinitis sclopetaria is a rare and unique manifestation of ocular trauma caused by high-velocity objects that pass adjacent to, but do not penetrate the globe. In these patients, anamnesis is very helpful for diagnosis and it is not expected that a patient could completely forget the trauma as these traumas are generally severe. Diagnosis can be difficult in the case of patients who do not state trauma in anamnesis as in our case. It is crucial to recognize the pathognomonic fundus findings in this rarely seen condition because these findings are invaluable in the absence of history of trauma. In this case report, we describe a case of chorioretinitis sclopetaria who was injured with a ball-bearing (BB) gun in childhood and did not realize. © Copyright 2019 by Gazi University Medical Faculty

    Effect of temperature on separation of purine and pyrimidine bases on novel chelating resin

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    The novel chelating resin poly-bis [4-(4'-biphenyl)oxamidine]-diaminoglyoxime (PLH2) has been modified as ligand-exchange material with Co(II). The possibility of using PLH2 as ligand exchanger in the chromatographic separation of nucleic acid bases and nucleosides has been studied at various temperatures. PLH2 offers the advantage of combining high sorption capacity with high selectivity for the ligands. It has a strong driving force for ligand sorption. Ligand-exchange chromatography on Co(II)-loaded functionalized PLH2 can be a useful alternative method for separation of nucleic acid bases and nucleosides. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    An excellent anatomical and visual recovery after surgical repair of an open eye injury with poor baseline prognostic factors [Kötü başlangıç prognostik faktörlere sahip açık göz yaralanmasında cerrahisi sonrası mükemmel anatomik ve görsel iyileşme]

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    Presently described is case of a 42-year-old woman with eye injury that was result of gunshot fired by a man at a wedding celebration. Bullet penetrated inferior quadrant of nasal sclera of left eye 7–12 mm behind limbus. Choroid and vitreous were prolapsed around bullet. Hemorrhage, vitreous prolapse and lens subluxation were present in anterior chamber. Presenting visual acuity (VA) was hand motion. Bullet 14×5 mm in size was carefully extracted from the eye. Fifteen days later, argon laser photocoagulation was performed on retina in area of bullet entry point. VA was 20/25 (Snellen) at final visit. In this case, although foreign body was large, area of penetration was Zone III, and initial VA was poor, early and appropriate surgical repair achieved integrity of the globe and good vision prognosis. © 2017 TJTES