638 research outputs found

    Thermomechanical force application

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    The present work conducted in Summer 1987 continues investigations on Thermal Components for 1.8 K Space Cryogenics (Grant NAG 1-412 of 1986). The topics addressed are plug characterization efforts in a small pore size regime of sintered metal plugs, characterization in the nonlinear regime, temperature profiles in a heat supply unit for a fountain effect pump and modeling efforts

    Utilization of FEP energetics

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    The research and development work on Fountain Effect Pump Systems (FEP systems) has been of interest in the competition between mechanical pumps for He II and FEP units. The latter do not have moving parts. In the course of the work, the energetics have been addressed using one part of a simple four-changes-of-state cycle. One option is the FEP ideal change of state at constant chemical potential (mu). The other option is the two-state sequence mu-P with a d mu=0 state change followed by an isobar. Questions of pump behavior, of flow rate response to temperature difference at the hot end, and related questions of thermodynamic cycle completion and heat transfer have been addressed. Porous media data obtained elucidate differences between vapor-liquid phase separation (VLPS) and Zero Net Mass Transfer (ZNMF)

    Le tératome cervical: A propos de 2 cas

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    Le tératome est une tumeur embryonnaire généralement localisé au niveau sacro-coccygien. La localisation cervicale est rare, et ne représente que3%, elle est associée à un fort taux de mortalité arrivant jusqu’à 80 % à la période néonatale du fait de l’obstruction des voies aériennes.L’immaturité n’est pas un signe de malignité quand la tumeur est prise en charge à la période néonatale. Nous rapportons 2 cas colligés au servicede chirurgie pédiatrique du CHU HASSAN II de Fès, en mettant en relief qu’il existe encore un manque de diagnostic anténatal, malgrél’amélioration de la prise en charge des nouveaux nés.Key words: Tératome cervical géant, nouveau né, chirurgi

    Utjecaj fluniksina na uklanjanje i dinamiku rezidua oksitetraciklina u mlijeku mlijeÄŤnih pasmina koza

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    This research assessed the impact of flunixin meglumine (FM) co-administration on the elimination and milk residual properties of oxytetracycline (OTC) in dairy goats. OTC was administered via single intravenous (i/v) and intramuscular (i/m) injections at a dose of 10 mg/kg body mass (b.m.). Serum, urine, milk and ruminal juice were analysed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The OTC serum concentrations were higher than the MIC for 12 hours against most susceptible pathogens in both groups. The half-lives of the distribution (T1/2α) and elimination (T1/2β) of OTC were 0.24 and 5.79 hours, respectively. The total body clearance was significantly increased in the FM coadministered groups. Following i/m injection, the absorption half-life (T1/2ab) with the maximum absorption time (Tmax) revealed a rapid absorption rate. Furthermore, the systemic bioavailability (F%) after i/m was 107.2%, indicating complete absorption from the muscular tissues. The bounded fraction of OTC with serum proteins was 18.73%. FM significantly decreases OTC concentration in milk and ruminal juice. OTC is eliminated primarily through the kidneys and to a lesser extent via milk and ruminal juice in dairy goats. Milk obtained from OTC treated goats may not be safe for human consumption two days post administration. Concomitantly, the use of FM with OTC may necessitate the surveillance and optimization of OTC dosage.Istražen je utjecaj fluniksina-meglumina (FM) na uklanjanje i rezidualna svojstva oksitetraciklina (OTC) u mlijeku mliječnih pasmina koza. OTC je dan jednokratno intravenski i intramuskularno u dozi od 10 mg/kg tjelesne mase. Serum, urin, mlijeko i buražni sok analizirani su tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke učinkovitosti (HPLC). Koncentracije OTC u serumu bile su tijekom 12 sati više od najmanje inhibitorne koncentracije za najosjetljivije patogene u objema skupinama. Vrijeme polurazgradnje OTC-a (T1/2α) bilo je 0,24 sata, a vrijeme uklanjanja (T1/2β) 5,79 sati. Vrijeme potpunog uklanjanja OTC-a statistički znakovito je poraslo u skupinama kojima je istodobno dan i fluniksin-meglumin. Nakon intramuskularne injekcije poluvijek apsorpcije (T1/2ab) s maksimalnim vremenom apsorpcije (Tmax) pokazao je veću brzinu apsorpcije. Osim toga sistemska bioraspoloživost (F %) nakon intramuskularne primjene bila je 107,2 % što upućuje na potpunu apsorpciju iz mišićnih tkiva. Dio OTC-a vezan na serumske proteine iznosio je 18,73 %. Fluniksin-meglumin statistički znakovito je smanjio koncentracije OTC-a u mlijeku i buražnom soku. OTC je uklonjen ponajprije putem bubrega i, u manjoj mjeri, mlijekom i buražnim sokom u mliječnih pasmina koza. Mlijeko dobiveno od koza kojima je davan OTC nije prikladno za upotrebu u ljudi do dva dana nakon primjene. Istodobna primjena FM-a s OTC-om može zahtijevati praćenje i optimizaciju OTC doze

    Peristaltic Transport of a Physiological Fluid in an Asymmetric Porous Channel in the Presence of an External Magnetic Field

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    The paper deals with a theoretical investigation of the peristaltic transport of a physiological fluid in a porous asymmetric channel under the action of a magnetic field. The stream function, pressure gradient and axial velocity are studied by using appropriate analytical and numerical techniques. Effects of different physical parameters such as permeability, phase difference, wave amplitude and magnetic parameter on the velocity, pumping characteristics, streamline pattern and trapping are investigated with particular emphasis. The computational results are presented in graphical form. The results are found to be in perfect agreement with those of a previous study carried out for a non-porous channel in the absence of a magnetic field


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    Introduction: Adult dermatopolymyositis is associated with cancer in 15 to 50% of cases. The aim of our study was to search for predictive factors of cancer among adults with dermatomyositis. Methods: We made a retrospective survey of 1981 to 2005 to the department of Dermatology Ibn Sina of Rabat. We collected 44 cases of DM. The parameters assessed were: age, gender, cutaneous extension lesion, cutaneous necrosis, muscular weakness, articular reach, muscular enzymes, intensity of the inflammatory syndrome, electromyographic abnormalitis and the improvement or not with the corticothérapie. Results: cancers were diagnosed in six cases. Mean age was of 65 years and sex-ratio (F/H) was 2.the beginning was brutal with muscular weakness in 1/3 of cases, none of our patients didn't have a skin necrosis. The 2 / 3 of our patients had normal muscular enzymes. The VS was accelerated for 04 of our patients. Our patients didn't improve whith the corticothérapie. Conclusion: In our limited set, the advanced age, muscular weakness, articular reach, inflammatory syndrome, electromyographic abnormalities, the no improvement with the corticothérapie seemed to be prédictive.Introduction : Les dermatopolymyosites de l’adulte sont associées à une néoplasie dans 15 à 50% des cas. L’objectif de notre étude était de rechercher les signes cliniques et paracliniques prédictifs  de l’association DM et néoplasie. Matériel et méthodes: Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective de 1981 à 2005 au service de dermatologie du CHU Ibn Sina de Rabat. Nous avons collecté 44 cas de DM. Les critères évalués étaient : l’âge, le sexe, l’extension des lésions cutanées, la nécrose cutanée, l’intensité de l’atteinte musculaire, l’atteinte articulaire, les enzymes musculaires, l’intensité du syndrome inflammatoire,  anomalies eléctromyographiques et l’absence ou la réponse à la corticothérapie. Résultats : Six  malades sur 44 étudiés avait une néoplasie associée, soit 14,28% .L’âge moyen était  de 65 ans, Le sexe ratio H/F était de deux .Le mode de début était brutal avec une atteinte musculaire intense dans un tiers des cas, aucun de nos malades n’avait une nécrose cutanée. Les deux tiers de nos patients avaient un taux d’enzymes musculaires normal. La vitesse de sédimentation (VS) était accélérée pour quatre de nos malades. Nos malades n’ont pas répondu à la corticothérapie. Conclusion : Dans notre série limitée, l’âge avancé, l’intensité de l’atteinte musculaire, l’atteinte articulaire, le syndrome inflammatoire, les anomalies électromyographiques, et la non réponse à la corticothérapie semblaient être prédictifs

    Role of Goldenberry (Fruits with Husk) Extract in Ameliorating the Architecture and Osmotic Fragility of Red Blood Cells in Obese Rats

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    Goldenberry (GB) is a promising fruit that can be a constituent in many possible nourishments. No notifications were obtained regarding the impact of exposure to goldenberry extract in the viewpoint of blood rheological properties as well as erythrocyte osmotic fragility of red blood cells (RBCs) in obese rats. A substantial reduction in plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL, with a considerable increment in HDL levels relative to the obese group (p≤0.05), was observed in rats receiving low and high doses of GB, accompanied by restoration of SOD activity and GSH levels. Rheological parameters of rats' blood have been studied over a wide range of shear rates (225-1875 s-1). A significant decrease in blood viscosity in rats who received low and high doses of GB extract was compatible with every shear rate compared to the control group. The shear stress values of the obese rats reduced appreciably (p≤0.05) in all values of shear rate (from 75 to 500 s-1) proportional to the control group, while in the groups that received low and high doses of GB extract, shear stress was restored to the control values. Finally, administration of GB extract significantly decreased yield stress and indices of whole blood aggregation, with an extremely substantial increment in flow rate, in rats given low or high doses of GB compared to obese ones. The result also showed a decrease in both the average raised osmotic fragility and the hemolysis rate in rats after supplementation with low and high doses of GB extract
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