50 research outputs found

    Türkiye’de Halk Kütüphanelerinin Yerel Yönetimlere Devredilme Süreci Üzerine Ankara Özel İdare Yöneticilerinin Düşünceleri

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    This study is carried out in order to reveal the local managers’ approaches about “transferring public libraries to local authorities” which has been intensely argued for  the last three-four years in Turkey. Within this frame, a poll was conducted on countyspecial provincial administration directors working in the counties of Ankara. According to the results of the poll dated June, 2010 which was conducted on totally 15 county directors, they state that they do not find themselves sufficient about shaping the public library services and do not want any change about connecting the public libraries to themselves and they think that an alteration regarding the transferring of the public libraries would not create a significant difference on the existing situation.Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de son üç-dört yıldır yoğun olarak tartışılan “halk kütüphanelerinin yerel yönetimlere devri” konusunda yerel yöneticilerin yaklaşımlarını ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu çerçevede, Ankara ilçelerinde görev yapan ilçe özel idare müdürlerine anket uygulanmıştır. Toplam 15 ilçe müdürüne Haziran 2010 tarihinde uygulanan bu anket ile elde edilen sonuçlara göre, halk kütüphanesi hizmetlerini yönlendirme konusunda kendilerini yeterli görmediklerini, halk kütüphanelerinin kendilerine bağlanması yönündeki bir değişikliği istemediklerini belirtmekte ve halk kütüphanelerinin devrine ilişkin bir değişikliğin var olan durumda önemli bir farklılık yaratmayacağını düşünmektedirler

    Cognitive assessment and cytokine profile of multiple sclerosis patients presenting with only optic neuritis and myelitis

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    ntroduction:Clinical disease activity in multiple sclerosis (MS) may manifest as predominant involvement of spinal cord and optic nerve (MS-SCON). In early stages, a major problem in the diagnosis of MS-SCON is distinction of patients presenting as MS-SCON throughout the disease course from those initially presenting as MS-SCON and developing supratentorial attacks later on. Therefore, identification of biomarkers for diagnosis of MS-SCON may be helpful in a clinical setting.Objectives:To characterize the neuropsychological features of MS-SCON patients and to find a serum-based biomarker to distinguish the MS-SCON subtype.Methods:Fourteen patients with MS-SCON, 20 conventional MS (CMS) patients without myelitis and optic neuritis attacks and 21 healthy individuals were recruited. Serum levels of a panel of cytokines and chemokines that were previously associated with spinal cord involvement in MS were measured by multiplex assay or ELISA. A panel of neuropsychological tests (selective reminding test, spatial recall test, paced auditory serial addition test, symbol digit modalities test, controlled oral word association test), Beck depression inventory, 9-hole peg and timed 25-foot walk tests were employed to all participants.Results:CMS and MS-SCON patients showed similar clinical and disability features. Both CMS and MS-SCON patients displayed reduced IL-8 and CXCL2 and increased TNF-α levels than healthy controls, while IL-10 and CXCL5 levels were identical among all groups. MS-SCON patients had significantly lower TNF-α levels than CMS patients. While both CMS and MS-SCON patients showed worse cognitive, mood status and motor function scores than healthy controls, there were no significant differences among test performances of CMS and MS-SCON patients.Conclusions:CMS and MS-SCON present with similar clinical, neuropsychological and immunological features. Serum TNF-α levels may serve to distinguish MS-SCON and CMS. Cognitive networks of the central nervous system may be damaged during the disease course of MS, despite the absence of clinical attacks characterized by cerebral or cerebellar symptoms

    Microarray analysis indicates altered expression levels of B cell genes in benign multiple sclerosis

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    Objective:To identify immunological mechanisms associated with disease progression in multiple sclerosis (MS).Background:Benign MS (B-MS) is characterized with preserved motor, sensory and visual functions despite prolonged disease duration. Molecular mechanisms underlying B-MS are poorly understood.Design/Methods:Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from 6 B-MS patients (EDSS<3.0 at disease duration > 10 years), 5 age/gender-matched non-benign MS (NB-MS) patients (EDSS≥3.0 at disease duration > 10 years) and 5 healthy controls were investigated with gene expression microarray analysis using Sureprint G3 Human Gene Expression V3 microarray system and a total of 26083 Entrez genes were evaluated. ANOVA test was used to identify genes, expression levels of which were specifically altered in B-MS patients. Gene set enrichment analysis was performed using the DAVID algorithm to analyze the biological functions of the filtered phenotypic differential genes and the results were annotated in the GEGG and GO databases. Validation of microarray study was done by real time PCR.Results:The most significantly altered expression levels belonged to factors involved in B cell proliferation (BANK1, BLNK, EBI3, BLK) and lymphocyte trafficking (CCL16, CCL19). Real time PCR studies conducted with PBMS of 30 each B-MS patients, NB-MS patients and healthy controls showed significantly reduced expression levels of BLNK, CCL16 and CCL19 genes and increased levels of BANK1, EBI3 and BLK in B-MS patients.Conclusions:B-MS patients appear to upregulate B cell development inhibitors (BANK1, EBI3, BLK) and suppress B cell development promoter BLNK and lymphocyte trafficking chemokines CCL16 and CCL19. Thus our results suggest that altered B cell functions are involved in progression of disability in MS

    Glisin Reseptör Antikoru Pozitif Kriptojenik Fokal Epilepsi Hastalarının Periferik Kan Hücrelerinin İmmünfenotipik Değerlendirmesi

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    Amaç: Epilepsi, beyindeki spontan, ani elektrik boşalımlarıyla oluşan nöbetlerle karakterize bir hastalıktır. Son yıllarda epilepsi hastalarının serum ve beyin omurilik sıvılarında, glisin reseptörüne (GlyR) karşı otoantikorlar bulunmuştur. GlyR antikorlarının potansiyel efektör B ve T hücre aracılı immün yanıtlarıyla, etiyolojisi bilinmeyen Kriptojenik Epilepsi patogenezi arasındaki ilişkinin açıklanması amaçlanmıştır.Yöntem: Çalışmamıza 7 GlyR-Ab pozitif ve 15 GlyR-Ab bulundurmayan olmak üzere 22 Kriptojenik Fokal Epilepsi hastasıyla ve yaş-cinsiyet uyumlu 25 sağlıklı gönüllü dahil edilmiştir. Bireylerin kanlarından periferik kan mononükleer hücreleri izole edilerek akım sitometrisiyle immünfenotiplemeleri yapıldı.Sonuç: B, T, NK ve NKT hücre yüzdeleri çalışma grupları arasında fark göstermezken, GlyR-Ab negatif olguların naif B hücrelerinin (CD19+IgD+CD27-) sağlıklı bireylere göre arttığı belirlendi. (p=0,0233). GlyR-Ab pozitif ve negatif olguların immatür B hücrelerinde (CD19+IgD-CD27-) anlamlılığa yakın azalma gözlendi (p=0,0917 ve 0,0458). Plazma (CD19+CD38+CD138+) ve plazmablast (CD19+CD38++CD138-) hücreleri epilepsi hastalarında anlamlı olarak azalırken (p=0,0173 ve 0,0205), GlyR-Ab pozitif ve negatif gruplar ayrıca değerlendirildiğinde sadece plazma hücrelerindeki azalma anlamlı bulundu (p=0,0407). T hücre ve alt tiplerinde CD4+ ve CD8+ T hücrelerde gruplar arasında fark bulunmazken, GlyR-Ab pozitif hastaların CD3+CD4+CD25+ T hücrelerinde (p=0.0178) ve CD3+CD4+CD25high düzenleyici T hücrelerinde (Treg) (p=0.0101) sağlıklı gönüllülere göre artış belirlendi. Dirençli GlyR-Ab pozitif olguların düzenleyici B ve T hücrelerinin de artma eğiliminde olduğu gözlendi.Yorum: GlyR-Ab pozitif epilepsi grubunda antikor üreten efektör B hücre alt gruplarında azalma gözlenirken, bu hücreleri baskıladığı bilinen Breg ve Treg grubunun da tedaviye dirençlilikle orantılı olarak arttığı görülmüştür. Bu bulgular, düzenleyici antiinflamatuvar hücrelerin antikor aracılı epileptogenez mekanizmalarını baskılamak amacıyla arttığını ve antikor aracılı mekanizmaların epilepsi gelişiminde rol oynayabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Epilepsi, B hücresi, T hücresi, Glisin reseptörü antikor

    Opinions of the Ankara Special Provincial Administration Directors on the Transferring Process of the Public Libraries of Turkey to Local Authorities

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    This study is carried out in order to reveal the local managers’ approaches about “transferring public libraries to local authorities” which has been intensely argued for the last three-four years in Turkey. Within this frame, a poll was conducted on county special provincial administration directors working in the counties of Ankara. According to the results of the poll dated June, 2010 which was conducted on totally 15 county directors, they state that they do not find themselves sufficient about shaping the public library services and do not want any change about connecting the public libraries to themselves and they think that an alteration regarding the transferring of the public libraries would not create a significant difference on the existing situation.Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de son üç-dört yıldır yoğun olarak tartışılan “halk kütüphanelerinin yerel yönetimlere devri” konusunda yerel yöneticilerin yaklaşımlarını ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu çerçevede, Ankara ilçelerinde görev yapan ilçe özel idare müdürlerine anket uygulanmıştır. Toplam 15 ilçe müdürüne Haziran 2010 tarihinde uygulanan bu anket ile elde edilen sonuçlara göre, halk kütüphanesi hizmetlerini yönlendirme konusunda kendilerini yeterli görmediklerini, halk kütüphanelerinin kendilerine bağlanması yönündeki bir değişikliği istemediklerini belirtmekte ve halk kütüphanelerinin devrine ilişkin bir değişikliğin var olan durumda önemli bir farklılık yaratmayacağını düşünmektedirler

    Opinions of the Ankara Special Provincial Administration Directors on the Transferring Process of the Public Libraries of Turkey to Local Authorities

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    This study is carried out in order to reveal the local managers’ approaches about “transferring public libraries to local authorities” which has been intensely argued for  the last three-four years in Turkey. Within this frame, a poll was conducted on countyspecial provincial administration directors working in the counties of Ankara. According to the results of the poll dated June, 2010 which was conducted on totally 15 county directors, they state that they do not find themselves sufficient about shaping the public library services and do not want any change about connecting the public libraries to themselves and they think that an alteration regarding the transferring of the public libraries would not create a significant difference on the existing situation

    Covid-19: Moleküler ve Klinik Yaklaşım

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